What the Heart Wants.

بواسطة Rinpoo

15.5K 578 249

Marco's deep depression over Star's relationship with Tom forces him to leave Mewni castle in search of solac... المزيد

The Twilight Walk.
Insidious Passion.
Urban Legend.
Ominous Night.
Desperate Plea.
Sorrowful Sinners.
Accepting Fate.
Wand of Monarchs.
Shattered Happiness.
Unsteady Normalcy.
Encroaching Darkness.
Time Immemorial.
A Difficult Truth.
Legendary Squire.
The Bird and the Wolfe.
Witching Hour.
Hatred's Poison.

Love Everlasting.

555 20 7
بواسطة Rinpoo

Author's Note. Well, this is the end of the story. I really do not think much of myself or my writing, but I do know I have plenty more stories to tell.

Thank you to all the people that read my story, also thank you to every person that took the time to push a button to vote.

A special thank you to every one of my followers.























Marco stared at himself in the mirror, scrutinizing his own outfit. He was fancily dressed and in his old room at the castle. The quietness of the area that had once been the cause of terror now rang through with peacefulness and harmony. It was as if the events of the past two weeks had lifted a morose feeling from Mewni itself.

Marco turned his head to look out the window, and still, the moons shined brighter than ever before. There wasn't even a cloud in the sky... It was just an endless ocean of precious stars that lit the heavens.

Marco turned towards the bed with a sigh and stared at the gilded sword that lay atop it. The last relic of an era long since passed, and a knight to be forever forgotten. He picked up the blade solemnly and placed it into the sheath, then he started to strap and buckle it to his side.


Now fully adorned and handsome looking while bearing his signature cape. He placed his right hand on the hilt of the blade, as the knight had once done, and then started to walk out into the hallway to head downstairs, where everyone was waiting.

Out and down the stairs he went, the echoing of his boots tapping against the stones, and a mix of excitement and shame creeping over him when at last he reached the ground floor.

"Heyyy... About time Marco, you are late and holding everyone up!" Hekapoo scolded and walked beside him to begin pulling him by the arm.

"I... Well..." Marco started but was cut off by her.

"Yeah, yeah... It is bad enough I have my hands full with restoration. I don't need to babysit you too."

Marco just let out a small laugh when she playfully smirked at him. "Oh! Before I forget... Here."

Hekapoo held up her hand, and in a poof of magic, his scissors appeared in them. "When I heard you lost them, I took the time to find them for you... You know, you really shouldn't go swimming in abandoned parts of the castle with newfound pets...."

Marco shook his head, grabbing the scissors from her and placing them in his pocket. "Thanks, Hekapoo..."

"Next time, tell me sooner, will ya... Now get in there!" She said as she shoved Marco forward and into the throne room.

Much of the damage was still in a state of moderate repair. Still, it was brightly lit and had a plethora of citizens and royalty alike in attendance.

As Marco walked forward, he saw Queen Moon and King River sitting on their thrones with Star standing beside them in an elegant pink gown. Set before them all stood Kelly and Tom.

Tom was dressed in a rather princely attire. While Kelly had her arm casted all the way up to her shoulder and resting in a sling. Her tunic bore the crest of the Royal family of Mewni, and she stood proudly with a smile on her face as Marco approached.

Star looked kind of annoyed and huffed. "Geez, Marco, be late for the ceremony, why don't you!?"

Marco stood next to the other two, and he merely bowed to the Queen out of respect. "I... Uh, am sorry, your Majesty."

Queen Moon merely smiled as King River chuckled, after which Moon held up a royal scepter plated in gold.

"Lords and Ladies! Workers and commoners! We are all gathered here this evening to celebrate these fine youths in their selfless defense of our beautiful kingdom." Moon paused and eyed each one of them, after which she continued. "It was a spectacular endeavor that they would face such peril for a land that was not even their own."

When Moon finished speaking, she pointed her scepter towards Tom, who walked forward and bowed politely on one knee. "Dearest Tom. Not only is your family a close ally to us, as you are close to our daughter, but it was your fearless bravery in the face of pure evil, as to why you stand before us today. The time you bought us was time enough for the battle to turn in our favor. For such an action, you shall henceforth be known as the heroic Obsidian Prince."

