Flawed :||: Kyle Brofloski x...

By Blonde_Dumb

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Y/n comes from a high class family. She's an only child of course, with a perfect Mother and a perfect Father... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

471 15 25
By Blonde_Dumb

The night was creeping in. Stan and Kenny returned with their shovels, just to be faced with a crowd of rowdy freshman. They were already screaming and laughing, and there were broken bottles and crushed cans on the ground.

"We were gone for ten minutes!" Stan exclaimed.

"Uh, you mean half an hour. When we got back, all of your dumb friends already drank all the
Liquor Kevin dished out!" Katy whined, shoving Clyde away by the face when she noticed him walking towards her.

"Stan! Kenny! Buddies, your back!" Kyle grinned with his arms stretched out. He wrapped them in a wobbly hug, and the two boys with the shovels looked at each other.

"Dude, you are not that drunk." Kenny sighed.

"What did you have? One Mike's lemonade?" Stan rolled his eyes as he helped his friend to his feet.

"I had," Kyle burped, "Four." He started to giggle. Stan's jaw dropped.

"Four? Already?" He exclaimed. He noticed how red Kyle's face was, and his eyes were glossed over.

"You should've seen him! He chugged every single one." Tolkien laughed.

"Damn, Kyle. You better be careful dude, or you're gonna get more drunk than you can handle." Stan said.

"Oh, wudda you know, Stan?" Kyle glared at him, sassily placing his hands on his hips. Stan scoffed.

"More than you, dumbass. This isn't my first time drinking." He said, shoving him slightly, just to watch him stumble.

"Alright, Kyle, you're a lightweight, maybe you should take a teeny tiny little break." Kenny chuckled, shoving the shovel into his friend's arms, "Now start digging." Kyle looked down at the shovel in his hands for a moment, wobbling in place.

"Dig what?" He asked.

"That—" Stan glared and pointed at the giant fire stain in the grass.

"Oh... okay." He smiled, walking over to get started. He shoved the head of the shovel into the dirt in a crooked fashion, and stuck out his butt as he struggled to push it deeper.

"Wow... what, is he trying to impress you or something? Because you need to act more like it's cringe and you hate it." Stan looked at Y/n and pointed at her.

"You're one to speak." She giggled, crossing her arms at him, making him glare at her, "He's having fun! I'm not going to be the lame-ass who tells him to stop!"

"But it's Kyle! He wanted us to make sure he's okay tonight!" Stan told her, causing her smile to shrink a little as she watched him fumble around with the shovel like an idiot.

"Okay... maybe he should slow down a little." She shrugged.

"Thank you!" Stan nodded at her. She rolled her eyes at him, and looked over when Kevin came laughing out of the RV.

"Here," she walked up and took one of the four full bottles of hard liquor from his hand, which happened to be a bottle of raspberry Svedka. Kevin hardly noticed her take it as he shouted back to his friends within the vehicle. She handed it to Stan, "Your turn to party. Just don't let Kyle see it."

"They brought more alcohol?" Kyle grinned as a half-drunk Clyde attempted to wrestle the shovel out of his hands.

"Okay, scratch that, just don't let him drink it!" Y/n laughed, quickly shoving the bottle into his arms.

"Roger that." Stan rolled his eyes. He and Kenny finally got a chance to take turns guzzling down some poison. Stan turned and handed the bottle to his depressed-looking sister, who hadn't moved from her spot on the ground next to the camper. She glared at him, then snatched the bottle to take a long, deep drink. She coughed and wiped her face as she handed it back to him.

"Ah, lighten up, sis. You aren't the only one here who's got a depressing love life." Stan told her. Shelly immediately looked over at the familiar girl who she had seen dating her brother for years. She and Wendy never had any type of relationship, but she felt for him when she saw her giggling and whispering about him with the other girls from afar. She also got word about how she supposedly brought another girl as her date to the party, and almost had to laugh at Stan's daunting competition.

