Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.

1.5K 59 15
By DevilsFavoriteDemon


THE ROAD SO FAR: Jean is furious at Lucifer after he had Death raise the dead in Sioux Falls and forcing Bobby to kill his wife, Karen, once again. She puts up a warding signal to keep Lucifer out of Bobby's house while she's temporarily living with him. She decides to accompany Sam and Dean on a simple salt and burn hunt when two other hunters, Roy and Walt, break into their motel room. They shoot and kill both Sam and Dean, but before they can shoot Jean as well, she slices through the warding signal on her arm that was keeping Lucifer away. Lucifer quickly and easily disposes of Roy and Walt before he takes her to their home and helps her to go to sleep by using his powers.


Jean is jolted awake the next morning by the sound of Asia's 'Heat of the Moment'. Her eyes snap open and she momentarily struggles to roll over onto her other side. Once she manages to do so, she quickly picks up her phone off of the nightstand. "Sammy! Oh, thank God, you're alive! How's Dean? Is he with you?"

"Yeah, he's fine. He's right here. Are you okay, Jean?"

"I'm fine. I managed to break the signal and Lucifer took the shot to the chest that was meant for me."

"Well, at least he's good for something."

Jean sighs, "Don't start, Sam, please."

"Fine. We need to talk. Where are you?"

"I'm at home. Do you still have the coordinates that I gave you?"

"Uh," there's a few seconds of silence on the other end of the line. "I think so. Yes, I remember that I wrote them down in dad's journal just in case. We're heading your way, but it will take us a couple of hours to get there."

"That's fine. I'll see you guys soon!" Jean ends the call before trying to sit up. She sighs in irritation, "I feel like a damn turtle on its back." She finally manages to sit up when the sound of fluttering wings fills the air signaling the arrival of Lucifer. Jean manages to push herself off of the bed and on to her feet. "S-U-C-C-E-S-S that the way you spell success!"

Lucifer watches in amusement as his etam celebrates the act of standing up on her own. "I see that you're feeling better today, my love."

Jean starts to walk towards the bathroom, "Yep! I just heard from Sam, both he and Dean are okay and on their way here. Not only that...but I managed to stand up without peeing myself. This day is off to a great start." She enters the bathroom then closes the door behind her. At the mention of the male Winchesters, Lucifer makes a face of annoyance. "And don't you dare make that face!" Jean shouts at him through the door.

Lucifer is slightly impressed, "How did you know?"

Jean walks out of the bathroom after washing her hands, "Because you're my ugear, Lucifer, and I know you very well. Now, if you promise me that you'll be on your best behavior while my brothers are here, I'll groom your wings." The word groom isn't even fully out of her mouth when a sparkly hot pink feathered wing is thrust in front of her face. She laughs joyfully and runs her fingers through the soft feathers. Lucifer's wings are in much better shape now than when she first saw them; the feathers are glossier and all of the singed and broken feathers are gone thanks to all of Jean's meticulous grooming. Unfortunately, there are still bald patches where Michael ripped out the feathers from when he threw Lucifer out of Heaven and Jean doubts that these feathers will ever grow back. She gently strokes one of these spots and coos, "Aw, my poor Luci..."

Lucifer's feathers fluff slightly as the fallen angel enjoys the attention and affection that he's receiving. Jean all of a sudden stops pampering him as she feels the need to pee again when one of the babies press against her bladder. Lucifer pouts, "Why did you stop?"

"I have to pee again. These little ones just won't give me a break." She places a quick kiss to his lips, "Quit pouting, beloved. I'll be right back."

"What would you like for breakfast, kitten?" Lucifer asks her while waiting.

"Chocolate covered hash browns, scrambled eggs with peanut butter, and pickles with ginger ale as a drink, please! Remember the babies don't like conjured food!"

Lucifer makes a face of utter disgust, "What the hell...I'm used to your cravings for chocolate covered potatoes and ginger ale, but peanut butter and pickles scrambled eggs? That's got to be your most disgusting craving yet."

"Let's not forget whose fault it is that I'm in this position in the first place!"

Lucifer scoffs in annoyance, "If I recall correctly, it takes two to make a baby." He hears a string of very creatively put together cuss words from the bathroom and decides that he should get started on Jean's breakfast in order to appease his now irritated wife. Lucifer grumbles under his breath about how he has to cook like a hairless ape, but since it's for his offspring he does it anyway.

Two hours later, Jean and Lucifer are sitting on the couch watching Godzilla 2000. Much to her surprise and pleasure, Lucifer is actually enjoying the movie. There's a knock on the front door and Jean squeals in delight. "They're here! They're here!"

"Oh, joy," Lucifer sarcastically says while standing to help Jean to her feet.

She playfully elbows him in the gut, "Oh, hush. Remember your promise, Luci, be on your best behavior."

"Yes, my love," he replies, perfectly imitating the voice of Henry the rooster from the old cartoon The Henpecked Rooster.

