New year new us

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You stood outside the castle in the middle of Blaise and Theo with your things admiring the castle as the cold autumn air hit your face and body making you shiver

"Why is it So Cold" you whined as you rubbed your arms with your hands

"Maybe because your practically naked y/n" Blaise said as he placed his arm around you

"It's a cropped sweater zabini!" You said defensively as you shrugged him off of you and walked towards the castle

Blaise chuckled and yelled at you as you walked away "Nakedddd! Someone's gonna get distracted by that smexy stomach" Blaise, Theo, Pansy, and Lena all laughed as they started walking towards the castle, Draco rolled his eyes and followed behind the group slightly annoyed with Blaises commentary, he didn't want to think about people looking at you

As you all made your way to the Slytherin commons Draco pulled you back from the group "Put it on" Draco took off his grey sweater which slightly exposed his abs as he pulled it over his head, he handed it to you it smelled of expensive cologne and green apple

"Thanks, but I'm good Malfoy" you said in a sassy tone, you didn't want to accept anything from him, you felt as though he was up to something, it couldn't possibly be that he feels bad about your memories of Cedric. Draco acted like 10x the asshole after your breakup with Cedric and you have no idea why...with Draco there's always strings attached...but just maybe this time there's not?

Draco rolled his eyes "Don't be so bloody stubborn y/n, the slytherin commons are below freezing and I don't want you complaining the whole damn time" Draco said in an annoyed tone as he shoved the sweater into your hands

"Whatever Malfoy" you said as you put the sweater on, the smell made you feel warm warmer than the sweater itself. What is happening to you, you can't let your feelings for Draco resurface. You turned away from Draco blushing violently knowing he can't see it but still being embarrassed and you quickly walked away

You caught up to your friends just as Pansy was saying the password to enter the slytherin common room "Pureblood" Pansy said as the door unlocked

You all entered the common room and went your separate ways, you, Pansy, and Lena to the girls dorms and Draco, Blaise, and Theo to the boys. You shared a dorm with Lena and Pansy ever since you all became friends, you had to practically beg Dumbledore to let three of you stay in one dorm but it was so worth it

Blaise and Theo shared a dorm together which probably isn't the best idea considering it constantly smelled like weed and regret. Draco got his own dorm, I still can't believe that wanker has a dorm the size of yours and Theo Blaise and Theo's put together, I guess that's what you get with daddy's money

"Ahhhh" you flopped down on your bed "It's so nice to be off that train" you whined

"Oh for sure, I couldn't take another second of you fighting with Malfoy, It's bloody torture" Pansy said as she started unpacking her things and putting them in the closet and dresser

Lena was quickly unpacking her things as neatly as she could for how fast she was going "Lena why are you in such a hurry?" You asked

"Uhm- I just have to meet someone in Ravenclaw I promised I would go to see them as soon as I got here" Lena said nervously

"Mmm sus Lena, very sus" You said slanting your eyes at her in a playful manner "Lena Braxton, who are theeeeey" you said in a an intrigued noisy voice

"N-nobody I mean they're just a friend"

"Just a friend my ass" you laughed out "You're never on time for anything so tell me who they are"

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