Albus Potter, Friends and Foes

Galing kay JetLaBarge

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The third of the Albus Potter books, this book will cover Albus and the gang through their fourth and fifth y... Higit pa

Ch 1 Another New Year
Ch 2 The Capture
Ch 3 The Escape
Ch 4 Waking Up
Ch 5 Finally Better
Ch 6 Post Mature Marriages
Ch 7 Not Much of a Christmas
Ch 8 Problems with Professors
Ch 9 Maria Guadalupe (Lupin?)
Ch 10 An Awkward Easter with Cassiopeia
Ch 11 Back from Easter Break
Ch 12 A Somewhat Normal Start to Summer Vacation
Ch 13 Guests Arrive, and Leave
Ch 14 Slow Dancing
Ch 16 Rose, Scorpius, and the Malfoy Family
Ch17 The Many Descendants of the High Elves
Ch 18 Behind Closed Doors
Ch 19 Wands and Mates
Ch 20 An Unhappy Mother
Ch 21 Another Opening Ball
Ch 22 The Centaurs of Switzerland
Ch 23 The 2021 ICWW
Ch 24 Another Closing Ball
Ch 25 Back to the Chamber
Ch 26 Summer Vacation
Ch 27 An Almost Normal Start to the School Year
Ch 28 Teddy Escapes
Ch 29 And Baby Makes Three
Ch 30 Going Home
Ch 31 A Difficult Start to the Christmas Break
Ch 32 Problems with Charlie's Funeral
Ch 33 A Vacation after Christmas
Ch 34 An Unexpected Guest
Ch 35 The Rest of the Vacation
Ch 36 Meanwhile, Back in England
Ch 37 Back to School
Ch 38 The plural of Animagus is Trouble
Ch 39 Ordinary Wizarding Levels
Ch 40 A Tense ICWW
Ch 41 Venus Lupin
Ch 42 Premonitions
Ch 43 Magical Handcuffs

Ch15 The Confrontation at Malfoy Manor

28 3 0
Galing kay JetLaBarge

Thursday was a quiet day, with Rose and Scorpius being a rather conventional Rose and Scorpius, only with more giggling and touching.

Friday morning the furious Howler arrived from Scorpius's father. "Scorpius, you come home this instant!"

"Do you want me to come with you?" Rose wondered.

"Yes, please. Might as well get the drama over with all at once," Scorpius suggested.

"Do you need any help?" Albus wondered.

"We need to do this together, alone," Scorpius replied, looking at Rose.

Rose sighed, looking at Scorpius with a lovesick puppy dog look. Her face and bearing changed to become apprehensive; this was not going to be easy.

The couple took the Floo to Malfoy Manor together.

The whole household was waiting for them. Draco took one look at the couple and yelled, "Granger! What is that half-Muggle spawn of a Granger and a Weasley doing here?"

Rose turned to Scorpius and assumed the "Slow Dancing" hug, turned up to him and kissed him hard, and then turned back to Mr. Malfoy and told him, "I am here with my first and only serious boyfriend." She then stuck her tongue out at Mr. Malfoy.

This was so unlike the Rose that Narcissa Malfoy knew that she laughed out loud, and sat down, shocked. What a drastic change, Narcissa thought, she hoped for the better. She liked Rose!

"You cannot be serious, Scorpius," Draco gasped.

"I was never serious about... anyone else, but I've never been more serious, father," Scorpius replied. "Rose Granger-Weasley has been my best friend since we started Hogwarts. We have the best marks together, and we just enjoy each other's company.

"I am going to show Rose the house, and we can have lunch together. Then we are going back to join the Granger-Weasley family, and I am going to the International Conference of Witches and Wizards with Rose."

"You do not decide that!" Draco insisted, a look of total shock and frustration in his face and bearing.

Scorpius put his hands on his hips and stared defiantly at his father. "Do you want me to publicly petition the Ministry to release me from my obligations to my nasty father and totally unloving mother in favor of the one person in this household who loves me, father? The Domestic Affairs Department has already dealt with this family once."

Scorpius turned away from his father, and in a much more pleasant tone continued, "Thank you, Grandmother Malfoy, for loving me. Great-Grandmother Black, you too. Could you please accept Rose?"

