- krown kwan - [donald na fan...

By paranoiahagent

8.5K 357 58

this is a donald na fanfic. this is also my first story, so i'm sorry if it's terrible. I do not own Donald... More



319 17 4
By paranoiahagent

krown's perspective:

I strode into the school courtyard after observing my peers and their ability to be easily pleased. A car, no matter how expensive, was still a car. At the end of the day, it was a hunk of metal, sold to the customer because of the seller's persuasiveness.

As I was contemplating, I heard the crunch of gravel behind me, and an echo of my footsteps. Fast, then slow. It was like they had tried to catch up to me, and then slowed their pace to mimic mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the blur of blonde hair and red eyes. The gang leader: Donald Na.

"What do you want, Donald?" I said. If he had gone to this great of a length to associate with me, he surely wouldn't mind if I spoke to him informally. I took my chance. What was he going to do, beat me up? Yeah, probably.

I heard him silently chuckle. I could just imagine the corners of his lips turning upwards, into something between a smile and a smirk.

"I'm here for you, doll." He replied nonchalantly. I could just hear the smirk in his voice; he sounded like he had caught sight of his prey.

"How flattering." I said. I finally took this chance to look at him.

There was no gel in his hair. That was the first thing I noticed. Strands of his hair blocked his vision and he would life his hand to flick them away. His hands looked very bare without his assortment of rings; skinnier and more dainty. His veins were more visible. He had taken out his piercings too. He actually looked his age. When I had first seen him, I thought he was in his early twenties. He looked kind of cute.

"You don't need to stare. I know I look different." His cheeks were dusted with light pink. Was he seriously blushing?

"You look more your age. You're more my type now." I joked. He stopped walking. I watched his body turn to face mine. His eyes were focused and looked more serious. He took a step forward. The gap between us was closing. I bet if there was a wall around he would've pinned me to it already.

His eyes were glowing darkly, looking more animalistic.

I just stared back at him, the corners of my mouth tugging upwards. I felt his cool hands brushing my jawline. He tipped my chin up, and started to lean in.

Was he about to kiss me? I wasn't complaining.

"Krown? Who's that?"

donald na's perspective:

"... You're more my type now." She was teasing me. I watched her face as she smirked at me lack of walking. She licked her lips, her tongue gliding over them, leaving me to only imagine how soft they were.

Oh, if she knew only half of what she does to me.

I turned my body to face her. Her eyes watched me, amused, tracking my every move. I closed the space in between us quickly.

I must've looked desperate, but I didn't care. I was desperate. I wanted her; I needed her. If she was a drug, I surely needed rehabilitation; I was hooked, addicted. Everything about her caught my eye: the way she talked, walked, looked. The way she looked at me. I wonder how she would feel if I kissed her.

I raised my hand to her jawline. Gosh, she was beautiful. Her features were soft, and her eyes were the perfect contrast. They stared at me with taunt and bemusement. I was under her thumb, twisted around her little finger, under her control. I didn't even care.

I tipped her chin up. Her lips looked so inviting. She was still staring at me, staring into the depth in which you would call my soul.

"Krown." A male voice asked. "Who's he?"

I straightened up. What the heck.

krown's perspective:

Donald's breath was hot against my lips; he was practically panting. He looked incredibly attractive, I couldn't deny that. His eyes were blood red up close, and his lips a soft pink. His skin looked really clear.

Just as he was about to kiss me, a voice called out my name. I looked in the direction of it, breaking my prolonged eye contact with Donald Na.

Teddy Jin.

He just stared at me. Then at Donald, who was standing at his full height, looking down at Teddy Jin. I guess he wanted to feel intimidating. He looked seriously annoyed, frustrated. But, the corner of his lips were tugged upwards the tiniest bit. Was he amused?

After what felt like an eternity, I took Donald's hand and dragged him towards Teddy. If Donald tried anything, I wouldn't hesitate to kick him in the shin, or punch him in the gut. But I have this underlying thought, mainly caused by his minute smirk, that he won't. I plan to introduce them both.

When we reached where Teddy was standing, Donald with a smile, more likely a grimace, on his face started speaking. "Teddy Jin, nice to meet you."

What..? Have they met before?

Teddy looked beyond confused, a little scared even. It looked like he was more confused than I was. Teddy took a small, but noticeable step back.

Donald cleared his throat, "Right. I'll be off then." He started walking inside the building.

"Wait! Donald." I called after him. I glanced at Teddy. "Sorry, I've got to go. I'll talk to you in class!"

I ran after the blonde. What the heck was that? How did Donald know Teddy's name? Why did Teddy look so confused and scared? How does that even work? I caught up to Donald, grabbed his hand and made him turn around to face me. I opened my mouth to speak, but he spoke first.

"He's my competition? C'mon, at least make it hard for me. You had me worried for a second."

"What?" I replied, my cheeks heating up a bit at the sudden accusation. Donald stared down at me with his eyes ablaze, burning with content and hunger. A predator cornering it's prey. His tongue slid smoothly over his pointy, vampiric teeth.

Gosh, he looked so hot like this.

I heard a deep chuckle come from above me. "Stop drooling. You're getting the floor wet."

And with that, leaving me confused, attracted and questioning, he left for the classroom. I had to lean against the wall for a minute to compose myself.

Donald Na. How exciting.

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