Date Night

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Damian's POV:

"Grayson my hair is fine!" I growl at my older annoyance. He just chuckles as he applies more gel and combs my hair forward. My hair continues to look just as spiky as usual.

"You can survive a few drops of hair gel, D." He says simply.

"Globs is more accurate. It doesn't even make that much difference." I say, feeling a bit frustrated.

"It shows that you're putting an effort in. Plus it's nice to see you look different." He chides. I huff.

"Done! Alright cologne time." He announces cheerily. I groan.

"I'm doing that. Last time, you drenched me and I had to change." I grumble, snatching the bottle away from him. I spritz a little bit on my pulse points and keep a hold on the bottle so Grayson can't steal it.

"Okay, okay, I can take a hint. You look great, Damian." He compliments. Looking over myself in the mirror I smirk.

"I know." I say. He rolls his eyes with a smile.

"Go get your girl then. Jay should be done by now." He says. Todd was supposed to help her with her hair. Although I believe she looks perfect with her usual style, I am looking forward to seeing her with something new.

I walk out of my room casually. As I turn to Cora's door I can hear the two talking. The door is cracked open just enough that I can see her closet and the foot of her bed.

"He's gonna kill me for telling you this, but he doesn't actually mind you guys as much as he says he does. He's not singing your praises or anything, but there's a reason he continues to go on missions with you guys." I hear Cora say.

She's talking about me, isn't she? At least she's not lying, but did she really have to tell him? I have a reputation.

"Eh he'll be fine. He's changed since you two met. He's actually started being less hostile even when you're not around." Todd says flippantly. I'm a little stunned. I should interrupt them now.

"Would it be bad if I said I actually kinda like when he let's me see the snarky side of him?" Cora chuckles timidly. Todd laughs while my ears go red.

"Seriously? Why?" He asks. I'm trying to force myself to knock but I want to hear this too much.

"Well half the time it's his sense of humour, and the other times are just, I dunno. It's nice to see that he can be that comfortable with me I guess. I don't want him to completely change himself for me. I'll love him no matter what. " She explains.

My entire face is probably as red as the sunset. I can't possibly face her when I look like this. I lower my hand.

"You ever tell him that?" Todd asks.

"Jasey, I do not have the confidence to go up to my boyfriend and ask him to be snarky around me." Cora deadpans. That actually explains a lot.

"Okay, then why not just tell him that you like when he does that?" Todd presses. I shouldn't be listening to this.

"I told him he reminded me of Gordon Ramsey once. I think he took it as an insult." She says dejectedly. Todd laughs loudly.

"I don't know who that is but if he's what you compare Shortstack's 'snark' to, I'm sure he's brutal." He laughs. Okay that's enough.

"Hey! Lots of people like Gordon Ramsey! He even has a wife!" Cora defends. A few more minutes can't hurt.

"Try explaining that to the brat then! Ha! Oh this is priceless." Todd continues chuckling maniacally. Finally I decide to give Cora a break.

"Explain what to me?" I question with a knock. Cora lets out a small shout of surprise. She really is jumpy today.

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