Painted Perfection

311 12 16

Cora pov:

I'm really warm.

It's not a bad warm. I feel, comfortable. Like I'm being hugged in a warm cocoon. It's so relaxing. I nuzzle into the warmth, curling in on myself.

"Good morning, Beloved." My eyes snap open.

I twist around to face Damian, but he's beside me. I blink a few times to clear my eyes and stare at him. The first thing I notice is his tired eyes that match his tired smirk. The second thing I notice is the fact that he has no blankets covering him.

"'Morning, my love. Did you get any sleep?" I ask. He runs a hand through his hair.

"No, but I'm alright." He replies easily.

"Would that have to do with why you don't have any blankets?" I question, sleep clearing from my head.

"No again. Look down." He smirks. I glance down and sure enough, I have the blankets rolled around me. All of them. I drop my face into the nearest pillow.

"I am so sorry." I mumble. He chuckles.

"It's alright. I usually get too hot anyways." He states. I peek at him with one eye. I try to remove my arms but the sheets are wound too tightly. I try again, frowning this time when it doesn't budge.

"Dami, I think I'm stuck." I say, struggling to remove my arms. I wiggle my legs but that's the most I've got.

"Seriously?" He asks, raising a brow and wiggle around once again.

"Yes." I mumble dejectedly. He chuckles loudly. I think that was his laugh actually. He covers his mouth.

"As much as I love hearing you laugh, please stop laughing at me. I need heeelp." I whine, but a small grin splits my face.

"Why should I help you? You're the one who wrapped yourself in them." He teases. I scoff.

"How about, because you love me and you don't want me to rip my way out of them?" I say with a sickly sweet voice.

"Tt, Drama queen." He says, but he does sit up. He grabs my shoulder and rolls me over. I try to help him roll me, he then drags me back to him so I don't roll off the bed.

Finally I'm loose enough that I can wriggle my arms free. I start pushing and pulling the swirl of sheets down my body until I kick them off my legs.

"Freedom!" I say happily, falling back onto the mattress. Dami chuckles at me, I smile at him.

"Not if I have any say in it." He says darkly. I'm about to ask what he means before he scoops me up and pulls me close. I giggle and laugh loudly.

"Noooo. I was so close." I whine childishly. He holds me tighter and I let out more laughter as I hold him just as tight. He's just as warm as my cocoon.

"No, you weren't." Dami says with a grin. I love his grins. I kiss him on the cheek. Then the other cheek. Then his forehead. Then his nose, his temple, his other temple, his cheeks again, until he stops me with a kiss of his own.

I kiss him back, his lips warming mine. I wish I could wake up like this everyday. Happy and with loving kisses that make my head spin and my heart flutter. I find my hand in his hair and his hand resting on the small of my back. Perfect.

"Well I'm certainly awake now." He says in a low voice. I smile at him contentedly.

"That does make for a good start to our day, huh?" I state happily.

"It doesn't have to just be the start. We could lay here and cuddle for awhile." He suggests.

"That sounds nice. Maybe you could get some sleep." I muse, curling into him. He sighs.

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