"So, Wendy's a lesbian now, huh? How does it feel, knowing you were such a terrible boyfriend that you made your ex switch teams?" Shelly questioned him with an arrogant smirk, making him glare as his cheeks went red.

"You know, if you want to just sit all alone at this party with no one to talk to all night, you could just say that." He told her, starting to turn away. Shelly felt slight panic cross over her and backpedaled.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, turd. Don't leave me here..." she sighed, making him pause and look back at her, "I'm sorry about Wendy, too. She's a bitch. I never liked her, anyway." She shrugged.

"What's new? You don't really like any of the people I hang out with." Stan rolled his eyes, still regretting the fact that he tried to be nice to his bitch of a sister.

"Correction, I just don't like anyone, period." He told him, "Well, actually, Kyle's alright. He's a good kid. And that Tolkien guy, who used to live next to us. Why did his parents give up their farm again?"

"Oh, Tolkien's dad still runs it. They're just rich enough to hire real employees. They still own the house, too. They just live there during the summer, but they stay in town during the school year. I don't remember why exactly. Definitely something about school transportation, and something about Tolkien's social life. You know it's hard to hang out with people after school when you live 20 minutes outside of town. We're lucky the bus even takes us that far. Plus, he's learning to drive and his parents want him to get used to the city streets instead of the country." Stan explained, and Shelly rolled her eyes with a slight yawn. Stan wasn't amused by her boredom, especially since she was the one who asked.

"Well... I know you got cigarettes... since apparently you're addicted to nicotine, now." Shelly said to him. He raised an eyebrow at her and took another drink of the alcohol.

"Yeah... so what?" He said.

"Can I have one?" Shelly asked, shaking her head at him with a dumb expression. He rolled his eyes, and reached into his pocket.

"They're mom's..." He reluctantly told her as he handed her one.

"I don't care..." She answered, taking it from him and lighting it with a purple lighter from her pocket, "the only reason I get mad at you for it is because I steal her cigarettes, too... she's been suspicious of me for years. If you start taking them, and I'm taking them, she's obviously going to blame one of us eventually, and it's probably going to be me, turd." She glared at him as she explained, puffing out a cloud of smoke.

"I don't know, Shelly... I still can't believe she lies and acts like she's not a smoker. Do you really think she'd go accusing us if she didn't even want Dad to know about it?" Stan questioned her. She just stared back at him as she took another long drag.

"Yeah. Besides, Dad's an idiot. He wouldn't notice her smoking if she did it at ten AM, right at the breakfast table." She said, blowing the smoke out at she spoke. Stan stared back at her with a blank expression. He sighed towards his feet, crouching down so he could sit next to her. He took the cigarette from his sister's finger tips and took his own drag as the loud, punk rock music blasted from the RV. Everyone was running around and acting like idiots. Kevin and the older kids were hanging out inside, laughing and talking over each other. He saw Kyle, Clyde, and now Craig all cracking up over the hole they were trying to dig. Kyle was actually doing a pretty decent job, but they were all trying to put their hands on the shovel and help him. His eyes strayed back to Wendy, who happened to lock eyes with him. He was milliseconds from averting his gaze, when she saw an expression cross over her that he'd never seen before. To him, it almost looked like flirting, but in a more judgmental, disgusted way that made him feel about an inch tall. He finally looked away when she turned back to Bebe.

"Who cares about them... Fuck everyone. Tonight isn't about them. Tonight is about us. All of us. And having a great fucking time in our own special fucking way." Stan told her angrily. Shelly looked at him for a second and smiled slightly.

"You know, turd...? You're right..." She told him.

"Yeah! Fuck Mom and Dad! Fuck Wendy and Bebe. I don't care if she's a lesbian now. O-or even if I do, I'm gonna get so drunk that I don't!" He exclaimed. Shelly stared at him with her eyebrow raised, still smiling. He looked at her, then the bottle in his hand, and took a huge, long, bitter chug until his gag reflex told him he was about to die. He moved it away, nearly spitting up what was in his throat, and let out an ungodly groan as his mind began to swirl. Shelly laughed at him and watched him belch as he held down his vomit.

