First Day

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Its Monday, your classes start today and you wished you had more time before you had to do work but sadly Hogwarts waits for no woman, including you

You got up and headed to the bathroom knocking on the door

"Pans you in there?"

"Yeah, I'm almost done give me a second"

Pansy opened the door and smiled at you "Morning Y/n"

"Good morning Pans" You walked into the bathroom and yelled loud enough for Lena to hear "Good morning Lena"

Lena groaned as she rolled over to face her wall putting her pillow over her head, that girl really hated mornings

You turned on the shower letting it get hot before you began to wash your body and your hair, you got out and quickly dried off, you were being a bit quicker than usual but you had to make sure you were early to class on your first day of school

You stepped out into your dorm leaving the bathroom open for Lena to use and went over to your closet, you grabbed your robes and the rest of your uniform from out of your drawers, you stepped into the closet to get dressed because Lena had already gone into the bathroom

You stepped out of the closet and looked at yourself in the mirror, it felt like forever since you put on your uniform

"How do I look?"

"Like your tits grew from last year"

"Ha ha Pansy" you said rolling your eyes and laughing

"You look good, I'm sure Draco would agree"

You punched Pansy lightly on the shoulder as you put your shoes on, black platform doc martins, and put a few glamour charms on your face, you used your wand to place your hair up in a high curled pony tail with a few pieces hanging out around your face, you grabbed a black ribbon off the top of the dresser and tied it in a bow around you pony tail

Lena exited the bathroom and grabbed her clothes before heading back into the bathroom and quickly changing into her uniform

"Ready to go now?" You asked Lena as she put her shoes on

"Yup, Pansy?"

"Yup" Pansy replied popping the p at the end

You all exited your dorm to find the boys waiting for you on the couch, Draco took your hand in his as you finished descending the stairs and Theo placed his arm around Pansy's waist while Lena and Blaise walked together in front of you and Draco

"Did you sleep well" Draco asked as you began walking down the hall

"Fairly well, it was a little cold"

"I guess I'll just have to lend you more of my hoodies" Draco said smiling down at you

You all reached the great hall and ate breakfast before classes started, your first class was with Hermione so you made your way over to the gryffindor table a few minutes before breakfast ended

"Hey guys"

"Hello Y/n" Hermione replied as you sat next to her


"Hi" Harry and Ron relied as they looked at you

You chatted with Harry, Ron, and Hermione before you had to go to class, you and Hermione exited the Great hall hand in hand as you made your way to Professor Scouts class, You sat in the front of the class in between Hermione and Neville

"Hello Neville" you smiled at him

"Hey Y/n, how have you been"

"I've been great, how have you been?"

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