Jean laughs in amusement while walking over to the front door. She opens the door and immediately hugs whichever of her brothers it is standing directly in front of the door. "I'm so glad that you're both alive!"

A pair of arms wrap around her and returns her embrace. "The feeling is mutual, Jeanie," Dean says holding her tighter. She and Dean release each other before Jean turns to her little brother and hugs Sam as well. She buries her face in his chest and begins to cry.

The sound of his etam's sobbing immediately brings Lucifer to Jean's side. At his appearance, Sam and Dean tense up and prepare themselves for the worst, but Lucifer only keeps his distance and observes the interaction between the three Winchester siblings with his arms folded over his chest.

Sam rubs Jean's back with his right hand in a comforting manner. "Hey, it's okay, Jean. We're all right."

Jean pulls away from Sam to wipe away her tears. "I'm just so happy that you're both back and unharmed, Samsquatch." Sam makes a face at the nickname causing Jean to giggle. She steps to the side and invites her brothers into the house. "Come on inside. I'll give you a quick tour then you guys can tell me whatever it is that you came to tell me."

She leads them inside and gives them a small tour while Lucifer goes back to watching the movie in the living room. Dean lets out a low whistle as they enter the kitchen, "This is a nice place. Did you remember to draw all of the usual warding symbols, Jean?"

"Actually, Lucifer has warded this place against every supernatural creature that he knows about. Nothing supernatural is getting within 300 yards of this house, not including Lucifer and our babies, of course."

Dean hums while opening the refrigerator door and looking inside. "What, no beer?"

Jean gives her twin brother a deadpan look, "I'm five months pregnant, Dean. And from what I understand it would take an entire large liquor store in order to get Luci drunk. So, no. No beer, but there is a slice of pie in there if you want it."

"Way ahead of you, Jeanie." Dean stands up straight, closes the refrigerator door, then turns to face his sister. He's holding a small plate in one one hand that has a large slice of homemade apple pie on it. "Come to papa!"

Jean chuckles, "Forks are in the drawer next to the sink."

Dean walks over to the drawer Jean mentioned, opens it, and pulls out a fork. He stabs it into the end of the pie then brings it up to his mouth. He shoves the savory dessert into his mouth and his eyes roll back in his head in bliss. "Oh, my God! This is so freakin' good!"

Jean gives him a huge grin, "Thanks, Dean. I made it myself from a recipe that Ellen gave me."

Dean looks surprised, "You cook now?"

She nods, "I've been cooking for a while now, ever since I lived with Nick back before Luci was free. But I've been cooking more often now since the babies don't like angel conjured food." Jean chuckles, "Honestly, it's driving Luci nuts because now he has to cook like a human too."

Dean chuckles and gently pats Jean's rotund belly, "I'm proud of these two already. Not even born yet and they're already making Lucifer's life harder." One of the babies kick right where Dean's hand is resting causing his face to light up in joy. "Sammy, you gotta feel this. Can the babies hear us?"

"Yes, they can hear now. You should feel my belly when Luci is speaking Enochian to them. They go freakin' crazy."

Sam places his hand on her belly and the other baby kicks his hand. He rubs Jean's belly with his thumb, "How are Ellen and Jo doing?"

"They're doing fine as far as I know. The last time that I talked to them was a couple of weeks ago when I was having such bad heartburn and I called Ellen for advice." Jean turns and starts walking towards the door to the living room. She gestures for her brothers to follow her, "I need to sit down for a bit. We can continue talking in the living room."

They walk into the living room just as Orga is trying to eat Godzilla. Dean freezes in place, "Is he watching a Godzilla movie?" He gestures towards Lucifer who is sitting on the sofa totally engrossed in the movie.

Jean sits down beside her husband, placing a hand on his knees. "Yes. He actually really likes these movies. I think it's because he can relate to Godzilla."

They watch as Godzilla uses his atomic breath to kill Orga and then he starts to destroy Tokyo. "Wait, did Godzilla save Tokyo from that other monster just to destroy it?"

"Damn straight. Nobody destroys Tokyo but him," Lucifer says.

Jean giggles, "See?"

Dean scoffs, "A huge, ugly monster running amok and killing humans...Yeah, I can totally see how they relate." Dean sits down in one of the brown leather recliners facing the floor to ceiling windows while Sam sits in the other.

Lucifer scowls at Dean, but doesn't respond. Jean, however, does and it isn't pretty. "Shut the fuck up Dean! If you ever call my husband ugly again I will not hesitate to kick your ass, whether I'm pregnant or not!"

Lucifer puts his hand on Jean's back and begins to rub in an attempt to calm her down. "Easy, kitten. You're not supposed to get this upset in your condition."

