In the Shadows |Bakugo x Read...

Autorstwa lovelyxkatsuki

62.5K 2.4K 1.6K

You're a well known villain that every hero has their sights on. When you move your hideout to a new district... Więcej

Boss Bitch
Your Goal
No Shit
"Fuck yes"
To Hell And Back
"I fucked up"


2K 78 63
Autorstwa lovelyxkatsuki

Fuji and Kiri were in the living room of Kirishima's house on their phones. They had just come home from a date and were just lazying around. Fuji sat comfortably on the couch and Kiri laid on it resting his head in Fuji's lap.

"We should go swimming"Kiri suggested looking up at Fuji before going back to looking at the phone

"I'm not too fond of swimming"

"Even so I promise it'll be fun. I have a pool in the back. It'll just be me and you"

"And privacy is always nice but I don't know how to swim"

"That's not a problem I could teach you"

"Okay but I don't have any clothes"

"I probably have something you can wear"

Fuji sighed knowing he had no other excuse to use. He sat his phone to the side and looked down to Kiri.

"You really want to swim don't you?"He asked

"Yep"Kiri said with a nod and a smile

"How about you swim and I watch"Fuji proposed moving his hands to run along Kiri's muscles "A nice muscular man swimming with no shirt on. I bet you'll put on a good show for me"

"It'll be a better show if you got in too"Kiri said finally putting the phone down and looking Fuji in his eyes

Fuji felt his breath get caught due to the gaze from the other man and his face began to heat up.

"Okay I'm sold. I'll at least stick my feet in the pool. But if I get in I'm keeping my shirt on"

"You sure you don't want a short sleeve shirt?"

"No I want the long sleeves"

"That's fine by me. As long as you're comfortable"Kiri shrugged about to move and get up

"Wait lets stay like this for a bit longer then we can go outside"Fuji said receiving no complaints from Kiri


Kiri swam to the side of the pool to Fuji. He grabbed Fuji's hand and tugged him trying to pull him in the water.

"Come on get in the pool"

"My feet in the water is fine for now"

"But I want you in the water"

"Convince me to get in then"

Kiri placed a hand on each side of Fuji and pushed himself up to be eye level with him. He looked at him and hummed while leaning closer.

"Not sure how I'm supposed to convince you"

"Well I guess I won't be getting in"Fuji responded closing some of the distance between them

"You're getting in one way or another"Kiri said getting closer

"Mhmm sure I will"

Fuji closed his eyes expecting a kiss but instead he got a kiss on his cheek and heard a laugh then the water splashed.

"Really"He whined watching Kiri swim away from him still laughing

"You could get a kiss if you swim with me"

"That's your attempt to convince me to swim?"

"Yes"Kiri responded swimming back to him "Sooo...Is it working?"

"A little bit"Fuji laughed watching the smile grow on Kiri's face

"Seriously though do you really not want to get in the water?"

"I don't mind. It just feels weird getting this wet and staying in it"He said gesturing to the long sleeve shirt he wore

"If you don't like the feeling why'd you want to wear it out here? Just take it off"

"Uhh I would rather not. I prefer staying covered up"

Kiri watched how he became a bit tense at the topic so he chose to change it.

"So you don't mind getting in the water?"Kiri asked to make sure he understood Fuji's feelings


That was all the confirmation Kiri needed. He quickly pulled Fuji into the pool bringing them both underwater until he swam up.

"It's so fucking cold. Did you seriously have to drag me in?"Fuji said when he made it to the surface

"Yes......wait you do know how to swim"Kiri exclaimed looking down at Fuji legs in the water helping him keep himself afloat

"Yea I kind of lied hoping that'll keep us from swimming but that obviously didn't work"He sheepishly explained himself "but I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't fond of pools"

"Since you didn't want to swim that much I'm happy you haven't tried to get out yet. I guess I can say you don't mind pools if I'm in them"Kiri joked pulling him closer to him "told you that you'll get in one way or another"

"Yea whatever"He said rolling his eyes "Back to what you said earlier. I got in so now I deserve my k-"

Kiri kissed him before he could even finish the sentence. He wrapped an arm around Fuji's waist to pull him closer.