"Stan, you idiot! My turn." She snatched it and took a huge drink, almost as big as Stan's was, but not without coughing and dribbling a little bit of the liquor herself. They laughed together as they winced with pain and disgust, while the gnarly shredding of an amazing guitar blew up in the background. Stan burped, and then sighed, taking another drag of the cigarette before his sister stole it back from him.

"Fuck Kevin, too. Heh... I can't believe I came up here thinking I'd have a shot with him." Shelly laughed at her own stupidity, finding it more funny than sad, now that she was getting tipsy.

"Yeah... you wouldn't want to date him anyway. I'm sure he'd cheat on you... you don't deserve that, Shelly..." Stan said, placing a limp hand on her shoulder.

"...Thanks, Stan..." She told him sincerely, still secretly a little torn about the whole situation. The sun was already starting to set. Kyle was still getting laughs as the fire pit got deeper. Clyde eventually got distracted by Stan and Shelly's Svedka, and Y/n preoccupied Kyle so he wouldn't go sniffing after it himself. She acted amazed and inspired whenever he managed to lift a Chuck of dirt out of the hole, which fueled his fire pit building ego. Her and the other girls took over trying to assist him with the shovel. He might've struggled, but he didn't give up easily.

"You guys! Tweek just had the best idea!" Craig suddenly yelled from within the crowd, just as Kyle fell over with his shovel, causing the girls to laugh.

"Agh! Don't tell them it was my idea! Now everyone's looking at me!" Tweek said as Craig wrapped an arm around him.

"Let's play TRUTH OR DARE!!" He yelled. Everyone started cheering and laughing. Katy laughed in amusement.

"Truth or Dare? What are we in middle school?! I'm not playing!" She told them.

"Awe, come on, Katy, it could be fun!" Lady told her.

"Yeah, when was the last time you played truth or dare?" Lily asked her.

"Oh hell yes!" Kenny laughed, running up to the RV, "KEVIN! Get your stupid ass out here we're playing Truth or Dare!" He told his brother.

"Seriously...? Truth or Dare?" Shelly repeated Kenny's words as Kevin yelled at his brother from inside.

"Awe man, Ken, this game used to be our shit!" Kevin stumbled outside, dragging Kenny out with him, with his arm wrapped around his head. The other older kids followed them. Everyone stared to gather around.

"Alright, alright, we'll start off chill. Whoever goes first should start out with truth's only." Craig said.

"What the hell? When me and Kenny played as kids we only ever did the dares!" Kevin crossed his arms at the nasally freshman.

"Really? Whenever us girls play Truth or Dare at our sleepovers, we really only do the truths." Wendy said, and the other girls nodded and giggled in agreement.

"You guys, it's called Truth OR Dare... we can do both." Kenny shrugged.

"Everyone knows that Truth or Dare is a game of escalation..." Kyle burped, putting a wobbly finger in the air, "The dares and truths will get more intense as the game progresses, so we should all do easy ones first, and save that crazier truths and dares for last."

"Kyle has a great point. I think it will be more fun if we do both!" Kenny said towards his brother.

"Fine. But we should have a punishment for anyone who refuses to say their truth or do their dare." Kevin told him with a sly smirk.

"Deal! What should the punishment be?" Kenny asked, and everyone looked at the ground in thought.

"Oh, I know, if you don't play then you have to take three shots in a row!" Bebe suggested, and the girls agreed.

"Huh... that bitch isn't so stupid after all..." Katy commented towards her friends, who smiled and rolled their eyes.

"No way, because then you freshies won't play on purpose just so you can get more drunk." Kevin said, which made them look disgruntled.

"What of the loser has to eat a loogey, or something nasty like that?" Clyde asked, making everyone cringe and shake their heads.

"Yes! That's more like it! It has to be something really bad so people will actually do the dares." Kevin laughed as he pointed at him.

"I know! Whoever loses has to lick my butthole!" Cartman said with a sinister giggle, eyeing Kyle as he glared back at him.

