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Cora POV:

I feel myself gasp awake. What was I dreaming of? I feel adrenaline and panic surging through me.

My eyes flick around the room, searching for something that I can't name. They land on Damian. I can name him then. I breathe a sigh of relief.

My back is killing me. It's so sore and tight. The shocked awakening didn't help. I rake my gaze over Dami. He's asleep right now. He's on a cot right beside mine and I like having him this close.

After I feel like I've memorized his features, I start to gaze around the room. Boredom has already begun to set in. I can't move very well so I can't do much. My sight is caught by the pile of items stacked neatly on a chair.

I see a change of clothes and a blanket. A glass of water and a thermos has been set next to it. I notice that my pillow has been changed as well, it's the one from my room now.

In order to use any of that, I'll need to sit up. I take a deep and bracing breath. I start to shimmy myself up on the pillows with my arms. I'm barely lifting myself but my back is screaming at me.

I made it. Thank heavens it's over. I sigh in relief and then bend over, moving mostly in a sort of half-roll-over. I reach for the cup of water. I'm probably a little dehydrated.

I drink it carefully. I don't want to spill. I have to hold it with both of my hands but eventually, I'm done with it. I feel better now, a little more awake and clear-headed.

I half-roll to exchange the glass for the thermos. I take a tentative sip at first. I mixed up Jasey's flask with mine one time and I've been wary ever since.

It's sweet and very familiar. Did someone make my favorite tea? Exactly how I make it? I don't even make tea that often, how did they learn this? And who made it in the first place?!

I think over this as I drink my tea. It couldn't have been Richy, he's never seen me make it. Jasey has only seen it once and I don't think he was paying attention. Timmy might have done it, but I doubt he would have made it so perfectly after seeing it a couple of times.

That leaves Damian. He seems like the most logical choice anyways. Even I've noticed how observant he is of me and I'm just a tad oblivious. Did he do the rest too then?

I vaguely remember explaining why I brought my pillow over. And I do wear those PJ's often. That blanket was on my bed, wasn't it? I feel my chest get all warm and tingly.

He did all of this for me? I feel tears start welling up in my eyes. I sniffle and grab my pillow to hug to my chest. I look over at his sleeping form and can't help feeling an overwhelming amount of emotions. I stuff my face into my pillow. I do not want to wake him up.

I wipe at my eyes. Gosh, look at me. I'm acting as if he proposed. I need to calm down a little. I take some deep controlled breaths. I feel myself start to calm down. Just as I do there's a light tap at the door.

Alfred is there with a tray of food and a roll of fresh bandages. I wipe more furiously at my eyes. I sniffle and he hands me a tissue. I clean my face up a little while he sets the tray down.

"Have some soup, miss Sanchez." He says gently. I accept the bowl of soup from him. I didn't realize how hungry I was. He walks over to Dami and I watch as I eat my soup.

Alfred lightly places his hand on Dami's shoulder. Damian wakes up slowly and blinks blearily. He looks like a sleepy kitten. I can't help the wide smile that spreads across my face.

He suddenly sits up and looks me up and down. I'm just gonna give him a second to do whatever he's doing right now. I take a quiet sip of my soup.

"Cora, you look well." He says hesitantly. I raise an eyebrow at him.

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