By yestarday0

33.2K 1.1K 203

Inanna was sent to the ground with the other 99 delinquents. While looking for her friend, she's kidnaped by... More

part one; lost and found
one; white empty room
two; run things
three; tent sharing
four; rescue services
five; jasper
six; hanging tree
seven; edge of the cliff
eight; charity project
nine; comeback
ten; feelings
eleven; fighting
twelve; real rescue services
thirteen; infernal maps
fourteen; friends
fifteen; it's a goodbye
seventeen; rippers
eighteen; frankenstien
nineteen; spacewalker
twenty; trip to memory land
twenty-one; best friends
twenty-two; wrong choices
twenty-three; minefield
twenty-four; sea creature
twenty-five; together
twenty-six; becca's wardrobe
twenty-seven; last tear
twenty-eight; fake commander
twenty-nine; price of life
thirty; less-enemies
thirty-one; city of light
thirty-two; stolen memories
thirty-three; end of the world, again
thirty-four; keryonjaka
thirty-five; arkadia
thirty-six; apologies
thirty-seven; cries and lies
thirty-eight; broken machine
thirty-nine; five years and earth apart
part two; game of survival
forty; half rations
forty-one; wonkru
forty-two; fighting pits
forty-three; dark year
forty-four; war
forty-five; worms
forty-six; secrets and natblida
forty-seven; ruler for the day
forty-eight; last chance
forty-nine; failure
fifty; no more charity project
fifty-one; guilty
fifty-two; it should have been me
fifty-three; cockroaches can swim
fifty-four; kinky and homicidal
fifty-five; primes

sixteen; wounded back

632 22 2
By yestarday0

"Yeah... he thought he was doing the right thing."

It had been two days since it happened. As soon as I told Delphia, she jumped at Finn, trying to kill him. Kane locked her up for a day, letting her go when they figured out I should get my back fucked up. He didn't forgive me for knocking his guards down, twice, and assaulting the spaghetti arm. Hypocrisy.

While Finn walked freely until they figure out what to do with him, I got lashed with the electric thing they carry around, nine times. It hurt like a bitch, my smug smile never leaving my face as everyone looked at me in shock. Apparently, Abby had got lashed ten times. Lucky me.

Since then, Kane had gone to the grounders trying to get them to be in peace with 'us' and Abby was the new Chancellor. Yey...

We were sitting at a table in the bar. Clark, Bellamy, Delphia, me, and my wounded fucking back. Clark and Delphi were telling us how to get inside of that shit hole.

"Ok, tell me again," Bellamy asks them.

"It's a labyrinth." Delphia breathes out and Clark looks at her.

"We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in." Clark explains pointing at the map on top of the table, and Delphia nods. Apparently, they are now friends or something, I haven't quite figured it out yet.

"Sure, if we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men." Bellamy keeps looking at the map.  "I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself." Bellamy breaths out and Delphi looks at me.

"You won't be by yourself," I tell him and Delphia nods, followed by Clark.

We saw the door to The Ark open, Finn was being probably forgave for his crimes inside.

"Guess the inquisition's over," Bellamy says when we see Finn and John coming out.

"I'm gonna go." Delphi gets up from my side touching my arm and I nod. Clark slightly smiles at her and she nods in reply, walking away as soon as Finn comes up.

"How's Finn doing, anyway?" Bellamy questions looking at Clark, who takes a deep breath.

"I haven't talked to him since we got back." She looks at her drink as I take a sip of mine. "I don't know what to say. He just kept shooting." 

"We're at war, Clarke. We've all done things." Bellamy says comprehensive.

"War is not an excuse for what he did, you both know where I stand in this." I breathe out, finishing my drink. "Plus, he probably got cleared while I got my back fucked for breaking an arm and knocking three people down."

"Shh..." Clark hits me from under the bed noticing he's walking in our direction.

"Hey." He greets us and I swallow hard, unable not to see Tiga's face every time I look at him.

