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The talent showcase is tonight, you've been writing and practicing for the last 2 days, once you started you couldn't stop, the words poured out of you, everything you've felt the past two weeks, every reoccurring thought went into your song

"Beneath the cloak of armour-"

"Hey Y/n" Theo said as he entered the room gently closing the door

"Oh hey Theo" you said looking up from your journal

"I didn't hear much but what I did hear was amazing, you're insanely talented, maybe that could be your job after Hogwarts"

You blushed "Thanks Theo but I think I'm going to stick to my original plan" you wanted to work as an Auror for the Ministry of Magic since first year, it was a plan you made with Harry, Ron and, Hermione that you would all work in the Ministry of Magic together, you, Harry, and Ron as Auror's and Hermione in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

"Are you nervous?" Theo asked

"Well yeah...What if he meant all those things, what if he actually fell in love with Astoria..."

"Y/n listen to me, Draco has the shortest fuse out of all of us, we both know that's how he grew up, he doesn't know how to show his emotions so he lashes out, and I can guarantee you he is using Greengrass as a distraction because he feels horribly about what he did"

"Did...he say that?"

"Not exactly, but he acts like it, the only thing he said to me was that he was right he wasn't good enough, that was the last thing he said to me before he stopped talking to me"

"Thanks Theo, for telling me that" you said looking down at the floor

"No problem Y/n, but I should get going, I have care of magical creatures in 6 minutes"

Just as Theo was about to leave you stopped him "Hey Theo, can I come with you...I haven't been in weeks and I think I'm ready to go to my classes again- well maybe not all of them today but Monday I will"

Theo smiled at you holding out his hand for you to take "If you want to come then hurry up, I'm going to be late as it is"

You grabbed Theo's hand as you quickly walked down the stairs before running down the halls, you spotted Harry and stopped jerking Theo backwards

"Harry-" you said out of breathe "I'm going to Care of Magical Creatures, I decided that come Monday I will return to my classes like normal" you couldn't breathe

"That's wonderful Y/n" Harry said smiling before it slowly turned into a frown "Does that mean you'll be returning to your dorm as well"

"Yes, I think it does....But I promise that every week we'll do sleepovers, I won't let what happened last year happen again, I can't stay away from my best friend not for a guy nor any other reason"

Harry began to smile again "Thanks Y/n"

You nodded at Harry before Theo quickly pulled you away as you started running again. You made it to Hagrid's hut with .10 seconds to spare before the bell rang

"Y/n! It's great to see you in class again!" Hagrid said as he clapped you on the back gently, it still knocked you off balance but you'll manage

"It's great to be back, this is the only class I'm going to today, but I'll be back fully on Monday"

"That's good to hear, that means you're doing better with your er- situation"

Oh, he knew, how-

Pansy looked at you and then Hagrid and then the ground, of course it was Pansy

You walked over to where your friends were standing right next to Pansy

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