"Yes! If you don't do the dare you have to lick the fat kid's asshole!" Kevin said, cracking up a little as he pointed at Cartman.

"Hey!" Cartman shouted at the mention of him being fat.

"That won't work! That excludes Cartman from doing any dares. He can't lick his own ass! Even if he tried really hard!" Kyle said, pointing at him as well.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right." Kevin said, still laughing at the image Kyle put in his head.

"Maybe if he loses then we can make him try to lick his own ass!" Kenny suggested, making Kyle laugh as well.

"Actually, yeah, let's do that!" Kyle glared at him with a smile.

"Nevermind the asshole thing! Let's do something else!" Cartman whined.

"No way! If we refuse to do our dares, then we have to lick your asshole. But if you refuse to do your dare, then you have to pull down your pants in front of everyone, tuck you head between you legs, and try to lick your own asshole!" Kyle pointed at him. Kevin and Kenny were practically rolling on the floor. Cartman stared at him angrily, but then thought for a second.

"Okay, fine, Kyle. But it's your Jewish funeral." He crossed his arms. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"I will make you lick your own ass, Cartman!" Kyle challenged him.

"Alright, alright, let's just play the game already! Wendy, truth or dare?" Bebe shouted before turning to her.

"Uhh, we're still starting with truths right? I'll just go with truth." Wendy answered her.

"Okay. Yes or no... do you have a crush on anyone at this party?" She asked her.

"Uhh..." she looked around at everyone, and made eye contact with Stan for a second, "Yes." She answered with a smile, flipping her hair out of her face. The girls all giggled. Stan examined the boys around the crowd, wondering if she was talking about one of them. Unless she was really talking about Bebe...

"Okay, your turn!" She nudged her.

"Uhh... Nicole, truth or dare?" She asked her.

"Um. Truth." She said.

"Okay... is it true that you thought Tolkien got you pregnant?" She asked her, making her face looked appalled. A few people gasped and began to whisper to each other. People were looking at Tolkien, too, and his shoulders tensed up in alarm.

"Wendy!" She exclaimed as she looked around in embarrassment.

"What? It's truth or dare..." She said, feeling a little bad all of the sudden. Nicole stared at her with angry eyes, but then sighed.

"No, no... you're right... it's the whole scope of the game..." she sighed, "yes, I had a pregnancy scare. But it was all in my head! I threw up one morning after eating some shady ass chipotle the night before, and I started having all sorts of crazy thoughts! But then Bebe got ahold of a test for me and it was totally negative. Plus I got my period like two days later! It wasn't serious at all... and even if I was pregnant by Tolkien at the ripe age of fifteen, I'm sure he'd be a great father! We'd make it work." She crossed her arms. Tolkien sighed with slight relief that she was able to explain things instead of just turning it into a huge fight with her girlfriend. He really didn't need rumors going around about him being a teen father.

"Heh... sorry, I didn't mean to let that all out into the air... I couldn't think of a better truth to ask!" Wendy shrugged, "And I guess I'm just used to being around the girls when we play..."

"It's whatever... but if this is how we're playing the game... Bebe... truth or dare?" Nicole turned to her with a smirk. Bebe looked alarmed.

"No way, I already went! Ask someone else!" She said, pretty unwilling to spill her ungodly secrets, or lick Cartman's butthole.

"Ugh... fine... Y/n, truth or dare?" Nicole turned to her.

"Oh, um, truth, I guess." Y/n smiled, unsure of how long they were supposed to keep choosing truths.

"Hmm... do you want to date Kyle?" She asked. Kyle froze when everyone looked at him. He went red in the face as Y/n locked eyes with him. Both of their hearts began to race. He was trying to hold back a smile as he gripped the shovel in his hands. Even under the alcohol, he was totally flustered by Nicole's truth question.

