The Slipper & The Magic Mirro...

By wrenlo

3.1K 111 11

All Nicole wanted was an autograph. All Waverly wanted was to be rescued. A Wayhaught love story told as a fa... More

Chapter 1 - What the...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 16

75 2 0
By wrenlo

Stepping through the mirror they returned to the dressing room where it all began, Nicole pausing to look one last time in the long mirror as Jeremy tried the door. "Still locked," he said, checking the time on his phone. "Eleven twenty three, so we're within the time limit. Anybody there? We completed the quest before midnight."

They heard the click of the lock, Jeremy trying the doorknob again, the door opening. Robin clapped his hands together. "We so did this. Go team, go team. Tee shirts for everyone."

Nicole was the last to leave the room. About to follow the others she heard the voice of the man who had set them the challenge of rescuing Waverly. Her eyes immediately returned to the mirror, his face staring back full of rage, full of darkness. "This is not over Nicole Rayleigh Haught. This is not over. She is mine. Forever."

Something stopped her booting his ugly face, perhaps the superstition her mother had told her of it being bad luck if a mirror smashed and her image was the final thing it reflected, having to endure seven long years of misfortune before the curse ended and good luck was renewed. Or maybe it was the thought of never being able to enter the magical land behind the mirror. A strange thought, given all that it contained and all that it had thrown at them.

Deciding to leave the mirror intact she simply smiled, offered the wizard a one-finger salute, closing the door behind her. The theatre was empty as they made their way along the corridors to the stage door, opening it onto a magical scene of New York life. A festival of lights, Christmas decorations, music and people still milling around at that time of night. Waverly gasped at the sight before her. "It''s beautiful. To think this was here, outside the theatre all this time."

"You've been outside?" Nicole asked, admiring Waverly's childlike wonder at the world before her eyes. "You've been beyond the theatre."

Waverly shook her head. "I've only ever been inside the theatre. The slippers kept me from leaving."

"So this is your first time seeing the city? There's so much to show you. Perhaps not all in one night, although this time of year the night time is the right time."

Robin gasped in faux shock. "Did you just use a rhyming song lyric? That's so Riddle Me Do."

Nicole winked. "I'm tempted to rhyme whenever I'm able. Even if you might think me a little unstable."

"Very good," Robin replied. "Now do orange."

The four could be heard laughing at Robin's request, Nicole hailing a cab, the boys hugging them, Jeremy saying he was going to buy Robin his burger and fries, possibly a slice of apple pie. They promised to meet up the next day to chat about their weird night, Nicole offering to buy them lunch as a thank you. As the cab sped through the city Waverly sat wide-eyed gazing out the window at the passing scene. "If only I'd known all this was out here," she said. "Where are we going?"

"Err, my place. It's a little cramped, but it's tidy. I couldn't think where else to go. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Waverly replied. "I'll have to get used to being in your world. Oh look, they decorate trees here. It's so, so pretty."

Nicole took Waverly's hand, her thumb gently rubbing against the back, turning it over to trace circles on her palm. "What you did, you doing this to me, kept me going. Got me out of the locked room too. Honestly thought I would drown."

"Our minds are powerful tools," Waverly said, removing her gaze from the outside world to focus on Nicole's soft touch. "I may have helped you a little more than the others."

"Really?" Nicole asked. "And, why is that?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I wanted it to be you."

"And not the hundreds who came before me."

"I may have...some were just not my type."

"So there was a vetting process going on."

Waverly glanced up catching Nicole looking at her, returning her eyes to her hand. "Maybe. I mean I didn't want just anyone rescuing me."

"I'm flattered. Beats a dating agency questionnaire. Good sense of humour, able to fight dragons."

"Large dogs."

"I'm going with dragons. More impressive. Guessing you won't miss there."

"I've been captive for so long, just being able to move freely is enough."

"Your family."

"You mean the fairies."

Nicole's eyes darted to the cab driver wondering if he was listening to their conversation. "We don't have...this world doesn't have magic, not like your world."

Waverly giggled. "Is that so?"

"Things work differently," she whispered in Waverly's ear. "No flying carpets, or dust unfortunately. Well, there's dust, plenty of it in a city like this. But, not your kind of dust. Not the sort that can, you know."

"Oh, I see. So no one flies. How sad."

Nicole's eyes went to the cab driver again, hoping he wasn't listening, hoping if he was he would assume they were on drugs. "In planes. Big metal objects that carry a lot of people. Oh fuck, I forgot. Oh no."

"What? What's wrong?"

"I'm supposed to be flying home for the holidays. To my parents. I'll ring them, tell them something's come up. I'd forgotten with everything that's going on."

"We can fly if you like," Waverly offered. "We have enough fairy dust left."

"Ah yes. I know we were told to leave everything behind. Kind of sad Happily's not here. Also, kept the mirror."

"I know. I saw you slip them in your pocket as you were dressing."

"We'll have to get you some new clothes. The ones you have on kind of make you stand out here."

The cab pulled up outside Nicole's apartment, the guy waiting for payment, wishing them a happy holiday. Waverly stood before the entrance, the scarf containing her possessions in one hand, looking up at the tall building, amazed at its height. "It's taller than the tower I was kept in. You live in all this?"