"If I didn't know better I'll say you wanted to kiss me more than I wanted to kiss you"Fuji said breaking the kiss

"Hmm maybe I did"Kiri replied pecking his lips before pulling him further into the water "Now it's time to swim"

"I guess I have no choice"Fuji fake complained allowing Kiri to easily pull him

They swam and played for a good bit. Lots of laughter could be heard coming from the backyard. After awhile they were ready to get out then it dawned on Fuji he had no clean shirt to wear since he got in the pool with his shirt on. He wrung his shirt as they walked to the back door.

"Do you have a shirt I could wear?"

"Long sleeve?"Kiri guessed


"Come in we can wipe up the water after"Kiri said noticing Fuji stopped at the door not wanting to bring water in the house

He listened and followed Kiri to his room. He watched Kiri rummage through the dresser drawers trying to find a shirt Fuji would wear.

"Uh you can go shower or bath in that bathroom. I'll bring you some clothes"He said pointing to the bathroom connected to the bedroom

"I can wait until you find them"

"Fuji you're shivering as we speak. Go get in some warm water before you get sick"

Fuji sighed not even bothering to argue against him. He was definitely cold. He couldn't deny that but he didn't like the possibility of Kiri seeing him arms. Still he knew Kiri wouldn't let him stand there and freeze.

He walked to the bathroom, locked the door, grabbed his towels, and began adjusting the water to his desired heat. When he found the right temperature he just let the shower run while he still debated on getting in.

He knew if he got in then he'll have to grab the clothes from Kiri with his arms bare. He could really only think of the worst when it came to Kiri seeing his scars. His thoughts were interrupted by Kiri.

"You're not in the shower"Kiri shouted from the room

"How do you know?"

"I haven't heard the change of the water. It makes a different sound when hitting the shower floor compared to a body. So get in or you'll seriously catch a cold"

"You're also wet. You'll catch a cold too"Fuji retorted

"I'll shower right after I find our clothes. You can be showering now"

Fuji let out an annoyed groan but listened. He figured he'll deal with the arms situation after the fact. He stripped out his clothes and got in the shower. The water did feel good he wouldn't deny it. He moved quickly not wanting to spend forever in the shower. Towards the end he heard Kiri's voice.

"I couldn't find a long sleeve shirt so I just got a regular shirt. There are hoodies and stuff in my closet. You could use one of those if you like"

"It's okay I brought a jacket. I'll just wear that"

"Okay I'm going shower in the other bathroom. I left the rest of your clothes on the bed"Kiri announced followed by the sound of a door closing

Fuji washed the soap off himself then turned the water off and grabbed the towel to dry off. He wrapped it around his bottom half and walked back to the bedroom. He put lotion on himself and got dressed.

He then looked at himself in the mirror hating that he wore a short sleeve shirt his attention kept going to his arms. A groan left him and he left the room to go find his jacket in the living room. He looked at his bare arms once more and hoped he wouldn't run into Kiri on his way to the living room.

He knew Kiri was in the shower but he could come out at anytime. And just as he feared, while he was walking down the hallway the bathroom door opened and out came Kiri. Fuji moved quickly to attempt to cover his arms making Kiri give him a questionable look.

"Everything okay?"Kiri asked

"Yea I was just going get the jacket. Aren't you supposed to be showering?"

"I left my phone in the room and I need music to shower so I was coming back to get it.......You sure you're okay?"Kiri asked looking at the unnatural stance Fuji held

"Mhmm"Fuji hummed

"What do you have in your arms?"He asked trying to make sense out of the way Fuji was holding them


Kiri eyed him a bit more then stepped closer to him about to touch him but Fuji flinched back. He paused and brought his arm back to his side. He gave Fuji a once over and that's when he noticed the scars on Fuji's arms. It didn't take long for Fuji to realize he saw them. Fuji knew solely from the way Kiri's face changed and he hated it.

