
By nikki13088

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This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 18

703 25 28
By nikki13088

McGonagall, Arthur, Molly, and Narcissa were sitting at the small diner around noonish waiting for the others to meet them. Molly had spotted a craft store across the way and knew she could've used some more yarn.

"I might as well go run across the street and grab some things while we wait for the kids," she said getting up.

"Oh, um... Molly, would you mind if I joined you?" Narcissa asked suddenly.

Molly looked at Arthur and McGonagall with a surprised expression, "Oh, of course, please do."

Narcissa gave her a small smile and made her way with Molly across the street. They walked in silence for a bit when Narcissa finally spoke.

"I... I just wanted to apologize for my behavior, I am grateful for all the Order is doing for me... and for Draco. I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with." she said sounding ashamed.

Molly was shocked at the words coming out of the blonde woman's mouth beside her.

"I could deal with you Mrs. Malfoy, but the way you treat your son... I won't stand by and watch that. As blind as you may be to it, Draco is a wonderful young man. He has saved not only my daughter's life but my husband's as well, you should be proud of him." she said not helping the anger that rose in her voice.

Narcissa nodded.

"You're right, after the final battle I was so grateful that my family was still alive. I wanted Draco to be safe and in those moments I didn't care about going against the Dark Lord... I just wanted Draco to be ok... " she trailed off.

"So why not now?"

Narcissa shook her head, "I don't know... when Lucius couldn't get passed his darkness and took his anger out on us, I just accepted that this was how my life would be... and now here we are in a world just as dangerous as when Voldemort was alive. I took the coward's way out and put distance between myself and the problem in fear of my life. I never thought Draco would go to the Order and be the man he is today. I guess I underestimated him and never gave him a chance." she said, wiping a stray tear that slid down her face.

"Narcissa... I know you're not a stupid woman, but surely you know that Lucius will kill you the next time he sees you. It doesn't matter what you do he's an evil man and he will take pity on nobody, not even his own son." Molly said in a pleading tone to make her see things differently.

"I know Molly, I don't know how to make up for all the wrong I've done and the hurtful things I said to my son... I don't think he'll ever forgive me."

"Just be Narcissa, not Narcissa Malfoy. You can only go forward from here... so baby steps." Molly smiled at her.

She nodded and then made their way into the craft store.


"There you lot are, where have you been its twelve-thirty, we said noon."Mrs. Weasley scolded the group of young adults piling into the diner.

"First off, blame Hermione, we left her at the bookstore and went to a few other stores and then went back to the bookstore and she was still undecided about which book she wanted." Ron complained.

"And you two?" she looked to Draco and Ginny.

"Uh, we went to a candy shop, and then met up with Harry and Luna at the antique shop." Ginny explained.

"Oh, and we went to the suit shop" Draco added with a bright smile, causing Ginny to stomp on his foot.

"Well, come on sit down, let's grab some lunch; let's see how good this Muggle food is." Mrs. Weasley said more to herself than anyone else.

Their lunch soon arrived and their conversation was as loud as it was back at the Burrow in the kitchen. They got a few stares from nearby customers, but they didn't seem to notice. Later the waitress came over with their check.

"Here ya go folks." she said, placing the bill down on the table. "Are you all heading to fair tonight?"

"The fair? What's that?" Ron asked.

"A fair... you know with rides and stuff... a carnival?" the waitress looked at him.

After Ron felt Hermione kick him under the table he quickly recovered. "Oh... uh, yeah of course," he said, giving Hermione a nasty look and rubbing his leg.

"Well anyway, you all should go, it will be great fun, almost the whole town will be there" she smiled and then walked away.

"So can we go?" Ginny asked.

"Go where?" Molly asked.

"To the fair."

McGonagall, Arthur, and Molly looked at each other.

"What do you think Minerva? Is it safe enough? That's a long time outside of the wards... and with not being able to use magic." Arthur said.

"Yes, it is... but... this area is so far from any Death Eater attacks. I think we will be ok."

"Think? We need to be certain." Molly added.

