Rude awakening

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You didn't even know when you fell asleep, all you remember was saying something to Lena about mutual silence

"Hey Pans when did you get here" you yawned out before flipping your head back onto the pillow

"Later than I would've liked, but someone's a stubborn git"

"What was that last part?"

"Nothing" Pansy lightly chuckled

"Oh...ok" you were too tired to annoy it out of her

You got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, you forgot you fell asleep in your clothes "Ugh I need a shower" you turned the water on a and waited a minute until the water was hot, you washed your long brown hair that was down to the lower part of your back and then hopped out of the shower. You were slightly upset that you washed Draco's scent off of you, you knew you shouldn't be but you were

You wrapped your towel around yourself and walked out into your dorm

Pansy and Lena catcalled you so you did a spin, you all laughed "Guys what should I wear?"

Pansy smirked "Can I just pick you out an outfit?"

"Uh sure?" You stepped away from the closet

Pansy picked you out a black long sleeved silk body-con dress with a deep v neck that went a little more than halfway down the dress and the dress itself was extremely short, she set the dress on the bed as you stared at her

"Pansy! I am not wearing that!" You were so red in the face and Lena was dying laughing

"Come on y/n live a little you'll look cuuuute" Pansy whined

"Why would I wear this on a casual Saturday?"

"Trust me y/n you'll want to wear it"

"I don't know what you're up to...but I trust you, I am not putting this on right now though" You dug through your closet and found a hoodie and some sweatpants in your drawer, you went in the bathroom and changed

"When do I have to wear that" you said pointing to the outfit Pansy laid out on the bed

"Tonight, at 5:00 that's when you should start getting ready"

"Ready for what? And why did you tell me to wear it now if I didn't until later today?"

"I mean if you've got it flaunt it"

You had D cups and Pansy was always hyping you up on how good they would look in showy tops and dresses "You're unbelievable Pansy" you laughed out "I'm going to go to Blaise and Theo's room to wake them up, wanna come?"

"Im down" Lena said

"Sure, I've been meaning to ask Theo to go to Hogsmeade with me anyways"

"OooooOooooo" you and Lena said in unison

"Ok shut it it's just a casual thing, unless he...wants it to be a date, but we're won't dating"


"Ok we're not dating yet Y/n"

You smiled at Pansy and yelled "RACE" and ran to the door

"THAT WAS NOT FAIR Y/N" Pansy yelled

Lena practically jumped off of her bed as you opened the door and ran out and down the hall to the boys dormitories, you flung open the door to Theo and Blaises room and jumped on Blaises bed "I WIN" you yelled as Blaise and Theo jolted awake

Pansy flopped onto Theo and Lena flopped onto Blaise almost pushing you off of the bed, all three of you got up and started jumping on Blaise and Theo's beds


Pansy jumped off of Theo's bed and kissed him on the head before flopping onto Blaises bed, you jumped onto Theo and hugged him "GET UP BEST FRIEND"

"YOU GUYS ARE ANNOYING AS FUCK" Theo yelled and thre his head into his pillow

You bent down and threw the covers off of Theo "WAKE UUUUUUUP" you tickled him and he moved around so much both of you fell on the floor


Blaise, Pansy, and Lena all started laughing so hard

"What in the actual fuck is going on in here!" Draco yelled in the doorway, all the laughing halted for a spilt second before it erupted even louder

When the laughing finally stopped you actually took a good look at Draco and realized he wasn't wearing a shirt, you froze staring at him

Draco smirked at you "Like what you see y/l"

You violently blushed and looked at the floor "D-don't think so highly of yourself M-malfoy"

The room was still, everyone sensed the sexual tension between you and Draco

"U-uhm, I'm gonna go get breakfast" you said quickly as you got up and went to your room to get shoes, Lena and Blaise followed you and Draco left to put a shirt on leaving Theo and Pansy alone

"Well that was eventful" Blaise said looking at you with a smirk

"Shut it zabini" you said blushing

"You can't deny the sexual tension that you and Draco just had"

"I can and I will"

"Sure Y/n, sure"

Ugh you hated that everyone knew you liked Draco, but you hated that he didn't know more

You started walking to the Great hall with everyone when Pansy came up behind you

"Y/nnnnnnn Theo made it a date!"

"That's great Pans" you said as you hugged her from the side

You held hands with Pansy as you made it halfway to the Great hall when you ran into Harry and Hermione

"Hey Harry, het Hermione" you said smiling at them

"Hi y/n" Hermione said

"Hey" Harry said smiling at you and slightly blushing

Draco came up behind you and put his hand on your back as you walked, Harry quickly looked away and said his goodbyes as he headed to the library with Hermione

"Bye y/n" Hermione said before jogging to catch up with Harry

Pansy let go of your hand as Draco walked faster causing you to walk faster

"What the hell was that Malfoy" you said as angrily as you could, it was so hard for you to act angry when you liked the feeling of Draco close to you it was breath taking

"He likes you" Draco said blankly

"And how do you know that?"

"The way he looks at you, stares at you when you're not looking how he can't get sentences out when you smile at him"

He noticed those didn't even notice some of those things "I never noticed..."

"Do you like him" Draco said as he moved his hand down to your waist and pulled you closer


"Good" Draco said as he released your waist when you made it into the Great hall

Does you?

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