our hearts collided

By lilxnana

387K 7.4K 4.4K

all of his attention is on her no matter how he feels about her. He don't want to like her He don't want to w... More

authors note.
♫ playlist ♫
0. butterflies
1. new york
2. careful
3. party
4. another night
5. hunting
6. play
7. fazed
8. swim
9. deal
10. concern
10.5. hurt
11. interwind
12. teacher's pet
13. afternoon delights.
14. dinner.
15. yours.
16. the moon.
17. camping.
18. obsessed.
19. drunk thoughts.
20. playing games.
21. pretty girl.
22. safe haven
23. rule two.
24. birthday girl.
25. temporary.
27. without you.
28. pain.
29. secrets.
30. lies.
31. afriad.
32. broken.
33. shatterd.
34. mason.
35. cause and effect.
36. drowning.
37. ivory.
38. time.
39. giovanni.
40. finally.
41. our hearts.
42. collided.

26. sorrows.

5.6K 125 144
By lilxnana


I crossed my legs under the table, Looking at the menu. The silence filled the air as my father scratch the back of his neck.

"Whatever you want to say father, just say it." I looked up from my menu. My father and I daily lunch dates started to cut short and turn into once-on-a-while lunches, so I was surprised when he showed up at my front door asking me to lunch.

I felt my cheeks heat up just thinking about how Giovanni was going down on me, he had to stay in my bathroom until we left. Of course, I'm not afraid of my father finds out, but I will like to save the awkwardness for another time.

"What are you talking about." He replied, I could see the sweat dripping from his forehead as he took a sip of his water.

"Dad." I placed the menu down. Giving him a stern look, which he only returned.
"Can I father just have lunch with his loving daughter?"

"You can, it's just I can tell when you're keeping something from me. And you are." I reply shortly.

We haven't talked since my birthday which was weeks ago, and besides the strong warning telling me not to talk to my mother. He's been distant I understand he has a girlfriend but, when you suddenly pop up and invite me to lunch I have the right to be curious.

"Okay, it's about your mother." I sighed deeply, leaning back into my chair.

"What about the bitch." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Watch your mouth." He warns sternly. His tone becoming full of authority in just a second. I dropped my head.

His tone still can make me hide in a corner. Growing up we had simple rules, each rule was different for each of us. But we all had the same rule at the end of the day.

Never disrespect my father. Whatever he says always goes, he rarely uses that kind of tone with us. But when he does it makes me feel like a puppy getting scolded.

"I'm sorry."

"Now your mother...I want you to see her." I look up at him in disbelief, as I process his words.

"I'm sorry if I'm not mistaken wasn't it you who told me to stay away from her?" I asked. He picked up his glass calmly taking a sip as if this conversation wasn't affecting him.

"I know what I said but, I talked with her and I think it's time for you to put your pride aside and talk with her." My father says I didn't miss the small look in his eyes. Sadness.


Oh my god! I just told my father no, okay I'm gonna end up broke and can't even pay for a meal because he will cut me off.

"I wasn't asking, you will meet with her Tonight." He tells me, looking at the time on his watch.

Okay, so I'm not getting cut off.

There's more to this conversation, He hasn't looked me in my eyes the whole time I sat in front of him.

"And if I don't go?" I tested him, do I have a death wish or something? It's like Im begging to be cut off.

As he holds this cold expression, I didn't miss the soft look in his eyes. He clenches his jaw looking back down at the table.

"Ivory, don't test me." My father warns, and just like the last time his tone making me look down.

I hate this, he talks to me like a child. In my defense I'm kinda acting like a child, maybe I'm hanging around Logan too much.

I stood from my chair. "I think this lunch is over, it seems to me I have an unexpected dinner to get ready for, with a good deadbeat mother," I grumbled out.

"You know." I let out a sarcastic laugh. "I find it so funny, that you know what she did to me. Hell! You were more affected than me and now you want me to talk to her!"

He didn't speak, I'm talking back to my father, and he not saying anything. Wow.

I cut him off again. I'm getting tired of this.

"I'll see you later dad." I placed my bag over my shoulder. I can't believe him!


"I need advice!" I yelled, I cringe my nose in sightseeing the dirty penthouse which is usually clean.

What the fuck did they do today!

I widened my eyes watching robin and Logan come straight towards me. Just before I could move, my ass collided with the floor.

Ow! What the fuck.

They stood up hovering over me, black lines on each side of their cheeks. They were shirtless and held fucking water guns on their hands.

We are practically in fucking October so what the fuck are they doing with fucking water guns?

Before I could ask, the cold water collided with my chest, making me yell.

"Surrender, it not feel the pain of our wrath," Logan says, aiming the water gun back to my chest.

I sit upon my elbows, giving them a slight glare. I was still upset about my father and I conversation, ugh it just pisses me off. So the water dripping down my white shirt just upset me even more.

"Um, guys I think ivory's upset." Logan back away slowly, noticing my expression. Robin soon followed and If I wasn't pissed I would give them a little laugh.

"Why the fuck are you two playing with water guns in the middle of fall!" I raise my voice, standing from the floor. Their eyes stuck to my chest.

Oh yes isn't my life just peachy! I have on a white shirt with a red fucking bra.

Mason and Giovanni walked in, looking exactly like the two idiots in front of me.

"You know what-" I let out a sigh, walking back towards the elevator. "I don't have fucking time for this."

Pressing the button, I start to unbutton my shirt. Tapping my foot slightly Against the floor.

"Ivory are you okay?" I heard Mason asked, I didn't turn around. Because Giovanni is a human lie detector, and I don't have time for a heart-to-heart.

What the fuck am I'm saying? Having a heart-to-heart conversation with Giovanni is actually having a heart to brick moment instead.

