( Editing ) Anime x reader On...

By Emely_cooper

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One shot book More

• TPN Ray - Your the dense one
• Zen Wisteria - Surprise
• Sugawara Koushi - Love
• Takumi Usui - I hate you
• Tamaki amajiki - First Experience
• Karma Akabane - From annoying to interesting
• Mikaela Hyakuya - Important
• Shin Amnesia - Start over
• Todoroki Shoto - Forbidden desire
• Kyojuro Rengoku - Last battle
• Yuliy the sirius - My second reason
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 3
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 4
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 5
• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 6 final
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued - part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued - part 2
• Manjiro Sano - Intrigued part 3 final
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 1
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 2
• Chifuyu Matsuno - Sorry for not protecting you - part 3 final
• Osamu Dazai - A step to far
• Yuki Sohma - You, in the end
• KH Vanitas - Strange feeling
• Shunsuke Otosaka - Care
• Shinichiro Sano - Anniversary
• Chifuyu Matsuno- I'm horrible - part 1
• Chifuyu Matsuno - I'm horrible - part 2 final
• Manjiro Sano - Misunderstanding
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 2
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 3 final
• Rindo Haitani - Mine
• Manjiro Sano - Arrested
• Ryota Kise - Everything but her
• Tamaki Amajiki - My wish
• Mitsuya Takashi - Husband material - part 1
• Ken Ryuguji/Draken - My honest answer
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - Part 1
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - part 2
• Manjiro Sano - Save us - Part 3 final
• Kyo Sohma - Scared - part 1
• Kyo Sohma - Scared - part 2 final
Toge Inumaki - Jealous
• Shun Kazama - I like you too
• Hirano Taiga - Lap pillow
Kyotaka Ayanokoji - My tool
• Xiao - I Promise
• Yuno Grinberryall - Happy to see you
• Satou Ryusei - Prank
• Xiao - It's the thought that counts

• Manjiro Sano - Save you - part 2

556 16 0
By Emely_cooper

Before you knew it, weekend was already here. And that meant festival time. Well more like a time of doing nothing and just walking around. At least that's how you expected it to go.

Currently you where in your room standing in front of your bed with two different outfits laying before you. One was a black traditional kimono with red and white koi fishes as pattern. And on the other side laid a pair of normal clothes which consisted of black pants, white shirt, black vest and a pair of brown boots. 

Staring at the clothes it didn't take you long to make your choice. 

Quickly changing into the chosen outfit you grabbed your phone and put some cash in the protector case. 

Taking one last look in the mirror you twirled around before leaving the house with a satisfied feeling. You may end up alone during the festival but at least it would be in style.


Arriving at the shrine you walked up the stairs to see Takemichi and Draken at the top. Both males greeted you and Draken tried to act like he just meet you the best way he could. Because he knew that you hadn't told anyone about your secret friendship with the Toman gang. 

Despite his effort you had to hold back a laughter at his idiot introduction but played along none the less. 

" Are the girls here yet?" you asked to which Takemichi shook no " Hinata texted me that it could take some time for them to get here"

You hummed and took out your own phone to check for any new messages. Well you had hoped to at least receive one text from a certain person. But when nothing popped up your screen you sighed in disappointment and put the device back in your pocket.

Unbeknownst to you Draken looked at you out of the corner of his eye and felt somewhat sympathy for you. He knew how much Mikey meant to you and that him not being present during the count down of the New year must have been pretty hard on you.

However he also knew that his best friend was equally feeling bad about this. Because the day you had your phone call with him, the braided man was present. He was with Mikey and heard the entire conversation. So he was the first and only one to witness Mikey's regret of turning you down. 

" Ken-chin" the boy mumbled softly " Do you think she'll leave me if this continues? "

Draken's eyes narrowed, he was unsure of what to response. On one hand he wanted to say no but part of him didn't want to give him false hope. It may have been a mean thing to think but he was actually surprised of how you handled this relationship. He admired you for it.

Because you basically never meet in person or went on public dates. Hell he didn't even know if you two had ever kissed or done anything else. 

Sometimes he found Mikey's secrecy about you, a bit too exaggerated. 

However despite the lack of physical interaction Draken knew how much you meant to Mikey and how it was the same for you. Since elementary you had been by their side. You had shared many memories with him and a bunch of his other friends like Baji, Chifuyu and Mitsuya. 

Hell, you where there when Toman was founded 

And now in the present time you where also known by some of the members. A couple of them considered you as a friend and some even saw you as one of Toman's people. But Mikey never allowed you to officially join. 

Nevertheless Draken never thought that during this whole adventure you and his best friend would end up together. Actually he was surprised that Mikey gave in to those feelings. He was well known for hiding his emotions but when it came to you, it seemed that it was much harder for him. 

Mikey grew very protective over you and this was the first sign Draken took that you where more then just a friend to him. The two of you would occasionally be at each other throats but would always make up. 

And as time passed by the dragon tattooed man witnessed how your gaze and behavior would also change around Mikey. 

No one else seemed to notice this in the Tokyo Manji Gang. But Draken didn't blame them since neither of your ever made a move and where pro at hiding your attraction to one another.

And to say that it only irritated him a little bit was an understatement. So one day he took the liberty to confront his friend about it. He didn't even bother asking it carefully and just went straight for it " Why won't you and Y/n go out?"

Despite being in utter shock, Mikey managed to stay calm and collected at this sudden question " What do you mean?" he tried to act dumb but his friend wouldn't buy it " Just answer me " Draken urged him

Mikey, knowing how stubborn his second in command was, decided to eventually tell him. It took some courage, weirdly enough but when he spilled everything he felt quite relieved.

Draken would smile warmly at his little friend's rambling. Not ones did he think he would see the day that Mikey would get attached to someone. Nor even allow himself to.

" What do you think I should do ken-chin" he asked after finishing his story. The braided haired man chuckled out loud at this dumb remark and tapped his shoulder " What do you think idiot, tell her of course. "

" Seriously? Even after I told you why I think its better not to?" The blond frowned

Draken shrugged " Listen, even if what you said might all be true I learned one important thing in my life." the man looked at his friend with a sincere gaze " When you have someone that important to you, the advice is to always go after them. "

" At least that what've heard, I'm no expert" he awkwardly rubbed his neck making his friend smile

" You're probably right" 

So in the end Mikey did take Draken advice.

And on the same day as his confession, he also made sure to explain the consequences of your relationship if you accepted to be with him. Your safety wouldn't always be guaranteed and being seen in public would have to be at its minimum.

Mikey was pretty convinced that you would reject him considering the terms. But he was stunned when you didn't. And in all honesty that day might have been one of his most memorable one.

Remembering all this Draken nudged you to follow him. You did as was told and went next to a Takoyaki booth where your friend ordered two of them. After placing his order he turned to face you " Look I don't know if you're angry at Mikey or not. But please don't be. You might not believe me but he really wished to be here with you. Especially tonight"

Your eyes widen slightly " Yet here I am alone, again" you mumbled

" Y/n you know that he only-"

" Yeah yeah my safety bla bla bla bla. I get it!" You snapped " For gods sake Ken, I know how to defend myself. "

" It's not a matter only a matter of protection. I know you've got some impressive combat skills. But if something where to happen to you, Mikey would lose it" he sternly commented

Your mouth hang half open. You knew Draken was right. If something where to happen, you knew that Mikey would never rely on Toman to help him. You where his responsibility. And getting him into trouble because of you or potentially killed was the last thing you wished for.

" I just want to spent more time with him once in a while.." you sadly gazed at your feet

The second in command was about to try and comfort you when the cook in the booth called him for taking his order. Draken paid the man and handed you the food. You smiled gratefully at him and immediately gobbled one Takoyaki down. It was pretty hot and unfortunately burned your tongue. Nevertheless you where able to appreciate the taste.

This was exactly what you needed right know.

Draken watched your face lit up making his lips curve upwards. It was just as if he was watching a female version of Mikey. Food was apparently a good solution for bad moods

Going back to Takemichi the two spotted him waiting with Hinata and Emma. The girls where wearing beautiful kimono's that complimented their looks. 

You waved at them " Damn you guys look good!"

