Movie Night

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Jason's POV:

Dickhead is back in Bludhaven, so now it's just me, Tim, Cora, and tater tot. I'm pretty sure Tim is sleep-deprived from the way he's blinking. His coffee mug is already empty and it's only the first song.

I did miss the home theater when I came back to Gotham, I almost broke in just to watch a movie and mess with B. There's even a snack cabinet.

I look down at the kids. Cora is leaning on Demon Spawn while facing the screen, the bright colors flashing in their tired eyes. Is everyone tired today?

Ooh, this is one of my favorite parts. I find myself humming along quietly to the song and watching their movements carefully, trying to think if I could do what they're doing.

All too soon the song ends and we get more plot, and a few more characters introduced. I'm enjoying myself, the songs, the dancing, the characters. It's peaceful despite the blaring music.

During the middle of one of the slower songs, I feel a soft weight on my shoulder. I look over to see Tim, slumped against my arm with his face smushed and very much asleep.

I can't tense up. I can't tense up. If I tense up he will wake up and that is not happening. He looks so dorky like this. I could just watch the steady rise and fall of his shoulders instead of the movie at this point.

Before I know it, the credits are rolling. I look up at the two kiddos and they're stretching. Cora is barely stretching herself, which makes me happy that she's not pushing herself too much. I watch the bat brat get up and start collecting things. 

"I'll be right back, please stay here." He commands Cora gently. It's still very weird to see him being so soft and gentle with another human being, but I'm happy they're happy together.

As soon as he leaves, Cora turns to me with a thoughtful look. I watch her contemplate something before speaking very quietly.

"Hey, Jason?" She asks, her voice is very small.

"Yes?" I speak as quietly as I can due to the passed-out nerd on my shoulder.

"When I get better, can you do me a favor?" She questions, looking down at the couch arm. I raise an eyebrow. Whatever this is, it's gonna be big.

"Sure. What do you need?" Whatever it is, I'm sure I can do it.

"Can you, teach me how to use a gun? Like shoot one?" She says hopefully. Well, I wasn't expecting that for sure. 

"I can, but why?" I question hesitantly.

"If I ever had to use a weapon, I don't think I could use a knife or a sword. I could learn to use a staff as well, but I'd like to know how to shoot." She explains quietly. Something tells me she's being quiet from hesitance instead of being aware of Tim.

"I get it. I still don't like explosives, the only ones I can use are smoke bombs. Are you sure that Damian is going to be okay with it?"I ask her. She furrows her brows.

"He probably won't be. In fact, I'm sure he'd probably rather teach me to use one of his katanas. But I don't think I could ever use one if I needed to." She says sadly. 

"As much as I still don't get along with him often, he does genuinely care about you. If you explained your reasons, he might understand. He's faced the, that man, before as well." I try to assure. She contemplates my words for a second.

"Thanks, Jasey. I'll talk to him." She says confidently. She glances a little bit beside me. "So, any progress lately?" She asks. I sigh a little bit.

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