My Protector (Draco Malfoy x...

By ZSalazar006

34.8K 448 297

"Y/n, I promise I will protect you with my life, I won't let anything bad happen to you, never again" Draco M... More

Train back home
Arrival Unravel
Rude awakening
A turn of events
A new Dynamic
First Day
The blow up
Love and Scars
Just the beginning

New year new us

2.7K 43 47
By ZSalazar006

You stood outside the castle in the middle of Blaise and Theo with your things admiring the castle as the cold autumn air hit your face and body making you shiver

"Why is it So Cold" you whined as you rubbed your arms with your hands

"Maybe because your practically naked y/n" Blaise said as he placed his arm around you

"It's a cropped sweater zabini!" You said defensively as you shrugged him off of you and walked towards the castle

Blaise chuckled and yelled at you as you walked away "Nakedddd! Someone's gonna get distracted by that smexy stomach" Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Lena all laughed as they started walking towards the castle, Draco rolled his eyes and followed behind the group slightly annoyed with Blaises commentary, he didn't want to think about people looking at you

As you all made your way to the Slytherin commons Draco pulled you back from the group "Put it on" Draco took off his grey sweater which slightly exposed his abs as he pulled it over his head, he handed it to you it smelled of expensive cologne and green apple

"Thanks, but I'm good Malfoy" you said in a sassy tone, you didn't want to accept anything from him, you felt as though he was up to something, it couldn't possibly be that he feels bad about your memories of Cedric. Draco acted like 10x the asshole after your breakup with Cedric and you have no idea why...with Draco there's always strings attached...but just maybe this time there's not?

Draco rolled his eyes "Don't be so bloody stubborn y/n, the slytherin commons are below freezing and I don't want you complaining the whole damn time" Draco said in an annoyed tone as he shoved the sweater into your hands

"Whatever Malfoy" you said as you put the sweater on, the smell made you feel warm warmer than the sweater itself. What is happening to you, you can't let your feelings for Draco resurface. You turned away from Draco blushing violently knowing he can't see it but still being embarrassed and you quickly walked away

You caught up to your friends just as Pansy was saying the password to enter the slytherin common room "Pureblood" Pansy said as the door unlocked

You all entered the common room and went your separate ways, you, Pansy, and Lena to the girls dorms and Draco, Blaise, and Theo to the boys. You shared a dorm with Lena and Pansy ever since you all became friends, you had to practically beg Dumbledore to let three of you stay in one dorm but it was so worth it

Blaise and Theo shared a dorm together which probably isn't the best idea considering it constantly smelled like weed and regret. Draco got his own dorm, I still can't believe that wanker has a dorm the size of yours and Theo Blaise and Theo's put together, I guess that's what you get with daddy's money

"Ahhhh" you flopped down on your bed "It's so nice to be off that train" you whined

"Oh for sure, I couldn't take another second of you fighting with Malfoy, It's bloody torture" Pansy said as she started unpacking her things and putting them in the closet and dresser

Lena was quickly unpacking her things as neatly as she could for how fast she was going "Lena why are you in such a hurry?" You asked

"Uhm- I just have to meet someone in Ravenclaw I promised I would go to see them as soon as I got here" Lena said nervously

"Mmm sus Lena, very sus" You said slanting your eyes at her in a playful manner "Lena Braxton, who are theeeeey" you said in a an intrigued noisy voice

"N-nobody I mean they're just a friend"

"Just a friend my ass" you laughed out "You're never on time for anything so tell me who they are"

Lena hesitated and blushed looking down at the floor "Luna Lovegood"

You squealed "TEENY LEENY IS DATING LUNA LOVEGOOD" that was the name you gave Lena soon after you became friends, she was so shy then

"OMG LEENS SINCE WHEN" Pansy said excitedly as she jumped on the bed next to Lena

"End of last year, we got to talking and she's the sweetest person ever"

"Awwwwww" you and Pansy said in unison "I ship this so hard oooo I wonder what their names will be when they get married, Luna Braxton or Lena Lovegood" Pansy said

"Lena and Luna the double L's I'm so calling you two LL's from now on" you said happily

"Omg guys we haven't told anyone just yet so don't go opening your big mouth Pansy" Lena laughed out

"Yeah yeah whatever" Pansy said smiling at Lena

"Anyways I gotta go, I'll meet up with you guys for dinner" Lena said getting up and opening the door

"Don't have too much fun" you said turning to look at her

"Oh I will" Lena said smirking a smile as she shut the door

You and Pansy laughed as she went back to unpacking and you did the same knowing that if you didn't do it now it wouldn't get done

"Hey y/n" Pansy said as she started unpacking

"Yes Pans?"