"Well, are we certain about anything these days?" Arthur said and then leaned in closer to the two women and whispered. "I think this will be good for them and us. We don't want to live in fear and we don't know how many more days like this we have left."

McGonagall gave a bright smile and then turned to them all. "Alright, we can go."


"What time do we need to meet again?" Ginny asked from the fitting room.

"We have about another half hour." Hermione called laying her head on Ron's lap on the couch they waited patiently on.

"Ok, here's another one!" Ginny called, flinging a shirt over the door and Draco grabbed it from her.

"How many shirts have you tried on now? This has got to be the tenth one and you only liked one of them so far," he said, hanging the shirt up on the rack behind him.

"Oh my god Draco, you of all people shouldn't even be talking." Ginny called out to him.

"Ginny, wasn't that the same shirt as the other one you tried on just in a different color?" Harry asked from another nearby chair.

"Exactly, it was a different color, it might've looked different Harry," she said sounding annoyed.

"Harry leave her be, it takes time to pick out the right clothes," Luna said, trying on a bright orange sweater with a huge flower sewed on the shoulder.

"Thank you Luna." Ginny called out to her.

"How is everything going over here?" The shopkeeper came over and said.

"Everything's fine, here put these away," Draco said, handing her a pile of clothes.

"Excuse me, Sir? Do I look like a maid?" the woman asked in a shocked tone.

"Uh, you work here don't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then what's the problem?"

"You folks must not be from around here," she stated.

"What does that mean lady?" Draco sneered at her.

"Well, just the way you're acting tells a lot about the kind of person you are," the lady said smugly.

"Why don't you do something useful and fuck off," Draco said through clenched teeth.

"HERMIONE PLEASE!" Ginny called out pleadingly.

"I'M ON IT!" she called back and got up from the couch and walked over to Draco and the woman.

"Please forgive his rudeness, he's not used to being around people," she smiled at the woman and Draco gave Hermione an angry look.

The rest of them laughed.

"Yeah, we usually keep him caged." Ron added.

"I WANT YOU LOT OUT OF MY SHOP... NOW!" the woman yelled angrily.

"DRACO!" Ginny called, walking out of the fitting room dressed in her normal clothes. "Can I not leave you on your own for more than five minutes?" she looked at him angrily.

"I didn't do anything, this woman is lazy and doesn't know how to do her job," he said taking the last shirt Ginny had tried on in her hand and throwing it at the lady.

"OK TIME TO GO!" Hermione said, pushing Draco towards the door.

"Sorry about that," Ginny whispered to the woman as they made their way out of the store.

Once they got out onto the street Ginny went up to Draco. "REALLY? I COULDN'T EVEN BUY MY SHIRT BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO ACT LIKE A DICK!" she yelled at him.

The rest of them were laughing and Ginny glared at them all. "DON'T YOU CONDONE HIS BEHAVIOR!"

Draco smirked at her and then pulled her into a one-armed hug. "Come on Ginny, you can just transfigure a pair of Ron's panties into a nice blouse." he teased, giving her a hard squeeze.

They all laughed and Ginny just rolled her eyes and then gave a small laugh also.


They met up with the others at the front gate to the carnival. Night time came and the weather was chilly, but still felt nice. It was a lot warmer in the area they were staying in now than at the Burrow. There hadn't been any snow since the first day they had arrived. Ginny's eyes went wide with awe at the scene before her. All the lights from the rides were lit up and seemed to have filled the night sky with such color; it was something quite amazing to Ginny. She never saw anything like it before; she felt a wave of excitement erupt from inside her like a giddy child. Draco watched the look on her face as she took in the crowd of people making their way past the ticket booth and as she listened to the different chitter chatter of the people around her. The conversation among the Muggles was so different compared to the serious ones she was used to having lately. Everyone was so carefree it seemed; not even aware of the threats that lurked outside of their small town.

"Here you go, dear," said the woman in the ticket booth, putting a paper bracelet around her wrist and then on Draco's.