"Hey." Bellamy greets back while Clark and I don't say a word. "Next round's on me." He gets up.

I feel the urge to follow and let Clark and Finn talk by themselves, but I notice by Clark's face that wasn't what she wanted, so I stayed.

"Mount Weather? What's the plan?" Finn asks looking at the map on top of the table.

"Still working on it." She breaths out and I see Murphy walking towards us.

We were taking things slow, way slower than he wanted to.

"Ah! Check it out. Salvaged Monty's still from the drop ship. Now, I guess, you know, if they could just salvage Monty, huh?" he jokes as soon as he approaches the table, sitting in the chair in front of mine.

The looked Clark gave him, made me chuckle, grabbing the cup he brought with him, and taking a sip of it, impatiently waiting for Bellamy to come back with my fucking drink.

"Easy. It was just a joke," Murphy mutters at her. "Ok. You, uh, tell them we were cleared?" He looks at Finn.

I look at Clark with a look that screamed, I told you so.

"No," Finn mutters.

"What?" John asks me noticing the look on my face.

"No offense but you massacred a village and get to walk around unpunished. I didn't do half of what you did, and I can barely walk straight." I look at Finn who looks away swallowing hard.

"We did what you had to do," Finn tells me and I give him a fake smile.

"Of course you did. I'm pretty sure, Tiga killed Clark, or tried to resist whatever the hell you were trying to do." I argue, trying my best to keep my cool. "His son too, you know, when I visited them one time the kid put a knife into my head, it took three men and an automatic rifle to stop him," I say sarcastically. "Kids this day, must be the radiation."

"I did what I had to do." He repeats looking at Clark who doesn't say anything. "I gotta go." He gets up and walks away, making Murphy whistle.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asks smirking and Clark rolls her eyes.

"Just because they pardoned you doesn't mean I have." She argues and I take a deep breath looking back seeing Raven.

"Clark," She calls. "Beat it, Murphy." She orders and I laugh as he gets up.

"I'm going to." I get up. "You okay?" I ask Raven before going, who nods.

I walk behind Murphy to the bar, taking the cup from his hands and finishing his drink. He looks at me smirking, making me smirk back.

"Fucking asshole," I groan looking back at Finn, who's walking probably without destiny. "I hope he falls."

"Yeah... he thought he was doing the right thing." He puts his hand on my waist but I flinch.

"Ow," I mutter, feeling the wounds on my back hurting again. "I can't believe he didn't got punished."

"If they punished him, they would have to punish me too." He raises his brows looking at me.

I roll my eyes taking a deep breath supporting my head on his shoulder for a moment.

"Delphia's fucking my head up. She wants to go on her own." I rub my eyes as I get off him. "Jesus fucking Christ," I mutter supporting my head on my hands.

"Yeah, I would rather be called John but Jesus fucking Christ is cool." He jokes hitting me with his elbow and I groan in response.

"I'm going to sleep. It's late and I'm tired." I say as I get up, slightly touching his shoulder before walking away to my bedroom.

As soon as I got in I see Delphia.

"We need to talk." She tells me.

"Can we do this tomorrow? I'm tired."

"Mount Weather's jamming the signal. I heard Clark and Raven." She explains. "They're going out tomorrow to blow the tower. I'm going to."

"Go be a hero, tiger," I mutter unable to even process the information she gave me. "Look, I need to sleep. Don't die tomorrow."

"You're not coming?"

"Delphi, my brain feels like minced meat, right now. I need to sleep." I say as I change to a white shirt that was laying around, and get in bed.

"You can sleep. It's in the morning." She keeps going and thankfully someone knocks on the door.

She opens it for me and I see Murphy on the other side making me thank god for making this woman leave my room and let me sleep.

"We'll talk in the morning. I'll come to tell you to get ready." Delphia says before walking out and I bury my head on my pillow groaning at her persistence.

