The Slipper & The Magic Mirro...

By wrenlo

3.1K 111 11

All Nicole wanted was an autograph. All Waverly wanted was to be rescued. A Wayhaught love story told as a fa... More

Chapter 1 - What the...
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 4

91 5 0
By wrenlo

Nicole looked at her two companions. "Why's this on me? Okay, an autograph, that's what got us here. Wanting a dancer's autograph."

"Exactly, an autograph," Jeremy repeated. "Except, how many autographs do you usually get when you see a show?"

Nicole paused, thinking through all the shows she had seen. "There was that one Oh, wait, there was that famous British, don't think I got one for her performance either. Okay, okay, this might be the first time, but it's hardly unusual seeking an autograph. I mean she was really good. You saw her."

"So, this is your first and only autograph," Robin said. "Yay, virgin prince to the rescue."

"Technically not even that," Nicole replied. "Never actually got the autograph. Do I have to be a prince? I don't think it's within my performance range. I don't role play, unless it's in front of a judge."

"I would suggest you don't go Maid Marion," Jeremy offered. "We don't know what we're about to encounter and you in a long dress could slow us down. Consider what would work scaling a castle wall, or fighting dragons."

"Only, there's a really lovely pale blue dress hanging up. Fine, fine, I'll go with the leggings."

Robin was already changing into the clothing he had selected, Jeremy shaking his head. "Only you. Really, that's what you've chosen."

"Minstrel. Need to find an instrument. Anyone seen a guitar in any of this stuff?"

"Court jester," Jeremy corrected. "You've picked the court jester's outfit. Although, to be fair it does look good on you."

Nicole picked through the pile on the floor, eventually selecting enough pieces of clothing to transform into a rather dashing prince, complete with a gold trimmed cape. Donning a large hat with a feather she stood in front of the mirror to admire her outfit, Waverly's face appearing. "You look extremely handsome in that outfit. But, I fear the time is ticking away. You must hurry."

"Thanks. Look, where exactly are you?"

"I'm in the water and on the walls. I'm in a tap and a tear that falls. Find me."

"Wait. The map we have only shows a path to the edge of an enchanted forest where the castle is located." Silence. Nicole stared into the mirror. "Guys, what did she mean by that?"

"She means she wants you to find her," Robin replied, Nicole's eyes rolling.

"I know that. I meant the water and wall, the tap and tear."

"Reflections," Jeremy explained. "She means we'll be able to see her in any reflective surface. Water is reflective, as is a mirror."

"Of course," Nicole said. "This place is weird. No one says what they really mean. Help me find something reflective we can bring with us."

Jeremy scanned the room. "Like your thinking. That plate might do it. No, it's too dull to reflect our faces. A sword perhaps. Are any super shiny?"

Robin rummaged through his trouser pocket, pulling out his wallet. "We could use this," he said, extracting a credit card sized mirror from one of the slots. "It's for my emergencies."

"Perfect," Nicole said, taking it from him. "Do you think our stuff will be safe here? Tempted to bring my bag."

"That which belongs to you will be safe," Waverly said, her reflection appearing in Robin's tiny mirror. "You need to journey far beyond here. If you do not leave now the path will disappear."

"I understand," Nicole replied. "I will rescue you. No idea how, but we're coming for you."

Waverly's face smiled at her from Robin's mirror. "I know you will. You have a true heart. Go swiftly my love."

Nicole felt a tingle through her body. She hadn't felt that in years, her failed attempt at co-habiting with her partner ending in her packing boxes and moving hundreds of miles to start again. What she would give to have someone say those two words to her daily. She would even settle for monthly. Who was she kidding? She would settle for someone saying them just once. My love.

The three made their way downstairs, Robin careful not to trip over his elongated shoes with bells at the end. Entering the tavern, the din of drinkers talking and laughing masked the tinkling sound coming from Robin's feet, each carrying a sword on a belt, hoping they would not have to use it.

Leaving the tavern, the sun had set, the night air colder than when they entered, a light dusting of snow having fallen on the cobbled street, Jeremy pointing in the direction they should travel. Taking the lead, he marched them toward the edge of the village, stopping at the last house to assess where they needed to go next. "There should be a path leading across the fields to that wooded area in the distance."

"Can't we simply walk in a straight line towards the trees?" Robin asked, tapping one of his feet to make the bell tinkle.

Jeremy looked down at Robin's shoes shaking his head. "Any element of surprise is already lost with those. No, we stick to the path. We don't know what this place, what this weird world has in store for us. We play by their rules until we've gathered enough wisdom to make it work for us."

"Guys," Nicole interrupted. "I think I see the path. Over there. Wish we'd brought a light with us."

No sooner had she said that when a lantern appeared before her, Robin clapping his hands together. "Perfect, we get wishes. My turn. Wish I had a double cheeseburger with fries."

The three waited to see if food would materialise, nothing appearing. "Guess, it's just me who gets her wishes fulfilled," Nicole said. "Are you really that hungry?"

"I could do with a snack. These escape room quests make me peckish."

"Guys, do we order food, sorry wish for food before we set off?"