They all made their way into the carnival and took in each ride. The Ferris wheel was the first thing that caught Ginny's eyes and then the screams of the people on other rides caught everyone's attention.

"People pay to be scared out of their minds and flipped about?" Draco asked taking in the scene.

"Oh wow, look at that one." Ginny pointed to a giant boat that was swinging back and forth until it was completely upside down.

"Uh, being that it's your first time at a carnival, maybe we should start small, like that Tilt-A-Whirl ride over there." Hermione pointed across the way.

They got in line and soon piled into the ride. Draco, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron were only able to fit in one together and the rest of them split up onto the others. McGonagall, Molly, Arthur, and Narcissa just watched from the side. The ride started off and it was nothing spectacular really. Draco then felt the ride give a quick, sharp turn causing him to grab the railing tighter. The ride soon picked up and every time it spun, he felt Ginny's hair hitting his face as it flew about. He looked at her and she had this giant smile on her face and he felt so peaceful at this moment just watching her. He was so lucky to be here with her, every time he thought there was no way he could love her any more than he already did, he soon found out he was wrong. The ride slowly stopped and then they all got out.

"That was... interesting... was hoping for more of a rush," Ron said.

"Ok, let's go Ron, over to that one." Ginny pointed to the boat ride called Pharaoh's Fury.

"Uh," he stuttered.

"Come on," Ginny said, dragging him, followed by the rest of them.

They soon boarded the huge boat and sat all together. Draco didn't think he would feel nervous but when they put the bars over their shoulders, he'd be lying if he said some nerves didn't kick in. Ron was about freaking out and the ride didn't even start yet.

"Calm down mate, you look like you're about to cry." Harry laughed.

They laughed at him and Ginny reached over and grabbed Draco's hand. "Nervous Malfoy?" she teased.

"You wish, Weasley." he smirked at her.

The ride slowly started swinging back and forth; each time going a bit higher.

"I don't think they know what they all got themselves into." Arthur laughed watching the ride making its way higher and higher. Molly, McGonagall, and Narcissa shared a laugh along with him as the boat neared the top.

"HOLY SHIT!" Ron yelled as he was almost upside down.

"STOP BEING A BABY RON!" Ginny called from the row behind him.

The ride went completely upside down now and then stopped like that for a few seconds.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Draco mumbled out, causing Ginny to giggle at him.

The ride finally went back around and over again and then finally came to a standstill. Ron practically ran off the ride as if it might start up again before he could get out of his seat.

"Gosh Ronald I think your mouth is the only one I heard from down here," Mrs. Weasley said hugging her son.

"That was pretty cool... after it was over that is." Draco laughed.

"Then you should go on that one." Ginny said, pointing to a ride called The Zipper, "Unless you're too scared?" she provoked him.

"Why did you have to say that, you know now I'm going to go on it because you said that," he said with a nervous look on his face.

"I know," she laughed.

"Then you're going on it with me."

"I wish, but I'm not afraid to admit I'm a chicken. Besides my stomach is not agreeing with me right now, I'm trying not to hurl," she said rubbing her stomach.

"Alright, well who's going on with me?"

"We will," Luna said with Harry next to her.

"Well, we need one more it's only two to a seat," Draco said pointing to the ride.

Ron threw his hands up to indicate he was definitely not going on. Draco then had a huge smirk glide across his face and he walked over to Narcissa.


"Yes, Draco?" she looked at him curiously.

"Let's break the tension here and how about you come on that ride with me?" he smirked at her.

"You want me to go on that thing?" she pointed to the ride in front of them with a surprised look.

"Come on, I mean I think you owe it to me," he said sarcastically.

She felt Molly push her forward to go ahead. Narcissa looked at her son and everyone watching her to see her reaction. She soon let a grin form on her lips and she held out her hand for Draco to escort her to the ride. They climbed into the cage and buckled up and then a man came over to make sure their cage was properly closed.

"Scared Mother?" he teased her.

"Just a tad... Son." she said sarcastically.

Draco laughed at how tense she was.

"I guarantee you scream before I do," she said to him in a confident tone.