"I uh..I need to leave"Fuji spoke trying to pass by Kiri. Kiri could hear the change in his voice and saw the gloss over his eyes so he stopped him wanting to talk.


"I can't handle this right now. Let me go"Fuji quietly said not looking at him and waiting for him to let go "please"

Because of the sound of his voice Kiri reluctantly let go. He wanted to talk but he didn't want to go against Fuji's wishes.

Fuji passed through the living room grabbing his keys and quickly left out the house. While he walked to the car he finally let the tears out. He got in and drove to the one place he knew to go to.


You were sitting in your living room scrolling on your phone when loud knocking caught your attention. You instantly snapped your fingers for Dusk.

"Check who's outside for me"You said getting up to look at the door as Dusk went under it.

It's master Fuji

"Why didn't he call"You groaned about to say something smart until you opened the door and saw him sobbing. You didn't bother saying anything instead pulling him to let him cry on you. He tried to say something but it was impossible to make it out through his cries.

"Shhh"You told him as you were in Ed his back

Dusk closed the door and walked away leaving you two standing there. You stood for a while until he quieted down. Once he seemed to calm down a bit you moved to the sofa. You both sat down and he leaned on your shoulder still crying. When you finally heard him get his breathing to a normal pace you spoke.

"Who do I have to kill?"You asked already thinking of ways you can do something despite being pregnant

"Nobody. I did it to myself"

"Did what?"

"Made myself cry. All because of my stupid overthinking"

"What did you overthink to make yourself cry like that?"

"I was at Kiri's house and he saw them"He answered lifting his arms to show the cuts "You know how much I hate people seeing them. They start to see me completely different or stop talking to me because they feel I'm too much to handle or tolerate due to my problems. Just stupid shit. So when he saw them I panicked and left"

"Did he say anything?"

"No but the look on his face changed when he saw them. As if his image of me altered at the sight of them and I hated that. I know I'm thinking of the worst and he most likely won't think too differently of me because of them. But it's what I'm used to and it's what my mind instantly thought of. I didn't even give him a chance to try to talk to me"He ranted

"Mhmm"You hummed letting him know you were listening

"I feel like such a horrible person. He could be worried sick right now and all I had to do was sit down and talk instead of leaving. I know he wanted to talk but I just couldn't stay there anymore so he let me go"Fuji spoke letting out a frustrated groan "What if I just ruined my chances with him?"

"If you leaving to process the situation ruins your chances then it wasn't meant to be. He should understand why you reacted that way"

"But he could've gotten an explanation instead of me running out"

"But he didn't because in the moment you weren't able to. You panicked and that's okay. Stop beating yourself up about it. Yes he's probably worried but it's not like you plan on never speaking to him again. You can ease his worries whenever you feel ready to talk. I'm pretty sure he'll understand why you reacted like that once you sit down and explain"

"You're right but I still feel bad"He said leaning forward and placing his face in his hands "I really like him Y/n but I feel like I'll fuck it up in the long run"

You were about to speak back but a knock interrupted you. Dusk came from around the corner gesturing to the door. You nodded telling her it was okay to see who it was. It didn't take long for her to come back.

I don't know him.

You got up grabbing a dagger and walking to the door. You opened it ready to fight but to your surprise the man you knew as Red Riot was out there.


"That's me. How did you find me and why are you here?"

"Do you know someone named Fuji?"

"No, who is he and why should I know him?"

"Well that's his car right there"He said pointing to the car in your driveway

You internally sighed when looking out the door. Fuji was in such a panic he forgot to park the car behind the house.

"Hmm I guess you got me"

"How do you two know each other?"

"I won't tell you anything. If Fuji hasn't spoken of his relationship with me then I won't either. You can ask him yourself though"

"Understandable. Does he know you're a villain?"

"Like I said you can ask him"

"Right"He said awkwardly looking around "so uh how are you and Bakubro?"

You rolled your eyes at the sound of the man's name.