"Someone please gag her. I swear to go I'll rip my ears out if this keeps going." I say, my voice muffled by the pillow.

John chuckles and sits on the free side of the bed, taking his shoes and shirt, laying beside me.

"If she wakes me up tomorrow I think I'll activate Finn mode and murder her," I argue again, this time the sound of my voice muffled by his chest as I lay my head on him.

"She's trying to save your friends." He tells me, carefully wrapping his arm around my waist.

"So am I." I turn groaning a little when my back hurts. "But I can't think if I have to spend half of my day making sure she didn't go on her own."


"No need to ask me twice." I lay comfortably on him, and as soon as I notice. I go out like a light.

* * *

I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. John's already awake when I turn around to face him.

"Did you sleep?" I ask him, my voice sounding like shit.

"Yeah, woke up with Delphia knocking on the door like a crazy person." He turns on his side. "She eventually left."

"Thank god." I breathe out, turning on my back, looking at the ceiling, and closing my eyes again. "Do you think we'll make it?"


"Do you think we'll be able to save them? The people in Mount Weather?" I ask again, this time looking at him.

"I... I don't know, Ina." He looks away from me and I take a deep breath. "We'll get through this, okay?"

"Inanna?" I hear Clark calling from the other side of the door.

I look at Murphy taking a deep breath before starting to get up. He pushes me back down and I groan in annoyance.

"Inanna, I know you're in there." She keeps talking. "With Murphy."

I roll my eyes getting and putting some pants on and go to the door, tying my hair up in a ponytail.

"Jaha's back." She says shortly and Murphy gets up immediately showing up without a shirt making Clark look away.

"What?" He asks, I look at him and he gets the message putting his shirt back on. "Don't need to look away, there's enough of me to go around." He smirks making me scoff playfully and Clark rolls her eyes at him.

"He came with a message from the Grounders. They're attacking."

"Fuck me," I mutter walking back into the room, to change.

Clark gets in with us and I change to a black shirt, putting on my boots, and my coat.

"I think he wants us to give up," Clark tells us.

"We won't, right?" I look at her and she doesn't answer making me walk past her towards where everyone was.

"...but to be safe... You need to pack. Now. Whatever you can carry. We may need to leave at a moment's notice." I see Jaha saying making me thigh my jaw.

"Where will we go?" Someone from the crowd asks.

"I don't know, is the answer. But I heard of a place. A City of Light. It's across the dead zone." He answers and I notice Clark joining us.

"What makes you think we'll make it there?" Someone else asks.

"Because we made it here. I have faith, and right now, given the alternative, that's good enough for me." Jaha keeps saying.

"Not for us." Clark steps forward. "If we leave here, what happens to our people in Mount Weather?"

"As your mother said... that is a very difficult decision to make."

"It must be for you since you would float people all the time up there, but this is not The Ark. This is Earth, and our people are in there." I speak out as well. "You know what Clark and Delphia said about what goes on inside that walls. It's everything but a difficult decision."

"The time has come for each and every one of us to ask: Is this how the story of our people ends? Did we come all this way just to die tomorrow? Because if we're not gone by the time that sun rises, that is exactly what will happen." Jaha tries to summon the crowd.

"No decision's been made. In the meantime, please report to your station supervisor and gather emergency supplies." Abby speaks out making me nod in denial walking away.

"I can't believe this shit. Please tell me you're doing something about this." I ask Clark who swallows hard before walking towards The Ark.

Suddenly, I feel someone's grip on my wrist and I turn around, noticing that was Bellamy, who had grabbed Clarke as well.

"Hey, where have you been?" She asks him confused.

"In the dropship. You need to come back with me right now." Bellamy looks between the two of us. He looked anxious.

"Why? What the hell happened?" I ask as confused as Clarke.

"I'll explain on the way." He finally lets go of our wrists. "Bring a med kit. Meet me at Raven's gate."

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