"We'll see," he laughed.

The ride started and the caged seat they sat in seemed to be the one that rocked the most as it flipped over and over and soon they were being thrown around so much they couldn't even make out what was top and what was bottom. Neither of them screamed, but a few curse words from Draco and few light squeals from Narcissa was enough for them to call a tie at the end of the ride. They both got out of the ride and everyone laughed at Draco and Narcissa's hair. Her perfect braided hair was falling out and hanging all over the place as Draco's was sticking up in all different directions.

They rode a few more rides and tried a few weird foods they never had before and then played a few games. Draco tried winning Ginny a big bear, but in the end, it was she who won it for him. George won about five goldfish that Mrs. Weasley's yelled at him for when he didn't stop at just winning one. They all headed to the last ride of the night, which is what Ginny was looking forward to the most... the Ferris wheel.

"Finally, I just couldn't ride those other rides, not after how my stomach turned after the boat one." Ginny smiled, taking Draco's hand as he helped her into the seat of the ride.

They sat and were being lifted higher and higher as they loaded more people onto the ride. Soon they were all the way at the top overlooking the whole town.

"I can't believe your mum went on that ride with you." Ginny laughed suddenly.

"Ha, I know, surprised me that she agreed," he said with a smile.

"I hope she's coming around," she said, taking Draco's hand in hers.

He looked down at their hands entwined, god, how did he get so lucky he thought. "Me too," he smiled at her.

"This day has been... amazing," she said with a huge smile looking at Draco.

"Yeah, it definitely has been," he said, smiling back at her. He went to lean over to kiss her and quickly grabbed the railing as the seat they were sitting in started to swing a bit. "Whoa"

They both laughed and then she met him the rest of the way and pressed her lips to his. He kissed her so gently but each one was filled with such passion and love. He stared into her bright honey eyes that held so much fire in them.

"I love you Ginny," he whispered against her lips.

She kissed him again before she whispered back, "I love you too, Draco."


By the time they all got home that night, it was a little after nine and they all fought over the bathrooms to shower first, even though there were three of them. Luna knocked on the bathroom door and was greeted with the sounds of Ginny throwing up.

"Ginny, you alright?" she called through the door.

After a few moments, Ginny opened the door. "Oh, hey Luna, sorry, remind me never to eat carnival food again," she said, squeezing some toothpaste on her toothbrush and brushing her teeth.

Luna giggled. "Maybe you have food poisoning."

"Gosh, I hope not," Ginny said, spitting out a glob of toothpaste.

"Or maybe you're pregnant." Luna joked before she walked away.

"Ha, very funny." Ginny laughed rinsing her mouth out. Her smile started to fade and Luna's words ran through her head again. She saw the color drain out of her face and she quickly shook her head. "No, definitely not, there's no way," she mumbled to herself; wiping her mouth off on a towel and left the bathroom.


The next morning Ginny woke up with little to no rest. Her mind was on one thing and one thing only at this point and she couldn't possibly talk to Draco about it. She didn't even go to his bedroom last night like she normally did. They were supposed to be practicing again this morning, but she planned on playing sick to try and get out of it until she had some answers. She started counting on her fingers to think back to her last period, but she couldn't remember with everything going on. She let out a frustrated groan and then made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She was surprised to find everyone up already.

"Morning Ginny, why aren't you dressed yet, you have practice in a few." Mrs. Weasley said, putting a plate of sausage and eggs down in front of her.

"Uh, I don't think I'm up to practice today... I'm just not feeling well," she said, pushing the food around on her plate with her fork.

Mrs. Weasley immediately walked over to her and felt her head and cheeks.

"Mum, please, I'm just not up to it today," she said, pushing her mum's hands away and getting up from the table. "I'm going to lay back down," she said, quickly making her way upstairs.

It wasn't long before she heard Draco running up behind her. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I told you, I'm not feeling good," she said, making her way into her room and sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, but I know you, Ginny Weasley, you wouldn't let that stop you from practice. You have been wanting to-"

"I SAID I DON'T FEEL UP TO IT!" she yelled.

