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Damian's pov:

I have my arms folded across my chest. I stare at the steel door. She's been in there for a while.

I watch in anticipation as the door opens. Cora leans against it with a hesitant look on her face. I notice the way she doesn't look at any of us in the eyes.

"You can come back in now." She says quietly. My heart pulls and I get the overwhelming urge to just pick her up and take her away.

We follow her into the cell room. I see Quinn sitting politely on her cell bench, just like earlier. She seems almost like a different person from the woman who was causing havoc just a few hours ago.

"Gentlemen. Thank you for joining us." She speaks, her Boston accent is muted but can be heard.

"Is there something wrong?" Father asks. I search Cora's body language for any clue of what's going on. She's just as reserved as earlier, but definitely tenser. She's standing in between us and Quinn.

"No. I have come up with a makeshift treatment plan. But it's only the first session so I can't be certain of anything yet. Trial and error will happen." She says professionally.

"We all want what's best for Cora. What's the treatment plan?" Father asks. Cora starts fidgeting with her fingers. I notice some paint at the base of her neck from earlier. I thought she would have washed it off by now.

"I've recommended group therapy. You and your family would participate. I'm well aware that most of your kids have had similar experiences, so it should be beneficial for all involved." She says as she looks over the paper she has on the clipboard.

"You may have a point. But none of us are liscenced psychiatrists." Father opposes. Group therapy with them?

We're all cynics! Except for Grayson and Cora. Not to mention we have so much trauma and so many issues individually, I think pooling them together may cause a black hole.

"I'm not suggesting you all try to go about it like professionals. Talking to people we trust and people with similar experiences can be healing on it's own." Quinn says with a knowing look.

"You called us all the way here to suggest that Cora talks to us? We may not say everything but we already do that." Drake says. I don't know enough about therapy to agree or disagree, but he makes a point.

"So ya weren't shocked when she told me about her knee injury?" Harley asks with a smirk. Her accent slips through solidly. I see Cora tense up more.

"I am right here guys." She says quietly. She has her arms crossed as she grips her arms. Her eyes are aimed downward.

"Beloved, what do you think?" I ask, speaking up for the first time. She glances up at me and then back down.

"I think it might help. I know it could end really badly, like with Jason's matching scar, but it's worth a try. I mean unless you guys don't want to of course. Talking about our feelings doesn't seem like something anyone wants to do and-" she rambles.

"Cora." I cut her off gently. She looks up at me. "We want to help you. If you think it might help then that's enough." I assure. She nods quietly.

"One thing, before you go." Harley says. "You're name is Damian, correct?" She asks.

"Yes." I state. Where is this going?

"Great. If I eva find out that you hurt her, I'll bust out of this cell just to hunt ya down. Mmkay?" Harley threatens, leaning forward. Why does everyone think I'm going to hurt her?

"If that's what you're waiting for, you'll be waiting for a long, long time." I state, narrowing my eyes. She grins.

"And Cora, sweetie, if ya eva need to chat you know where to find me." Quinn says, turning her attention to Cora.

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