Prophesied Love

By morgale147

726 27 42

The past is being repeated with Gwen and Arthur. The darkness is rising and they need all the help they can... More

Prophesied Love
Just Perfect
I'm So Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!
By Coincidence, I Think Not
Crystal Makes a Fool of Herself
I Fall For Arthur
Kat Dreams of A Crazy Witch(We All Knew It Would Happen)
I Get Attacked by My Boyfriend's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I See Avalon and Elvis
I Can't Believe I Kissed My Half-Brother
Arthur Proposes
I Get A Call From Morgana
The End(I Hope.)

Table For Two

25 1 0
By morgale147

I got off the bus and ran like I had munchkins on my heels. I than ran into my front door. SMACK! I pulled myself off the floor, well now my face hurts. What am I going to do when Adam kisses me? Stop him and say no, I'm sorry but my face still hurts from where my face slammed against a door. My mother opened a door.

"You know you didn't have to knock, or smack your face on the door." She said studying my red face.

"I'm sorry, can I please come in?" I pleaded, clamping my hands together. She smiled, and stepped aside. I ran up the stairs and into my room.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I chanted shifting through my closet. After half an hour of searching, I grabbed a grey sweater dress, leggings, and a pair of black boots. I put it all on in a rush then I tripped over a huge pile of clothes. My little sister Meredith came in.

"Why do you keep falling on your face? It makes you look stupid, not that you aren't." Meredith said.

"Get out!" I growled, throwing my pillow at her. She ducked and ran out of the room laughing. After I murder Holly I'll murder Meredith. I got up and brushed my hair, and applied lip gloss.

"Your boyfriend is here!" Hollered Meredith. I left my room and stepped into the living room. Adam took me in with wide eyes.

"Wow, you look wow." Adam said. I blushed crimson.

"Thanks, you look cu- I mean nice." I stammered.

"Um, let's go." Adam said, opening the door. We walked out into the chilly night air. He put an arm around me. When we reached the car, Adam opened my door for me. I stepped inside, than he shut the door. He ran over and opened his door. He pulled out of the driveway and we began to drive down the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked, tugging nervously at my skirt. We may have taken baths together as children but going on a date with a guy you used to bathe with is still nerve racking.

"The pizzeria, remember." Adam said, smiling a little.

"Er, yes right." I mumbled. He laughed as we pulled up in a parking spot at the pizzeria. He led me up and into the restaurant. Holly and Arthur sat at a table with a annoyed Kat and a nervous Gabriel.

"Hey guys over here!" Called Arthur, gesturing wildly. I grimaced, but Adam grinned and walked me over there. Kat looked her mouth making a O shape.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, trying to look calm and not a murderous psycho.

"We're having a study group." Gabriel said.

"Crystal and Lance are late." explained Kat.

"Why don't you guys sit with us?" Arthur said. He only wants us to sit here so he can ruin our date, I thought angrily. Crystal and Lance came in. Kat got up to get the pizza order. Gabriel hurried after her. They came back with three pepperoni pizzas.

"Sure that's enough?" I asked sarcastically.

"I told you to get more." Grumbled Kat filling her paper plate. I groaned and went to the bathroom. When I reached the hall I was turned around to face a pair of brown eyes. I felt such intense longing. That I couldn't think straight. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply. Arthur pulled me as close as possible and kissed me harder.

"What are you two doing?" Crystal exclaimed.

"It's get horny in here!" Chuckled Kat, I pulled apart from the kiss.

"It's not what it looks like!" I gushed.

"Really? Because it looks like you were trying to devour idiot's face." Kat said, with a touch of sarcasm.

"I was not!" I denied.

"Nope, your lips are all swollen. Like you've been making out, suspicious." Crystal said with a lot more sarcasm.

"Did you call me an idiot?" Asked Arthur.

"Gwen, he's slow too. Is he even a good kisser?" Kat groaned.

"I don't know why Gabriel likes you." Grumbled Arthur, Kat's face drained of color as she pushed into the bathroom.

"Great now you're new boyfriend upset Kat." Crystal cried storming in the bathroom behind Kat. Arthur reached toward me I stormed out before he touched me.

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