My Only Star

By Def_26

23.7K 1.8K 52

'' I wanna let the whole universe know that you are Mine..You belong to me and only me.''-God πŸ“– Blue Kanawut... More

☣ ONE ☣
☣ TWO ☣
☣ FOUR ☣
☣ FIVE ☣
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☣ NINE ☣
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☣ 12 ☣

520 48 1
By Def_26

I parked my car and turned off the engine but I did not budged on my seat. Why the hell am I thinking about him?

I sipped my coffee but it seems like my mind is drifting away. I don't understand why am I thinking about him. I don't want anyone messing with my head, I don't want those weird feelings that I'm trying to shake off this past few days.
I don't wanna feel this way. This is all new to me. Or maybe I'm just worn out and tired that's why I'm thinking stuff lately. I let out a deep sigh and open my door and get off the car.

I was in front of elevator when someone bumped my shoulder and when I turned around it was a girl..God's girlfriend. She was clinging on God's arms
I looked at her with a serious face while holding my coffee and she apologize for bumping on me unintentionally. I looked at her and just nod.. the elevator open and I walked inside and they follow,I push my floors button and went to the side of the elevator
I can see them being cuddly with each other.

Finally the elevator stop at my floor and G and his girlfriend went out and I followed them... I can feel the gazes at my back but I ignored and went inside.
The woman is the same woman that I saw on his IG,his girlfriend.

I sit on my living room and open the TV when my phone rings. I get it on my jackets pocket and answered without checking who's the caller.

''Hello?'' I answered still my gazed fix on the Tv.
''Hello Blue..let's hang out'' Its Hyper.
''I don't take no for an answer Blue..I'll pick you up now. I'm at the parking''
I get up from my sit and turned off the Tv and headed to my door. I don't usually drink but now I want to drink until I got drunk.
I'll just let Hyper take me back.
''Hmm I'm going now.'' I hang up the call and went straight to the elevator.

We are now at Dukes bar..with Kent,Dew,Brix and Hyper good thing God is not here.
''Where is G?'' Duke asked.
''Maybe spending time with his girlfriend.'' I answered.
''Girlfriend? G has girlfriend?'' Dew asked surprised.
''I saw him with a girl clinging on him earlier and I think they are still on G's unit now.'' I said

They all looked surprise like they don't have any idea that G has girlfriend.
''Really? Wow. Thats a miracle then'' Brix said while drinking his beer.
''Why? Is that so unusually that he has bringing a girlfriend with him on his unit?'' I asked again.

''Hmm. Yes coz G don't have a thing with relationship before,like there is so many girl that ready to do everything just to make him notice them but he don't take a single glance on them. So its a miracle that he bring a girl on his condo.'' Kent said.

''Duke call him tell him to join us.'' Dew said.

I was about to protest but I refrain to it and just drink my beer. Im praying that he will not pick up his call.
I chug up the whole can of my beer while looking around the people that having the time of their life.
I keep thinking about God and his girlfriend,they look so happy. G's smile while having a conversation with her is so genuine.
On the 3days trip that I spent with him I did not saw him smile like that to his friends.
He rarely talk. And when he talk he is too serious. He doesn't smile like his smile when he is on his girlfriend.
I must be crazy for feeling this way towards him. I chug up straight my beer and opened another one.

''Whoooa! Slow down Blue,You are not used to drinking.'' Hyper said while holding my hand with a beer.

''I just wanna drink. You bring me here so I'll get drunk.'' I answered him while the whole gang is looking at me like they sense that something is wrong.


Duke called me and I looked at him..Duke is like our Big brother...And I already accept them as one of my friend..I'm an Introvert and having someone that liked you to be their friend is a plus although I don't really want to mingle with people but now that God is messing up my head I think I need someone to be with just to share some bottle of beer. Am not gonna tell them what the problem is..They are friend with G and I don't want him to know about me being miserable just because I like him.
And he has a girlfriend so I just wanna deal my own problem and get over it.

''Blue?'' Hyper tapped my shoulder so I looked at him..My eyes is started to get blurry.
''Duke is asking what's wrong? Are you okay?'' Hyper asked me.

I just shake my shoulder and drink my beer.
''Don't worry about me guys. I just want to have fun.'' I answered looking at the can of beer.

Hyper patted my back. After an hour I decided to get back at my unit.
''I wanna go now,'' I told them.
''Its too early to go back Blue,let's drink some more.'' Hyper hold my arms. Dew,Brix,and Kent is on the dance floor dancing while flirting with some girls. And Duke leave us to check the other custumers.

''JUst told them that I already left,I'll just take a taxi. Have fun.'' I told him get up to my sit. I felt a little bit dizzy so I slump back at my sit while running a hand on my nape.

''Are you okay Blue?'' HYper asked me.

''Hmm..just a little bit dizzy. '' I answered while my eyes keep closed. I need to go back to my place now. My head is gonna explode if I stay more and it causes my headache,the music is on blast. I tried to get up and luckily I managed to walked myself on the door.
I called a taxi and get inside. I lay my head at the back and tried to get a nap. But everytime I closed my eyes its more horrible. G's face is stock inside my head.

''Nong, we're here'' the driver called me. I get off the car and handed him the bills.
''Here Phi..Thank you'' I walked straight to the elevator and luckily it did not take long to open. I walked inside and push the button of my floor and lean to the other side of the other side to get my balance.

Finally it stops n my floor. My headache is getting worst that I wanna throw up. I rushed to my door and swipe my key card and enter and go straight to my bathroom.
After I take a shower I went straight to bed. This is the reason why I didn't want to get drunk I hate the results.

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