He frowned at her sudden outburst and then walked up to her and knelt down in front of her. "Ginny, what's wrong?" he looked at her with worry in his eyes.

She was so confused right now, she wasn't going to bring something up if it didn't need to be. She let out a sigh and looked at him. "Nothing is wrong... honestly, I just didn't sleep well last night and I'm not feeling well."

He nodded, although, Ginny could tell he knew she was lying. He seemed a bit hurt by her behavior towards him and that she wouldn't confide in him. He quickly got up and left the room. As soon as he was out of the bedroom she threw herself back onto her pillow and let out a frustrated growl.


Ginny spent the whole first half of the day in her room and couldn't stand looking at the ceiling any longer. She threw on some clothes and made her way downstairs. She walked out to the dock where she saw Draco sitting and she took a seat beside him. He didn't say anything to her he just glanced at her and she gave him a small smile.

"Are you mad?" she asked suddenly.

"No... I mean, I guess not, I thought... I don't know; that you could share things with me." he said sounding frustrated.

"Why don't you believe me? Is it that hard to believe I'm not feeling well?" she asked defensively.

He turned to her with a stern look. "No, it's not Ginny, but you're a fighter, you know how important it is to practice and understand these powers. You wouldn't have sat out this practice because you're feeling under the weather." he said the last part in a mocking tone. "What's wrong?"

She quickly got up and started walking away.

"Ginny, wait," he said, getting up and grabbing her arm.

"No, come on, let's practice then," she said angrily.

"That's not what I meant, I... I... uh... " he closed his eyes for a moment to collect himself.

Ginny watched him struggling for words.

"I just meant-" he grabbed his head and fell to his knees suddenly.

"DRACO?" Ginny yelled to him. She saw his eyes turn over to that icy look; she had never seen his mind turn over so quickly and panic and fear started setting in."I'LL BE RIGHT BACK, LET ME GET SOME HELP!" she called running to the house.

She screamed for the others to get outside and she stopped running midfield when she started slipping and then fell backward. She turned to see a trail of ice that ran from Draco all the way to her and she quickly scrambled to try and get up. When she got to her feet, she saw a wall of ice circling around her getting ready to trap her inside with him. She ran as fast as she could to the porch before both sides of the wall met. She saw everyone running out of the house towards her.

"GINNY! GET OUT OF THERE!" Her mother screamed in fear.

Ginny used every last breath in her to keep up the speed. She turned to look back as she ran and she saw him making his way to her. She was almost there and just as she was about to make it out, the walls met and she almost ran right into it.

"NO!" she yelled, banging on the wall of ice.

She heard the others throwing spells at the wall to try and get through to her. She turned to see Draco standing before her suddenly. Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way out and she went to make a run for it when Draco grabbed her hair. She immediately felt it frosting over and she quickly threw herself backward into him, causing them both to fall to the ground. She rolled off of him and went to make a run for it when he grabbed her foot and she dropped to her hands and knees. As much as she hated to hurt Draco she brought her foot back and kicked him in the face causing him to release her ankle. She ran for her life towards the wall and suddenly she felt that heat fill her body and before she knew it, she was holding a ball of fire in her hand. She just stared in awe at it; something was different; she was seeing it and feeling it and aware of what was happening, but more than anything... she had control over it. She couldn't help smiling to herself and then quickly threw it at the wall of ice causing a big enough hole in it for her to escape. She ran through and collided into Harry, who quickly pulled her aside to safety.



They all turned to see Narcissa walking towards them.

"Miss Granger... may I?" she asked, gesturing to Hermione's wand.

They all looked at each other and Hermione nodded and handed her wand to Narcissa. She walked through into the circle of ice that Draco's powers had formed and seen him looking at her. His face covered in blood from the kick Ginny had given him. Her wand hand shook in fear as she approached him. His eyes completely iced over and a look of evil on his face. He threw out a bunch of sharp icicles that Narcissa quickly blocked. She had to get close enough to touch him in order to use the spell. She took her chance and ran up to him and went to grab his arm when he roughly grabbed her by the throat. He was pinning her to the ground and she felt ice forming on her neck. She frantically searched the ground for the wand she dropped and finally felt the very tip of it. She stretched her fingers as much as she could and she started scooting it closer into her grasp. She let out a muffled scream through the ice and then brought the wand up swiftly and yelled the spell out.