"I really think we should just get on the path," Jeremy suggested. "We don't have much time."

"I could eat as we walk," Robin replied, pouting a little. "I mean I'm assuming it's a takeaway service, not eat in."

"Guys, I'm happy to wish for food. Who wants what?"

A tiny voice echoed from the mirror in Nicole's hand. "You only have three wishes," Waverly instructed. "One is gone and they must only be used to aid your journey. Think wisely before using your remaining two."

Nicole looked at her travelling companions. "Up to you. Food, or we save our two remaining wishes."

Robin had his hand up. "Food for me. Can I add a diet coke to my order?"

"We save our wishes," Jeremy said. "We don't know when we'll need them. And, I for one would rather have two wishes to fall back on than a full belly."

"I so want a burger right now," Robin said. "What if we get food and I fight the first dragon we come across?"

"Like you would," Nicole replied. "I'm going with Jeremy on this. I promise, if we make it out of here alive I will buy you all the burgers, and fries, and drinks you could possibly want. Deal?"

Nicole held out her hand towards Robin. "Deal. Plus a tee shirt that says I won the escape room challenge."

The lantern allowed the trio to navigate the first part of the path to reach the edge of the woods, the blackness ahead making their quest seem that much more dangerous. This was not somewhere Nicole would have ventured willingly, even in the real world. Woods and caves, in fact anywhere outdoorsy was not her thing. Camping, glamping, any form of pitting herself against the elements was also not her thing. A glass of wine, a chunky book, or a rom com were her preferred pursuits most weekends since moving to New York. As much as she wanted to explore the city in which she now found herself, without someone to call her own she simply lacked the motivation, or the enthusiasm to see what her new world had to offer.

Entering the woods Robin grabbed Jeremy's hand. "If I get eaten, just remember I leave this world hungry."

Jeremy laughed. "You know you were destined for that outfit."

No sooner had they entered the dark forest when Nicole spotted a light amongst the trees. "Err, guys, what's that?"

They were too far away to make out what it might be, continuing along the path through the trees in single file, Nicole at the rear sensing someone, or something was watching them. As they ventured deeper into the forest she reflected further on her perfectly normal life, and her perfectly normal job, and her perfectly normal existence. Structure was how she lived her life. Structure and discipline. Do the right thing, be the right person and live the right life. Her parents were super proud of her accomplishments as a lawyer, she knew that, they had told her often enough. Although, if she had decided to tread the boards, take up acting, tried to make it in Hollywood they would have supported her. Yet, for all that structure and discipline, she wished more than anything she could have a life that brought her joy.

As they neared the light they realised it was coming from a solitary house, set in a clearing, trails of smoke rising from a chimney indicating someone was inside. "Guys, looks like we should go see who lives there," Nicole suggested. "There's no one else around to ask."

"I can smell cake," Robin said. "Chocolate cake. No, cinnamon. Apple pie. Oh, it's apple pie. Do you think they'll have custard, or cream?"

"We're not eating anything, remember," Jeremy instructed. "I agree, we knock, find out if this is part of our quest, be on our merry way."

"Oooh, you're beginning to sound like Riddle Me Doers," Robin replied.

"Riddle Me Whaters?"

"Doers. The inhabitants of Riddle Me Do. How did I know that?"

Jeremy looked at Robin. "This is what I mean by being careful. We don't know how this place...baa...affects...baa."

"Err Jeremy," Nicole interrupted. "You're bleating like a lamb."

"I'm not. I'm merely...baa."

Nicole looked at Robin. "He's bleating, isn't he?"

Robin nodded. "And, I seem to have acquired extensive knowledge of this place all of a sudden. This apparently is the Forest of Foreboding where our deepest fears are lurking in the dark, following us, ready to pounce."

Nicole looked at her two companions. "So, Jeremy's fear is sheep?"

Jeremy shook his head. "I rather like...baa. My fear is to be a...baa."

"Oh, right. Robin I have no idea what yours is."

Robin turned away. "It is of no importance."

Nicole reached out her hand, touching his arm. "It's okay, we're all friends. What are you afraid of?"

Robin stepped away. "I'm I really have to do this?"

"I think you...baa."

"Alright, alright. I'm afraid of being smarter than I appear."

"I know you...baa. You are...baa."

Robin turned to Nicole. "It's an act. I pretend to be, but I read scientific journals in the bathroom."

"We all know you're smart. And funny, and crazy. That's why we love you."

"So, what's your fear?" Robin asked. "Nothing seems to have changed for you."

"Me. Oh, you know the dark. Really not a huge fan of the dark."

"No, that's not it," Robin pressed. "Nicole, we've told you ours. What's yours?"

Nicole lowered the lantern, removing the light from her face. "Being alone."

"That can't be right," Robin said. "If that were the case, we wouldn't be here with you."

Nicole kicked a few leaves under her feet. "Being unloved," she said quietly.

"But we love...wait, you can be quite annoying on occasions. And, you're always late for things we organise."

Jeremy nodded. "That's right. You do have a tendency to...baa."

Nicole felt a lump in her throat. "Guess this forest reveals the truth too."

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