Pretty Boy~ H.Moskowitz

By hawkbabyyy

76.3K 1.1K 381

Amelia Kreese, kicked out of her own home by her own mother for starting fights, getting suspended and expell... More



1.6K 24 16
By hawkbabyyy

"Whoever drops it first, loses!" I told Hawk. We were sitting during lunch time. Me and Hawk had the soccer balls.
"Your on." He smirked.
We started to kick, knee, head butt, and kick the ball.
Big Red started filming our high scores.
I dropped mine first.
"22 in a row! New record!" Hawk smiled. God, I live his smile. His smile turned into a glare when he saw Demetri showing off his nerdy science presentation. Me and Hawk smirked at each other before punting our 2 balls at the presentation. All the girls at the table gasped.
"Sorry guys, looks like our balls just got away from us." I smirked. Big red passed us the green ball to Hawk and the red ball to me.
"That took me three weeks to build!" He yelled.
"Eh, took our ball 3 seconds to destroy." Hawk snickered.  We walked back to the group, laughing at the scene we caused.
"Another week, another pissing contest, though I wouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much.What about you fatso?" Demetri hissed. He pointed towards me.
"You landed a one kick, you got lucky." Hawk's eyes narrowed. So did mine.
"Better back off, or you won't be lucky." Sam came into the coversation.
"Yeah, like you'll start anything princess." I replied inching closer. "Actually, why don't you sleep with someone new, and break his heart."
Sam pushed the two of us backwards, into the cobras surrounding us.
"What is going on here LaRusso? You know our new guidelines against physical contact!" Counselor Blatt yelled.
"She triggered us in our safe space." He pointed at me.
"You started it by you and your girlfriend destroying my science project." Demetri argued.
"That was an accident." I said as I lifted my head up. "You shouldn't bring your toys to school anyway."
"I don't want excuses! I just want all you to respect each other, and pick these toys up, someone will get hurt!" Counsler Blatt ordered.
She walked away.
"With you pansies..." I Started.
"No space is safe." Hawk snickered before pulling me back to table with the cobras.
Today, we would be playing soccer in gym class. All of the cobras were on one team and the Miyagi Dos were on another. Me and the cobras went to the locker room to change. We all waited for each other to get dressed in the uniform and walked out to the field in a bundle.
I was in the front, with Hawk next to me, behind me was Ricky and Big Red, with Doug and Kyle not far behind.
People moved out of the way for us as we moved like a school of fish.
Me and Hawk held hands, glaring at who we didn't like. We came across Miyagi Do on the bleachers, tying their cleat laces and getting ready to play. I smirked at them as we kept walking with power.
"I wish we could do something about those cretins." I heard Demetri say.
"We can, what's a game of soccer without a little physical contact?" Sam smirked.
The game started and everyone was chasing after the ball. A Miyagi Do tried to score but I blocked it, and sent the ball right to his face. He fell over. I ran with the ball, not passing it to anyone. I made the goal, and did a little dance before returning to the game.
Sam got the ball and kicked it down the field. One of the cobras tried to block her, but she tripped him, making him fall. She stepped on his stomach, making him groan in pain.
Hawk ran down the field, while I dealt with a Miyagi Do. He kicked it down the field but I caught it. I sent a spinning kick to his face.
"What are you gonna do huh?!" I yelled as I ran away. He got up and tackled me. We rolled on the floor as we attacked each other. 
I flipped him over and he flipped me over. We rolled back and forth on the field, both trying to fight for dominance.
"Get off me!" I yelled as I pushed him off. The ball got kicked to me. I kicked the guy that attacked me and ran with the ball. A Miyagi Do stopped me so I tripped him and continued running. I made another goal.
I saw Demetri trip Hawk.
I watched as a Miyagi Do and Amelia rolled back and forth on the field. Both were grunting and panting. She pushed him off of her and ran with the ball, making another goal. I watched her high-five Ricky and chest bump RJ. I rand down the field, keeping my eye on the ball until Demetri came next to me.
"She loves you." HE told me.
"Huh?" I asked him.
"Amelia Kreese loves you. The way you look at each other is filled with love. Don't screw up like you did with Moon. You had the hottest girl in school, now you have the hot and scary one. Don't screw it up." He said before he pushed and tripped me.
I got up. I brushed myself off before getting back to the game.

