Rise of the Death Eaters [3]

By wintergirl08

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Book 3: Voldemort has returned and with him, new challenges for Ava to face. Her parents make an uncalled for... More

"Trailer" and Playlist
Chapter 1: Summertime
Chapter 2: Socialites and Horseback Riding
Chapter 3: It-Girl for Dummies
Chapter 4: The Spencer Clan
Chapter 5: Gloomy Mood
Chapter 6: Last Days of Summer
Chapter 7: My Return
Chapter 8: Umbridge
Chapter 9: Passwords and Potions
Chapter 10: Ava on Limited Sleep
Chapter 11: Competition
Chapter 12: Library Deals
Chapter 13: School Girl Crush
Chapter 14: A Weekend
Chapter 15: Tension
Chapter 16: Electric
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Cattiness vs A Truth
Chapter 19: Hog's Head
Chapter 20: A Secret No Longer
Chapter 21: Rumors in Troves
Chapter 22: A Heart to Heart
Chapter 23: A New Normal
Chapter 24: The First Meeting
Chapter 25: The D.A.
Chapter 26: Weasley is Our King
Chapter 27: Jinxes and Chocolate
Chapter 28: Polaris
Chapter 30: The Christmas Season
Chapter 31: A Classic Family Holiday
Chapter 32: Christmas in Paris
Chapter 33: Mixed Signals
Chapter 34: Where my Loyalties Lie
Chapter 35: Resolutions
Chapter 36: Blood Lines
Chapter 37: Schmooze 101
Chapter 38: V-Day
Chapter 39: Eat Your Words
Chapter 40: Who has the Power?
Chapter 41: The Club Facade
Chapter 42: Faire Confiance
Chapter 43: Tea and Migraines
Chapter 44: My Patronus
Chapter 45: A Word with Dumbledore
Chapter 46: I Must Not Tell Lies
Chapter 47: Let's be Honest
Chapter 48: Repercussions
Chapter 49: Easy Pray
Chapter 50: Gaslighting
Chapter 51: Dolores vs Emmeline
Chapter 52: OWL season
Chapter 53: The Ring
Chapter 54: We Fly of Course
Chapter 55: The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 56: I am my Father's Daughter
Chapter 57: Safe, not Sound
Chapter 58: A True Confrontation
Chapter 59: Into the Unknown
Chapter 60: Old Money Fancies
Chapter 61: A Simple Dress Fitting
Chapter 62: The Crème de la Crème
Chapter 63: The American Dream
Chapter 64: American Politics
Chapter 65: Another Damn Ball
Chapter 66: Walking the Line
Chapter 67: Back Onboard
Chapter 68: Schemes and Counter Schemes
Chapter 69: Fifth Year Going Strong
Chapter 70: Potions Darling
Chapter 71: The Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter 72: A Change in the Air
Chapter 73: Moving Pieces

Chapter 29: Views of December

141 7 2
By wintergirl08

While Hogwarts bustled with its student life as the Christmas holiday drew near, across the pond up in Belcourt Estates, Emmeline Fountaine sat nursing an untouched cup of green tea in one hand while brooding at her figure in the mirror over the fireplace in her study. The house was thankfully empty as Darious had decided to reside in London with his newfound coworkers for the thanksgiving season.

This left Emmeline with various invitations to submit to alone and eat mountains of food that her French stomach still screamed over.

Even with her gifted genetics, age and being a mother had thrown a wrench in her figure- especially her lower stomach, which she stared at with increasing scrutiny. Why hadn't anyone warned her of the dangers of having daughters with similar looks? It always leads to the mother growing jealous of her daughter's youth.

I see it every day in Newport. Even in London and especially in Paris. Parisians do it best. They hide their daughters in glamorous price tags at the surface as an act to seem loving. But those with an eye for fashion can see that behind those price tags were clothes that didn't fit their body shapes. Colors that were poor on their skin tones. Blanket coverage them to dull their shine.

The only women I've noticed who haven't tried to hide their daughters away were the Italians. In particular, I think to one of the witches I had met in New York last summer. Eva Bianchi was from a mafia family overflowing with money and privilege. And she was drop dead gorgeous.

How a woman like Eva could stay so petite and prime in her 50's while eating mountains of pasta a week and not having kankles haunted my dreams.

The only reason why she didn't hide her daughter was because she wasn't threatened by youth. She was prettier than her daughter and age wouldn't change that.