Draco quickly scrambled backward off of her and everything started spinning around him. He tried to stand, but he fell again. Everything became blurred and he saw through his clouded vision his mother breathing heavy; her eyes tightly shut as the pain of the curse ran through her body. He saw the others running towards them and then everything went black.


"Hey you."

Draco was starting to come around from the attack he had earlier when he heard the soothing voice call out to him. He knew that voice, but it sounded different, there was comfort behind it. He blinked a few times and then realized he was on the couch in the living room. He turned his head to the chair next to him and saw Narcissa sitting in it. He just looked at her and then sat up holding his head.

"How are you feeling?" she gently asked.

"Fine I guess... how long was I out?" he asked, noticing it was still daylight out.

"Only about an hour."

He looked at her again; she was so different from the woman he had known for so long. She gave him a small smile and then got up and sat beside him on the couch.

"I didn't mean to... " Draco started; indicating the bruise that had formed on her neck from where he grabbed her.

"I know," she said softly.

"Uh... thanks for... ya know."

She smiled at him and gave a small nod. He could see she was fighting to keep any emotion from coming out. She lifted her hand to his face and hovered over his cheek for a moment before she hesitantly caressed it. She ran her hand through his hair moving a piece that had fallen in his face and gave him a tearful smile.

"I'm glad you're alright Draco." she whispered and then quickly got up and left the room.

Draco touched the spot on his face where his mother's hand had been. He couldn't remember the last time his mother showed him any kind of affection. He was just about to get lost in his thoughts when Ginny came walking in.

"Oh good you're up," she said, taking a seat next to him.

"Oh, look who wants to talk now," he teased.

"I'm sorry about earlier ok, although, you did try to kill me earlier so I guess we're even." she smirked.

"Yeah... I guess," he said, looking away from her.

"Hey, I wasn't hurt, and I got a good kick to your face in." she laughed, touching the cut on his head that her mother healed earlier. "So don't beat yourself up over it," she said touching his hand.

He took his hand away from hers and got up from the couch in frustration. "That's not the point Ginny. Maybe not this time, but what about the next? I don't know how much more I can put up with this."

She didn't say anything; she just looked at him thoughtfully for a few moments. She suddenly got up and grabbed his hand and starting leading him to the backyard. "Come with me... I want to show you something."

He let her lead him to the back porch and she stopped. She went and took a seat on the porch swing and patted the spot next to her for him to join her. He didn't argue but was more intrigued at what it is she wanted to show him.

"Ok, so what is it you want to show me?" he asked looking around.

"This," she simply said.

She lifted her left hand and held out her palm and then she took her other hand and covered it. She left it there for a few moments and then she uncovered her palm to reveal a small ball of fire just gently burning slightly above her palm. Draco quickly got up from the swing and took a few steps back. He looked at Ginny and saw her smiling at the flame she created. He looked at her eyes and they were normal, they were those fiery brown honey ones he loved so much rather than the black orbs that normally came about. When he saw she was fine and smiling and above all, in control, he smiled too and sat back down next to her.

"Ginny... that's amazing," he said, looking at the flames in awe.

"I know, I figured it out earlier during the attack. It just suddenly came about. I was thinking that I needed a way to escape ... to live... and then it was there and now I just think about being in need of it and it seems to be working... well, at least I think that's what has been helping me control it." she explained.

"Can you do anything else?"

"Not yet, this is the only thing I can actually conjure up without exploding into a killing machine." she sighed.

"It's definitely a start though," he said brightly.

"Put it out," she said suddenly moving her hand closer to him.


"The flame... put it out," she said, nodding to her palm.

"I... I don't know how."

"Just try," she said, nodding for him to go for it.

