Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

By pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... More



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By pohpih

It was sort of a gloomy day. Especially for Aimi. She did not like the rain and it was as rainy as it ever could be. The weather was just fine yesterday yet today... it took a huge turn. And she was not having it. Not with these cramps.

"Does it still hurt? You don't seem comfortable at all."

Aimi shook her head as she carressed her belly in pain. She was seated by the window by her bed, trying to calm herself down.

"Not as much as before but it's still painfull."

Baal sighed before kneeling down and then raising Aimi's shirt up. He then placed his hand on top of her belly and carressed it. Chanting a spell while doing so.
As he did, Aimi watched her husband with big eyes, hoping that there was nothing wrong with it.

"Is... is the baby fine?"

Baal smiled, nodding.

"Yes... more than fine actually. The baby is due in a day maybe less..."

Aimi's eyes widened.

"I-isn't it a couple days early? I was sure about the date-"

Baal sighed, looking up.

"Hey- don't panic. It's fine. I didn't sense anything bad so the baby should be healthy. It's okay alright?"

Aimi looked down, humming.

"Fine. Then could you do something for the pain? It's really unbearable.."

Baal tought for a bit, then stood up to look around.

"I'm... not sure. All the healing spells would revert the baby growth or do you damage. But... we can call Jungkook to create one. Let me just give him a call."

Aimi nodded while squirming slightly.

"O-okay- just tell him to come quick-"

And so Baal rushed to the other room to grab the phone and called him as fastly as possible.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung picked on the cherry on top of the cake slice, coated in bitter chocolate, with a bitter expression.

As he pushed the red ball with the tip of his fork, Sungho who was beside him with a cup of coffe sighed.

"You're really boring me with that. Just eat the damn thing."

Taehyung frowned.

"I don't even like bitter chocolate. Why make me eat it?"

Sungho shrugged.

"A friend of mine gave it to me. So i was testing if it was poisoned."

Taehyung pushed the plate away before standing up from the counter and walking to the couch.
Meanwhile Jungkook came in and opened the fridge, watching as Sungho silently sipped his coffee.

"Oh, a friend? The same one that gave you that?"

He tapped on his neck, making Sungho cover his visibly bright kiss mark.

Later on, the phone started to ring and when noone cared enough to pick it up, Jungkook did. Even though he was simply a guest at some point.

"Yes- this is Mr. Kim's house who-"

There was suddenly the sound of a loud thud and crashing. Then came Baal to the phone.

"Sorry- my hand slipped- uhh... Jungkook? Is that you?"

He sounded excited from the looks of it.

"Yes- why are you calling here? What's wrong?"

Baal smiled to the fact that he tought that something was wrong right away.

"Well... it seems like your sister will be due much sooner than we tought. I just need you here to fix up a spell to stop her cramps but- not too far since it might have a backflash on the baby."

Jungkook oh'ed, his mouth slightly agape.

"S-sure i can do that- but is Aimi doing fine? How is she?"

Baal hummed at the other end of the line, not sounding too convincing.

"As good as she can with the pain- so come over quickly. I'll be waiting."

Jungkook okay'ed, later hanging up the phone.

Meanwhile Taehyung who had been listening to the conversation batted his eyes at the phone and Jungkook's nervous eyes.

"Is something wrong with Aimi?"

Jungkook shook his head, quickly grabbing his shoes from the cabinet.

"No no- they just need me to do a spell to ease her pain- i'll be absent today from the academy though. I'll see you tonight."

With that he left the house in a hurry.

Thinking that it might be urgent Taehyung stood up to follow after him as well but then Sungho raised his hand.

"Nu-uh. Stop right there. Father said that he wanted to speak with you today. It's important."

Taehyung's eyes lingered down in worry.

"But what if something bad happened? He could just be sugarcoating it and-"

Sungho tsk'ed.

"As if he can't handle 'something bad'. Just go up and get ready. I don't want to be scolded later because you ditched him."

Taehyung frowned before running upstairs to get his chlotes on.

Later when he cane down, Sungho ended up accompanying him to the academy, which he tought was weird. But especially, when he entered Lee's office together with him.

"I tought we were going to discuss something- why is he here?"

Lee looked at them, then sighing.

"It really has been long since i'd seen this sight of my two sons together... without fighting. Well, Taehyung, your brother is here because we have a family matter to discuss."

Sungho didn't say anything as he took a seat beside Taehyung, right in front of Lee's desk.
But from the looks of it, he didn't have a pleased face, which meant that the conversation wasn't going to be pleasing either.

"So... since the two of you had barely been on good terms with each other-"

Sungho interrupted.

"...because of you."

Lee hummed.

"Because of my mistakes and selfish actions, i have decided that i should apologize for it."

Taehyung frowned in disbelief.

"That is... sudden. But not like we cared anymore. So why the recap?"

Lee leaned forward, getting serious as he intertwined his fingers on the table.