As for Ava, well, she always looked more like my sister, Améline. Jealousy was the least of my concerns when it came to my daughter. But that shine of youth that made girls pretty was what I envied.

The sound of the grandfather clock in the hall rang a reminder of the time. 45 past. Clara would be here soon and I haven't even opened my mail.

I turned from the fireplace that was clicking away softly and sat down at my desk, placing my untouched tea back next to its matching teapot. The look of that periwinkle china made me crave earl grey badly. But no- thanks to that damn Wizard's Post article about the con's of coffee and the benefits of green tea, all the ladies at my luncheons wanted green tea now.

And as hostess I had to follow along, no matter how disgusting I found the substance.

I took out my wand and with a tap, each of the four envelopes waiting for me opened and their letters came out and folded elegantly outside their wrappings. I took the first two letters that were business related and scanned them quickly, writing brief notes about what I wanted down with WBE's newest showcase next month on a pad before setting them aside for later. The third letter was from the Debutante institute in New York. While the board had been grateful to have received a reply from me in regards to my son Theo's interest to be part of the incoming Ball, the board had decided to regain their original decision to keep Theo out of Ball entirely.

I was fuming from the news. More so because Darious had warned me this would be the prospect following Theo's pyromaniac episode. Once news spread on that accident, there was little helping that boy in society on the east coast. But what really sent my blood running was their final sentence, wishing our family well and promising a seat for the youngest of my children, Ava, who's cover on Witch Weekly was "elegance itself".

I flicked my wand a little too aggressively from the wrist, sending my writing paper flying at my face, which I dodged, and then subsequently sent the unwanted green tea flying off my desk. I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment before taking out another leaf of letter paper by hand.

My response was both swift and sharp. I had no doubt my point came across plainly about what I thought of their proposal.

A Debutante without my son does not deserve the likes of my daughter, whether elegant or otherwise. I will send my business elsewhere.

I then grabbed a blank letter head and address the European Debutante board director; a personal friend from my young days in Prague.

After both letters had been completed, I turned to the last letter waiting for me to open. This one had been delivered by no-maj methods, as seen by the postage stamp of the corner. I didn't find this odd, however, as I was proud of my correspondence from both worlds. It's what made my net of contacts so large.

All my glee from my last letter quickly drained as I read down. It was from Katie Vanderbilt. Damion's fiancée. Her parents had invited Darious and I to dinner in New York at my earliest convenience to celebrate the soon to be joined families.

"We look forward to the pleasure of your company."

That sentence sent my hair on end. Such a phrase was less a polite thing and more of a summon. We expect you to come because who wouldn't come to the Vanderbilt's? Who would say no to an invitation from us?

No. For all I knew that was not what they meant. Though it was hard to believe otherwise. Every time I used that phrase at the end of my letters it was with that intent precisely. I can't say I've ever been on the responding end of such a summons.

I stood up quickly with the letter in hand and began to pace around my office while my mind wondered.

Even as a witch I knew of the Vanderbilt family. They were the name of wealth in no-maj society. And with plenty of history to back them up. A portion of New York once belonged to them. Not anymore necessarily, but still.

The prospect was still there.

What really bothered me was how Damion had to choose a no-maj. A girl with no magic to speak of. It would be one thing if she was just the first in her family to have magic, but no. Should they have children I have a 1-4 chance of getting a squib for a grandchild. Newport would just love to hear about that. What a thing to tell my mother.

Not exactly a well sought after marriage after all, right Mamen?

If she were to still be alive she would never acknowledge the child. She probably would expect me to do the same but I don't have stone for a heart like my mother. Not in that way. A child is a child.

But do I go? My gaze looked at the letter again as I halted in the middle of the room. There was no way Darious would enter the Vanderbilt residence. He would see them as below him. I'm sure in the end, Damion has heard more of an earful about Katie from his father than from me. Those newfound friends of my husband's in London would have a little to say about this union too, no doubt.

I wonder if Narcissa has caught on to the news yet. She's definitely noticed my distance from her recently. Her letters have become fewer but with just as many assumptions between the lines. If I didn't dislike her husband so much maybe I would give her my two cents. But her husband rules her with an iron fist. Her thoughts are no matter to his.

The chime of the clock came again followed by the quick steps of heels on marble as Clara, always on time, made her way through the entrance hall and to the door on my study.