"Uh... yeah, actually... I do..." She spoke shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and causing a loud explosion of yelling across the crowd. Stan put his hands on his head, smiling and yelling at Kyle from the spot next to the RV. Cartman was also speechless, looking between her and the red headed Jew in confusion. Kyle stared at her with wide eyes and his jaw dropped, and the shovel slowly fell from his hands. Kenny ran over and started shaking him violently. Nicole smiled devilishly at Y/n's blushing face, making her giggle and shove her away.

"Uh— Tolkien, truth or dare!" She shouted towards him.

"Dare! Obviously!" He said.

"Oh, okay... uhh, hmm... I dare you to..." She couldn't think of anything for a second, but then she had a brilliant idea, "Oh! Pretend to be Nicole's dog!"

"What?" He questioned.

"Yeah! Get on all fours and be my little puppy, Tolkien!" Nicole smiled at him, patting her thighs.

"That's stupid, I'm not doing that..." He said, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"Uh... you have to... no matter how stupid, a dare is a dare." Kevin glared at him.

"Dude, did you forget the punishment?" Kenny laughed, pointing at Cartman, who started to giggle towards him with an evil stare.

"Are you serious... you're really gonna make me lick Cartman's asshole if I don't pretend I'm a dog?"

"Yes, Tolkien! That's how we've always played it! The punishment is always way worse than the actual dare." Kenny explained to him.

"If you don't get down all fours and be a dog right now, I'll force you down on all fours and pull your tongue out of your mouth so it can be slathered all over that guys asshole." Kevin took a few steps towards him, staring directly into his soul as he gestured to Cartman.

"He's not lying, dude. He made me do the same thing to an elderly Rottweiler when I was five because I didn't want to shoot my balls with a nail gun. Plus, you've seen all the shit the guys have made me do for money! We go hard for truth or dare." Kenny told him.

"Ugh... fine!" Tolkien said, putting his hands up. He suddenly dropped down to his hands and knees and started to pant and bark, all while having a grumpy expression glued to his face.

"Aweee! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy, Tolkien?!" Nicole chimed. He barked again and put his hands on her legs, panting like a dog as she rubbed his head. Everyone started laughing hysterically at him. Clyde pulled out his phone and snapped a picture with the caption, "truth or dare gone wild". The girls giggled wildly before Y/n shook her head.

"Okay, okay, Tolkien, that's good enough!" She told him when he started to shake his butt as if he was wagging his tail. He quickly stood up and brushed off his knees, still looking pissed off.

"Alright, then, asshole, truth or dare?!" Tolkien asked towards Kevin.

"Dare." He smiled.

"Okay, go over to your girlfriend, pull down her shirt, and suck her tits in front of everyone!" Tolkien said. Nicole glared at the back of his head, as it only seemed like a sorry excuse to see someone else's tits to her.

"That's what you call a dare?" Kevin laughed. He started walking towards Sam, which immediately made Tolkien regret his decision. He stopped in front of the sexy redhead who happened to have her arms crossed over her chest. She was smiling at him, though.

"Sam, by the code of Truth or Dare, you must lend me your tits." He told her.

"Fine, but all of these freshman owe me 37.50 after this party... that's the starting price for my OnlyFans page." She unbuttoned the front of her cherry romper and revealed her naked chest, which wasn't even covered by a bra. Everyone was shocked, and Kevin went to town on them. Kyle immediately averted his eyes, as his first reaction was utter embarrassment. When he thought that Y/n was likely watching his every move, he realized it was probably a good idea to keep his hands over his face so there was no chance of him seeing anything. The older boys were staring at their two friends and laughing with each other.

"WHOO HOO!" Kenny screamed, throwing his hands up, "That's my brother!" He pointed

Stan's eyes were glued to her back from the angle he was at. He leaned over, trying to get a peak at what what happening in the front. Shelly was sickened by them, feeling as if the universe was just rubbing it in her face at this point. Katy, Lady, and Lily stared at the girl in absolute astonishment. Bebe was screaming at the top of her lungs with a huge smile on her face, and the other girls were giggling wildly, except for Nicole. Most of the boys were all gawking at the hot older girl, including Tolkien, who couldn't believe what was happening. Even Tweek and Craig couldn't take their eyes off of the hetero-sexually charged scene.

