International Affairs

By AngelicWords

93.5K 3.6K 410

Katelyn Hathaway, senior at Grace Marshall's Academy for Prestigious Young Girls, had everything coming toget... More

Senior Year
Start of School
Covert Operations
A Spy Date
The Break In
Tracking Lessons
Accidental Mission Complete
We Meet Again
Merge of Academies
Gym Class Heroes
Tag Team
Girls vs Boys
Capture the Flag
Katelyn's Student
Secret Spot
Face Your Fears
Derek Livingston
Rachel Williams
Ranking Week
Hostage Trials
On a Hunt
Another Kiss
Unexpected Letter
The Last Night

Love Letter Fiasco

2.7K 111 17
By AngelicWords

Chapter 16: Love Letter Fiasco

“I’m never going to remember all these bonding rules,” Timothy sighed as he flipped through the flashcards Katelyn had made.

Katelyn looked up from her own studying. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“They always get jumbled in my head,” Timothy explained. “Polar, nonpolar, dipole, hydrogen.”

Katelyn smiled. “We can go over it again,” she suggested.

“No, it’s fine,” Timothy replied. “I’m just complaining. Don’t you usually go meet your friend now?” he asked, squinting at the clock tower.

“Yeah but I can be late,” Katelyn assured him.

“I guess one more time,” Timothy said, slowly. “But then I think I might just stay here and study by myself.”

“Alright, deal,” Katelyn said.

It wasn’t that Katelyn wasn’t a good tutor. She was amazing but Timothy felt himself focus on her hazel eyes more than the information coming out of her mouth.

“Got it?” Katelyn asked.



“Yeah,” Timothy replied. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“Like always,” Katelyn said, smiling.

Timothy watched her grab her bag and walk away. He wanted to ask her to do something other than study but he also heard Katelyn Hathaway had a rep for hating guys. It was hard believing that when she diligently and genuinely helped him. His test grades sky rocketed after a week or so.

Should he ask her face to face? What would they do? There were off campus hours on the weekends but…

Timothy toyed with a blank index card in his hand. Maybe he could leave her a note. She always got to the picnic table before him and as he observed, this area of picnic tables was usually vacant. Even if she didn’t want to hang out, he could just blow it off as something that he left behind by accident.

“Perfect,” he thought to himself, uncapping his pen.


Do you want to get ice cream? My treat since you’ve helped me so much this week.



Simple. Short. Friendly.

Timothy carefully folded the card in half and wedged it between the wooden panes of the picnic table.

Afterwards, he got up and left, hoping Katelyn would find the card tomorrow. She was super observant. Impossible for her not to notice.

Derek stretched out and got more comfortable against the tree trunk he was leaning against. The orange flavored lollipop moved from side to side in his mouth.

His green eyes flitted over to the now empty picnic table. It’s been over a week now and he watched Katelyn punctually show up at that table every day after dinner to meet Timothy.

Timothy Wilson was someone he barely even noticed in school. Not enjoying being social, Derek couldn’t recall ever speaking to him, however, this guy was currently speaking to Katelyn Hathaway every day. As Derek watched from a distance, he saw their friendship grow. When Katelyn was with Timothy, her brow didn’t furrow, her eyes didn’t fire up but instead she gave soft smiles and encouraging looks.

Did she like Timothy? Were they friends?

Derek got up from his spot under the tree and casually walked over. He sat where Timothy always sat, to the left of her and admired the scenery. Lucky guy, so this was what he got to look at every day.

Beside him, Derek imagined Katelyn sitting on the bench, her dark hair in a messy bun and scribbling out notes.

Derek was about to get up and leave when he noticed a piece of white paper poking out from a space between the wood of the table. He easily fished it out and unfolded the index card.

“Do you want to get ice cream?” he read. “My treat since you’ve helped me so much this week. Signed, Tim.”

What the hell was this?

Derek flipped it to the back. It wasn’t addressed to anyone but a little thinking made it clear that Timothy had left the note stuck in the table for Katelyn the next day. He didn’t know why but the note irked him a great deal. Something about Timothy Wilson thinking Katelyn would go out with him annoyed Derek. Thinking Katelyn might actually accept made him want to crumble up the note and rip it apart.

Besides, not that Timothy Wilson would know this, but ice cream was his and Katelyn’s thing, even though it happened once and Katelyn really didn’t want ice cream. Derek still felt like it was their thing.