She barely made a sound as she entered, stopping short by my desk to see the spilled mess of green tea all over my cream-colored rug.

"I'll send the house elves in immediately," she said as I turned around to look at her.

"Send those letters while you're at it, Clara," I declared as she turned to go. "They need to be on their owners' desks by the end of lunch."

"And the one in your hand?"

I looked to Katie's letter a moment longer before tossing it in the fire.

"It's not worth your time, Clara. Just the two please." I let my silence be her signal to leave. I watched the last of the letter burn to a crisp while I let out another sigh, this time of relief.

Vanderbilt or otherwise, they were in the end no-maj and that left them at the bottom of the heap.

Back at Hogwarts, Ava was stuck once again in another meeting with Umbridge and a cup of sugar torture.

"You look tired, dear," Umbridge's sickly sweet voice cut me from my reading. She had given me material to look over while she mixed our tea.

"I hope your coursework hasn't been too stressful." If I didn't know better, I'd think she was trying to trip me up over something. I gave her a weak smile above the papers.

"Nothing I can't handle, Professor." She eyed me curiously before returning to that smile of hers as she handed me my cup.

"Professor Snape has told me you have been doing very well for your level. I see you've heeded my advice in seeking out a tutor for the topic. Draco Malfoy is the best in that class, I hear."

I had a feeling she was curious about us. Was this her way of nagging? And all this time I thought she was searching for clues about the DA. I smiled and looked up at her again.

"Your father will be happy to hear of this news, I'm sure."

"As will my mother," I added automatically. There was a moment where we both looked at the other in a clipped silence before Umbridge responded.

"Of course."

Draco was waiting outside Umbridge's classroom with Nott by his side. I knew Nott had weekly visits with Umbridge like I, but I've never seen Draco in line before. He saw me coming down the stairs from Umbridge's office and smiled ruefully in my direction. Nott moved off the wall and grabbed his bag as I came closer.

"What do you reckon she's going to torture me with this time?" Nott asked to his friend as I slowed down in front of them.

"Torture you? I wouldn't dare," I said in a comical voice, that had Nott round on me with a downcast brow. I saw the laughter behind his eyes though.

"It's like you're asking me to make a dirty joke."

"Give that a try in front of me and see what happens," Draco said, with a kick to his friend's shin. Nott chuckled as he tripped forward and I dodged.

"But to answer your first question honestly," I continued, catching Draco's warning gaze, "Umbridge had been in a bit of a mood. If it's anything like my visit, expect sexist remarks about your parents and unwanted questions about your love life."

"Sounds like a fun time," Nott said, eyeing the stairs with distaste. "I'd just wish she'd get to it already. We all know she's up to something."

"Ask her," Draco said with nod to her office. "If she doesn't do anything now, she will at the start of next term."

Nott shrugged at the idea but he was done milling around and so left us with his usual nonchalant wave and saunter toward the stairs, leaving me to turn on Draco.

"You're talking about her supposed Prefects with bonuses positions, right?" He nodded with a slow growing smile as he pulled me towards him by my waist.

"That and other things." I let him kiss me before dodging another to ask the obvious.

"What are you leaving out this time?" I let my arms dangle around his neck as he drew back with a frown.

"You know I can't tell you what your father leaves out in his letters-"

"And you know the only reason why I'm dating you is tell me what my father fails to mention in those non-existent letters," I said with a laugh as I tugged at his collar affectionately. "Please."

He flicked me on my cheek playfully making me let go of him and rub my face ruefully.

"Not here. I'll tell you in the common room."

"You promise?" I asked, watching him. He gave me a cocky smile before grabbing one of my hands in his and dragging me toward him. He kissed me again before adding, "I promise."

We started on the same walk back to the stairs while he brought me up to date on his news about his holiday plans.

"My mother wants to host another Christmas party but says she hasn't heard from many people in response. Your mother included."

"My mother has been busy. Besides she's already told us we are spending part of Christmas with my grand'mère in Paris this year."

"Brilliant," Draco mused in a tone that said anything but that. "I was looking forward to seeing you over break."

"Like you don't see me enough during the school year," I rebuffed, tugging on his arm teasingly. He still didn't look pleased so I paused in the stairwell to kiss him on tippy-toe.

A trio of Hufflepuffs were walking past and, catching sight of the PDA, raced on by making me laugh. Draco was looking at me bemused.

"What did Umbridge put in your tea?"

