Saving Aisling ~Book 2, of th...

By WhiteCigars

185 21 7

I guess you could compare it to getting high. Being around him was like that. Taking those first few drags a... More

Authors Note
2/ Dahlia
7/ Aisling
8/ Aisy
10/ Aisling
11/ Aisy
12/ Caine
14/ Caine
15/ Caine
16/ Caine
17/ Evan


8 1 1
By WhiteCigars

"Our families are too far gone, it's not long before one of us gets too close to the fire. Getting scorched."

Chapter 6

I was planning on meeting my family today, I had so many questions but I didn't know what to ask.

My head was spinning and my phone had been buzzing nonstop this morning. I had finally just decided to switch it off. My feet tapped against the side walk going through the small market district. Vendors were calling out to me trying to sell their goodies, but I had more important things to think about. The Kings were very well known around here, with the news of this long lost daughter returning wasn't giving me any help with people gasping as soon as they saw my eyes. A Kings signature.

I kept my head down, a black lords SnapBack on with some black shorts and a cropped beige sweater. A reached out of an alleyway grabbing me and pinning me against the wall. I looked up an met bright gray eyes. "Heath?"

I was pulled down a road to a large home overlooking the bay I partied at 2 nights past. Heath tugged me inside and there they were. A lady very much shorter than me. Her chocolate brown hair curled immensely and she had brown eyes. Her pale skin and thin body showed where I inherited it from. Then next to her was a man. He stood over 6 ft like all his sons. I got my height from him at 5'9. His gray eyes held laughter and his curly greying hair was like his wife's. The woman ran up to me first crushing me in a hug. "Mi ragazza!" She cried out. The man joined us, his booming laughter echoed through the hallways.

" my little girl. Where have you been all this time" I arched my eyebrow pulling out of his embrace. " Bella, you've been gone since you were three. Someone had taken you in the night."

"My mom found me on her porch in Ireland. She didn't recognize me and didn't see any reports of a missing child. The Luschwicks adopted me. Named me Dahlia." My response was met with a few crinkled brows and shrugs. They talked to me wanting to know all about my life, I told them about how I was in the prophecy of the ten and Caine was my best friend. They had joined the cause and fought at the Tokyo Institute with some of the drakons decided to invade. The boys had been there as well. I met the rest of my brothers. Rian was the eldest at 24. He kept his hair long and tied back in a ponytail. His eyes always sparkled with mischief and he loved to surf. Next came Ares at 22. His hair was short and he ran the Italy Institute. He had a puppy named Jax and was tall with a passion for reading. Next came Orion. He was the silent one but always had a calculating eye. He was helpful and was studying to become a doctor at 20. Reed and Heath were twins, at 18. Reed was wild and so was Heath, but Heath had caring heart for everyone and knew how to make others feel better. Lastly was Silas, my twin. He was older than me by 4 minutes. He was quirky and a ladies man. He was secretly a Twilight freak. Then there was the surprise. I had a little 4 year old brother,Gawain. He had taken an immediate liking to me.

"What's your name?" He whispered so only I could here.

"Aisling." I whispered back, adoration in my eyes.

"Aisy." He said to him self before walking away quickly. Everyone had their jaws dropped at me and I looked at them curiously.

"Did he just..... Talk to you?" Reed asked in awe and wonder. I nodded, wondering why that was such a weird thing. "He's never talked a day in his life. The doctors had all assumed he was mute."

I was thinking about Gawain seeing how he was a spitting image of me. A hand pulled me into their chest when I wasn't paying attention. I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Heath, if you don't let me go I wil-" a familiar voice cut me off.

"Dahlia if you don't shut up." I whirled to come face to face with the person I had been avoiding, Garret . I shrugged off one his arms but one still stayed on my wrist.

"What are we now strangers?" He asked me, his voice sounded strained. I tried to pull away when my back was slammed into a wall, making me cringe on impact. "Answer me, dammit."

"My name is Aisling. I don't know you." I said through clenched teeth trying to keep calm at this situation.

"Our families are too far gone, it's not long before one of us gets too close to the fire. Getting scorched. Please Aisling avoid getting scorched." His eyes and his voice pleaded with me, almost like he was going to cry. My hand went up caressing his face. His next action surprised me. A kiss was planted on my lips, I kissed him back hard, before I realized what I was doing. I started to fight back but he pinned my legs from moving. He eventually let me go and I slid down the alley wall crying. I heard foot steps coming long after he left, and became a eccedentesiast.

A person who fakes a smile.

Aisling and Garret kissing at the side.

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