Safe (BatBoys)


12.5K 368 64

Cora spent the best summer of her life with the Batfam, learning, loving, and growing. Starting school should... More

Welcome to Hell
Nerve Wracked
Walk the Streets
Custody Battle
Normal Again
Missing Piece
Movie Night
We Can Do This
Sister In Law
Big Brother
Painted Perfection
Therapy Session
Group Chat
Love Sick
A Gift
Cell Block Tango
Happy Birthday!
Date Night
Finally Safe
The End A/N

Jokes On You

363 10 4

Damian's POV:

I pace the docks eagerly as the sun sets. I watch the duffel bag full of cash as I march.

I know none of my siblings are happy, and neither is my father. Todd had to stay behind due to him being legally dead. Grayson is solemn and Drake has been obsessively checking the time. Father stands by the police officer that has been overseeing this kidnapping.

My mind replays that word over and over and over until I can actually hear it. Kidnapping. That's what this was. Cora has been kidnapped.

I was supposed to protect her. She was supposed to stay with me. Sure it worked out now, maybe, but this can't happen again. Harley and Ivy can be satiated with money and an allowance to 'help' that I'm still suspicious of. Someone else may not be. This is Gotham.

I hear a car rumble in the distance. It's a red sports car with no plates on it. I see 3 figures. 2 adults, 1 child. I hear some shrieks come from the car as it goes over some bumps and becomes slightly airborne. They skid to a stop in front of us.

Harley steps out first and Ivy turns to Cora. Already I'm trying to see if she's okay. It's not hard to hide a bruised rib. Ivy steps out and retrieves Cora from the back seat. I see her hands are still bound.

"Hiya Brucie! We brought the kid! Ya got my money?" Harley says obnoxiously. We're all standing at attention now.

"It's all in the bag. You know I'm good for it. Hand her over first." Father says calmly. The sooner she's back with us the better.

"Ha! I've kidnapped enough of ya brats to know ya keep ya word. But she's new, and she's not yours. Money first." Harley demands. I feel tense, ready to attack. I don't like this.

"Let her speak. I want to know she's safe." He says instead. I watch anxiously as Cora steps forward easily. She looks me dead in the eyes.

"I'm okay. I'm safe. You can give them the money." She says calmly. How is she so calm about this?! I look her over to see if she's lying. They may have threatened her. Her hands are shaking but she seems otherwise okay.

"Very well, it's yours." I hear my Father say. He tosses the bag closer to them. I step forward, ready to pull Cora close and tight.

"I think not!" Says a voice to my right. I see smoke and gas start creeping around and polluting the air. My arm is immediately around my nose and mouth. I run towards where I last saw Cora, but when I move through the smoke, she's not there.

"Damia-mmm!" I hear her shriek. I run towards her voice. I see the smoke start to clear but she's not there anymore. She vanished.

I feel rage boil in me. She was right in front of me! We were so CLOSE! I should have moved QUICKER! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LET HER GET TAKEN IN THE FIRST PLACE! SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO STAY WITH ME!

I yell out in rage. I don't think I comprehended what happened next. One minute I was cursing my very existence and now I'm in the cave with maps and data sheets spread out of the table.

I pour over each sheet, trying to identify who was where and when. There are only 4 convicts still at large. Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, and The Joker. We know it wasn't Harley or Ivy. I look between the two sheets.

I hope it's Riddler. I'm hoping against hope that I heard the voice wrong in my panic. I'm hoping it wasn't Joker toxin that almost filled our lungs. I'm not an entirely religious person, having met a demigod myself, but I'm praying.

"-I want you to call in Spoiler and Batgirl. Tim, contact the Young Justice League. Damian, call the Titans. I'll see who is available at the league." I hear my Father order. I pull out my phone easily and call a familiar contact.

"Damian? What's up?" I hear her ask. I feel my heart clench.

"Cora has been taken, I need your help, Raven. I think, I think it's the Joker." I say. I hear my voice break.

"I'll alert the Team, we'll be right there. We'll find her." She says comfortingly. I don't find much solace in it, but it's appreciated.

"I'll see you when you get here," I state. I hang up after that. My head is spinning and fear is gripping my chest tightly, like a noose. I walk quickly.