When Moon finished speaking, Tom raised up and looked at Star from where he stood, then said aloud. "I thank you, Your Majesty. I would suffer any pain or go through any trial if it meant Star's safety at the end of it."

Star's face turned bright red, and the crowd began to applaud loudly. After that, Tom smiled while walking past Marco and patted him on the shoulder before taking his place at the back of the room.

"Kelly... Please step forward." Moon said elegantly.

Kelly walked forward quietly and then bent down before Moon despite her injuries. After a brief silence, Moon began to speak just as she had to Tom.

"Kelly, against all odds, you fought to defend your friends and a home that wasn't yours. Despite your lack of magic, your courageous battle with the wretched witch shall be the stuff of legends, told and retold throughout the ages. Those injuries you wear, wear them with pride, for they are a badge of honor and a reminder of your sacrifices for us all."

There was a pause when Moon lowered her scepter, and then she spoke once again.

"Kelly..." Moon took a breath but ended up stopping herself. "No..."

"Kelly Lionheart is what you shall henceforth be called, for nothing is braver or more regal than you."

Kelly stood up to her feet, and she glanced at Marco before speaking. "I... I am without words... To be an honorary warrior for the kingdom of Mewni... I shall wear my new name with pride."

Applause erupted, and Marco laughed, after which he shouted to the crowd. "Three cheers for Lionheart!"

When he said that, the crowd roared together.

"Hip! Hip! Hurrah!"

"Hip! Hip! Hurrah!"

"Hip! Hip! Hurrah!"

Kelly adjusted her glasses with her uninjured hand and lowered her gaze to hide her embarrassment. When she passed Marco, she gave him a playful punch on the arm and took to the back of the crowded room to watch with Tom.

When at last all that was left was Marco, Moon had a grin from ear to ear. "Stand before me, Marco Diaz."

Marco did as commanded and bowed on one knee, after which Moon began her speech. "Marco, you came here to be a knight of Mewni, and at first, I thought it silly to give you such a title. Now, as you stand before me a savior, I find that such a title is too little for one such as you. I..." She was going to continue, but Marco stood up during her speaking.

The sudden movement caused a pause, and the crowd began to whisper. Then, Marco spoke. "Your Majesty... I appreciate your kind words, but I still have to accept responsibilities for my actions and the fact that this all happened because of me."

The hushed whisperings continued, and River leaned forward to adjust his sitting position, after which he ran his hand through his beard. "Marco... Lad... A true hero and knight will own his mistakes... Not only own but correct them. I truly believe, had it been any other person but you. That they would not have had the fortitude, the heart, or the mind to overcome such trials."


The crowd became silent, as was Marco, who bowed once again to show respect to River for his surprisingly wise words.

Moon held up her scepter and placed it over each of Marco's shoulders.

"I with this bestow upon you the title of Witchslayer. To commemorate your everlasting deeds in the face of disgusting evil."

Marco stood up when she finished, and though the crowd applauded and roared once things got back on track. He felt an overwhelming sense of sadness and guilt take over him at this moment.

Somewhat mindlessly, he sauntered towards where he had last seen Tom and Kelly as River roared out into the room.

"Now that all that is out of the way! Let us PARTY!"

"Hear! Hear!"


"I can't wait!"

The royal orchestra began playing music, and though for lack of a ballroom, it was still quite lovely to have some sort of party after so much dread and destruction.

Marco stood there as the servants began passing out wine and corn snacks to the guests. After a brief moment, he felt Tom punch him on the arm.

"Heyy, congrats, Witchslayer!"

Marco smiled halfheartedly as Tom sipped the wine he had taken from the servant.

"Thanks, Tom..." Marco uttered.

Tom sensed his apprehension but merely placed his hand on Marco's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, Marco. I feel like things are finally normal again... Hell, they feel better than normal if you ask me."

Marco nodded and tried to act happy but found it difficult internally. Finally, when he turned to look for Kelly, he noticed she was no longer in the room.


"Ohhh, Tom! Marco! I am so proud of you!" Star's voice chimed while she walked up to the two.

Tom immediately gave her a hug which she accepted, and then he held out his hand. "Care to dance, beautiful?"

Star chuckled and then nodded. "Sure, but uhm... Do you mind if I talk to Marco for a minute alone?"

