Pretty Boy~ H.Moskowitz

By hawkbabyyy

76.3K 1.1K 381

Amelia Kreese, kicked out of her own home by her own mother for starting fights, getting suspended and expell... More



1.7K 31 9
By hawkbabyyy

After stopping at my house, me and Hawk walk into school. Everyone started to whisper and giggle. I put on a devilish look while Hawk just had his head down, and went to his friends. Everyone that looked at me looked away immediately. Even though I was humiliated 72 hours ago, everyone knew what I was capable of. And everyone felt uncomfortable under my glare.
I sat in first period, with Hawk and Miguel.
"Dude you kissed Sam? Nice!" Hawk cheered for his best friend.
"No dude, I shouldn't have done that to Tory." Miguel sighed.
"Why limit yourself to one chick? I'm planning on having a full rotation-" hawk stopped himself when he felt my glare.
"I think Amelia is the one for me." He choked out. I laughed.
We continued to talk until someone walked up to our table.
"Hey man," he directed towards Hawk. "I just wanted to say I wet the bed till I was 13. There is nothing to be ashamed of."
He looked at me.
"And Amelia, I used to be fat too. Don't worry." He told me.
"Yeah you still are fatso. Scram bitch!" I caused a scene.
Before he can leave, I grabbed his backpack.
"You don't want this shit do you?" I asked.
"Hey just give it back!" He whined.
"Oh you do want it?" I asked. "Now you got it!"
I threw the backpack into his chest, pushing him. He fell to the ground, causing people to laugh.
"Get the hell out of here, before I make it look like a fucking crime scene." I threatened.
He did as I said, and scurried to his seat.
I snickered, before sitting down, and listening to the announcements.
The teacher wasn't here yet, everything was going normal, until someone interrupted the announcements.
"Samantha LaRusso, you know what you did, and your going to pay for it. I'm coming for you bitch!" Torys voice rang. I knew what she was talking about, so did Miguel and Hawk.
"Your in deep shit man." I said, before the bell rang. We all scurried to see this fight in the halls.
We arrived at a circle in the halls, Robby following, but no side of Miguel.
"I saw what you did at the party..." Tory started. "You kissed Miguel."
Sam froze in shock.
"I-I-" Sam stammered.
Tory threw a punch at Sam but she dodged. Sam tried to run away, but Tory grabbed her bag, and sent a hard kick to her stomach, making her fall into me. I grabbed her shoulders, making her struggle to get out of her grip.
"Poor Robby huh?" I taunted, before sending a kick to her back, shooting her back to Tory.
Tory sent another punch, a series of kicks and hits that Sam blocked. Tory grabbed her hair and sent three knee hits into her stomach.
She threw Sam into the locker, making Robby run and grab Tory.
"You ok?" Robby asked Sam.
Tory tried to attack Robby, but Robby threw Tory into a locker. Everyone let out ooohs and ahhhs.
"Hey you want to get your fucking hands off her." I threatened.
What are you gonna do about it?" He taunted, pushing  Tory harder. Tory was panting, not being able to get out of Robby grasp.
I charged at Robby, sending a punch to his face, which he failed to block. I sent him to the floor, straddling him, as I sent punches to his face. He caught my fist, pushing me up and slamming me into the locker. He kicked my side, and sent to punches to my stomach. I sent the hardest punch I could to his stomach, making him fall back. I kicked his face, and pushed him down. He laid in the floor in pain. I was about to stomp on his face and break his nose, but someone pulled me back. It was Miguel.
"Let me finish him." He said. I nodded.
"You got lucky Keene! I'll let Miguel beat your ass!" I was about to say more, but someone charged at me.
"Oh it is on!" I heard hawk yell as I punched this kid in the face. Now a whole fight broke out. And I was part of it.
I have beaten up 5 different guys. All of them thought I was weak. Now they are laying in their own blood.
The fight moved down the halls, soon going through the mail lobby. Miguel was fighting Robby, Tory continued her unfinished fight with Sam. Hawk was fighting bystanders, I was fighting people right next to Hawk. I spotted Demetri in the crowd, attempting to get a teacher.
I nudged hawk, and pointed to Demetri. He noticed and ran the other way, Hawk following.
"Amelia, I need backup! This bitch won't give up!" I heard Tory yell.
I went to go help Tory with this bitch Sam.
I snuck up behind Sam on the staircase. I grabbed her arms, so she couldn't fight.
"Your not going anywhere girly." I whispered, which came out as a low growl.
Tory grabbed her spike bracelet.
I laughed like a maniac.
Tory ripped Sam's arm from my grasp, and slashed her flesh, making Sam Yelp in pain.
"Be a good girl and shut up!" I yelled as my grip go stronger around Sam's waist.
Blood from her arm dropped onto mine. When I was looking at the blood, Sam sent a kick to tory's face, making her fall over the rail. I growled in anger.
"Should I finish her T?" I yelled, keeping my grip on Sam.
"Finish her. Show no mercy." Tory cried out in Pain.
I was about to strike, but something worse caught my attention.
"Miguel!" Tory screamed.
And before I knew it, a large crack echoed through the halls, and Miguel was lifeless on the stairs.

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