Big Brother

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Cora pov:

I glance up from my food at Heather. She's chatting happily with Mr. Wayne. It's a very odd sight.

"So you transferred then?" He asks. This is so weird. Mr. Wayne is smiling. I think even laughed a few times.

"Yep! Central will always be my home but the crime rate is lower than you'd think." Heather explains enthusiastically. I like her, she's peppy in a nice way.

"Well I suppose Nightwing is only one man. Central has the speedsters." Richt interjects. I think he's trying to defend himself.

"That's another reason I transferred actually. I like the idea of having a hero that doesn't have powers. He's just an ordinary person like you or me." Heather says, taking a bite of her own food.

I watch Richy's reaction closely. He pauses only momentarily. His eyes flash with something I don't recognize. Heather doesn't notice.

In the momentary silence, I can hear a loud crash come from behind the kitchen door. A quick look around the room shows that 'everyone' is in here. Heather stands up and I do too. The boys follow our lead since we're the closest to the door.

I see Heather has her steak knife in hand. Smart decision. This is Gotham after all. Who knows what could be behind that door. I watch as she places her back to the wall beside the kitchen door.

I notice the boys have all cleared away from the line of sight. Another smart decision. Seeing as I'm on the other side of the door, I grasp the handle gently.

Heather give me a nod and I wrench the door open. In that moment she turns into the doorway, her knife held in front of her. Her expression is serious, something that looks odd on her.

"State your name and business!" She yells. Oh great, there's an intruder in the manor.

"Uh, I just needed an Advil. Can you like, not yell? Please?" I hear a voice. Hold on, that voice is familiar.

I peek my head around the door to see Jason, sprawled on the floor, holding himself up on his elbows. I open the door wider.

"Jasey?" I question. I thought he was an intruder.

"Hey, kid." He waves lazily. Heather doesn't lower her knife, but looks at me from the corner of her eye.

"Cora, you know him?" She asks. I nod.

"Yeah that's Jason. He's, uh, my brother." I say, thinking quickly. Heather lowers her knife warily.

"Why are you sneaking around the manor?" She questions. Jason sits himself up.

"I had a headache and didn't feel up to meeting people. I only came over to see Cora for the weekend." Jasey explains casually, completely going along with my idea.

"He helped me with my hair." I put in quietly. Heather seems to relax.

"Oh. Um, sorry for waving a knife in your face. Need a hand?" She apologizes. She offers her hand to Jason, which he accepts but ultimately gets up on his own. He dwarfs her easily.

"Ahem. Jason, if you're feeling better you're welcome to join us for dinner." Mr. Wayne says easily. I notice that the boys have amassed behind us. Jason grab a bottle of pills before answering.

"Sure, just gimme a sec." He opens the bottle, dumping 2 pills into his hand. He swallows them dry and we all awkwardly make our way back to the table.

Alfred sets a plate in front of Jason and he grabs some food. The atmosphere is still a little (a lot) tense.  I pick at my food before turning my attention to Heather.

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