Sam began to moan slightly over the sound of Kevin's slurping and slobbering. Kyle cringed, turning his back to the two of them at this point. He was extremely secretive and embarrassed whenever he watched porn, let alone when someone was basically doing a public porno a few feet away from him. It didn't help that a girl he was really into was there to share the experience with him.

Kevin finally pulled away and wiped the spit off of his face. He looked back at the crowd with a smile as Sam buttoned her shirt back up in a huff. Nicole smacked Tolkien on the back of his head.

"I didn't know he was actually going to do it! Or that she would let him do it! I was trying to prove a point!" He explained, but she just shook her head and stormed away, "Nicole!" He chased after her. Wendy and Bebe looked at each other, and then at Y/n.

"Alright, Kenny, truth or dare?" Kevin asked him.

"Dare! Dare! Dare!" He said, jumping up and down, "I wanna suck some titties!"

"Nope. I dare you to punch yourself in the balls." He said.

"Aw what! That's not fair!" Kenny said to him.

"It's not my fault your dumbass friend gave me the best dare in the world." He shrugged with a smile.

"Agh! Fuck you, Tolkien!" He shouted towards his friend, who looked back at him as he followed his angry girlfriend into the woods.

"Yeah, fuck you, Tolkien!" Nicole turned around to shout at him before continuing towards the trees.

"Nicole! You're gonna get lost out there! Nicole!" He said, still running after her.

"Go on. Punch yourself in the balls." Kevin said. Kenny glared at him. He raised his fist and slammed it right into his groin, immediately making his knees bend and fall to the ground.

"I hate you!!" He cried, honoring the code of Truth or Dare, and also avoiding Cartman's fat, smelly asshole. He'd rather take a punch to the nuts before going near that thing any day.

"Ha ha! Okay, your turn, idiot. And you can't ask me, I already went." Kevin crossed his arms at him.

"Ugh..." Kenny was still shaking from the pain, and wanting to take his anger out on someone, he looked at Cartman, "Cartman, truth or dare?"

"Uhh... truth." Cartman said.

"I dare you to make out with Butters!" He pointed to the little blonde boy next to him, who stared at him in shock and disgust.

"What! You can't do that, I said truth!" Cartman exclaimed.

"Too bad. He already uttered his dare, now you have to do it." Kevin shrugged.

"That's not how it works!" Cartman exclaimed.

"Either kiss Butters or lick your own asshole, fatass!" Kyle glared at him. Cartman was at a dilemma, and suddenly attempting to lick his own ass sounded better than smooching another man.

"Fine, I'll lick my own ass!" Cartman exclaimed.

"No way, then the game will be over!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Just do the fucking dare, Cartman!" Kyle shoved him into Butters.

"B-but— fellers, I'm not gay!" Butters exclaimed.

"Butters you have to." Kyle told him angrily.

"Maybe a better punishment would be roasting his nut sack over the camp fire." Kevin said in a threatening tone.

"Jesus Christ!" Cartman exclaimed, feeling incredibly unsafe in this game of truth or dare.

"Kiss him!" Craig yelled.

"Yeah! Do it!" Tweek laughed with an evil grin.

"Yeah, Cartman, kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!" Bebe began to chant, and soon everyone else was chanting as well. Cartman started to sweat as everyone around him pressured him to kiss Butters.

"Do it you stupid little pussy! You're so much of a pussy you can't even do a fucking dare at a party!" Kyle taunted him over everyone's loud chant. Kevin was looking like he was getting ready to beat his ass. Kenny finally got up off the ground and glared at him as well, balling up his fists. Cartman grunted before grabbing Butters by the face and slamming his lips into his mouth, nose, and chin. Butters let out muffled cries as everyone went wild, screaming and snapping as many pictures as they possibly could. Kenny and Kyle were dying from laughter. Cartman held Butters face against his, not moving a muscle, until the boy finally shoved him away. Butters gasped, sputtered, and cough as his face was covered in spit. He fell to the ground heaving and blubbering like he had just got his face shoved into a toilet. Kevin and his friends were howling with laughter. Cartman was dying from embarrassment.