Nicole laughed. "No. I have one apartment. Others live here too. Yes, it is taller than your tower. I'm lucky I live higher up which gives me a great view."

"I used to look out over the landscape," Waverly said. "Until I no longer could."

Nicole's heart went to her, taking her free hand. "I can't make up for all the time you were imprisoned. All I can promise is I'll make sure your life from now on is filled with joy."

Waverly squeezed her hand. "And I will make sure yours is too. Shall we?"

The pair made their way to the elevator, Nicole pressing the button to her floor, waiting for the doors to open. Waverly was hesitant to enter such a small space, Nicole taking her hand once more, reassuring her it was safe, that it would take them up to where she lived. As the elevator started moving Waverly gripped Nicole's arm. "Is it safe?" she asked. "How is it moving? Is it flying?"

Nicole laughed. "In a way. There's a motor, I think, pulling a cable that moves the box we're in. Kind of magic."

"Who owns this magic? Is it a wizard?"

"Not sure who owns this building. Not a wizard I can assure you."

"Our worlds are not so different," Waverly said, still holding onto Nicole's arm. "There is magic all around."

"It's Christmas. It's always a magical time of the year, what with the lights and the decorations. Wait till I show you all the window displays and the ice skating rink. And, hot chocolate with s'mores."

"What is that?"

"Tell me you've had hot chocolate with silly little pink and white marshmallows on a mountain of cream."

"Is it like flower nectar?"

"Not sure. Never had flower nectar."

The lift stopped at Nicole's floor, Waverly's grip tightening on Nicole's arm. "Has the magic run out?"

Nicole laughed once more. "I hope not. We're here."

"You live inside this box?" Waverly asked.

The doors opened onto a brightly lit corridor, Nicole leading the way. "This is it," she said, inserting her key, opening the door, standing back to let Waverly enter first. "As I said not much, but it's home."

Waverly entered, looking around, spotting Nicole's neat row of shoes by the door. "You have a lot of shoes."

"Yep. I'll clear some space for your things. The bedroom is through here. There's only one, so I'll sleep on the couch."

Nicole opened the door to the bedroom, Waverly hesitating to enter. "I can sleep on the floor," she offered. I don't mind."

"No, I insist. You're my guest, you get the bed. The couch is comfy."

"I' won't lock the door will you?"

"To the apartment?"

Waverly's eyes remained fixed on the bedroom. "Here. Only..."

"Oh God, no, I won't lock the door. Fuck, sorry. What was I thinking? Look, if you want the couch."

Waverly nodded, tears welling. "I don't want to be any trouble."

Nicole pulled Waverly towards her, wrapping her arms round her body, feeling the pressure of her head on her chest. "You will never be any trouble, you hear. Never. This is all new and it's going to take some time for you to adjust. We go slowly, we work together and if anything bothers you tell me."

"Thank you," Waverly replied, her voice but a whisper. "I promise I won't let you down."

"Hey, hey. Where's that smile of yours?" Waverly looked up, attempting a smile, Nicole wiping away a few tears trickling down her face. "I think I have some hot chocolate if you'd like to try it."

Waverly nodded, her arms wrapped around Nicole's waist. "I think I would."

Heading to the kitchen, Nicole checked her milk was still in date, sniffing it just in case. "Think it's okay," she said, pouring some into a cup, seeing the puzzled look on Waverly's face. "This is how I make it. Some use water."

"What is that?" Waverly asked staring at the white liquid.

"Milk, from a cow. Can you drink it?"

Waverly shook her head. "I don't think so. Unless it's made from flowers."

"It comes from an animal. Oh, oh, wait. I think I have almond milk for when Robin stays over. Do you eat nuts?"

Waverly nodded. "And berries. And dandelions. They're my favourite."

Nicole let out a hearty laugh. "Okay, so not many dandelions in the stores. I'm guessing you don't eat any animal products. Or animals for that matter."

"You eat animals?" Waverly asked, her forehead creasing.

"Guessing hot dogs are off the menu."

"You heat dogs?"

"No, not heated dogs. They're a type of sausage. I'm sure we can find you something to eat that's not a heated dog."

Scanning her cupboard, thankful she had a carton of almond milk, she proceeded to make Waverly her very first hot chocolate. They sat on the couch, Waverly enjoying the taste of the sweet brown drink, Nicole switching on the TV, flicking through the channels. "Mostly adverts. I think there's a channel just for Friends."

Waverly's eyes took in the moving pictures. "Are there fairies inside?"

"Inside the TV? No, why?"

"How are the people so small?"

"It's...they're not inside. It's like a screen at a cinema." Waverly gave her a quizzical look. "Oh, my God, you've never been to a cinema have you? Right, that's on the agenda too. And, your first coffee shop. There's so much for you to see."

Waverly yawned. "I'm so sleepy, this drink is delicious."

"I'll get you some blankets and a pair of my PJs," Nicole offered, heading to the bedroom. Retrieving the spare bedding she had for when guests stayed over she returned to the lounge, letting out a gasp at the sight of Waverly's naked form. "What happened to your back?"

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