"I hope you know that I noticed Draco's sweater"

You turned red, how the hell could you forget you had on Draco's sweater and why didn't anyone bring it up! "Well- I- he forced me to take it because apparently my complaining annoys him, what a shocker"

"Mmmmhmmm and you didn't have any urge to take it? At all?" Pansy said questioning you

"No" you paused "Maybe a little..."

"I knew it, I knew you still liked Draco"

"I don't like Malfoy Pansy, he just did something nice and I was shocked by it"

"Whatever you say y/n" Pansy said and then sighed "You haven't even considered dating since Diggory, maybe Draco would be i don't know good for you"

"Draco is anything but good for me, all he's done is be an asshole besides even if I did like him, which I don't, there's no way in hell he likes me"

"You'd be surprised y/l"

"What's that supposed to mean?" You said to Pansy as she finished putting her clothes away

Pansy didn't respond she just winked at you as she exited the room

"Pansy is such a weirdo" you said to yourself as you finished putting away the last of your things

You decided you were going to change out fits before dinner because you were quite cold, you were wearing black jeans and a rusty brown colored cropped sweater shirt, very autumn-y, your hair was in a messy bun because you were too lazy to do anything more when you woke up. You pulled out black winter leggings that had fleece lining on the inside and set them on your bed before going to pick out a shirt, you chose a very basic black cropped t shirt that had short sleeves because you were planning on wearing a hoodie over it, you set the shirt next to your pants and started undressing. You pulled Draco's sweater off and set it next to your shirt, you then took of your jeans and shirt and threw them in one of the two laundry baskets next to the bathroom door. You turned around and looked at yourself in the mirror noticing how your figure has changed since last year, you are 5'4 with a small frame in general, your waist is rather small and your stomach is fairly flat, you've exercised a lot last summer so your arse grew as well as your tits. You looked amazing but still felt imperfect, you didn't like looking at yourself much before but after Cedric you couldn't stand it...he made you feel like nothing he made you feel ugly and fat when I'm reality you were a perfect wait to begin with you weighed 150 before Cedric and came out as came out with so many scars mental and physical you can still see them on your thighs and your wrists when you look in the mirror, you can still remember the screams that came from you as you dug a knife deep into your hated yourself until Pansy came along...she's the only one who knew about it who figured it out, you're better now more confident but it's still hard to look im the mirror

You tried to push those thoughts out of your mind, you are valid, you are a valid queen and all you your friends think so too, you decided to just get dressed quickly so you can go eat, dinner was in 30 minutes and you wanted to find your friends first, you quickly threw on the leggings and the shirt, you were about to head to the closet to find a hoodie when you looked down at Draco's sweater and bit your lip in contemplation, you threw Draco's sweater on and breathed in the smell feeling happy with your choice, you were still denying the fact that you have feelings for him

You looked down at the lettering on the cuff of the sweater D.M. And smiled before walking into the bathroom and throwing on a couple glamour charms before throwing your hair in slick low bun with two front pieces hanging out, they really framed you face while the makeup you wore brought out your hazel green eyes

You grabbed your wand and ran out of the room and down to the common room where Pansy was sitting with Theo, Blaise and Draco

"Finally! You are so slow when it comes to getting ready" Pansy said as she moved over on the couch so you could sit

You sat down next to her and punched her arm "Takes time to look pretty, you should try it sometime Parkinson" everyone laughed as Pansy glared at you

"I'm starving can we go down to dinner now"

"You're always starving Theo, you might as well be a child in Africa" Blaise said mater of factly

"Sod off zabini"

You all started to get up when you noticed Draco staring at you, it was probably because of the sweater, maybe he wanted it back?

You all started walking down the hall when you felt a hand brush against yours, electricity shot through your body as you looked up at Draco who was looking down at you shyly smiling

"I noticed you staring at me Malfoy" you said nervously

"Well I didn't expect you to still be wearing my sweater y/l"

"What? Did you want it back"

"Nono keep it, you look good in it" Draco said looking away from you and back towards the hall as you continued walking

You smiled to yourself, you could get used to this new Malfoy let's hope it lasts

A/N: The way you pronounce Lena's name is lee-nuh

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