Jean huffs, "Neither Luci's current vessel or his true form are ugly. As a matter of fact, his true form is stunningly beautiful." Lucifer's feathers fluff in pleasure at his etam's compliment. "I absolutely adore the dark red almost black scales that cover his serpentine body and the beautiful bright scarlet scales that run along his belly." Jean trails her hand up and down Lucifer's abdomen, "How smooth the scales felt against my bare skin." Lucifer's wings rise and the sparkly, hot pink feathers ruffle as he senses his etam's growing arousal. "And the things that he can do with his forked tongue!"

Sam and Dean both make a face of utter disgust, "Ew! Jean!"

Lucifer chuckles, "As you can see, your sister has entered the horny phase of her pregnancy." Jean is pressing her breasts against Lucifer's arm while kissing along his jawline and playing with the tertiary feathers of his first set of wings.

Dean puts the empty plate down on the end table that's between the two recliners. "Jean, please stop. I think I'm gonna barf."

"But I'm all hot and bothered now," she whines. "Fine," she then whispers in Lucifer's, "we'll continue this after they leave, beloved."

"Definitely," he whispers back, nibbling on her earlobe before placing a chaste on her lips.

Jean then returns her attention to her brothers, "Sorry about that; not about yelling at you for calling Luci ugly, I'll never apologize for defending my ugear." She cuddles against Lucifer's arm, "But for the little awkward moment. My hormones are still all over the place. Anyway, what did you guys need to tell me?"

Dean starts to tell Jean about how he woke up alone in the Impala after he was shot and how he relieved that Fourth of July in 1996 where the three siblings snuck off by themselves to set off fireworks without their father's permission. He goes on to tell her about how Castiel managed to contact him through the radio of the Impala and told him to follow the Axis Mundi, which appeared to Dean as a road, in order to find Sam.

Jean asks what the Axis Mundi is and Lucifer explains to her that it's a path that runs through Heaven and different souls see it as different things.

Sam picks up the story by telling her that he was relieving the Thanksgiving that he spent with his old school 'friend' Stephanie and her family when Dean suddenly appeared. They then had to hide when everything started to rumble and a bright light appeared outside of the house. After the light disappeared and the rumbling stopped, the two managed to contact Castiel again through an old TV set. Castiel informed them that the rumbling and the spotlight was Zachariah; an angel that Jean has never met and, from what she's heard about him being a giant dick, she hopes she never does; searching for them and that they should try to avoid him and look for an angel called Joshua. Joshua supposedly talks to God personally and this would be an excellent opportunity to talk to him and find out where God is.

After Sam and Dean relived several more of their fondest memories, they had another encounter with Zachariah, but they managed to escape with the help of a masked man who turned out to be Ash. Ash lead them to a small shed; the inside of which looked like Harvelle's Roadhouse; where Dean and Sam were also reunited with Pamela Barnes, a psychic whose eyes were burned out when she looked upon Castiel's true form during a seance. Later, she died while protecting Sam and Dean's bodies after projecting their souls from their bodies so that they could stop a seal involving reapers from breaking.

As soon as Dean and Sam left the shed they were confronted by Zachariah yet again. This time he had a handful of other angels with him. Just as Zachariah was about to start torturing the brothers another angel appeared saying that he needed to speak to Sam and Dean alone. Zachariah tried to pull rank over this new, gentler looking angel, but he informed Zachariah that the order came from God himself and that Zachariah doesn't have to believe him, but they both know how God is with the whole wrath thing. Once Zachariah and his cohorts left, the angel transported them to The Garden. This angel turned out to be Joshua and he was given a message from God to give to the Winchesters. The message was to back off. That God knows the Apocalypse has begun, He knows what the angels are doing...and He doesn't feel like it's his problem. God put them on the plane when Lucifer rose. He brought Castiel back to life. He was the one who gave them salvation in Heaven despite their crimes. He even let Jean choose Lucifer as her ugear when he shouldn't have. He's done. They can't kill Lucifer and to give up trying to find Him because magic amulet or not He won't be found."

There is a heavy silence in the room for several minutes before Lucifer breaks it, "And the Academy Award for pretending to care goes to God." Jean snuggles up closer to her husband in order provide him with comfort because even though he is angry she can tell that he's also extremely hurt.

"Poor Cass. He had so much faith in God, hearing this must have broken his heart."

Sam nods, "Yeah, we haven't seen or heard from him since." He clears his throat, "We...we were wondering, Jean, what God meant when he said that he shouldn't have let you choose Lucifer as your ugear."

"I am curious about that as well, kitten."

Jean looks over at Dean, "Do you remember our third birthday when mom and dad took us to that toy store?"

Dean tries to remember, "Vaguely. I remember mom and dad getting on to you for wandering away from us. And I remember that silly angel doll that you found. Why?"

Jean tells them everything that she remembers about the day she received Mister Grumpy. Dean is upset, "So you could've chosen any angel you wanted and you chose Lucifer?!"

Jean glares at him, "Yes. And I would do it again too."

Lucifer looks hurt, "So Dad didn't want to give me an etam...he had to because you chose me."