"Fine! Then I dare the lesbians to make out!" Cartman pointed at them, red in the face, trying to take away the attention from him as quickly as possible.

"You can't do that, we both already went!" Bebe exclaimed.

"Well if you were actually dating..." Stan half-drunkenly interjected, "You wouldn't need a dare to make out, would you? You don't see us daring Tweek and Craig to make out, we see them do it all the time!" He said, waving his hands around, nearly slapping his sister in the face with his liquor bottle. Wendy glared at him and crossed her arms.

"You know what, Stan? We don't need you to—"

"You know what, Stan?! You're right!" Bebe screamed, cutting off Wendy's response to him. She turned and planted a kiss on Wendy's lips, the taste of Mike's hard cranberry lemonade on both of their mouths. Wendy was shocked, and stumbled back, but the alcohol helped ease her nerves, and soon, she was kinda into it. The two girls grabbed each others faces and melted into a real kiss, smacking their lips and tongues together. Once again, everyone squealed, screamed, and cheered. The younger boys felt like they were getting the most action they've ever had in their lives. Stan felt his heart sink deep into his chest, and his face went pale. A whirlwind of emotions flooded his whole body, and it didn't help that Shelly began to laugh. He sunk back against the RV, taking another sip of his Svedka as he stared at the ground.

"There!" Bebe said as she turned around, "How's that, Stan? Lesbian enough for ya?! How about this? If that stupid bitch, Lily, is actually your girlfriend, then why don't you make out with her?!" Wendy was still too entranced to really process what she was saying. She also didn't notice Nicole and Tolkien rejoin the crowd, both of them looking like they'd seen a ghost.

"Woah... are you guys okay? Jeez, Tolkien, you made Nicole so mad, I really wasn't expecting you guys to come back for a while." Y/n laughed, grabbing Nicole by the arm. They both looked at each other with wide, disturbed eyes.

"Y/n... I'm not sure we should be having this party out here... we saw something weird out in the woods when I was running away..." Nicole said, wrapping a fearful arm around Tolkien, bringing a hand to her face out of stress.

"I don't think it followed us, but it scared the shit out of us! Jesus... can you imagine if I would've let you just run out there all alone?" Tolkien told her. She stared up at him, looking like she was about to cry, and then quickly wrapped him in a hug.

"What... what happened? What did you see?" Y/n questioned them with concern.

"I..." Tolkien looked down at his girlfriend, "We..." they both began to shake their heads at each other in a loss for words.

"We don't know..." they both said, looking at Y/n in unison. She stared back at them with fear.

"When did this turn into a kissing game?" Kevin rolled his eyes as he shouted.

Stan glared at Bebe, and looked over at Lily, who was glaring at her, too. She looked at Stan, and nodded at him with a sneer as if to say 'let's show this bitch what's up'. They both stood up in sync. Wendy looked over and watched as the two approached each other. Stan looked up at the taller, older, beautiful black girl in front of him and gulped.

"You're lucky we're playing this stupid game." She told him with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, you're pretty hot, so I guess I am." Stan shrugged at her, still holding his liquor bottle at the tips of his fingers. She smiled at him before grabbing his face and bending down to kiss him. Lady and Katy giggled at her, and Stan was absolutely putty in her hands. It didn't last as long as Wendy and Bebe's kiss, but it almost made him feel sorry that she wasn't actually interested in dating him. He enjoyed the kiss quite a bit. Bebe was just as surprised to see them actually kiss. She looked back at Wendy's glassy eyes and sour expression towards the two of them.

"Oops..." She laughed.

"Kyle, truth or dare? Or should I even ask, since we're all just doing dares at this point." Stan asked him.

"Yeah, I was gonna say dare, anyway." Kyle shrugged.