"Isn't he your friend and boss that you see just about everyday? Shouldn't you know?"You responded knowing he probably knew and was instead trying to hold conversation.

Anyone in their right mind could tell he just wanted to see Fuji but didn't want to seem rude and not ask about you.

"I hear you and the baby are fine"

"You want to speak to Fuji don't you?"You asked not wanting to drag this on longer than it needed to be

"I would like to but if he doesn't want to talk he doesn't have to. I did need to give him his phone though. He left it at mines when he rushed out"He said handing you the phone

"I can see if he wants to. No promises though. One question before that. How did you know he'll be here if you didn't know who this house belonged to?"

"I didn't. I kind of followed him. Then lost him at a red light so I rode around the neighborhood looking for his car"He said and you watched the panic rush to his face making you chuckle "Not in a creepy way I just wanted to give him his phone"

"Mhmm well I'll go see if he wants to talk. Wait here"You said closing the door and walking back to the living room "Red Riot is outside asking for you. He also brought your phone"

"What? How did he know I was here"

"He followed you to give you your phone. He had no idea this was my place"You said giving him the phone "So will you go speak to him or do you want me to tell him to leave?"

"The least I can do is talk to him"

"He's waiting outside for you. You can bring him inside if you want"

You watched Fuji get up and walk to the door. He spoke and then leaned to the side letting the man in. So you took that as your cue to leave the living room for a bit.

Fuji led him to the living room and they both sat down. There was an awkward silence at first until Fuji cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for leaving you with no explanation. I panicked when you saw them and my only goal was to get away"

He paused for a moment letting out a sigh. He looked at his arms for a bit then continued.

"I obviously have had my fair share of tough times. And I have moved on from it but it still isn't something I'm proud of you know. I don't like people seeing them. I actually would like to cover them now but I won't. Our relationship is serious and you were bound to see them eventually. I can't cover them up from you forever. Its just in that moment my mind immediately went to the worst because it's what I'm used to. I'm used to being judged, viewed differently, cut off, and a lot of other things once people see them. So because my thoughts started to overwhelm me I thought it was best to leave"

"I understand your reaction. But I would like to say I would never judge you for something like that"

"I know you won't but it was my immediate thought. I needed to calm down so I took myself from the situation to allow that"

Kiri nodded not saying anything back. A silence fell on them until he spoke.

"This may be overstepping boundaries and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but why did you do it?"He asked receiving a deep breath from Fuji in return

"It's a long story"

"I'm all ears if you don't mind telling the story"

Fuji hesitated but began telling him. Throughout the story Kiri learned a few things. He learned the relationship between you and Fuji, that Fuji knew you were a villain, he sort of learned how you got into the life you lived, and etc. At certain moments tears would leave Fuji eyes and Kiri was there to wipe them offering reassurance. By the end of the conversation Fuji was leaning on Kiri having a light hearted conversation.

You stood in the hallway peaking into the living room. You just had to make sure everything was okay and it seemed like it was. Fuji had calmed down and was talking to Red Riot easily. No tears. No sadness. He was back to regular Fuji and you couldn't hide the smile on your face even if you wanted to.

You're really happy for Master Fuji aren't you?

"Yes I am. He deserves happiness"You said turning away from the living room and walking towards the kitchen with Dusk following you

You do too.

"I'm fine with the life I'm living now. I don't need anyone else to be happy"

Your actions show something different. You seemed to stop enjoying your days since you stopped speaking to Mr.Zero. Y-

"I do not need him to be happy"You sternly spoke cutting her off and giving her a death stare

Whatever you say Boss. You do seem to miss him though.

You put your finger together about to snap to dismiss her and bring the conversation to an end but you didn't. Instead you proceeded to the kitchen ignoring her. You heard the sigh leave her as you walked away from the topic of Ground Zero once again.


So yea this barely had Y/n and Katsuki but I like Furi more than those two anyway. Furi is my otp and they're better than the other two extras. And no I don't accept any back talk on that opinion. Y'all we see those two fuckers next chapter tho.

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