Jean turns to face him and he looks at her crestfallen, "If God really didn't want to give you an etam, he would have destroyed the doll, erased my memory of it, and made me choose again. But he didn't."

"Why? Why did you pick me?"

She presses herself up against him, "Because I sensed that you needed someone who would want and love you unconditionally. I could feel it the moment I touch the doll; your loneliness and how unloved you felt." Tears start to appear in her eyes, "I felt all the rejection and heartbreak that you felt at having your own family turn against you and I wanted to make all of those feelings disappear because no one deserves to ever feel that way...no one." Lucifer reaches up, cups both sides of her face with his hands, then wipes away the tears that are now traveling freely down her cheeks. "I'm not going to lie, there will be times when we're going to fight, but I'm always going to love and want you, Lucifer." Jean chuckles, "I may not speak to you for several days after such fights and I may run off to stay with Bobby or my brothers...but I will always love you, Luci." She rests her forehead against his, "You're stuck with me til the end, you old feather duster...Which may not be much longer."

Lucifer sighs then places a chaste kiss to Jean's lips, "I love you too." His wings wrap around her, cocooning her in a soft yet chilly embrace. Lucifer looks over at Dean and Sam, "There is a way to stop the Apocalypse without Dad's help. However, you will need my help."

Sam and Dean look at each other in surprise. "You...you're going to help us? Help us stop the Apocalypse, right? Why?"

Lucifer looks down at Jean who is currently nuzzling her face into his chest. "For her, of course. Jean and our fledglings are the most important things in existence to me and every second that this continues their lives are in danger from Michael." Dean exchanges mistrustful looks with Sam. "You don't trust me."

"Of course, we don't trust you! You're the freakin' Devil! You lie! It's what you're known for! You may have fooled Jean with all this sensitive lovey-dovey crap act, but not us. This is just a trick to get Sam to say yes to you!" Dean shouts leaning forward in his seat.

"Contrary to popular belief, I do not lie, Dean. No, this isn't a trick. I no longer need Sam as my vessel as long as you don't say yes to Michael."

Every muscle in Dean's body becomes tense and both Jean and Sam look at Dean in bewilderment. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Lucifer scoffs, "And you accuse me of being a liar." He gently nudges Jean and she quickly gets the hint and moves away from Lucifer, turning to fully face her brothers. Lucifer lifts his right hand and points at his right temple, "Don't think that I can't tell what you've been thinking ever since you stepped through that door, Dean."

Jean looks over at Dean with wide, pleading eyes. "You can't seriously be thinking about saying yes, Dean."

Dean makes a bitch face, "So what if I am?! I'm just so sick and tired of all of this bullshit! If saying yes will put a stop to everything and save countless number of lives then, yeah, I'm seriously considering it! Why shouldn't I?!"

Lucifer suddenly leaps to his feet in anger, "You stupid fucking fool of a hairless ape!" Every lightbulb in the house suddenly explodes and the ground begins to shake due to the archangel's rage. His eyes are now glowing a bright crimson and both brothers press themselves back in their chairs as far as they can in order to put a little bit more distance between them and the enraged Lucifer. "If you say yes to my brother, the first thing that he's going to do is go after Jean!"

Dean swallows nervously, "I'll make a deal with him before I say yes, just like I was planning on doing with a few other people. I'll tell him that he can't hurt her!"

Lucifer scoffs, "You think that's going to help anything?! He'll just kidnap and imprison her up in Heaven! When the babies are born he'll take them away from her and she'll never see them again!"

Jean is starting to become stressed. "Okay, everybody just needs to calm down," she tries to soothe everything over, but they ignore her.

"Well, at least she and the babies will be away from you! You lying, manipulative son of a..."

Lucifer grabs Dean's throat and lifts him out of his chair and high into the air. Both Sam and Jean are on their feet in an instant, "Lucifer! Put him down immed..." There's a sharp pain in her abdomen causing her to hiss in pain and hold her belly. "Ow. Oh shit, it hurts..."

"Jean!" Lucifer drops Dean; causing him to land back on to the recliner; and rushes over to his etam. He places a hand over her belly and uses his grace to check on the babies and heal them if needed. "I'm so sorry, my love, my little ones. I didn't mean to stress you out." He lets out a sigh of relief when he senses that his babies are okay; they're startled and afraid but nothing is seriously wrong. "They're okay...The babies are fine. You need to rest though." He gently nudges downward on both of her shoulders in an attempt to get her to sit back down on the sofa. Jean sits down as Sam helps Dean to his feet. "I think you two should go. Jean doesn't need to be under any more stress today."

"No," Jean says, "we still need to talk about your plan, Luci."

"Not today, my love. You need to rest for the rest of the day."

