Walk the Streets

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Cora POV:

"Jasey!" I shout when I see him. He's sitting on the living room couch. He gets up with his arms wide and his smile wider.

"Cora! Come here!" He says happily. I wrap him in a tight hug. It's been roughly two weeks since I last saw him.

"Not to be rude, Todd, but why are you here?" Damian asks from behind us. I break the hug to turn to him

"I wanted to see how the first week of school went." He says unfazed. I grin up at him.

"It was really fun!" I say excitedly. I feel like a little kid. He grins with me.

"That's great! Did you make any new friends?" He asks.

"I think so? I mean they never said they were my friends, but we're friendly." I explain happily.

"Well, that deserves a celebration." He says mock seriously. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"A celebration?" I ask. I see Damian stand beside me with his arms crossed.

"Relax Demon Brat. I just meant we should go to town and see some sights." He relents. I feel giddy at the prospect. I don't go into the city often besides school.

"Sounds fun! Are we going to the mall again?" I ask. He grins between me and Damian.

"I was going to take you two to West Gotham actually. There are some sports stores and I think a couple of different kinds of studios." He answers. I feel like he's bugging Dami with this somehow.

"I think Riley mentioned a studio for me in West Gotham. It'd be nice to check it out." I say. I look towards Dami with pleading eyes. He stares back at me but eventually, he breaks.

"Alright. But we're changing first and you will stay by me the whole time." He says firmly. I can live with that.

"Yes! Alright, I'll be right back." I say excitedly. I run up the stairs and yank off the god-awful skirt. I throw on some more comfortable clothes, leggings, and a half sleeve shirt, before running down the stairs again.

I'm practically vibrating with excitement as we wait for Dami. He trods down the stairs in jeans and a T-shirt. He sighs and we head out the door.

Jason drives us through the streets and I'm happy to see the passing city view. I've been to a lot of places. The place that's the most similar, that I can think of, would be New York. Bright lights, loud people, kinda dirty.

We ride up to a curb roughly 30 minutes later. We step out of the car and I take in my surroundings. It smells like hot dogs and old alcohol.

"Alrighty, kiddos, where to first?" Jason asks. I spot a dance studio, that must mean that the MMA studio should be around here somewhere. I spot it at the end of the street not too far away.

"Can we go check out the studio?" I ask. Damian nods and Jason smiles.

"Of course. It should be around here somewhere right?" He asks. I point behind him. He whips around and we begin walking. I feel Dami grab my hand. He usually gets like this when we're out in civilian clothing. I give his hand a small squeeze.

We walk into the studio. It's bigger than my old Dojo. There are mirrors lining the sidewall and I can see a few students sparring. There's upbeat music playing in the background.

A kind-looking man walks over to us. He has a clipboard in his hand and glasses on his large nose.

"Hello, folks. Can I help you?" He asks nicely. I instinctively look towards Jason. He's the adult here. He steps up.

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