Tom looked at Marco, then at her, and just shrugged in a carefree way. "Sure, we're all friends here... I'll be waiting for you on the dance floor."

Marco stared at her, and Star stared back at him. After a moment, she grabbed hold of his wrist and pulled him out into the vacant hallway. With everyone relieving their woe and stress at the party, it gave them a place to talk.

She let go of his wrist and looked him over before settling on his eyes. "Marco... I..."

She rubbed her own arm and looked as if she felt stupid until Marco finished for her.

"Love you...?"

She turned a deep shade of red and then looked to the side. "Yes... I... I hate these conflicted feelings inside of me. They feel like they don't make sense."

Marco shook his head and then responded. "Star... We have feelings for one another, and that isn't going to change... but where we are at now might not be where we are at in the future." He paused and placed his hand against her heated cheek so that he could raise her eyes up to meet his.

"Right now... I think it is Tom you love, and while you might think it hurts me, you are with him... It doesn't... If things don't work out... We can always see where the future takes us."

Star smiled and grabbed hold of his hand tightly, after which she leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips. Once the heated kiss was over, Star responded in a more relaxed tone.

"Thank you for understanding...."


"I was scared that choosing one would make me unable to ever have the other... Even as a friend."

Marco slid his hand off her and then smiled. "Star... We are best friends; we can never go back from that... but there is always the option to go further than that should we choose."

Star was taken aback by Marco's attitude and simply fixed a wrinkle on his fancy clothes. "How did you become so mature, Marco?"

Marco rubbed the back of his head and then answered. "Let's just say... A bird taught me how...."

Star busted up laughing and slapped his shoulder. "Ahhh! Oh, Marco... Always the kidder. Anyway! C'mon, let's head back to the party! It is in your honor, after all!"

Marco nodded and started following forward, but once he got into the throne room stuffed with guests, he once again felt his grief and guilt return. He glanced down at the hilt of the sword and rested his arm upon it.

Star walked over to Tom, locking arms almost immediately, and began twirling to the music. Eventually, he had whisked her away into the sea of other people dancing.

With a sigh, Marco turned away and left the room. Of all the things he felt like doing this evening, being at a party wasn't one of them.

He walked along the vacant hall and out into the beautiful moonlight that radiated into the front courtyard. There, standing alone beneath its shine, was Kelly. She had a surprised look on her face when Marco appeared, and then it changed to a smile and a wave.

Marco smiled, seeing her, and spoke. "What are you doing out here, Ms. Lionheart?

Kelly stood there and rocked back and forth a little bit on her feet. "I could ask you the same thing, Witchslayer Marco...."

Marco shook his head, obviously not enjoying that title, and then stood close beside her.

After some quietness, Kelly spoke up.


Rather than acknowledge it, he simply made a statement of his own about her honorifics.

"Lionheart does suit you, you know."

Kelly grinned and glanced over at him. "I never had a last name before, but it has a nice ring to it...."

Marco snickered a bit over her, thinking of her heroic title as a given surname. "Why don't you have a last name?"

Kelly chuckled back and moved closer to him. "We recognize each other by our hair where I come from... There is no need for it."

"I guess that makes sense...." Marco trailed off, and the overwhelming sadness that afflicted them became ever more apparent as time ticked by.


"Why didn't we tell them what happened?" Kelly eventually asked, as if guilt was plaguing her just as much as him.

Marco looked at her and shook his head. "I... I don't think they were ready to hear it, and even if they were ready to hear the tragedy, would they have believed it? Accepted it? Monsters are still locked down upon so...."

"But Marianna..." Kelly said, fully understanding the depths of the witch from Marco's tale of her over the past fortnight.

"Is dead..." He finished.


To have grief for one's enemy is something neither expected and though cruelty was visited upon them, their refusal to give it back somehow set them free in a way that transcended words.

They both silently stared at the moon, and then Marco looked over at her, taking in both her beauty and her injuries.


"How is your arm?"

Kelly smiled and turned her body to look at him. "Having a broken shoulder isn't fun... Can't say it feels good, but what is some soreness in comparison to stopping annihilation?"

Marco watched as her expression became more serious, and there was a slight hesitation. When he moved in closer, she stepped back a little and spoke.

"I've been thinking about what you said... The day that you apologized to me... I... Did you really mean what you said about not valuing me...?"

Marco scratched the back of his head and eventually nodded. "Yeah... I was so wrapped up in my own petty feelings that I didn't notice the beautiful girl beside me trying to cheer me up."

"Oh..." Kelly blushed a tiny bit and moved a little closer.


"So...? Are you happy that that beautiful girl is still with you now?"

To her surprise, Marco shook his head and spoke.


Just as she was about to pull back from embarrassment and hurt, he grabbed hold of her gently and pulled her as close to his body as he could.

"Not just happy... Grateful... To be noticed by somebody as wonderful as you."

Without any more words, the two leaned forward, then locked in a passionate kiss. Her arm sliding along his side, and his wrapping around her to caress her back. The moon shining down on the two of them as if a spotlight was showcasing their passion for the scenery around them.

The kiss was long and drawn out, sending feelings of elation through them both, though, even with such a high... Marco still did succumb to his grief.


"What's wrong?" Kelly eventually asked, breaking the kiss, when she sensed his passion waning.

"I... There is something I keep feeling I want to do...." Marco responded quietly.

Kelly looked him in the eyes and slid her hand onto his cheek to caress it. "Then do it silly, stop causing yourself pain."

Marco let go of Kelly and nodded slowly, after which he spoke again. "Will you wait up for me?"

Kelly only laughed and responded. "Of course, why wouldn't I wait for the person who went through hell just to save me."

Marco felt some relief and then quickly pecked her on the cheek.

Once he released her, he took off outside of the castle gate. Through the sleepy, damaged castle town of Mewni, he went up across the cracked bridge and through the fields. Until eventually, he found himself set before the entrance of the Forest of Certain Death.

With purpose, he entered, and guided by memories long since passed, he navigated along the dirt roads. As he looked about, he took notice that the forest had taken on a less horrifying quality despite being as desiccated and dead as it always had been.

When he made it further in, he began to hear the rustling of a light breeze, and his eyes darted about looking for monsters, but nothing was there. After another moment, he heard a twig snap and then the gentle whisperings of laughter.

"Is anybody there?" Marco said hesitantly. Part of him was still afraid despite having a resolution.

When there wasn't any answer, he merely shook his head and wandered on forward to do what it was he'd come here to do.

For minutes he walked until. Eventually, he found himself at that old clearing. The one that had always haunted him in the beginning. A quick scan around the moonlit area yielded nothing, but despite that, Marco knew instinctively where the old house used to be.

After a few steps, he stood atop what was once Marianna and Kiel's home and pulled the gilded sword out from its scabbard. Another chill wind blew, and Marco thrust the blade down into the dirt.

He undid his belt, then threw it and the scabbard next to it. Taking a step back, he admired the new grave as it was.

Naught left but forgotten memories...

With a feeling of ease coming over him, he felt that his act would put their spirits to rest somehow.

"How dare you come here...." A small whispery voice came.

Marco's eyes became wide, and he turned around towards the clearing entrance but saw nothing.

"No... Wh... We resolved this!" Marco cried out, panic rising within him.

At first, there was whispery chortling, but then it erupted into giggling. Marco's eyes darted again towards the source of the sound, and there, he laid eyes on a figure hiding in the trees.

Marco held his position, and then the giggling creature stepped out into the moonlight. When Marco laid eyes on her, he felt joy overflowing from within his heart.

The unmistakable white feathers and that smiling face. It was Marianna, though... She looked to be naught but eight years old.

With a happy grin across her beak, she waddled forward adorably and stood before Marco. Her innocent, wide-eyed stare displaying her naiveite, curiosity, and innocence.

"Were you scared, Mr.?" Marianna posed a question to him, still grinning.

Marco gawked in endless disbelief, and then eventually, he responded in a numb fashion. "I... uh... Yeah, you scared me...."

Marianna clapped with her wings and then called to the forest. "See! I told you I could scare him!"

A few seconds later, a young brown-haired boy no older than her walked from the bushes with a pouty expression on his face. "I bet I coulda' scared him better, Mari!"

"Nuh-Uh, Kiel!" Marianna retorted.

