Halo Male Spartan reader X Re...

By JustyTurner

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The UNSC Class destroyer known as "The Free for All" has been drifting through space trying to escape from th... More

Main Protagonists
Chapter 1: The arrival of Blood Gulch
Chapter 2: Explore the ring
Chapter 3: Robot on a run
Chapter 4: Rouge A.I
Chapter 5: The deal go wrong
Chapter 6: Teleport mishap
Chapter 7: Rescue mission
Chapter 8: Split apart (Lemon)
Chapter 9: Plant the bomb
Chapter 10: The Nightmare within
Chapter 11: Andy.....who's Andy?
Chapter 12: An Elite in our base
Chapter 13: The long trails
Chapter 14: An unsettling guest
Chapter 15: More to Blood Gluch then we know
Chapter 16: Distracting the tank.....with words
Chapter 17: The Battle of Blood Gluch
Chapter 18: Never say goodbye (Lemon)
Chapter 19: A new threat
Chapter 20: The beast of Project Freelancer
Chapter 21: Meeting old friends
Chapter 23: The fall of Project Freelancer
Chapter 24: A Spartans party (Lemon)
Fireteam: Spartan-Rangers (Y/n's Team)
Chapter 25: Welcome to Spartan Utopia
Chapter 26: Simple rescue mission
Chapter 27: The supplie cut mission
Chapter 28: The missing friend in danger
Chapter 29: The Blues unit
Chapter 30: One final push
Chapter 31: Getting back home
Chapter 32: A friend in need
Chapter 33: She's back
Chapter 34: Spartans will never die out
Chapter 35: A walking tank.....literally
Chapter 36: The odd one out returns
Chapter 37: A boring day as a Spartan (Lemon)
Chapter 38: We meet at last
Chapter 39: Going rogue
Chapter 40: The hunt begins
Chapter 41: Can you really trust him? (Lemon)
Chapter 42: It's not all my fault
Chapter 43: Fight together, win together
Chapter 44: Winter contingency has been activated
Chapter 45: A jouned mission
Chapter 46: This battle went to extreme
Chapter 47: The largest battle they have ever faced
Chapter 48: The greatest hunt begins (Lemon)
Chapter 49: The Covenant invasion begins
Chapter 50: The fall of New Alexandria
Chapter 51: Honour and Sacrifice
Chapter 52: I have the gun
Chapter 53: Lost everything but not our hope
Chapter 54: A hunting ground
Chapter 55: Is there any survivors?
Chapter 56: Clear the flag ship
Chapter 57: We're the same
Chapter 58: Space trip (Lemon)
Chapter 59: Bug problem
Chapter 60: The Resistance
Chapter 61: Secret project
Chapter 62: A new plan
Chapter 63: The Siege on the capital (Part 1)
Chapter 64: The Siege on the capital (Part 2)
Chapter 65: The Siege on the capital (Part 3)
Chapter 66: Returning to Earth
Chapter 67: Welcome to Earth
Chapter 68: Battle of New Mombasa
Chapter 69: The Arbiter
Chapter 70: Outbreak
Chapter 71: Silent city
Chapter 72: Covenant control city
Chapter 73: The Capital of the Covenant
Chapter 74: Within the Heart of the quarantine
Chapter 75: Secret to uncover beneath the city
Chapter 76: Hive of the drones
Chapter 77: The Great Schism
Chapter 78: A city to escape
Chapter 79: The Blues vs the Brutes
Chapter 80: What is left
Chapter 81: Nest base invasion

Chapter 22: They have to ruin everything

1.1K 32 16
By JustyTurner

Hargrove: Dear Director: Understanding that we are a break of extinction by the Covenant and lost a few Colonies by the Covenant. I do not agree Dr Catherine Halsey method of using children as Spartans but what choices do we have? Understanding that these groups of Spartan II and III are our last line defence against the Covenant and if they are all gone, so dose humanity.


Y/n opens the doors to the medical room and carries South into the room and set her down onto the medical bed and check her wounds.

Y/n: Watcher how is she?

Watcher: Her bullets missed a few important body parts so she'll be fine.

Y/n: Alright, at least that's good.

He took off his helmet and set it beside the table and start patching her up. There was silence in the room as South looks away, not wanna look at him in case he ask. But he did as he sigh and asked.