"I, uh, I agree, Jean," Sam says a bit reluctantly. "You need to rest and avoid any more stress. Dean and I are gonna leave, but we'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay," Jean says, too exhausted and shaken by what happened to argue any further. Dean walks over to her, but Lucifer steps in front of her protectively. Jean reaches out and grabs his hand, looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes. "It's okay, Luci. Let him through."

Lucifer steps to the side, but stays close enough so that he can intervene if necessary. Dean walks up to his twin, stops in front of her, then rests his forehead against hers; something that he hasn't done since they were kids. "I'm so sorry, Jeanie. I didn't mean...you could've...you could've lost the babies."

"Stop, Dean. Stop blaming yourself for everything that happens to me or Sam. I'm okay, the babies are okay, and everything else will be okay too. Just don't say yes to Michael, please."

Dean stands up straight, "We'll see you later, Jeanie."

He heads towards the front door with Sam right behind him, "Bye, guys."

Dean opens the door and steps outside followed by Sam. Suddenly, the door slams shut behind Sam causing both brothers to glance back behind them. When they face forward again they both jump in fright when they see Lucifer standing there. Dean swallows, "Aw, shit."

"Relax, I'm not going to kill you...no matter how much I really want to right now. I just wanted to tell you another two reasons why you shouldn't say yes to Michael." Sam and Dean exchange looks, "If Michael gets his true vessel, aka you, Dean, then Nick here isn't going to cut it for me even with my fledglings providing me with extra juice. As much as I hate to admit it, but I would not be a match for Michael in his true vessel without my own. And as I'm sure you've figured out by now, I will do anything, anything, to protect Jean and my fledglings."

"Are you saying that if I say yes to Michael...you'll go after Sam?"

"Yes. And if you thought that Alastair was a master of torture...you haven't seen what I can do. Another thing that you two need to keep in mind is...if I die then Jean will most likely die as well. A part of my grace is intimately combined with her soul and vice versa. If I die, my grace within her will be ripped away and she most likely wouldn't survive it. Keep that in your primitive brain, Dean." Lucifer then disappears leaving the two brothers alone.

Lucifer reappears in front of Jean who is still sitting on the couch. "Where did you go?" she asks him suspiciously.

"To give your brother a final word of warning. Now, let's get you to bed so that you can rest." Lucifer picks her up bridal style and flies to their bedroom. He lays her down gently on the red satin sheets and pulls the white comforter over her.

Jean quickly moves it off of her, "It's too hot." She pats the bed next to her, "Can you lay down and cuddle with me for a bit?"

"Of course," Lucifer lays down on the bed next to her.

Jean immediately turns on to her side then cuddles up to her ugear, laying her head on his chest and throwing an arm over his stomach. She basks in Lucifer's natural cold aura for a few minutes before asking, "Why don't we try talking to Michael? Maybe we can reason with him. I mean he is your older brother, I'm sure that he doesn't really want to fight you."

Lucifer sighs, "Unfortunately, no. Michael is really uptight, he'll want everything to go exactly as Dad planned it."

"He's family, Luci. It's always worth trying to end a fight peacefully when it comes to family."

Lucifer chuckles slightly, kisses her forehead, then wraps his arms around her. "Sometimes you're a bit too...naive for your own good, my love."

Jean yawns, "So if talking to him is out, what's your big plan?"

Lucifer hums, "The cage that I was imprisoned in is still intact deep inside of Hell. If your brothers can get the other two Horsemen's rings; which are the keys to the cage; the cage can be opened again and I can shove Michael inside the cage for a little time out."

Jean's eyes widen in astonishment, "Dean and Sam need to hear about this! Especially Dean." She then looks confused, "But why do they need to be the ones to get the rings? Don't you control the Horsemen?"

"I only bound Death to me. Pestilence, War, and Famine are and were free to do whatever they wanted. If I were to suddenly go after Pestilence's ring or make Death hand over his ring to me, Michael will figure out what I'm up to and there goes the element of surprise."

"Is there anything that I can do to help?"

Lucifer thinks for a moment, "I may need you to swipe the rings from your brothers once they gather all four. I don't trust them enough to tell them about my plan."

"Why? This plan will give Dean a little bit of hope, at least enough that he stops considering saying yes to Michael."

"That's true, but also there's a very good chance that they will decide to try and shove me into the cage with Michael."

"No, they won't. Family is everything to us Winchesters, my brothers won't want their nieces or nephews to grow up without a father."

Lucifer moves one of his hands down to rub Jean's swollen belly. "Then you have more faith in your brothers than I do. Besides, your brothers don't consider me family, now do they?"

"Luci, you'll always be part of the family...whether my brothers like it or not." She gives him a big goofy grin.

Lucifer chuckles then presses his lips against hers. Jean moans and when he runs his forked tongue over her bottom lip, she opens her mouth so that he can plunge his tongue inside. After a few moments of passionately making out, Lucifer breaks the kiss. "Go ahead and tell your brothers about my plan if you want to. But I get to threaten them about trying to shove me in alongside Michael. Because I'm 95 percent sure that they're going to try and put me into the cage as well...Just keep that in mind, kitten."