A breeze whistled through the trees and Derek took a deep breath. 

“It’s going to be lost,” Derek thought to himself. “I’ll just hand deliver it to Katelyn,” he reasoned with himself.

With that, he pocketed the note. Later as he stopped by a trash can, Derek was also tempted to toss it. Katelyn wouldn’t ever know and life would return to normal but the note stayed glued to Derek’s hand. He pocketed it again and smoothly transitioned back into his everyday routine. He’ll give it to her tomorrow.

"Hey Katelyn!" Derek called, catching up to her.

Katelyn turned. "Derek?" she said, feeling embarrassed simply seeing him. She mentally tried to will herself not to blush.

"Do you want to study for the math test?" he asked, syncing strides with her.

"I thought you were good at math..." Katelyn accused. It didn't seem like Derek to ask for help. He seemed to be perfect at everything.

"Well, you see, its Cole actually,” Derek said. He lowered his voice. “He's struggling and I'm not sure how to help him..." Derek explained. “I heard you tutored.”

"What?" Cole asked, turning at the sound of his name.

"I'm talking about the math test," Derek told him. "You know? The one that you're having trouble with? I think if we had a study group, it will help your grade out..."

“No, I- Oh!” Cole said, blinking a few times. “That math test…” Cole ran his hand through his short brown hair. "Yeah, I guess. Katelyn, I'm sure you're busy-"

"No!" Katelyn interrupted. "I'd be happy to help. This test is really important. I'm sure Sammy and Jane wouldn't mind studying either."

"So, want to go right now?" Derek asked. "We can go to the courtyard since it’s still bright out."

"Um...sure," Katelyn agreed.

Just then Sammy and Jane walked by.

"Sammy! Jane!" Katelyn yelled. "Want to go study?"

"Oh right," Sammy said, tugging on her bangs. "I really need to study for that math test."

"Um...Derek...suggested we all study in the courtyard," Katelyn told her friends.

"That’s sounds like a good idea," Jane agreed. "I think this test is 5% of our grade."

Katelyn nodded. "Let's go", she said, walking off with Sammy and Jane.

The boys lingered behind. Cole elbowed Derek.

"What was that about?" he muttered under his breath.

Aiden glanced over at the girls. "Study group...? Really?" he asked Derek. “That’s the best you had?”

Derek shrugged. "Cole, you know your math really does suck..."

Cole rolled his eyes. "That's not your reason to get a date with ice girl."

"It's not a date," Derek said in his ever calm manner. "I would hate to see you fail."


“You’ve always helped Cole with math,” Aiden casually pointed out.

“Maybe, I need help too,” Derek said, nonchalantly.

“I’ll help you,” Aiden said, being difficult.

“You two aren’t helpful,” Derek muttered. “I need a professional.”

“Uh huh,” Cole said, laughing. “You keep telling yourself that.”

“You two can keep screwing around,” Derek said. “I’m going to go study,” he said, walking away.

Cole and Aiden just laughed and quickly followed.

"It's about time you caught up..." Katelyn scolded when the boys finally arrived. "We’re wasting precious studying time."

The table was laid out with the textbooks as well as everyone's notes.

"We should compare notes first," Jane suggested. "Everyone takes notes differently and a new perspective is always nice."

Katelyn nodded. "So everyone trade notes..." she announced. Katelyn grabbed a notebook from the pile. She flipped open to neat, fluid writing.

Katelyn peeked at the inside cover. Yup, written in elegant English was Derek Livingston. His notes were impeccable yet looked effortless.

There were some rustling of papers.

“Ohh...Katie has an imperfect test score...99%,” Derek said in a childish manner.

Katelyn snatched her paper out of Derek’s hand. “Shut up!” she exclaimed. She missed one problem on the test and she didn’t need Derek making fun of her.

“I can explain the problem if you’d like,” Derek said in a more serious tone.

Katelyn chewed her lower lip, surprised at the offer. “I guess...”

Derek picked up a pencil and sat next to Katelyn. The close proximity of the seats made their arms touch. Derek began to carefully explain the problem and write in his flawless handwriting. He would occasionally glance up at Katelyn to make sure she understood.

Katelyn noticed Derek’s dark green eyes when he looked up. His eyes were actually really nice...

