Love and Scars

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You awoke to Harry's arm around your waist, he was holding you close and tight which you didn't mind, it was actually quite comforting, the last time you slept in a bed with Harry like this was fourth year, that was a really good much better than this one

You slowly turned around to face Harry not wanting to wake him up and you leaned your head on his chest, your arm was throbbing, the numbing potion wore off, it was only Thursday so you still had class, you decided you would go back to sleep and get up when Harry did

30 minutes later Harry awoke, he looked down at you with a gentle smile and kissed the top of your head which prompted you to look at him

"Good morning Harry" you said smiling at him

"Good morning"

You laid there for a few more minutes talking with Harry about how you're feeling and how you slept before finally getting up and getting ready, by the time you abs Harry were both ready Ron was awake

"You do know it's 8:00 right?" You said to Ron shaking your head at him

"Oh, it is, uhm I'll be ready in 10" Ron said scrambling to collect his clothes before quickly showering

You and Harry decided to wait for him in the common room with Hermione, you all went over your Apparition notes spitballing ideas on how to ease the nausea before Ron came down and you headed to the Great hall

You were acting normal, but on the inside you wanted to avoid everyone and everything besides Harry, Ron, and even wanted to avoid Pansy, Theo, and Blaise, you knew they were too close to Draco to be around and on top of that if you told Pansy anything about this particular situation everyone would know about it, you loved Pansy to pieces but that girl has a big mouth

As you made it the Great hall you saw Draco sitting with Astoria, Draco noticed you staring and he grabbed Astoria by the side of her face and kissed her, you saw Pansy slam her fists on the table and turn around to leave when she noticed you, you couldn't be here you couldn't do this

You ran out of the Great hall knowing Pansy was following you, you ran as fast as you could to the gryffindor commons and slammed the door shut you slid down the wall shaking as silent sobs left your body. You heard banging on the door

"Y/n, Y/n open up please, it's Pansy"

"Yeah, Y/n open up we're worried about you"

"Y/n, please"

Theo and Blaise, you could recognize their voices anywhere

"Y/n, baby open up"

Lena, her sweet voice made you sob even harder, you knew you were hurting your friends, you knew all they wanted was to help you but you couldn't bring yourself to open that door

Suddenly the door opened and you could hear Hermione's voice

"Guys, I know you care about her, I do, and I know she knows it too but right now she needs to be alone, she will talk to you when she's ready"

Those were your friends, you didn't know why you couldn't just let them in, and then you remembered, their your friends, the same friends that held a grudge against Oliver Wood for an entire 2 years because he beat all of them in a game of wizards chess, they're already pissed at Draco, the more they hang around you the more they'll hate him and you know they'll hate him much longer than you will, you couldn't do that to Draco....even if he hated you now

Eventually your friends left and you made your way up to Harry's room with Hermione

"Are you ok Y/n, I know it was hard sending your friends away" she said as she placed her hand on your shoulder

My Protector (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon