Just the beginning

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It has been a month since you and Draco made up, things have been amazing, he's taken you out on multiple dates and he even bought you a Niffler, you named him Alchemy since he loved to sleep in your cauldron

You've gotten Draco to work on his issues with Harry, they even practiced for quidditch matches together now, well the ones they weren't playing against each other

You kept your promise to Harry and have slept over once a week, you even went to the Three Broomsticks, you loved having Harry back in your life full time and it was so much easier now that Draco wasn't bitching all the time

Lena and Luna are doing better than ever, Lena met Luna's parents and they absolutely adored her. Pansy and Theo's relationship was flourishing, Pansy created a news paper for Hogwarts students with all the latest drama and quidditch info with help from Theo. Blaise even found a girlfriend, a 6th year hufflepuff named Eleanor Branstone, they've been going out for a week and a half now and seem to be getting ok really well

With Hagrid's permission you took on the role of being Buckbeaks caretaker, you go to feed him and check on him everyday, you even get to go on flights whenever you want, which was a major perk, you took on the role of being his caretaker because you knew there wasn't much Hogwarts could offer you in terms of becoming an Auror, which is still your plan, but you decided to do something that made you happy while you're here

Harry now has a girlfriend, Parvati Patil, he said he would always love you, that you were his first love and you knew he wasn't lying, you were happy for him, he seemed to genuinely enjoy her and she wasn't a crazy ass bitch of a girlfriend who wouldn't let you have your sleepovers and friend dates with Harry

Your classes were going amazing, you had top marks in everything beating out Hermione by up to 6 points in some, you were even beating Draco out in potions, but that didn't last long at all

Everything was going swimmingly but there was one thing that bothered you, you knew it shouldn't given all the things he's done for you, but Draco never asked you to be his girlfriend, and it's been a month! You felt as though he might have doubts about you because of everything that happened but you hoped it wasn't the case

"Hi my love" Draco said kissing your head before sitting next to you in the library, my love was a new nickname he used for you ever since you two said "I love you"

"Hi Draco" you said giving him a warm smile

"I just wanted to ask if you were busy tonight?"

"No, why?"

"Becauseeee" Draco said dragging out the end of the word in a high pitched tone "I have a surprise for you"

"Oh? What is it?"

"I'm not telling you, that's why it's called a surprise" he said boopping your nose "do you think I'm that dumb?" he said chuckling

"Weeeeeeel" you said in a playful tone

"Hey!" Draco said punching your shoulder lightly

You kissed him smiling and laughing against his lips as he did the same

"What time is this surprise" you said pulling away from his face

"A little ways past dinner, I'll take you there myself"

"Okay" you said smiling at him

You turned your attention back to the work you were doing before Draco walked in the library, Draco decided to do work too, he pulled out his Transfiguration textbook examining the page on animagus's, Harry's godfather Sirius Black was an animagus so you knew quite a lot about them due to the story's Harry told and the time you've spent with Sirius himself, you used your knowledge to help Draco with his assignment so he didn't have to read the whole chapter

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