Sam kicked one of the cobras in the face and I got mad. I took the ball out of her grasp and kicked it into her face, I took the ball and punted it in the sky. Hawk pretended to head butt it, but he made it fall on Demetri. I laughed.
"That's it! Principal's office now!" The principal called. We all formed a line and walked into the principal's office.
The cobras took turns explaining their side of the story. Now it was Me and Hawk's turn. We walked in.
"What happened on that field?" She asked.
Show time.
"W-we just wanted t-to play a g-game of soccer and Sam L-LaRusso started attacking u-us." I sobbed. These were fake tears.
"Eli?" She directed her attention to the red haired boy.
"Yeah they started attacking the pinny team." he told her. She nodded. I kept sobbing.
"Ok, you may leave." She followed us out the door. I smirked at Sam before standing back in line.
"Ok, you three, Ms. Kreese, and Eli are free to go." She paused. "You guys will receive Saturday detention." She told Sam and Demetri.
With that, we walked to our next class.
It was another day of training. A log with a bonsai tree was in the middle of the floor. I was so confused on today's lesson. So was Antonio.
"Never under estimate your enemy." Kreese came out of his office. We formed a rectangle along the mat.
"Even if you think they are weaker than you, you always have to stay one step ahead of them. That is the only way to guarantee a victory. Is that understood?"
"Yes sensei!"
"good, let's see if you truly understand the lesson." He walked over to the log with a tree on top.
"You have to kick the tree off of the top of this wood." He ordered. We nodded.
"Big Red, you start."
Big Red sent a smirk before walking by the log. He went to kick the log, but he fell. I snorted a bit.
"Pathetic. Ricky show him." Kreese demanded.
Ricky walked up to the log, like Big Red. He sent a spinning kick to the wooden pole, but missed and fell on the ground. I smirked to myself.
"Stop your sniveling." Kreese sounded dissapointed. I stepped up to the challenge.
"I can do it Sensei." I smirked.
"Well what are you waiting for Amelia?" He asked.
I walked up to the log, examining it.
"Don't you want a running start?" Kreese suggested.
"Don't need one."
And with that, I sent a side kick, making the log fall over, the tree branches crush, the pot the tree was in brak, and dirt splattered all over the mat. I smiled to myself.
"Not bad. Not bad at all." Sensei smiled. I smiled back and stepped back to my spot.
"She cheated!" Ricky yelled. I faced him.
"No, she didn't. Unlike you, she did exactly what I asked her to do. If your mind is agile, so are you. That is the best way to beat your enemy. Not just with brute strength. But you have to fight smart." He stopped talking and faced me.
"Do that, and you will always come out on top." He told me. I smiled slightly.
The guys invited me to Golf and Stuff earlier. I obviously said yes. Who wouldn't?
Me, Hawk, Mitch, and the others ran around Golf 'n' Stuff, messing with kids and stealing people's tickets and ruining people's games. We got a lot of tickets and went up to the gift shop. Chris, a Miyagi Do, was working there. 
We walked in.
"Hey Chrissy!" I yelled.
"Sup buddy!" Hawk yelled after me.
"Hey prize wench." Mitch scolded. I jumped up on the counter, next to where Chris is standing, and put my hand on his shoulder.
"What do you guys want?" He replied with a snotty attitude, looking down on my hand pressed aggressively against his shoulder.
"To spend our hard earned tickets of course." Hawk smirked.
"Why don't you be a good girl and grab us one of those bobble heads?" I smirked at him.
He sighed before walking to grab them off the shelf. Me and Hawk took this chance to grab the stuffed animals on display. We threw them at Mitch and ran away.
"Thanks Chris! Tell your mom I miss her!" Mitch yelled.
"And tell her to stop calling me!" Hawk yelled which made me laugh.
"Where should we go?" Hawk asked.
"Lets go in the abandoned laser tag place!" I suggested. They all nodded. We ran into the laser tag arena and set up the stuffed animals. We were taking turns kicking the doll.
I walked up and sent a spinning kick to the animal, making it fly across the room. All the cobras cheered.
"Brew time guys!" Mitch yelled as he unzipped his bag.
"Sweet!" Me and Hawk yelled in unison.
"Who wants a warm one?" Mitch asked.
"Who the hell wants a warm beer?" Hawk groaned.
"I do." I replied. He looked down at the beer before handing it to me.
"Keys." I demanded. He pulled out his keys and threw them to me. I slit the can, and chugged it from the slit. Everyone looked impressed.
"OH YEAH!" I yelled, pushing him a bit.
All of a sudden the lights turned off and everything turned blue. The signs in the arena turned neon and glow-in-the-dark. Until I saw them.
Miyagi Do.
"What do you want?" Hawk scolded at Sam LaCunt.
She charged at me and sent a punch which I caught. I grabbed her hair and smashed her head into my knee.
I learned that move from my grandpa.
Her nose started to gush bright red blood. She charged at me and kicked my side, which I failed to block. I sent a spinning kick to her face, just like I did to the doll earlier.
Hawk stepped in and fought Sam. I called Tory.
"Miyagi Do came and is attacking us. Come if you can." I said over the phone before hanging up and helping one of the Cobras.
A few minutes later, the door opened and Sam stopped punching. She knew who it was.
"Samantha LaRusso... Where are you bitch?" Tory called. I smirked when I saw Sam run to a corner, behind a wall made of cardboard.
I turned to see Demetri in an arm lock by Hawk. Demetri was pleading Hawk to set him free. Everyone was yelling at him to break it. I walked over to him and whispered...
"Do it baby. No mercy."
After a couple of seconds, A loud crack echoed through the laser tag place as Demetri's arm was bent backwards. I smirked down at him and kissed Hawk before walking off.
"This isn't over LaRusso!" Me and Tory called out. I heard Demetri's screams as I exited the neon arena.

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