Great-grandmother Black looked down at her feet, not wanting to meet her great-grandson's eyes. Accepting a half Muggle was against everything she was raised to believe as a Black, but ...

Scorpius added, more quietly but with a voice full of confidence, "Not only would you be fighting the most powerful people in the ministry, father, but need I remind you I am a bloody hero after killing those basilisks."

Draco sat there sputtering.

"What happened to Cassiopeia Starkey?" Grandmother Black wondered.

"We caught her mostly undressed in bed with Percival Frobisher," Rose proclaimed.

"She was close to losing her virginity, if she has not already lost it," Scorpius added. "Not with me, although she made it clear she would let me. That is not the type of witch I want to marry!"

It looked like no one else was going to say anything, so Scorpius grabbed Rose's hand and left. Scorpius proceeded to show Rose Malfoy Manor, as they went through the house hand in hand, talking and occasionally giggling. Rose could not help it; redecorating Malfoy Manor would be like a dream come true.

When it was time for lunch Draco came out of his office smelling of too much to drink. He plopped down at one end of the formal dining room table, scowling. Astoria had assumed her 'I am above all this drama' snotty look. Great-grandmother Malfoy was furious.

Great-grandmother Black was looking at Scorpius and Rose with a questioning look, like she was thinking of more than just this one couple. She and Narcissa exchanged looks often.

A grinning Narcissa Malfoy stated, "Welcome to Malfoy Manor, Rose."

"Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy," Rose politely replied. "You have a beautiful house."

"Scorpius says you have a talent for house decorating, Rose," Narcissa continued. "I do think this house needs a rather large amount of redecorating."

"It needs to be more child friendly if Scorpius and I are going to fill this house with happy Part-Muggle children," Rose giggled.

Scorpius grinned so broadly that his face almost glowed.

Draco, who had been sipping a glass of water, spit it all over, and glared at Scorpius and Rose. One of the Elves quickly cleaned up the mess.

Narcissa was obviously enjoying the conversation.

Draco looked like he was going to yell again, but Narcissa silenced her son with a fierce look.

Scorpius turned the conversation towards the scrolls they had been looking at, dealing with Goblins and wands, and no more was said about Scorpius staying at Malfoy Manor.

Shortly after lunch Scorpius and Rose took the Floo back to Potter's New Burrow.

Dinner was a little early that evening, so Ron could go back to work. As long as she could have her family over Molly had no problem working around Ron's retail schedule, or the at times chaotic schedules of the other family members.

"How was your meeting at Malfoy Manor, Scorpius, Rose," a grinning Ron wondered. "All full of sweetness and light?"

"Mr. Malfoy was so upset he spit up all over the table," Rose giggled. "Scorpius reminded him that he, Scorpius, was a hero because of killing the basilisks."

"That was not what made him so upset that he spit all over the table," Scorpius warily suggested.

Rose giggled. She sighed. This whole Scorpius being her boyfriend had gone much quicker than she expected it would. Had she really just fallen in love? She looked at Scorpius and cautiously admitted, "I said we would need to make Malfoy Manor more child friendly for Scorpius and my part Muggle children."

Harry volunteered, "I'm surprised Draco didn't wet his pants."

Ginny laughed out loud, "How do you know he didn't?"

"How did the rest of the family react?" Hermione wondered, grinning herself.

"You don't mind?" Rose asked her mother.

"I hope there is not a marriage or grandchildren any time soon, but it is not an unpleasant future," Hermione thought.

"I think my grandmother Malfoy was all on our side," Scorpius volunteered.

"She is," Molly confirmed. "She was over here briefly late this afternoon."

"Mum just hates everybody, so I am not sure if it made any difference to her," Scorpius suggested.

"I think great-grandmother Malfoy is upset because she is the most insistent that Cleo and I marry because somehow she thinks that it will free grandfather Malfoy. She seems loyal to the Pure Blood Malfoy myth, but not really loving to anyone but her son. Well, I think she loves the me she wants me to be, but not the me that I am.

"I do not know about grandmother Black. She really loves me, but she is so stuck in her pure blood prejudice."