"Alright..." He looked over at the girl Kyle had been obsessed with for weeks, who was still caught up trying to figure out what was wrong with Tolkien and Nicole, "I dare you to make out with Y/n!" He pointed at her, making her turn at the mention of her name. She looked at Kyle with confusion, and then realized what Stan had said when his face went red with fear. Kyle didn't look away from Stan though.

"Dude..." Kyle whispered with terror.

"A dare's a dare, Kyle." He shrugged. Kyle bit his lip and glanced at her. When he saw her pretty face smiling back at him, looking just as gorgeous as she was timid, his heart did a flip in his chest.

"I'm so scared, though!" He heaved through his teeth.

"Come on, just be glad that I didn't give you a shitty date... Just go do it! You know you want to!" Stan gave him an annoyed look. Kyle turned to the beautiful girl and started walking over towards her, and each step he took, his heart rate went up. He stopped in front of her and looked into her surprised eyes.

"Are you okay if I do Stan's dare? B-Because if you aren't, I will take the punishment." Kyle said, adamantly asking for her permission. She smiled at the ground, feeling so loved and helpless. She looked back at him in such a way that made his face melt into a soft, enamored expression of adoration.

"Kyle... do you think I'm so cruel that I'd make you lick Cartman's asshole, over kissing me?" She questioned him.

"No... I think you're amazing, and pretty, and nice, and not cruel at all... but I'll never make you do anything you don't want to do..." He smiled at her.

"Well then, you don't have to worry about kissing me... I want to do that..." She rolled her eyes with a shy giggle.

"Really...?" He asked her breathlessly, letting the alcohol take over his body as he crept his hands along the sides of her face. He gently pulled her close to him and closed the space between their lips. She smiled and kissed him back deeply, wrapping her arms around his neck. His heart fluttered at the feeling of her chest against his. Her entire being was warm and inviting. He gently brushed his fingers across her face, and moved his other hand down to stroke her side. She ran her fingers through his curly mess of hair under his hat, which only caused him to lean into her even more, his breaths starting to get heavier.   Wendy and Bebe were laughing and hooting at the two of them, and everyone was going wild over the fact that Kyle was making out with the rich new girl.

Stan smiled at Kyle, happy that at least his best friend was having a good romance at this party.

"Alright, you stupid freshman have officially ruined this game. I'm going back inside." Kevin groaned, feeling like it was pointless to go on if they were all just gonna keep kissing each other.

"Awe, you're no fun, Kev." Kenny laughed at him. When Kyle and Y/n finally pulled away, they began smiling at each other again.

"Y/n, I... I know it's so soon, but I'm so obsessed with you. I don't care if you want to date me right now with the whole Trent situation, but... I just have to tell you... I just have to say it! I love you. I love you... I really, really love you, like a lot." He told her in a slightly slurred speech, playing with the little baby hairs around her face as he leaned his lips towards the fruity breaths she breathed against them.

"It is a little soon, Kyle... I feel like you barely know me..." she told him with a soft smile.

"Okay... maybe you're right... then... I'm infatuated with you. I'm completely smitten like a kitten. I'm crazy for you, I'll do anything to make you happy." He said, pressing his forehead against hers and nuzzling her face, making her giggle again. She definitely liked his approach to win her heart much more than Trent's. He was so cute... he was practically irresistible, especially in his half drunk, overly honest state. They continued to stare at each other for a moment. Kyle looked down at their chests again, and giggled as he realized how close they were. He began peppering kisses all over her face, making her squeal as she pushed him away.

"Kyle!" She laughed, putting a hand against his pursed lips.

"Wait, hold on, the dare isn't over." He insisted, planting more tiny smooches onto her cheeks, eyes, and nose. She giggled and avoided contact by planting her face on his chest.

"Well... You are pretty lovable, I have to admit." She sighed, wrapping him up in a tight hug. He buried his face into her neck and hair, swaying back and forth with her in his arms.

"You smell so good..." he commented under his breath, but he was so close to her ear that she could here it clear as day. She smiled at him and melted into his embrace.

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