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Cora's pov:

I unclasp the lock from the sealed and chained black case on my lap.

"I know I said you can only have this if you can get into it, but I'm almost concerned by the fact that you know how to pick locks." Jason comments.

"Damian taught me months ago. I need both hands though." I mention as I work at the sealant with my nail. I slice two parallel lines into the rubbery substance, peeling the stuff in between them away.

I work open the stupidly complicated clasps efficiently. Finally the case can be opened. Just in case, I stand and place the case on the floor. I face the opening away from all of us and open the case slowly.

Yellow foam shoots out of it. I give Jason an exasperated look. He shrugs. I notice the others looking at him the same way. His response doesn't change. I sigh at the mess of foam on the floor.

I go to get something to clean it up, mostly out of habit and annoyance. I notice Alfred in the doorway with a small pail, a shovel looking thing, and cleaning wipes.

He scoops up foam and before anyone can stop me I grab a few wipes and start swiping at the floor. I do register the looks on their faces. It's always a cross between a scowl and a look of endearment.

"I am a big girl and I can clean up my own messes." I state, giving no other acknowledgement. They look at me like this when I do my own laundry or make my own bed. Heaven forbid I clean my sink or wipe down my shower. Drama queens.

Finally the mess has been cleared. The inside of the case is clean, the foam having come from a canister taped to the bottom of the lid. It looks like it had an arrow head on it.

The arrow tip itself is resting innocently on top of what is apparently my gift. I blink once, twice, three times.

"You got me a gun?!" I say excitedly. My eyes switching between Jason and the pitch black handgun sitting in it's own indent.

"Okay, before I get smacked. It's a pellet gun. Gas powered, so it still packs a punch, but I have enough sense to not give an untrained child a lethal weapon." Jason says quickly. I shut the case for safety before springing forward.

I hug him so tight I could match my mom's hugs. He let's out a small 'oof' but hugs back quickly. I compose myself after a long moment.

"Thank you so much Jason." I say with the biggest grin I've smiled in forever. He looks a little surprised but smiles back.

"Of course. I said I would teach you didn't I?" He says, casual as always.

"Well no one can say you don't keep your promises." I say, my cheek muscles straining against their will. I sink back down to the floor, looking out at the gifts that all have so much thought and care behind them.

I feel myself tear up. I can't even stop the tears this time. They roll down my cheeks and I try to hide my face. No doubt my face is red already, and I feel my breathing get shaky.

How long has it been since I've celebrated my birthday like this? Did I ever feel this, loved? I can remember a few of my younger birthdays.

Travelling to different amusement parks around the world and getting cotton candy. A vague waterfall tour. Gelato in Rome. But, none of those times felt like this. Those were just visiting fun places, which is what we always did.

As I feel arms wrap around me I let out a sob into my hand. Today has been for me. Just me.

We didn't go anywhere extravagant, because those places are always so loud and crowded. We spent time with my best friend. They somehow talked me into a shopping spree, but didn't push me at all after that. And now this. They all got me such thoughtful gifts that wouldn't be for anyone but me.

Safe (BatBoys)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon