
By idekanymoretbh2

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No accidental pregnancy ⚠️ Sophia never fails jobs . Efficient, discreet and deadly . Meets the criteria for... More



873 10 0
By idekanymoretbh2

• ace

Sophia stormed upstairs and came back a minute later with my phone . She threw it over the railing and it smashed on the floor .

" Please just talk to me !"

" Kill yourself !"

I sat on the couch and waited . A couple minutes later she came down the stairs with her plate . She was no where near the counter and she dropped it to the ground .

" Whoops ."

I walked over and she moved back . This continued til she sat on the couch.

" I didn't sleep with her ."

" What happened then . And don't you dare feed me bullshit ."

" She came over looking for Mason . I was really drunk ."

" Being drunk means nothing to me fyi . Drunk words are sober thoughts remember."

" She came here . I was alone . She had taken a taxi . It was really late so i said she could crash here ."

" And ?"

" She went upstairs and i was getting my phone . I decided to sleep in your bed . You had been gone a week ."

" Get to it ."

" We kissed . Nothing else happened."

" Once ?"

" Just once . She kissed me , I told her i couldn't and left . She was gone when i woke up ."

" Why was her top under your bed ?"

" You don't believe me do you ."

" Answer the question."

" She took a t-shirt off Masons bed . Must have left her top in my room ."

" Did you do it out of spite ?"

" No ."

" Well you knew that would really get to me . And you felt the need to lie about it."

" I'm sorry ok . It just happened."

" And you didn't tell me . I said no more lying , no more drama . This is too hard Ace !"

" I swear i would have told you but i had just got you back . Then we went down to the beach house and you were so happy ."

" Ya . I was . I was happy . And of course you've ruined it ."

She got up and started pacing . She's worked up . Like really worked up .

" I need space ."

And then she left . I heard her and Mason go into the gym . I fell back onto the couch . Why do i always fuck things up .

They came out like two hours later . She showered . I went upstairs just as she went into Masons room .

" It's not even the kiss part i'm mad about . We weren't together, it's who he kissed . She made me feel like shit . I mean clearly he's attracted to her if he kissed her , right ?"

" I-"

" He wouldn't have done it if he didn't find her attractive, right ?"

" I-"

" Mason i need help ."

She finally let him speak .

" The question you need to ask yourself is are you even still back together."

" Of course we are . Right ? I mean you don't think he thinks i ended it . I threw his phone down the stairs and crashed his car but for us that's a normal Tuesday ."

" We have a job tonight so decide quick ."

" I'm still absolutely seething . I don't even know where we stand . I need to get ready . Where is he ?"

" Should be in his room . I don't know ."

She walked out and saw me walking toward my room .

" Ace ?"

" Yeah ."

" Can we put this on pause . The kiss and everything."

" More than happy to ."

" We'll talk tomorrow or something. Right now the job needs to be the main focus ."

She walked into her room and i didn't see her for a couple hours . I showered and changed . Mason and Greg were ready , we were waiting on Sophia .

She walked down the stairs in a tiny black dress . It fit her perfectly hugging each curve and making her tits look fucking amazing .
She has never looked bad in anything .

" Boys my eyes are up here ."

She winked before strutting out the door. I walked after her mesmerised by her .
She sat into Greg's car .

" I feel like i'm being punished ."

" That's because you are ."

" You look beautiful."

" I know . I always do ."

Greg got in the drivers side and Mason in the front seat . Sophia sat the other side of the car . I moved to the middle .

" I don't want you beside me sorry . I need personal space ."
She laughed as she said it .

" Gonna be a long night isn't it ?"

" Very ."

We parked and got out . There was people smoking outside and every guys head turned toward Sophia .

Out of habit i moved to take her hand .

" Don't even think about it ."

She followed Greg inside and he moved his arm round her guiding her through.
I really do hate myself .

Our guy hasn't showed up yet . It's a simple handoff . He has a usb with information i want . I have money . Done deal .

We all took a few shots . Maybe twenty minutes later Sophia relaxed a lot more . She was very tense .

She was leaning against the side of the bar . My arms trapped her in . The two boys were talking . She reached up and fixed my hair .

" There's a blonde girl over there . Just your type ."

" I'm more into brunettes. With green eyes ."

" Don't see any of those sorry ."

" I do ."

Mason came over which meant it was time .

" Will you be ok ?"

" Of course . I'm a big girl ."

We met in one of the private rooms . Everything was going fine til he wanted more money .

" We agreed on 25 k ."

" And now i'm telling you i want more ."

" That's not how i work unfortunately."

" Pity ."

I heard someone cough . I looked toward the door and Sophia had been thrown onto the ground . She had cuts on her back , probably from the glass .

Mason was quick on his feet , his gun was pulled and the guy we were dealing with was shot in seconds . Greg knocked his friend out .

" Start the car ."

I'm so angry at myself . How could i leave her by herself .

I put my jacket around her and helped her up . She winced .

" Did he hurt you ?"

" Nothing i cant handle ."

Her face was pale . She was loosing a lot of blood . She had fallen onto glass .

" I shouldn't have left you alone . I'm so sorry ."

" I'm fine . I just wasn't paying attention."

" Did he hurt you ?"

" I already answered that question. Let's just go home come on . I just need sleep ."

I helped her up and led her to the car .

• sophia

Ace got in and i laid against him . I'm fine , nothing i can't handle . He wasn't expecting me to be ok with him . I know because he looked confused before wrapping his arm around me .

The drive home was relatively silent . When we got in the door the two boys went to change .
I went upstairs and Ace clung to my hand .

" I need to change ."

" Come find me when you're done i need to clean those cuts ."

" They're tiny ."

I rolled my eyes at him and changed in my room . I just put on shorts and a sports bra because he wouldn't be able see them otherwise.

I went into his room and he was sitting on his bed . He was shirtless , grey sweats hung low on his waist .

He was silent . He just took my hand and brought me to his bathroom . I sat up onto the counter and he moved my hair out of the way .

He quickly cleaned the little cuts i had . And then he noticed my nose .

" I hit it . I think it's done bleeding though."

He didn't say anything he just handed me a tissue . I wiped my nose and jumped down .

" Say something."

" Why aren't you screaming at me ?"

" I've done enough screaming ."

I laughed but he was serious.

" Are we still .."

He trailed off probably embarrassed to ask .

" I still mean everything i said this morning ."

" You said ' no , i didn't ' ."

" And i mean every word ."

He laughed and picked me up . He walked out to his bed and dropped me down onto it .
He kissed my neck , his hands gripping my ass .

I was laughing at how happy he was . He had moved the strap of my sports bra down planting kisses all across my chest .

" I love you ."

" Obsessed much ?"

Mason walked in and then froze .

" Oh god Mason !"

I quickly sat up fixing myself . He crossed his arms and accusing look on his face .

" Slow huh ? What's fast for you two ?"

" Oh shut up ."

Ace threw a t-shirt at him . I took it and put it on . His arms encircled me once again and i pulled him toward the door .

" Where are we going ?"

" Downstairs ."

" No stay up here ."

He pulled me back . I'm not hungry or thirsty . So really i'm not needed downstairs. I quickly moved to the door .

" Night boys !"

" Night Sophia ."

Mason didn't answer so he's probably in the kitchen . I know Greg is still watching tv .

I turned around and closed the door . Ace pushed me back against it. He twisted the lock and then trapped me . His arms either side of me on the door .

" Hi ."

My voice came out shaky . I'm giddy , he's making me giddy .

" It's been too long ."

And with that he grabbed the hem of the shirt i was wearing and it was off me in milliseconds .

His hands moved to the back of my thighs and i was lifted up . He wasted no time, next thing i knew i was on the bed with him leaning over me .

" Three weeks , almost a month . That's how much time has passed since that morning in my shower . You remember that don't you Soph ?"

His hands slowly pulled the shorts i was wearing down . I wasn't wearing anything fancy . It was a normal thong .

But his face was priceless .

" Ace hurry up ."

" Don't have to tell me twice ."

His shirt was thrown somewhere i wasn't paying attention . He moved me back until my head was on a pillow .

He leaned down and kissed me and for the first time in a while everything felt ok . My nails clawed at his back and he groaned gripping my hips tighter .

He broke away for a second and moved down . His hands slid into the sides of my thong and he was moving it down my legs when i heard fabric tearing .

" Eager much ?"

" Three weeks , Sophia . Three ."

He was back to me again , except now one of his hands was making it's way down my torso . His finger slid over my clit once , and i was already breathing heavier .

" You have no idea how much i've missed these hands ."

" Just my hands huh ?"

" Shut up and continue. Please Ace ."

His finger slid over my clit again , and his teeth sunk into my bottom lip , nipping at it .
The second his finger was inside me i couldn't take it , i needed more .

" Not enough ." I managed to breathe out .

I sat up and pushed him against the wall . I straddled his lap and his hands slid up my sides pulling the sports bra i was wearing off .

" God i love your tits . You too i guess but i really love your tits ."

He laughed against my chest and left marks all across me .

I reached down and moved his boxers out of the way and when my hand came into contact with his dick he sucked in a breath.

I couldn't help but laugh .

" Pathetic much ?"

His arm moved around my waist and he pushed me closer holding me up a bit before slowly pushing me down on him .

A gasp left my mouth .

" Sophia i'm gonna cum like now ."

" Don't you dare ."

My nails dug into his chest , i needed him so badly . He grinned and i knew he was joking .

His hands moved to my ass , each time i pushed down on him it was hitting right where i needed him .

He started moving me faster , i wrapped my arms round his neck and then i was pushed back onto the bed .

His eyes were hooded , heavy looking . He pushed into me hard and gripped the sheets above my head .

I heard Mason and Greg come upstairs. They were talking . Oh god ,until they go into their rooms they can hear us .

Ace smirked and leaned down .

" Make sure to be extra quiet Soph ."

He pushed into me again , even harder with his mouth on my on my neck leaving even more marks .

I clamped my hand over my mouth as he picked up the pace a little . I pulled his hair but he only loved it of course .

I heard doors close and finally i let out a breath . He moved one of my legs higher and spread them more .

He got faster , he leaned down and kissed me but i couldn't kiss him back . I couldn't do anything . I was so close i just needed him to push me over the edge .

" So close Soph ."

He could barely talk . I don't want it to be  over but i also need to come . So badly . I cant take it anymore .

He went in hard and i could tell he came . He pulled his lip in between his teeth and continued. He knows i'm still close .

He kept going until i came and then fell beside me . After a second when i was able move again he sat up and i immediately kissed him .

" God i love you ."

" That took everything out of me . So worth it though."

" I didn't know guys could keep going usually when they come they're done ."

" Id do anything for you . I'm also not a pussy."

I went to the bathroom and pulled on underwear that was still left in one of Ace's drawers from before i left .

I was just done brushing my teeth when he came in to do his . He sat me on the counter while he did them .

When he was done he moved between my legs .
I kissed his neck and my hand moved down toward his boxers .

I moved to beside his ear .

" Round two ?"

" Baby i've never loved you more ."

I moved his boxers and of course he's hard again . I'm not wearing anything other than the underwear so he wasted no time in sliding me to the edge of the counter .

It's the perfect height . Which i would question but i'm busy right now . He moved my underwear to the side and wrapped my legs around him slowly pushing into me .

He went slower this time , his hands gripping my hips . I came a lot quicker and it was so worth banging my head off the mirror .

Second round is always better , like pancakes .
He picked me up and brought me back into the room .

It was actually really late now . I'm also so tired . And sore from being beaten around by that weirdo at the club .

Ace laid me down and quickly got in beside me before i could protest about me being half naked .

" Just once id like to sleep with clothes on ."

" No ."

He was propped up on his elbow . He leaned down planting a kiss on my cheek . It's never just once with Ace though.

Another on my cheek , then my lips ,lips again . Neck . Neck but more .

I was laughing now .

" Ok we better stop before anything else happens . We're animals ."

He laughed and laid down pulling me onto him .

" I'm so happy we worked through everything."

" I love you Soph."

" Ya you're ok i guess ."

I felt the vibration as he laughed . I fell asleep to the sound of Ace 's heartbeat , with his hand rubbing my back .

My whole life i haven't needed anyone , i still don't .

I want Ace . And i love him . There's a difference.

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