"I have not been the best father for you two and... even more... not a good husband to your mother. It's been long since we have talked about her."

Taehyung looked down sadly while Sungho looked away to keep his cool down.

"Today it's... her birthday. That was the main reason for me calling you here to... well, speak."

Sungho scoffed.

"Alright old man, to clarify things, what you did to her does not concern us. It's between you two. But what you did to Taehyung, also concerns me. I have been the most affected-"

Taehyung frowned, ready to spit back.

"What do you mean you have been the most affected? I had to live with a deamon trapped inside me! You know how brutal that was??"

Sungho rolled his eyes.

"And i had to loose my immortality! You think that was a joke!??"

Lee sighed as they continued their yelling. Maybe not the best way to appriciate their mother's birthday.

"Okay okay- calm down. You both had it rough. And it was all my fault. That's why i-"

Sungho crossed his arms.

"Yes it's your fault. But it doesn't seem like you feel any guilty banging that teacher all day!"

Taehyung covered his mouth to stop from smiling while Lee frowned.

"I'll assume i didn't hear that. And to get things straight, there isn't a day that goes by when i don't feel in total misery because of what i had done to her. But if i wanted to redeem myself then a second chance-"

Sungho stood up.

"A second chance? Do i get a second chance too then father? Do i get my powers back because of a 'simple mistake' i made in the past? Heh... you wish it were that easy."

With that he left the room, leaving the two alone. After he left, Lee looked at Taehyung, hoping to get a word out of him. This conversation was definetly a bad idea.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Taehyung bit his lip, looking away.

"You know that... Sungho is telling the truth right? You are the worst father of the past centuries."

Lee was about to open his mouth but then, Taehyung paused him.

"...but despite all of those horrible things you've done, you have been getting better. At... being a father that is. You have been more of a father to me than you ever were back in the past. That day when you decided to help me rid me of my pain i... i think i was slightly greatfull inside, even though i was consumed in disbelief."

Lee sighed.

"And... to look at it from a diffrent angle, thanks to your selfish mistake, i... got a selfless gift right from the devil. So i guess i'm glad that... things are now the way they are. Despite... me still slightly resenting you."

He then smiled.

"So just... stay the way you are. And... about... if you deserve a second chance or not... i don't know that. But... i hope you set things right for Han this time at least. Don't be like how you were to mother. Be better."

After saying those words, Taehyung left as well.

Now, all alone, Lee looked down, toughtfull. Maybe this conversation wasn't a bad idea after all.

𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

The forest was huge. But today it seemed to be even bigger when in a hurry.
Both Baal and Jungkook were sprinting in a hurry to various locations, discovering new placed to add.

"Fuck- if only you were carefull!"

Baal frowned, punching Jungkook's shoulder as they stopped for a break.

"I was! I just went to the kitchen to get some hot towels but when i came back- Aimi was gone! What am i supposed to do, watch her all the time!?"

Jungkook growled, pushing him back.

"Maybe you should have! There was blood on the floor Baal- blood! There is no way she dissapeared like that volunteerly."

Baal sighed, checking the enviorment to locate her with his tracking spell.
But when he saw nothing he punched the tree in anger.

"Argh! It's not working! Whoever has got her must at least be at an elite casting level. Fuck..."

Jungkook groaned. Frustrated, he raised his hand up and glared at Baal.

"Do the tracking spell onto Aimi's bracelet. I'll try to strengthen the connection with a spell."

Baal did as he was told, waiting for something to happen after.

"You know it would be much simpler if you just did a spell to break the lock on Aimi, so we can track her."

Jungkook frowned, getting angry.

"Well no shit genious! I would do that but even i have my limits! I need Aimi to be here or else i can't do that. Be more logical."

Baal sighed, looking away.
Then he slowly started to feel a pull from his aura, knowing that Jungkook was getting the spell to work.
Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the spell to work.

"Great! Now we're stuck!"

Baal stood up, crossing his arms.

"Okay well- if we keep going blind like this then we will be stuck. So let's just recap... who could have taken Aimi?"

Jungkook tought.

"Many people have grudges against us, who do you think?"

Baal raised his finger to protest, only for it to fall back down in realization.

"... you have a point."

Jungkook scratched his head, thinking.

"But... there was this one guy who might be involved. The other day, this guy from the council came to me wanting to... investigate me or something, altough he said he wanted to be friends."

Baal furrowed his brows.

"Well... that is a way to approach i guess. So the council you say... maybe he decided to take Aimi to get your attention. Do you still remember his face?"

Jungkook hummed.

"Yes... but faintly. He was quiet far when we spoke."

Baal clapped his hands.

"Well- that's good enough! Now sit down before me so i can go inside your mind. Then- we can track him instead."

Jungkook gritted his teeth as Baal pushed him down on the grass and then placed his hands above his ears.
Now... it was starting to feel a bit tingly.

To be continued...

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