I tug on my suit and I place my mask easily. With a deep pain I remember that Cora hates this mask, she prefers to see my eyes. I shake my head. I can't break right now. She's counting on me.

I head to the launch bay and climb on my bike with practiced ease. I roar down the pathway and out of the door. I speed through the streets, heading straight for the warehouse district.

I make it past yellow lights and I'm only stopped once by traffic. As I wait for the transport truck to pass I see a red sports car pull up beside me. I almost crash my bike when I see who's driving.

Harley looks at me with determination glittering in her eyes, Ivy is sat stoically beside her. Harley waves and points to a parking lot just up ahead. I nod, if anyone can tell me a good place to search it's her.

We pull up alongside each other. She leans over the side so she can get closer. Her face is missing its usual fanatic glee.

"Do you have any leads?" She asks seriously. Her accent is barely there right now.

"We think it's the Joker. Tell me where he is." I growl lowly. Her expression darkens.

"That bastard is gonna have hell to pay! Follow me, I think I know where his main base is. If he's keeping her hostage, it's there." She says angrily. While I understand the effect Cora can have on people I'm still surprised she's helping me.

"Why would you care? Did he steal your money too?" I ask with venom on my tongue. It burns when I think of the look Cora might give me if she heard me.

"That kid, there's something about her. I want to help her, and I know first hand what Joker might do if we don't." She says bitterly. Her engine roars to life once more and she's off. I follow her easily, her words are replaying in my head.

I know what the Joker is capable of, I've been at his mercy before. To think that Cora might be enduring the same, I crank my gas. I have to find her.

"Robin, this is Raven from the cave. Where are you?" I hear through my com. I look at the blurring street signs and the direction we're headed.

"I'm headed towards the cemetery. Harley and Ivy think she could be there." I state. I hear muffled voices on the other end of the call.

"Alright, we'll meet you there." She says definitively. I hear the com click and I know she's hung up. At least there's backup on the way. If this is Joker's stronghold we may need it.

We arrive at the cemetery as I had predicted. I watch as Harley marches up to the crypts and wrenches open the door to one of them. The Walzack Family. That name sounds oddly familiar.

"Riddle me this." I hear echo through the stone room. I bristle. That isn't the Joker's voice. That isn't the voice I heard just an hour before now.

"Who likes green, but not purple? Who has pale skin, that's not stained red? Who doesn't have who you seek?" He taunts as a disembodied voice. I yell in frustration and punch the wall, leaving a sizable dent.

"You were wrong! She's not here!" I yell at Harley. She seems just as pissed as I am. Ivy looks down at the floor.

"Well, then we check somewhere else! She has to be around here somewhere!" Harley barks back at me.

"Like, in a secret passageway under a super creepy crypt?" Ivy drawls. I snap to look at her. She's toed open a hatch that descends into darkness. I could have hugged her on the spot. But neither of us would like that very much.

"Robin, we're here." I hear in my earpiece. I poke my head out of the stone building. I almost smile at the sight of my family and my teammates. They all really came to help.

"We found a passageway. It could be a trap. And it's possible, she may not be here." I state. I hate the words when they leave my mouth.

"We're going to search everywhere. Here included." Father states. I feel better having him help. My stomach is still in knots and my heart is still beating hard in my chest.

"Raven, scout the area. Starfire, start scouting for other possible places. Beast Boy, turn into a bat and scout our path. Blue Beetle, let me know if the beetle warns you of anything. Boys, you're with me." My father orders.

We climb down the hole one after another. My father first, then me, then my brothers. Harley and Ivy left to go check other possible sites that have been spotted. Gar is behind us, letting out screeches as we go down.

After what feels like an eternity, we reach the bottom. It's dark and silent. It doesn't seem like the Joker's usual haunt. And that makes it all the better to try to trick us away.

We flick on our night vision. It looks like more crypt from here. It was probably converted in the early 1900s. Could she be in one of these coffins? Could we be too late?

I shake my head viciously. I can't think like that. She has to be alive. She has to be.

My father holds his hand up to stop us. My heart speeds up and I feel hope rise in my chest. I spot the door he's approaching warily.

When he gives the signal we storm in. The door is burst open and we rush in, ready to attack. I whip my head around to view the room we just entered. It's dark but with the night vision, it doesn't make any difference.

It doesn't matter, because she's not here.

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