"Way too much sugar," I said with a Cheshire grin that transferred to his face. "Frankly I want to throw it at her, but don't worry," I added, catching his gaze, "I have restrained myself thus far. If only I had a way to avoid drinking that stuff."

"Have you considered spilling the drink as an accident?"

"She always makes me a new glass."

"Well then what about offering to make the tea yourself?"

"Oh great, the last thing I need is to start having tea parties with that hideous troll-"

We had just descended the stairs when Pansy followed by Tracey, Daphne, and Astoria came up the opposite side of the stairs started towards the door leading out onto the main hall.

It was just a moment but Pansy turned just quickly enough for us to make eye contact before she rushed off with her friends in tow; almost slamming the door on us hadn't Draco been there to catch it.

He frowned at her retreating profile before turning to me with a questionable stare. Laughter bubbled up in me before I answered simply with, "I told you. She's hell bent on killing me one of these days."

"Like you don't deserve it."

"Like she could," I said with a sly smile before leading him on through the door and out into the new hall.

"I was wondering if you'd do something for me before the term ends," Draco started as we walked the hall toward the library. I waited for him to go on.

"Montague wants photos of the team in action. I thought you'd have some fun with it."

"You want me to take photos of you, is that it?" I rephrased the question with another growing smile. Draco shook his head quickly before repeating that it was Montegue's idea.

"If you insist. I will happily take photos of my boyfriend. I might even send them over to your mum as a Christmas present-"

"Careful. The moment you start sending our Christmas presents to my family, the sooner their figure out something is happening between us." I shot him a look of disbelief.

"You mean to tell me you still haven't told your mother? I find that hard to believe."

"Why?" He asked, matching step with me. "Afraid I wouldn't be able to keep you as a dirty little secret."

"Okay first off, don't ever call me that again," I said with a laugh as I pointed at him in warning, "and second, I feel like you'd gloat about having me as your girlfriend. Though I'm sure there's not much more I can do for your inflated ego."

"I can say the same about you and your ever-growing temper but then again I don't know how dating you can fix that." It was my turn to flicked him on the face, before racing down the fall before he could catch me.

Across from Ava and Draco, stood the courtyard where students who didn't mind being in the snow, milled around in groups. Some sat by the walls with their school books out, warmed by their mittens and scarves while others gossiped in tight nit groups. The younger students were rolling snowballs that seemed too small for much damage but were made non-the-less.

Amongst the masses stood Pansy fuming while surrounded by her friends. Her eyes tracked Ava and Draco as they chased each other past the entrance to the courtyard. To the library no doubt, she thought.

"Did you ever think that it was best to just give-up on him, Pansy?" Daphne asked gently. She had her hands tucked under her arms to keep the cold from turning her fingers blue. Tracey nodded along while jumping back and forth to keep her legs from shaking. She didn't understand why Pansy chose to stop in the only courtyard in the middle of December.

Tracey couldn't stand the cold.

Astoria on the other hand, watched the scene of the two without comment nor complaint about the weather. Tracey never understood what that girl was thinking but Daphne just had to keep her sister around.

"You don't get it," Pansy snapped just as Draco grabbed Ava and pulled her back towards him.

"Ava's too different for Draco. It's only a matter a time before she does something stupid with her blood traitor friends and when that happens, Draco will leave her."

Their laughter echoed in the halls making some of the other students around us turn in their direction before returning to the conversations.

"And you really think he will come back to you?" Tracey responded with absolute doubt written all over her face. Pansy was used to her friend's bluntness so she didn't feel phased by the undertones of the statement.

"Why wouldn't he? He and I are the most alike. Not to mention I will be able to tell him I saw all this coming from the beginning."

"Well it's not like he was ever like this with you," Tracey nodded to the pair. "The few times you were supposedly together was in private." Pansy rounded on her friend immediately.

"What do you mean by supposedly? Is there something you'd like to share Tracey?"

"I just don't think they will break up anytime soon," Daphne said to vacant ears. "They look happy."

Pansy watched as Tracey, who's gaze had turned downcast, nodded along meekly. Only Astoria seemed to look at me directly and with little interest in whether I would intimidate her. She almost seemed bored. There was something about that girl that just didn't seem right.

"Trust me," Pansy said turning away from her friends to watch Draco open the door of the library for Ava. 

"If there's one thing I know, it's that they are not going to last."

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