“Are you even listening?” Derek teased, prodding Katelyn with a pencil.

Katelyn blinked. “Uhh...”

Derek tucked a lock of hair behind Katelyn’s ear. “We can just sit here and stare into each other’s eyes if you’d prefer.”

Katelyn felt her face redden. “Creep...” she muttered.

Studying went well until the end when Derek stopped understanding anything.

“I don’t get it,” Derek said...again.

Katelyn groaned. “Do we have to start at the beginning?” she asked.


“Well, I’m heading back to our room,” Sammy said. “You two can figure out this math.”

“Have fun,” Cole said, grabbing his backpack.

Soon it was just Katelyn and Derek at a table. Katelyn narrowed her eyes at Derek.

“I don’t believe you don’t get it,” she accused.

Derek scoffed. “Of course, I get it.”

“Then why-“

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?!”

“You’re a whole lot nicer to Tim Wilson,” Derek said, nonchalantly. “Always so angry with me.”

Katelyn face palmed. “Have you been stalking me?”

“Hard to not notice you two cuddling every day.”


“Katie, you leading him on?”

“Of course not and don’t call me Katie!”

“I thought I was your favorite,” Derek pouted.

“This is ridiculous,” Katelyn said, getting up. “There is nothing going on between me and anyone.”

“That’s why he wrote you a love letter,” Derek said.

Katelyn turned. “What?”

Derek pulled the note out of his pocket and cleared his throat. “Dear Katelyn…”

“WHAT?! LET ME SEE THAT!” Katelyn ordered.


“How do you have it?” Katelyn demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

“He was going to wedge it at the picnic table,” Derek said, fanning himself with it. “But it blew off,” he lied.

“Give me that!” Katelyn said, making a grab for it.

Derek easily held it over his head. “Why? Do you like him?”

“If he wrote it to me,” Katelyn informed him. “Then I should get to read it.”

“Say please.”

Katelyn gritted her teeth. “Please?” she forced out.



“Too bad,” Derek said, keeping it out of her reach.

“Derek,” Katelyn said through her teeth. “I’m going to count to three…” she warned.

“Ohh, scary,” Derek said, not intimidated.

“One!” Katelyn snapped. “Two…I’m warning you, Derek Livingston, Three!”

“Run for your lives everybody!” Derek yelled, turning on his heel and running.

Katelyn couldn’t believe this. “Derek!” she screamed, going after him. “You give that to me!”

“Come and get it, Katie!” Derek taunted, running around a tree.


“Too slow!” he mocked, dodging around other students who were jumping out of the way.

“Sorry!” Katelyn apologized as she tore after him.

They ran across campus and around and around the fountain.

“You’re behaving like you’re five!” Katelyn yelled, panting.

“Dear Katelyn,” Derek said, rubbing his chin. “I’ve wanted to tell you this for a long time but you have the most beautiful eyes-“

“I’m literally going to kill you!” Katelyn swore as she took a running jump over the fountain.

“Uh oh,” Derek said, taking off again.

This time, he ran into a building. Katelyn couldn’t believe this. She was going to have to go chase him through the halls!

“Give up?” Derek teased, as Katelyn had to suck in a sharp breath. “Too many apple crumbles?”

“Derek…” Katelyn muttered. “Screw you!”

Derek widened his eyes. “Katie, that’s a bad word. We’re in school!” he whispered.

Katelyn dove for the note in his hand.

“Nice try,” Derek said, jogging backwards. “Come and get it.”

Katelyn stumbled after him. He started running down a narrow empty hallway. Katelyn couldn’t recall ever coming down this hallway. He threw open a metal door and started running up the stairs.

“I don’t think we’re allowed here!” she called after him. Her voice echoed in the empty stairwell.

“Why not?” Derek asked, looking down at her from the stairs.

Katelyn groaned and started sprinting up the stairs. Her legs were burning as she made her way up the winding stairs. It was dark and humid until they finally burst out into the sunshine.

She wanted to tear Derek to pieces but she stopped dead in her tracks. The only sounds were her and Derek’s heavy breathing.

“Whoa,” Katelyn said, breathless.

They were on the roof of the east building, the second tallest building besides the clock tower. The sun was beginning to set and she saw the entire campus glowing in its rosy light. The scene was breathtaking.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Derek asked, breathing hard. 

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