An August Wedding

By SkyPhoenix13125

10K 537 110

Your parents wanted a son to take over the family business. His parents wanted their son to gain some busines... More

Author's Note
Ch. 1 - The Ceremony
Ch. 2 - The Honeymoon
Ch. 3 - Family Discussions
Ch. 4 - Good Friends
Ch. 5 - Wedding Gift
Ch. 6 - The New Hires
Ch. 7 - Clashing Heads
Ch. 8 - Hard Work
Ch. 9 - Lunch Dates
Ch. 10 - New Ideas
Ch. 11 - Suspicions
Ch. 12 - First Fight
Ch. 13 - Plans
Ch. 14 - Shareholder's Meeting
Ch. 15 - Family Approval
Ch. 16 - Dinner Party
Ch. 17 - Inspiration
Ch. 18 - Assistance
Ch. 19 - Musical Stylings
Ch. 20 - A Modest Proposal
Ch. 21 - Side Steps
Ch. 22 - Double Date
Ch. 23 - Charity Ball
Ch. 24 - Divides
Ch. 25 - Date Night
Ch. 26 - Visits
Ch. 27 - Making It Work
Ch. 28 - Moving Forward
Ch. 29 - Wake Up Call
Ch. 30 - Family Favors
Ch. 31 - Assessing
Ch. 32 - Reporting
Ch. 33 - Visitors
Ch. 34 - Bonds
Ch. 35 - Next Steps
Ch. 36 - Deals
Ch. 37 - Celebrations
Ch. 38 - Exploring
Ch. 39 - Launch Party
Ch. 40 - Guys' Night
Ch. 41 - Girls' Night
Ch. 42 - Opportunities
Ch. 43 - Turning Point
Ch. 44 - Decisions
Ch. 45 - Showcase
Ch. 46 - Changes
Ch. 47 - Back to Work
Ch. 48 - Another Wedding
Ch. 49 - Different Directions
Ch. 50 - Favors and Secrets
Ch. 51 - Rides
Ch. 52 - Guidance
Ch. 53 - Confessions
Ch. 54 - News
Ch. 55 - Bad Timing
Ch. 56 - Flipping the Script
Ch. 57 - King or Boss
Ch. 58 - Deciding Factors
Ch. 59 - Crunch Time
Ch. 60 - Negotiations
Ch. 61 - Offers
Ch. 62 - Prep Work
Ch. 63 - Potential
Ch. 64 - Results
Ch. 65 - Free

Ch. 66 - Epilogue

186 8 12
By SkyPhoenix13125

Four months later...

"Boss, can you sign off on these expenses?" Jihyo asked as she fell in step next to you.

You sighed. "Jihyo, I told you that you don't have to call me that." You took the files from her and glanced through them, pausing for a second. "I thought Amber and Hong Joong were getting only three models for this campaign?"

"They realized that we need to split them - two for his magazines and two for her advertisements. I'll make sure that they're aware of that when we send over the paperwork."

"Should be fine, I guess," you replied as you scribbled your signature on the last page and handed them back. "You'll copy me on that when you send it to the agency?"

"Of course, boss." She flashed you a smile and left before you could even try to correct her. You made your way to your office and your assistant stood up from behind her desk.

"Kyuhyun wanted me to remind you that he has to go over the software update with you and the shipping leads before this weekend or there will be major consequences. And here are your messages."

You glanced through the sticky notes. "I'll call him back. Let's see....Geon-Hak is out this week, so see if Jongho can stay a little bit longer one morning after his shift ends to take part in the meeting. That should cover the rest of the leads."

"Will do. But--?"

"Yes, that can wait until after lunch. Tell Joon I said hi."

Luna smiled and grabbed her coat. You walked into your office, bringing your computer back out of sleep mode. Several new emails sat there in your inbox, including one from Jackson and Dahyun that you'd been copied on that was marked urgent. You quickly checked it. 

One of Jackson's large clients needed a big order sent out over the weekend and he wanted to make sure that the dollies would be available for anyone working to handle it that afternoon. Dahyun had assured him that they'd keep at least one inside the office instead of locking it up in the warehouse and copied Sungjin to make sure that his workers knew about the job during their shift.

Victoria had sent out the monthly newsletter, compiled of client feedback, new projects, sale numbers, and multiple other things. You hadn't understood the importance of having something like this before, but it was nice to see everything laid out before you once a month.