Two weeks later, Bobby calls Jean out of the blue, "Hey, Jean. Sam and I have Dean's idjit ass on lockdown. He ditched Sam and was doing a farewell tour when Sam caught up with him and dragged his ass back here. We need your help to keep an eye on him."

Jean sighs and sits up in bed. "So, Dean was on his way to say yes?"

"Yeah, the dumbass. But that's not all...something big is goin' down. The angels just resurrected your half brother Adam and Cass brought him here."

"Ah, Luci warned me they might try something like this."

"Well, do you want to fill the rest of the class in on what's goin' on?!" Bobby says grumpily.

"Yeah, I will in person. Can you ask Cass if he will come and pick me up? Lucifer has me on strict bed rest ever since two weeks ago, so there's no way he's going to fly me there."

There's muffled speaking on the other end before Bobby tells you, "He just left. We'll see you soon." He then hangs up and so does Jean.

Jean manages to stand up from the bed, waddles over to the closet, then opens it. She considers changing out of her pyjamas; a pair of white, red, and gold plaid sleep pants and a dark grey maternity shirt that says 'Aww...and to think I almost swallowed you'; but she doesn't feel like it. She slips her feet into a pair of black sandals then heads out of the bedroom and towards the front door. She opens the door and sees Castiel standing 300 yards away from the house. She walks out of the door, shutting it behind her. When she finally reaches him, she's slightly out of breath. "Hi, Cass."

Castiel's hot pink wings rise and slightly open in a friendly greeting. "Hello, Jean. You are looking very healthy."

Jean glares at him her eyes flashing crimson in anger, "Are you calling me fat?!"

"What? No, of course not," Castiel reassures her while looking extremely confused.

Jean takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry, Cass. I know you didn't mean it like that. It's just...I'm a little emotional lately."

"It's okay, Jean. We should go before Lucifer senses that I'm here."

Castiel reaches over and places his hand on Jean's shoulder. In the blink of an eye, the two disappear then reappear in Bobby's study. "Man, I really wish that I could do that." Bobby, Sam, Dean, and a young man of about twenty or twenty-one with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes turn to look at her and Castiel. Sam and Dean are sitting in chairs across from the navy blue couch where the young man is sitting. A huge grin appears on Jean's face, "You must be Adam!" She rushes over to him and pulls him into a tight hug. "I'm so glad to be able to meet you!"

"Uh," Adam just awkwardly sits there while the red headed woman embraces him. "Don't take this the wrong way but...who the hell are you?"

She releases Adam, "Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Jean Winchester...your older sister."

Recognition flashes in Adam's eyes, "The angels told me about you. You're Lucifer's whore."

"Technically a whore gets paid to sleep with someone, however, I sleep with Luci for free, so not a whore." Jean gives Adam a goofy smile and he gives he an amused smile back.

Dean and Sam are staring at Jean's shirt, reading it. Sam gets it first, "Ew, Jeanie! That's gross."

Dean frowns, "Why in the hell would you wear a shirt like that?!"

Jean laughs, "Lucifer got it for me. We both thought it was funny."

"Geez, you've been spending too much time with the Devil, Red." Bobby says rolling over to her.

Jean's face lights up, "Bobby! I've missed you." She then wraps her arms around him for a hug.

"Well, aren't you in chipper mood today?"

"I'm in a chipper mood right now. Who knows what I'll be feeling in the next few minutes. I've been having such intense mood swings lately. I very nearly went all Lorena Bobbitt on Lucifer this morning when we had an argument about me staying in bed. Which is why he wasn't there when Cass came to get me. Poor Cass also had to suffer through one before bringing me here. Isn't that right, Cass?"

Castiel suddenly looks apprehensive, "I definitely don't want to go through whatever that was again. So, yes?"

Jean chuckles, "Should we get down to business, gentlemen?"

"Right," Dean turns his attention to Adam as Jean sits down on the couch next to him. "So why don't you just tell us everything that happened? Start from the beginning."

Adam then begins to tell them about how he was dead and in Heaven when angels popped out of nowhere. They told him that he was chosen as Michael's vessel and together they are going to ice the Devil. He looks over at Jean, "Sorry. You seem like a nice chick and all, but...he's the Devil."

Jean huffs, "What did they promise you in return?"

"That I could see my mom again."

Jean's eyebrows raise, "That's it?" Adam nods causing Jean to sigh, "A little word of advice, Adam...When dealing with angels you'll want to be a specific as possible. Because letting you see your mom could mean just for a few seconds and then your body will be right back under Michael's control again. They can be worse than demons when it comes to dicking someone over on a deal."

"But they're angels, they wouldn't do that."

"Yes, they would," Castiel speaks up. "Jean is right. You want to be as specific as possible especially when dealing with Zachariah."

Dean waves his hand dismissively in the air, "None of that matters, cause he isn't saying yes."

