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You sat across from Draco at the slytherin table, you couldn't stop throwing glances at him and you know he noticed because he kept smirking. You leaned your head on your hand that was resting on the table and started to zone out

"Hey y/n!" Hermione Granger, she was your biggest competition in classes you two were the top students at Hogwarts in basically everything but potions, Draco beat both of you in that, you and Hermione made an alliance to study together so you would be equal, you're still a few points ahead of her but she dosnt seem to mind

You jumped slightly and Draco scoffed a laugh that you didn't seem to notice "Mione!" You got up and hugged her

Draco rolled his eyes and whispered "Mudblood" under his breath, a few snickers came from the slytherin table

"The next person to laugh is getting Stupefyed into next fucking week!" It came out louder than you meant it to but it did the job

"Sorry about that Mione, slytherins are assholes, especially Malfoy" you said as you looked at him in spite, he rolled his eyes

"It's fine I just came to talk to you about class arrangements this year, what's your schedule?"

"Herbology, Transfiguration, Potions, Apparition, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, and Astronomy"

"Oh that's wonderful, I have Herbology, Apparition, Muggle Studies, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Potions, and Charms"

"Oh wow this is the first year we've had more than one class different...We can still help each other out, a deals a deal" you and Hermione high-fived

"True, Oh! Ron and Harry wanted to say hi to you come sit with us for a bit"

Draco immediately stiffened when he heard Harry's name, you looked over to him, you don't know why you did it's like you were asking for approval from him....ugh ur brain is betraying you today

You looked away from Draco and at the floor then back to Hermione "Sure, I've missed those idiots" You gave a small smile

"Great , let's go" Hermione said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to the gryffindor table

"Y/n, it's so nice to see you again" Harry said as he smiled shyly at you, you have a feeling Harry has a crush on you but you never addressed it

"It's nice to see you too Harry" you hugged him from behind because you were still standing and then you sat down between him and Ron "Hey Ron Ron" you chuckled out

"You're never going to let me live that dooooown, it was a one time mistake ok, never date girls named after flowers" he gave you a side hug

"Harry I was wondering what your schedule is" you said as you turned to Harry

"Transfiguration, Potions, Apparition, Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, and History of Magic"

"Yay we have charms together now it won't be boring" you smiled at him

"Any place you are there's no chance it can be boring"

You giggled and blushed at Harry's commentary as you felt eyes on you, you turned around to find Draco staring straight at you he looked mad, Draco looked away as you looked at him and you turned back to Harry Confused on why he looked mad at you

"You look beautiful by the way" Harry said blushing

You smiled at him "Aww thank you Harry"

"Hey who's sweater is that it looks really big on you" Ron said trying to look at the cuff of the sweater where Draco's initials were

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