You scanned some of the information before your phone started ringing. You quickly picked up. 

Yoongi took his bags from the carousel, making his way to the exit. He sent a quick text acknowledging that he'd landed safely.

By the time he stepped outside, a man was already standing next to a large, black car. He opened the door and Yoongi climbed into the backseat. The man quickly stowed his bags away and walked around to the front of the car to get in himself and start the engine.

"Heading out, sir?"

Yoongi glanced up at the driver. "You know the way, right?"

"Of course."

He leaned his head back against the seat, watching the scenery go by. It felt so good to be back. To be home again.

Home, he thought with a small smile. 

It had been a hard few months but he was thankful for the opportunity. His first track had been difficult to finish, just because he suddenly had so many new things at his disposal. He could add a backing track, mix the sounds, incorporate additional vocals, and so much more that he hadn't been able to do with his own software and equipment.

He'd also utilized the others working in the studio from the second month on, constantly observing them and asking for pointers on what he could do differently with his own music. By the time his review had come up, he'd spoken to everyone reviewing his track at least three times and they were impressed with what he'd done.

And then Bang PD had invited him to stay on for an extra month to record and shoot a video for the track to accompany its release. It was very rare for anyone to get an offer like that from the first song, but it was obvious to everyone involved that Yoongi would be sticking around and shooting higher and higher with every song he created.

He was already in talks to collaborate with some of the other producers on his next track. And although he was happy to be working hard, he was more than ready for some time off. His track had just released, and he'd been getting at least the next two weeks off for a much-needed break. If the reception was good, he could be invited for interviews and guest spots on shows. But right now, he had something else to do.

You were leaving for your lunch break when you saw a large, black car sitting in the parking lot. Before you could even really register it, someone had stepped out.

"Finally, I thought I was going to have go up there myself to find you."


Even in the oversized hoodie and sweatpants he was wearing, you recognized him in an instant. He grinned, obviously following a similar train of thought as he took in the sight of you and your work clothes. He actually walked over like he was going to hug you, but you were quick to smack his arm.

"You liar! You said you didn't know when you'd be able to come back."

"I didn't!" he protested. "And then I found out and wanted to surprise you."

While he was away, the two of you had kept in touch. You'd call every few days when Yoongi had a free minute. You learned quickly that even though you had a management role, Yoongi was constantly working around the clock. When he wasn't fine tuning his own work, he either dead asleep or observing others to learn the tricks of the trade. The last time you'd spoken had been a week ago, when he'd told you that he wasn't sure when his schedule would allow him a break.

He'd known when he said that, he just wanted to be dramatic when he showed up out of nowhere. You were sure of it.

"Can I take you to lunch?" 

The question dragged you from your thoughts and you sighed quietly. "Fine."

"All right! Let's go."

You were surprised when he gently grasped your hand and pulled you towards the backseat of the black car.

As you followed him in, you saw the driver sitting up front. "You got a new driver?"

"Company perk, it turns out."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm Kim Tae-hyung."

You glanced between him and Yoongi for a second. "Is that why you hired him?"

"I was assigned to Mr. Min because Producer Bang was scared he'd cause an accident from lack of sleep."


"Most people call me Joseph, but I also go by J."

"Nice to meet you then, J."

"Yeah, yeah," Yoongi grumbled. "J, are we leaving soon?"

"Of course, sir. Did you decide where you wanted to go?"

You held back a laugh as Yoongi glared at his driver. He might have Taehyung's name, but he reminded you of a more mild-mannered Jin.

"There's a sandwich place nearby," you offered after a minute. 

"You heard the lady, J. Sandwich shop."

And with that, Yoongi quickly raised the divider. J started laughing before it was up completely but Yoongi ignored it.

"So..." he said as he settled back into his seat.


"Did you hear my new song?"

"I didn't know it was out already."

"I'll show it to you later, then. Food first."

"How long are you staying?" you asked.

"Two weeks, maybe longer."

"That's not very long."

He sighed. "I know. I--"

"Relax, Yoongi. I'm just messing with you." 

"I'll kick you out of this car."

You smiled. "No, you won't. You like me too much."

"Can't argue with that."

"Are we hosting a party tonight?"

"Party?" he repeated.