"I'm fine." I forced the corner of my lips into a smile, but I'm sure I look like I'm frowning.

I feel bad now.


I sit in my car, looking at the tall hotel. After a long time of debating and deciding that I won't last a day without my black card.

I drove over to the hotel where my mother is staying, ugh I don't even want to call her that.

Taking a deep breath, I walk into the building straight to the front desk.

"Good evening madam, how may I help you." The clerk asks me.

"May I know which room Fallon pope is staying in?" I asked, I wipe my sweaty hands on my skirt.

"I didn't know miss pope was expecting guess, just let me give her a call."
I watched her lift her phone bringing it to her ear.

She moved it away from her ear. "What's your name madam?"

"Just tell say her daughter is here." The clerk nods, speaking back into the phone. She told me the room number sending me to the penthouse room.

I'm seriously getting tired of the penthouse. I smiled softly at the elderly man at my side, he presses the elevator button for me.

"Your past lover must have loved you a lot." I give him a confused look, he takes a seat in a chair that was in the elevator.

"Excuse me?" He laughs softly at my expression. "The beauty mark on your nose, my mother told me that beauty marks are places where your past lover has kissed you."

I brought my hand to my nose, smiling softly. I have multiple beauty marks, my shoulder, nose, all over my body.

He grunts as he slumps Into the chair and then looks up at me.

"Are you going to the penthouse floor?"

I frown my lips at him, this is my first time here yet he knows what floor I need to go on. I nod my head As he presses the button.

He didn't speak much, as the doors open I froze.

"I'm sure it's gonna be okay." I looked over at his soft eyes. "I hope so," I mumbled,

Let's get this over with. I walked through the foyer, the elegant smell of cinnamon.

As I walked into the living I saw her, she sat on the couch holding a glass of water. Her curly brown hair that I was used to was now was short and thin.

She looked slimmer. Her eyes met mine. "Ivory." I rolled my eyes, walking closer to her.

"Mom," I said shortly, I don't even want to be here.

"You look good, so beautiful." My mother scans me down, I'm surprised she didn't comment on my weight or my hair.

She hates my hair curly, she wanted me to fit into my father's side so much she neglected the fact I was half her.

When I didn't speak she spoke again. "would you like some tea or anything?" She rushed out.

"No, I want us to get to the point on why I'm here." I cocked an eyebrow.

Her face falls, into disappointment. Did she expect me to just be happy or even excited here?

"I see, why don't you take a seat." She gestured to the chair in front of her, I take a seat bouncing my knee.

"Your father tells me you have been doing great in your classes, do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" She asked.

Is she serious, I'm blowing off a good fuck to have a conversation with my deadbeat mother. I wonder if I leave now I could find Logan to give me so molly?

"Nope, I like being a whore I guess I get it from someone." I joked, well that wasn't really a joke.

I could see the sadness in her eyes I sighed crossing my legs.

"Ivory look—"
I cut her off, holding up my hand.

"Look it's a little late for this mother-daughter bonding shit. Get to the point." I tell her, tapping a single finger against the chair.

I heard the elevator open making me look back, I watch my father walked out. And I internally sighed.

Isn't this great!

"Killian, I didn't know you were coming." My mother says, shifting her gaze back and forth to my father and me.

"I have to make sure she." He looks at me. "Don't give you any problems." I rolled my eyes as he sat on the other side of the sofa from me.

I really could use that molly right about now.

"Okay well, I'm here. So talk, I don't have all night." I tilted my head to the side.

She took a deep breath and gave my father a side-eye look before speaking. "Ivory, I just want to say I'm sorry."

I laughed clamping my mouth shut, making my father glare his eyes to the side of my head.

"Please continue Fallon," he gestured for her to keep speaking.

This is ridiculous.

"The things I put you through, the things I allowed your uncle to do... it should have never happened." She says tenderly, her teary eyes looking into my boring ones.

"I wasn't ready to be a mother, and I never thought about you. But I see the things I missed out on, I couldn't see you grow into this beautiful young woman you are today." She sobbed, my father moved to her comforting her, and I let a laugh.

"Are you done, because if I was only ordered here for you to give me Petty apology? I don't accept." I bite the inside of my lip to keep myself from saying what I really wanted to say.

"Ivory, I never meant to hurt you." She says, I rolled my eyes chuckling. "You never meant to hurt me? You're my mother, you're supposed to love and care for me." I bounce my knees, cracking each of my knuckles.

"Not dose me up with alcohol and pills, and let my uncle use me for his pedophile fantasies!" I raised my voice, the uncalled memory's of my unwanted childhood flash through.

"No, I was nine I was supposed to be playing with my dollies. Not waking up to my uncle jacking off while watching me sleep." I stood from the chair pacing the floor now.

I was fuming, the audacity she has! And my father! years through therapy just to throw me back to The source.

"Ivory, just hear her out." My father pleaded. I threw my head back looking at the ceiling, biting my lip to keep those unwanted tears away.

"Why? Why now I have some sort of happiness in my life and you came back to ruin it why!" I demanded her to tell me, clenching my jaw.

As she didn't speak I walked away, her sobs filling The room. Pathetic!

"I'm dying." I stood still hearing the two words float around my head. I waited for some sort of reaction and I had none.

"It's liver cancer, I don't have much time left. I just wanted to put everything at ease." She cried out.

Still Nothing.

"You a little too late for that," I muttered walking onto the elevator.

As I rushed to my car, trying to ignore the fuming rage fuming throughout me. I spot a note on my car.

What the fuck is this?

I open the note. And out of all the news, I heard today this somehow send a shiver down my spine.

[it not easy watching the ones you love die.
But don't worry my dear, I will keep you alive just for myself]
Your love.

What the actual fuck is my life coming to?

I kinda like this chapter, I'm having mixed feelings.

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