" Thanks" Emma giggled but Hinata stared at you annoyed " Seriously no Kimono.."

" Nope" you playfully stuck out your tongue " Be glad I'm here" you sassily replied with your hands on your hips

Hinata sighed deeply " Point taken"

That night the five of you walked trough the festival. It was beautiful to say the least. The booths where decorated with many different light sources like lanterns. But where also filled with other attractive and cute decorations. It created a perfect breath taking atmosphere.

Occasionally you guys would stop for some food or play some of the games. You had to admit that despite all your whining of not wanting to attend, you where having a good time.

Later when it was just three hours before midnight Emma and Draken went their separate way. The two of them didn't even realize that this was done on purpose by Hinata. They walked away laughing and teasing each other. It actually made you happy to see Emma getting a moment with the man she loved. 

You glanced to your side to see Takemichi and Hinata talk with each other. Watching this you figured that it would be best to give them some private time as well. 

Without saying a word you sneaked away and went your own separate way. Marching past some stalls you eventually wandered into the woods to find a quiet place to relax. And minutes later you actually found an open space not far from the festival where you could settle down. 

Sitting crossed legged you relaxed your head back to stare at the open sky before you. The illumination of the stars reflected in your eyes and you watched in awe as a shooting star flashed in front of you. Content to see one you quickly paired your hands together and made a wish.

Suddenly out of nowhere, you thought you heard footsteps coming your way. Not wanting to be disturbed in your alone time yet, you decided to go behind a tree to hide until the persons passed by. 

It took some time since they apparently walked at a very slow pace while joking around. But eventually they got to where you were and you heard different conversations indicating this was quite a large group. 

Tapping your foot impatiently on the ground you decided to take a peak to see if all of them where almost gone. However you didn't expect to see members of the Toman gang passing by. You instantly recognized them thanks to the uniforms. Curiosity grew in the pit of your stomach but you remained silent. 

However you couldn't contain a gasp when you spotted Kiomasa with some kind of blade in his hand. He was grinning evilly while mumbling stuff you couldn't quite hear because of the distance. 

" Are we really gonna go execute this plan?" you heard another Toman member say " I mean what if Mikey finds out? Then will be in serious trouble"

At the mention of your boyfriends name you suddenly started to feel uneasy about this situation 

" Will y'a stop whining. Kiomasa promised to make sure that our commander wouldn't find out. There will be no evidence that traces back to use." another boy snickered

" If you say so" the unsure one replied with a more calmer tone

" Man I can't wait to finally kick that giant's ass for ones. He's gonna pay for what he did to Kiomasa and us. It's because of him that we got into trouble with Mikey" the second boy grumbled 

" You're right, its time to teach Draken a lesson" was the last thing you heard clear as day before the two jogged away to catch up with the others.

" What?" you whispered " Draken"

Now you grew scared, where they really planning to hurt him? Then that knife you just saw in Kiomasa's hand..Was that meant for Draken?

Your mind run wild with thoughts and theories about what was going to happen. However you instantly snapped out of it when you realized you had no time to spare. You had to find Draken and make sure nothing bad happened to him. 

He had to get out of here. 

Taking out your phone, you hurriedly called him only to have his voicemail on the line. Cursing you quickly decided to text Mikey. He had to know about this.

And after typing a message and pressing the send button you darted into the same direction as the Toman members in search for Draken. 

Running as fast as your legs could carry you, you saw the end of the woods come into view. However when you neared it you also heard two voices yelling. Adrenaline settled in making you sprint faster. Passing the last three line you jumped out of the woods onto the concrete ground.

Landing in a crouch position you jerked your head up to see Peyan standing in front of Draken, who stood before Emma in a protective manner.

" Let's settle this for Pah!" The third devision vice-captain shouted 

Draken narrowed his eyes and got into a fighting stance. But just as he was about to launch himself onto the boy he didn't notice someone sneaking up on him from the woods with a baseball bat.

" Draken!" you yelled 

The second in command spotted you on the ground. His eyes widen slightly but before responding back he heard rustling behind him.

" Look out!" you and Emma yelled simultaneously 

A loud crack was the last thing you heard as you shut your eyes, not wanting to see your friend getting hit

- To be continued

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