Marco watched Kiel and Marianna's puerile argument go on until they eventually ran out of steam and stood next to one another to gawk at the older boy.

After some moments of putting things together, Marco just stared at the two children wearing nothing but discarded, dirty, torn sacks for clothes.


The two children stared back and refused to close their eyelids. When Marco eventually blinked, they both shouted in unison.

"We win!"

Marco eventually chuckled at their curtness and shook his head. "What are you still doing here in this place?"

The two of them looked almost offended, and Marianna answered in a bratty tone. "We live here. What are YOU doing here?"

Marco looked back at the sword and then stepped aside so they could see it sticking from the ground. "Just... Returning this..."

Kiel stared at it for the longest time, and so did Marianna in an almost knowing fashion. Eventually, his hand grabbed onto her wing, and they both pointed their arms towards the sky.

Within seconds, a lively green bramble sprouted up from the base of the sword and entwined itself all the way around and up the length of it. When the buds finally reached the top end of the hilt, they instantaneously bloomed into two dazzling pink and purple roses.

In awe, Marco stared at the vibrant plant, then walked up to it. Once he reached the sword, he could see that the vines were continuing to grow, and other flowers were beginning to sprout all along the ground.

"This is beaut...." Marco started as he turned back around, only to see that the two children were gone.






Turning once more, he stared at the vibrant flowers illuminating the small clearing with beauty and eventually realized that with the cycle of hate broken. The original cycle could once again resume.

Only now... She would never have to endure loneliness ever again.

As the winds blew once more, the sounds of the faint whisper of children carried along with it, uttering once again the gratitude of the now healing souls.

"Thank you..."


With newfound glee, Marco turned his back on the clearing and wandered out into the empty forest. Still ugly and deformed, but with the hope that one day it would be restored to its former glory.

Thoughts were swimming within Marco's head. Over and over again, would the two be reincarnated, and centuries would pass them both by as they experienced everlasting love with one another. Almost enviable, but a true testament to forgiveness and passion beyond death.

Greif replaced with joy and hope ever more prominent. Marco didn't just fix his own problems; he had helped fix theirs.




"Hey!" Marco heard a voice call to him.


Marco snapped out of his daydreaming to find that he had wandered entirely out of the forest. To his surprise, Kelly was waiting out front of the entryway for him.

"Kelly?" Marco said, confused.

"That's me." She said as she walked next to him.

"I... How did you know I was here?" Marco asked.

Kelly used her uninjured hand and grabbed hold of his. "Let's just say it was an educated guess."

Marco smiled appreciatively at her and pecked her gently on the lips. "Thanks..."


Kelly let go of his hand, then pulled herself into a snuggle against Marco by holding onto his arm.

"Did you do what it is you needed to do?"

Marco took one look back at the old haunting forest, and the mere thought that it would once again be eternally beautiful made him nod to the question. "Yeah... Yeah, I did."

Kelly stopped with Marco and rested her face against his warm hoodie. "So now that everyone seems to feel better, what is it that you want to do?"

Marco used his free hand to scratch his hair, and then he looked down at Kelly's pretty face. "I dunno' I am not feeling much like partying."

"Neither am I..." Kelly responded with a relaxed sigh. Being near Marco seemed to ease her physical pain.

"We could watch a movie... I have the Mackie Hand collection on DVD..." Marco trailed off as he tried to think of things.

Kelly blinked and looked up at him. "Mackie Hand... What is that?"

Marco stared down at her and reached into his fancy clothes pocket to retrieve his scissors. "WHO is Mackie Hand!? Only the greatest warrior and action movie star on Earth!" He paused and then whispered under his breath. (Until he died anyway...)

Kelly giggled at his sudden enthusiasm as he cut a portal open before the two of them. "No, now, right now! I am going to show you this instant!"

"Ok, Ok!" Kelly beamed and let go of him as he placed his hand on her back.

"Your gonna love it. There was this one time he fought 57 ninjas at once, oh what a fight that was!"

Kelly and Marco entered the portal as Marco continued to rattle off his love for his idol.

"And then there was the guy with the machine gun that had a shotgun for a leg!"

Kelly listened enthusiastically to Marco as the two disappeared within.

Leaving behind not just Mewni, but all the troubles they had carried with them.

The end.

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