He brought his hands up slowly to her palm and he placed both of them on each side of the small ball of fire that burned freely. He stared at the flames and he wasn't feeling anything different. He moved his hands closer to the fire and his hands started to burn. He winced and then quickly took his hands away.

"Why did you stop?" Ginny asked.

"What do you mean, why? Because it fuckin burns, that's why," he said in frustration.

"Exactly... put it out, make it stop burning you." she stared into his eyes and he nodded.

Draco brought his hands up again to each side of the flame and he let out a shaky breath. He moved his hands closer and again, he started feeling it scalding his hands. He took his hands away again and then closed his eyes to refocus. He opened them again and in a swift motion, he put his hands close to the flame and then it started to flicker. He closed in more on the flame with his hands and then he saw the bottom of the fire start to turn to ice and he looked at Ginny with a surprised smile on his face. He moved his hands up the rest of the way until the flames were frozen in place. Ginny took her hand away from under the now icy flames and it just hovered there for a moment before it fell to the floor and broke to pieces.

"You did it," she smiled brightly at him.

"I did it... I DID IT!" he shouted, grabbing her into a hug. "Let's do it again," he said with excitement.

Ginny laughed at his eagerness."We have to wait to get the all clear to practice from McGonagall, after the attack earlier; she is hoping no use of magic was picked up at the Ministry." Ginny explained.

"Oh... alright then. Now what?"

"DRACO... GINNY! CAN YOU BOTH COME IN HERE PLEASE?" Mrs. Weasley called from the kitchen.

"Well, that answers that." Ginny laughed, making her way inside followed by Draco.

They both made their way inside and were surprised to see everyone gathered in the kitchen, but also Kingsley was there as well as Neville Longbottom and Dean Thomas.

"Ginny... Draco, you both, of course, know Neville and Dean from school." McGonagall gestured towards the two boys.

"Oh... of course," Ginny said, giving Neville a quick hug.

"It's nice to see you again Ginny," Dean said, grabbing her into a tight hug.

Draco watched him hug her and how he so freely just put his hand on the small of her back. He wanted nothing more than to punch his face in. Draco took a seat with a sneer on his face and then his attention went to Kingsley when he started to speak.

"As you all know there is a mission coming up I need some of you for. Dean and Neville here are members of the Order as well and I think they will be valuable to this particular mission. I need everyone this time, but just the men; Molly you and the girls are better off here. I myself won't be going as I have to be at the Ministry and Arthur I'll need you with me this time. Bill and Charlie will also be going and I have Bill as the leader on this project. Any questions so far?"

"What exactly will we be doing sir?" Harry asked.

"There are a few higher ranked Death Eater camps about. They have what I believe to be valuable information to where Lucius will be. We have been back to Malfoy Manor numerous times and it remains empty. So the mission is to visit these camps, collect each camp leader's memories so I can go through them. I have about three camps so far I'm sure about and after you have infiltrated those camps you boys can come home. I'm sure there will be others afterward, but its best to start there. Also, Warren has a brother that is one of Lucius' right hand men, his name is Phillip Warren and he is just as dangerous as Lucius. You have been fortunate to not have faced such dark times around these parts yet, but I am positive it will come I'm afraid as the Death Eaters are moving more south it seems." Kingsley finished.

Kingsley noticed Molly getting a bit emotional. "Molly and Arthur... I can only imagine how hard it is to see your family out risking their lives and I am truly sorry that I need to ask for their help," he said grabbing her hand.

She wiped away a tear and patted his arm. "I know Kingsley, we knew what we signed up for and everyone here knows how important the Order is and what it stands for. As hard as it is we know what must be done." she sniffled.

"When are we leaving?" Harry asked.

"A little less than a week from now; that will give you all enough time to prepare and for me to finalize camp locations," Kingsley said.

"Sir?" Ron spoke up. They all turned to him as Ron took Hermione's hand and looked at her. "Hermione and I would like to be married before I leave if that's alright."

A giant smile stretched across his face, "Well, I guess we have a wedding to plan then."


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