Scorpius took a few bites to eat, still obviously pondering something. Finally, he thought, "The bible says you should obey your mother and father, but it also says that parents need to love their children. I don't have any problem not obeying my mother, which is sad, very sad. I seldom have to disobey her, because I get the feeling that she just doesn't care. That is worse than fighting, thinking your mother doesn't care.

"Sometimes I feel sorry for my father. It is like he is trying to please too many contradictory people and things. I am not that close to being an adult, but I think in some ways I am more an adult than he is. It is a sad situation."


Late Friday evening Narcissa Malfoy came over to talk to Molly, and they disappeared into the Weasley's bedroom for a private conversation.

Molly summoned the family that was at the New Burrow and Potter's New Burrow for a breakfast together the next morning. "I want everybody to stay at Potter's New Burrow today," she announced. "I have a guest coming over, and it will be best if we are not interrupted. You should be able to have lunch at Potter's New Burrow."

No one knew what was going on, but they agreed.


At ten Narcissa Black Malfoy and Druella Rosier Black came through the Floo at the New Burrow. Narcissa introduced the two witches. "Mother, Molly Weasley, Molly, my mother Druella Black."

"Welcome to my home," Molly responded, a little cautiously. Molly and Narcissa quickly and lightly hugged, but Molly did not make a move to hug Druella, and Druella did not make a move towards Molly.

"Thank you," Druella replied somewhat warily, looking around at this large kitchen and eating area. The kitchen was open to the large formal dining room as well. It was a large space, with two large tables, obviously capable of sitting a rather substantial crowd of people.

"I thought we would go to the living room, and let Andromeda come out to meet you," Molly suggested.

The three witches walked out of the kitchen, past the moderately imposing entrance hall with the big staircase, and into what was obviously the living room of a prosperous family.

Molly and Narcissa sat down, but Druella stood up, looking around.

Andromeda opened the door from her living quarters and peered out. She saw her mother, and paused, fearful. Druella stood there, looking at her daughter. The two just stared at each other for several minutes, neither one knowing what to say.

Finally, Andromeda whispered, "Hello, mum."

Druella broke out in tears, and opened her arms.

Andromeda cautiously walked towards her mother, stood in front of her for a long moment, and then went into her mother's arms. The two witches hugged for some time, Druella crying, Andromeda still somewhat fearful.

The two witches sat down.

Molly asked, "Do you want us to leave, Andromeda, so you and your mother can talk privately."

"NO!" a still fearful Andromeda insisted. "Please, Molly, stay." Looking at Narcissa, Andromeda insisted, "You too, sister. Please!"

"Are you afraid of me, Andromeda?" Druella wondered.

"Of course," Andromeda insisted. "You blasted me off the family tree. I thought you were going to kill me, and your ... those people Lucius was consorting with, they killed my husband. My sister killed my daughter and her husband, leaving your great-grandson an orphan! Now he is undercover, and I am worried that he will die and I will lose everybody!

"How do I know you are not here just to kill Rose, so you do not have the shame of having part Muggle descendants?"

Druella looked at Andromeda, horrified. She looked at Narcissa, who suggested, "I did not think this was going to be easy, mother. One hug will not make up for decades of separation and hate."

The four witches sat for some time, not saying anything. Finally, Druella asked, "I wish there was a way to put you back on the family tree."

Molly volunteered, "Oh, Harry has already done that! He and the Elves restored all the names that have been blasted off that marvelous tapestry. It is really exciting what he has done."

"I am glad," Druella sighed. "I always felt a little bad that your name was blasted off, Andromeda. Not bad enough, I will admit."


The four witches spend hours talking. About four, Molly wondered, "Will either of you stay for dinner? Normally the family that is staying here gathers for the evening meal. Right now that is just the Granger-Weasley families, the Potter families, plus of course Charlie and his caregivers and Andromeda.

"That is quite a few people," Druella guessed.

"That is not the madhouse here when all twelve grandchildren, their parents, all the spouses and other friends, and a smattering of Molly's great-grandchildren are here," Narcissa suggested.

"It is a big family," Molly beamed. "I love it! Everybody is usually here Sunday mornings, but as the grandchildren have become older they are more and more with their own families or otherwise occupied in the summer."

