My Only Star

By Def_26

23.8K 1.8K 52

'' I wanna let the whole universe know that you are Mine..You belong to me and only me.''-God πŸ“– Blue Kanawut... More

☣ ONE ☣
☣ TWO ☣
☣ FIVE ☣
☣ SIX ☣
☣ NINE ☣
☣ 11 ☣
☣ 12 ☣
☣ 13 ☣
☣ 14 ☣
☣ 15 ☣
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☣ FOUR ☣

602 50 1
By Def_26

Blue parked his jeep at the spot that he feels comfortabl e. He settle on this spot coz it feels safe and he like the view of the overlooking stream and and on the left side is the waterfalls. Maybe tomorrow when Hyper arrive they explore the Green forest but now he needs to set up his tent. He get off of his Jeep when he notice a group of campers on the other side of the camping area    seating on a circle laughing and having a conversation. He get off and walked at the back of the car to unload the equipment and tent. The air is so refreshing and cool that makes him more enjoy the nature and the sounds of birds singing is making him smile.

This is life.

Hearing those bird singing and the smell of the forest is making him more eager and excited to do some trekking tomorrow. He smiled a bit and started sitting up his tent. It didn't take him an hour to set up the place. He set up the light that connected on his Jeep and the Bon fire.
Exactly 5pm he was done.
He was now seating at his camping chair enjoying the bon fire while listening to a music..Until the idea pops up on his mind so he opened his laptop and started tapping,the flows of scene on his mind is keep on crashing like a waterfalls.
He was so busy writing his manuscript that he didn't notice that its already dark and his tummy is started to cause a ruckus.
He closed his laptop and stretched his neck and arms..he was relieved now that he finally complete his manuscript. Blue put his laptop down and get something to eat for dinner. He eat sushi and chicken wrap for dinner while enjoying the feeling of outdoor life..he miss this its been a year since he went for a camping..
He smiled genuinely while watching the night sky covered with stars...there is no clouds just a night sky full of shining stars that gaves him calming vibes..he finished his food and go back to his laptop to review his manuscript.
He felt satisfied on his work and decided to send the manuscript to his editor thru his email.

He true a fist into the air followed with 'Whooo' sounds after he hit that send button. He knows that he can finished his work but he did not expect that he can do it so soon.,now he can truly enjoy this camping without any disturbance. He smiled to himself when he thinks that he can stroll and enjoy his time tomorrow without thinking of work.

He put his laptop away and lay his back on his recliner chair while stargazing. He take some photos while enjoy the night air.
Blue can hear the voices of the group of campers laughing and having fun while playing their guitar.
Its getting cold so he went inside his tent and settled inside,he put on a cover but live the door of the tent open while he still gaze the night sky.

He will about to drift off to sleep when his phone rings. He check it and its his editor.

''Hello Blue''
''I already receive your manuscript and as usual..I like it.'' his editor said.
''Hm..i know'' He answered smiling.
''You're really something, Hmm ok..I'm gonna let you go now. Take a rest Blue..Goodnight" His editor hang up and he looked at the sky and smiled.

He yawned and drifted to sleep.


God get up on his seat and crawled inside his tent leaving his friends endulging in some nonsense convo about there girls and he is not into those convo he needs his sleep more than anything else and the conversation that they are having outside is not what he signed off,he better used his time sleeping.

''Aw! God where you goin?'' Brix asked him when they noticed he get up.

''Sleep'' he motioned to them
''We are here to enjoy not to sleep,why don't you just sleep in the condo if you're just going to sleep with us?'' Dew answered holding his can of beer.

God let out a sigh.

''Did you even asked me if I wanna go on this trip? I haven't have my normal sleep for a week and you guys drag me here and now you have a guts to tell me that? Do I even have a choice? Now leave me alone and just continue what you're doing. I'm out and don't you ever disturb me And lower your fucking voice. Goodnight!'' God turned around and went inside his tent and closed his tent.

''OK..ok guys..Just leave him alone and let just drink'' Duke raise his glass and the three followed. They are already drunk.

God is a little bit annoyed when he is being tell what he was supposed to do. He was lying on his tent an hour now and his friends seems on their tent now. He opened the zipper of his tent and looked at the sky. It is full of sparkling stars,he let a sigh while gazing on a night sky. He let himself enjoy the night air that swiftly kissing his face.
He was enjoying the sky full of sky when suddenly the image of a man he bumped on his condo earlier and the man on a cafe is the same person. Now he remember.

He has this mysterious aura with him. But he seemed like a total sweetheart. He think so.
His smile earlier while he is holding his coffee is just...adorable.
He is cute though.
He shake off his thought and just close his eyes to sleep. What was he thinking? And when was he started admiring people?

Get some sleep God.


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