"They're most likely just using Adam to get to you anyway, Dean."

"What do you mean, Red?" Bobby asks.

"The angels know that what matters the most to Dean is his family. Since they can't get to me or Sam, they decided to bring Adam back to life and use him as bait. According to Luci, Michael wants everything to be exactly as God planned it. And if using Adam as bait fails then I suppose Michael will use Adam as a vessel as a last resort."

No one speaks for several minutes until Adam says, "You know this has been a really moving family reunion, but, uh, I've got a thing, so..." Adam starts to stand up, but Sam stops him.

After a small heated argument, Sam manages to convince Adam to stay and give them a little bit more time to find another solution. Sam and Bobby immediately begin searching through books looking for anything at all that will help in the slightest. Adam is sitting around looking bored and Dean is locked up inside of the panic room down in the basement because they can't watch both Adam and Dean at the same time.

Jean is carefully debating inside of her head rather or not to tell just Sam, Dean, and Bobby about Lucifer's plan or to include Adam. After some time she decides that since Adam seems so gung-ho about killing her husband, the wisest choice will be not to tell him. She walks around Bobby's desk to see what he is reading. She looks over his shoulder at the book on angels and chuckles when she sees the picture on the page of a man grappling with an angel. The angel is holding the man's left arm in the air while keeping the man's right hand up against his head. "Can I see that book for a minute Bobby?"

Bobby looks at her in confusion, "Sure."

He hands her the book and she holds it up so that everyone can see the picture. "Hey, guys, check it out. And the angel said into him, 'Why is thou hitting thyself? Why is thou hitting thyself? Stop hitting thyself.' But lo he could not. For the angel was hitting him with his own hand."

Adam bursts out laughing while Sam gives her a what the hell look, but is chuckling pretty hard. Bobby facepalms, but can't hold back his amused chuckles. "I swear...I don't know what's wrong with you sometimes, Red."

Adam asks Sam, "Is she always like this?"


A few hours later, Jean is standing in front of Bobby's refrigerator searching for something to eat when a bright blue-white light envelopes her. She yells in surprise as she finds herself suddenly hurtling through a tunnel made of light before finding herself falling face first towards the ground seconds later. Reacting quickly, she twists in midair to land on her back instead of her vulnerable belly. She cries out in pain as her back slams against the hard earth. Inside her womb, the twins are squirming and kicking in discomfort and fear. "Shit!" Jean shouts, placing her hands on her belly. Jean feels Lucifer's grace stir inside her then quickly travel down to her womb to check on the babies. She feels a sense of irritation and anger flash through the special connection she shares with her ugear. Lucifer now knows that she ignored his order to stay in bed and rest.

"Jean?" Castiel's gruff voice calls out from somewhere to her right.

"Cass? The babies...I need you to check on the babies." Jean says in a panic-stricken voice.

The angel appears standing over her before he bends over and places his right hand on her belly in order to check on the fledglings. This is the first time that Castiel has ever felt a pregnant woman's belly and he is awestruck when he feels the life within her moving around and kicking. "The babies are both fine. They're just startled and upset. Is...is this uncomfortable for you? The babies moving around like this?"

Jean sighs in relief at the news, "Good. Yeah, it's pretty uncomfortable sometimes, but I've read that it's normal. What just happened, Cass? Where are we?"

Castiel helps Jean to get up, "I believe that we're in the Black Forest in Germany. Dean tricked me into going down to the basement and opening the door. When I did, he used a banishing sigil to send me away and without a doubt he took the opportunity to escape. You must have been banished as well since you're more angel than human now."

Jean is now extremely pissed, "We need to go. Luci is on his way, but I'm not ready to go home just yet. I want to kick Dean's ass for inadvertentingly endangering my babies lives."

Castiel puts his hand on Jean's shoulder and the two disappear only to reappear in the kitchen of Bobby's house. "Where the hell did you two go?"

"Apparently, to the Black Forest thanks to Dean and a damn banishing sigil!" Jean replies angrily.

Bobby is surprised, "It affected you too?"

Jean nods, "Yeah. Ever since I bonded with Lucifer I'm more angel than human now. Even though I can't fly like Luci or Cass." She looks around, "Where's Sam?"

"Out looking for your idjit twin."

Castiel tilts his head to the side like he's listening to something. "I think I've found him," he then vanishes.

Two minutes after Castiel leaves, Adam vanishes from where he was sleeping on the couch. "What the...? Is everyone gonna pull a damn disappearing act on me today?!" Bobby says, obviously frustrated.

Sam returns and asks where Adam is and Bobby tells him that Adam is gone. "What do you mean Adam is gone?"

Bobby lifts his arms in a shrug, "Should I say it in Spanish?"

Jean chuckles, "I love you, Bobby. I'm gonna teach my kids to call you grandpa grouch."

"You'd better not."