"Now I am the one worried," Druella admitted. "I do not want Scorpius telling the rest of the family that I approve of Rose. It would cause all sorts of problems. I have to live with Godiva Malfoy upstairs at Malfoy Manor, and she is hard enough to live with. She is getting harder to live with. Draco will be even more furious that he already is.

"No one likes Astoria, which is sad, but it is her own fault. She seems to feel that it would be acceptable if Scorpius married Cleopatra, but I don't get the feeling that she is really all that excited about anything."

Druella shook her head, thinking. "I am not sure I do approve of Scorpius and Rose, but I don't want to go to war over it either. All the changes are very hard for a traditional witch like me."

"The children are good at keeping secrets," Molly suggested. "I am sure that they will not tell Draco or Godiva that you have visited here, and I get the impression that people do not confide in Astoria."

"I really ought to at least start to make my peace with Scorpius, and Rose," Druella suggested.

"I will set places for you at the dinner table," Molly proposed. "I will send one of the Elves to get the three of you when dinner is ready.


As people came to the dinner table Molly told everybody, "We have guests for dinner. The three seats at this end of the table are for Andromeda and our guests. Scorpius, please sit at the end of the table across from our guests. Rose, sit next to Scorpius, then Cleo, then Albus."

Once the children were seated Andromeda, Narcissa and Druella entered. Druella sat at one end of the table. Narcissa sat next to her, with Andromeda next to Narcissa. Across from them sat first Scorpius, then Rose, Cleo, Albus, Hermione, Ron, Hugo, then Charlie and his helpers in order Caroline, Charlie, Pippa with baby Marie at the end.

Molly sat next to Andromeda, with Arthur next to her. Harry sat next to Arthur, leaving a place for Ginny, who was late. Harry had Minerva in the next chair over, then Lily, and at the end James.

Ginny and Mitzi finally came through the Closet. "A couple of interviews ran over," Ginny explained, "and then Mitzi had to get dressed for a big formal dinner."

"My mate Fritz the finance elf is meeting with Goblins and Magi on finance, that means moneys!" the little Elf exclaimed. "Says I need jewelry to show we as rich and important as Goblin or Magi. Gold necklace that I own, and ring with four worthless rhubarb diamond."

Ginny corrected, "It is a flawless four carat diamond, Mitzi."

"Some food, carrots?"

"Fritz will explain," Ginny grinned.

The little Elf looked at the rather large diamond on her hand, smiling.

"Daisy will be here to help you after dinner," Mitzi explained, as she disappeared with a pop.

Ginny sat down between Harry and Minerva.

Harry said a brief blessing, and with a wave of her wand Molly had food on the table.

At the end of the table with Druella and Scorpius everybody was silent, as discussions broke out at the other end of the table. Finally, Narcissa asked, "Did the four of you have a good day?" to the young Magi across the table.

"Mum gave us a scroll we are trying to decipher," Rose started. "It is in very old, well it is not even English. It is pre-English. We have been in touch with a couple of experts in old German and other pre-modern languages via the internet. You have to be very careful who you talk to because some of the words and phrases are unique to Magi. We are making progress, though. It really helps that we know French, and that I learned German with the MELL students."

"Rose is helping me with my German as well," Scorpius added. "That is part of what we were doing this afternoon, working on my German. We both like learning. We are taking breaks to walk around the property, and when we go to Rose's house we go from the kitchen level to the office, six stories up, so we do get some exercise."

Narcissa looked at Cleo and Albus. "You were not helping them?"

"We have been working on some spells," Albus replied. "Cleo knows how to do them, but she does them differently, and by examining what she sees and feels we can sometimes do the spells better, sometimes understand how to teach them better, and just understand the magic better. The teachers have asked us to help them, and we have tried.

"We do talk to Rose and Scorpius often and accompany then to the big play area. The weather is supposed to turn warm next week, and I think we will probably swim and play around the pond part of the time."

Druella said almost nothing, as the four young Magi talked about what they were doing. It was obvious that all four were very accomplished Magi, well beyond their age in skill and knowledge.

Narcissa and Druella left right after dinner, both very thoughtful.

Before the rest of the people left Molly emphasized that no one should even hint that Druella had been over to the New Burrow, or was finally talking to her daughter Andromeda. Everyone understood the situation, and agreed.



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