"Yeah. To celebrate you coming back? Your new song? I'm sure everyone would love to see you."

"Can we do that tomorrow?"

"I guess, but--"

The car suddenly came to a stop. J rolled down the divider a bit. "We're here."

Yoongi sighed. "Thank you, J."

The two of you went inside and ordered your food. You pretended not to notice J sneak in behind you and order his to go so he could eat it outside. 

You ate mostly in silence. Yoongi seemed like a man half-starved, wolfing down his sandwich in only a few short minutes.

"Are you eating enough?" you asked.

"Most of the time. I just forgot this morning."

"They're not working you too hard? I know it's your dream, but--"

"I'm fine," he replied as he leaned over the table. "Besides, I bet you're doing triple the work now so you can't lecture me."

"I wouldn't say triple the work. Sometimes I stay over to take care of a few things."

He grinned. "Sounds like I was right, then."

"Shut up." You took a sip of your drink. "Are you going to stay around the office?"

"I thought I'd go bother Jungkook for a while, actually. I'm sure I'd be in your way over there."

"You're not in the way," you replied. 

"I'll still be here when you get off work. Speaking of, is take out good for you?"


"Great. I'll take care of that." He glanced at his watch. "Oh, we should probably get you back to the office." Without waiting for a response, he stood up and started discarding his trash. You slowly followed him.

The rest of the work day went by in a strange blur. By the time you were ready to leave, you almost expected Yoongi to be waiting for you down in the parking garage again. But you'd driven yourself that morning so he wasn't waiting.

Instead, he was waiting at your old home together. With a big bouquet of flowers and take out just like he'd promised. But he also had set up music and the minute you walked in the door, you knew something was going on.

"What's all this?"

"Before I left, I wrote you a song asking you to let me know your feelings. And you did, minutes before my plane took off."


"I'm not finished yet. I've been away for longer than I planned, and barely had time for you. But every day, whether I was working or not, I was thinking about you. About how you were doing and whether we should try to make this work when I got back. There's still something here and I want to see where it goes. What do you think?"

"I've been kicking myself since the day you left for not telling you sooner," you replied. "I just don't know where to start."

"Well, lucky for you, I brought food," Yoongi gestured to the take-out that he'd arranged on the bar in the kitchen. "Let's start there."

You chuckled softly. "Okay."

And that's exactly what the two of you did. You ate, laughed, and caught up on what you'd missed in the other's life for the past few months. It almost felt like he'd never left to begin with. 

"It feels like we're married," you commented a few hours later.

"We are married," Yoongi pointed out.

"I meant like a real marriage. No contracts, no threats or anything. Just...together under one roof, enjoying our time together."

"Is that what you want?"


"We never got divorced. The contract was broken but the marriage is still real. If you want we could..."

"Just stay married?"

He shrugged. "We already paid for the wedding. We have a house, and a ton of paperwork with our bank accounts, job information, and so on saying it. On paper, we're like any other married couple. Plus, it seems easier than annulling it just to get married again later."

"Oh, are we going to get married again?" you teased.

"If you're lucky."

"It would be nice. Since it would actually be our wedding this time, but that would take a lot of planning."

"What about a vow renewal?"

"Min Yoongi, are you genuinely asking me?"

He smiled. "I am. If you're okay with that."

"Yes." You nodded. "Let's do it. When's good for you?"

"Actually...I should have some time between projects in August."

"That's perfect."

The two of you started cleaning up soon after that. Yoongi was arranging some of the leftover food in the fridge when he felt your hand on his shoulder. He straightened up and turned around to face you.


Before he could finish the thought, you'd leaned forward and pressed your lips against his. "I love you, Yoongi."

"Good, because I love you too."

And that was the beginning of your real August wedding.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this story! This was my first big work on this platform, and I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have! I've seen a lot of writers do kind of a "wrap-up/extras" chapter after they've finished long stories like this where they talk about additional parts that weren't added, easter eggs in the chapters, character choices, etc. I may do one of those for this but I'm not sure yet. I don't think it's sunk in that the story is over so we'll see how I feel in a few days.

I am going to devote some time to my shorter fics/compilation series so feel free to check those out. I hope to eventually do another one of these, but it depends on my schedule. Make sure to watch my page for updates on what I'm currently working on and let me know what else you'd like to see from me in the future.

Thanks again!

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