"Focus!" Sam raises his voice. "He's gone how?! What the hell, Bobby, Jean?!"

"What your tone, boy!" Bobby yells back. "He was right in front of us and he disappeared into thin air."

All of a sudden, Castiel reappears supporting a beaten and bloody Dean. "Because the angels took him."

Everyone turns to look at Castiel and Dean. "What the hell happened to him?" Sam asks the angel.

"Me," Castiel replies before taking Dean over to the small makeshift bed that Bobby has been using.

Castiel informs them that the angels most likely appeared to Adam in a dream and he told them where he was. That they most likely took him to the same room that they took Dean for safety a little bit before Sam killed Lilith.

Sam goes down to free Dean from the panic room since they're going to need his help. As soon as Sam returns with Dean in tow, Jean clears her throat to get everyone's attention. "Listen...Luci told me about his plan to stop the Apocalypse."

"What plan?" Bobby asks.

Castiel frowns, "Lucifer wants to help stop the Apocalypse?"


Dean scoffs, "Or so he says."

Jean's eyes turn crimson and she snaps at her twin, "Shut your fucking mouth, Dean! You could've cost me my babies lives with that damn banishing sigil earlier! It's just pure luck that I managed to twist so that I fell on my back instead of on my stomach!" Dean looks down at the ground ashamed that he had put his nieces or nephews in danger, even if he had no idea at the time that he was doing so. "You are going to either listen to what I've got to say or I'm going to try my hardest to get my foot as far up your ass that I can! Do you understand!?"

Dean nods, "Yeah...I'm so sorry, Jean. I didn't know the sigil would work on you too. If...if it makes you feel any better, Cass gave me a few extra hard punches for that."

Jean sends a small smile towards Castiel, "Thank you, Cass." The angel nods. "Okay, back to business." Jean then tells them about the cage, the Horsemen's rings being the keys to the cage, and how Lucifer plans on shoving Michael into the cage. "With Michael in the cage and Lucifer out the demons won't try to open the cage and Lucifer can deal with any angel that tries."

"That just leaves us with a bigger problem: the Devil runnin' around unchecked and with no one who can stop him." Bobby points out.

Jean opens her mouth to reply, but Sam interrupts, "Jean, can you give us a minute?"

Jean nods then yawns, "I should probably be going anyway." She points to the kitchen window at something outside in the yard. They see Lucifer pacing back and forth, kept out of the house by the warding symbol that was put up weeks ago. "My hubby isn't very happy with me right now. Better put on the puppy dog eyes." Jean walks over to the front door, "I'll talk to you all later. Something tells me that Luci isn't going to let me out of his sight for a while."

They say goodbye as she opens the door then leaves. Lucifer spots her immediately and practically growls at her, "I told you to stay in bed!" His wings rise, the feathers bristling in anger. "What happened today?! I felt the babies send out a distress call..."

"Dean used a banishing sigil without knowing it would affect me too and it startled the babies."

Lucifer relaxes slightly, "Are you alright?" He walks up to her and places a hand on her belly. He uses his grace to check on his fledglings causing one of them to stir.

Jean nods, "Yeah, I managed to fall into my back." Lucifer's eyes flash crimson and he scowls towards the house. "Calm down, Luci. From what I saw, Cass already beat Dean up pretty badly."

Lucifer looks proud, "Is that so? Perhaps the next time he pisses me off I won't smite him."

Jean yawns, "Let's go home. I'm tired and my back hurts."

He raises an eyebrow at her, "Don't think that you're off the hook. I'm not letting you around your brothers without me by your side any more." He picks her up bridal style then flies back to their home. They appear in their bedroom and Lucifer lays her down on the bed. Jean yawns again, "Get some rest. We'll talk more when you wake up."

Another yawn as she makes herself more comfortable on the bed, turning on to her right side. As she's drifting off to sleep, a plan of desperation starts to form in her mind. If angels can visit people in their dreams then maybe Jean can ask Michael to visit her in her dream so that they can talk. It's an act of desperation and things could go very, very wrong...but Jean figures it's worth a shot if it means saving her family's lives.

Jean finds herself sitting on a concrete bench in a beautiful botanical garden; it looks a lot like the Mill Pond Garden that Nick took her to once on a date. All around her the flowers are in full bloom and the birds are singing merrily. Resting her heads on her belly, Jean says, "Uh, I'm not entirely sure what I'm supposed to do, but here goes nothing. I pray to the archangel Michael to, uh, um, please visit me in my dream so that we can have a chat about the Apocalypse and my ugear, Lucifer."

For about two minutes, nothing happens. Then a deep voice says from beside her, "Jean Winchester...I take it that my brother doesn't know that you've contacted me?"

Jean turns her head to the side to look at the man who she assumes is Michael. He's 5' 11" with dark brown, nearly black, hair and brown eyes. Jean's breath hitches in her throat when she recognizes the body that he's using as a much younger version of her father, John Winchester.

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