Y/n: Why did you lie to us like that?

South: If I did, your just cuff me and live me on the ship and sent to prison.

Y/n: I guess but why did you kill your brother? You two are siblings, why did you backstab him and let the Meta take his A.I.

South: That's the thing. The Meta will track us down if he have Theta with him. He promised to never let the Meta take him but we just gonna ran into him with Theta around so I have no choice.

Y/n: Why didn't you convince him to let Theta go or hide him?


Y/n: You were scared, we're you?

South: What?

Y/n: I see in your face that your scared of the Meta. Scared that he is unstoppable and can not be killed. Your scared that he's just gonna track you and your brother down and in the end, you let your fear control you and kill your brother.

South start to form tears but she wipe it away but Y/n see that she is scared. After he is done patching her up he grab his helmet and said.

Y/n: Come on. Let's rejoin with the rest.

He turn to walk away but then South asked.

South: Why didn't you let Wash kill me?

Y/n stop and he turn to her and said.

Y/n: Because he doesn't believe you deserve a second chance. But I do.

South: No I don't. I'm just gonna betray yous and get yous killed.

Y/n: That's not gonna happen. Remember this is all the Director's fault. He's the main reason the Meta excited, not you, no Wash or hell even the Meta himself, you have the Director to blame all of this.

South: True but the Meta is strong and can not be killed.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey, he'll maybe tough, but he isn't invisible. We'll find a way to beat him and win.

Y/n's smirk made her a bit better and she Starr to realise not all Spartans aren't bad and her heart skip a beat to even look at Y/n before he put on his helmet and he said.

Y/n: Come on, let's meet up my old friends.


Outside of the base we see Y/n's team along with Church and Caboose including Agent Washington as Church said to Washington in a calm voice.

Church: Okay. I have a great idea. Let's all put down our guns and not shoot anyone else that we're trying to help.

Washington: Relax.

Church: Exactly, let's all Relax...

Washington: Agent South had already shot me in the back once before and she try to give Delta to the enemy.

Ave: Right and shooting your own teammate is what hero's do?

Washington: She's no teammate, she's a traitor and yous know that if your team leader hadn't ruin my chance to take her out.

Sophie: South was with us ans she help us many times during our missions before you came along.

Washington: Trust me, she's just gonna stab yous all again when the time comes, trust me.

Church: Right, okay - sure.

Washington: Stop talking to me like that!

Church: We're not talking to you like anything...

Caboose: No one is talking to you like this...

Ashley: (smirk) Good to see you two haven't chance a bit since we last see each other.

Church: Yep and same to yous. What are yous doing here?

Sophie: Trying to find evidence that Project Freelancer is shown to be corrupt but just the usual stuff, you?

Church: Well we were pulled out of our original outpost to help Washington to track down the Meta.

Ashley: (surprised) Really? What for?

Washington: It's not I should be explaining to a group of Spartans like yous.

Ave: You know we have names right, don't be a jackass.

Washington: Right, names with numbers at the end. Human like I can tell.

Ave: (anger) Listen here you piece of shit!

Y/n: That's enough Ave.

They all turn and Y/n and South walks up to them and Y/n asked Delta.

Y/n: Delta what's the situation on the Meta?

Then Delta appear next to Caboose and said.

Delta: The Meta is shown to be damaged how he used his equipment too much and it's draining his power suit.

Y/n: So that means he's weak, right?

Delta: Correct.

Ashley: So what's the plan?

Y/n: Well Wash said he, Church and Caboose are tracking down the Meta so how's about we join in.

Washington: No way! I can't trust a group of Spartans within this mission, and I especially do not trust South to come with us.

South: Wash trust them, they know what they are doing.

Washington: Yeah right, like you trust your brother.

South looks down before Y/n walks up Wash and said.

Y/n: Wash you may not like us but we have a common enemy. The Spartan-Killers are tracking us down while we have the Meta out there and taking other Freelancer's A.I. we can't complete our mission with these two threats on our tail. Let us work together and finish the mission.

Y/n lend out a hand for Washington to shake on it. Washington looks at it for a while before he sighs and take Y/n's hand and shakes on it.

Soon they walk back to Sheila and they hop inside and Sheila take off over the Ocean to their next location.

Sheila: Hello Church and Caboose, it's been a while.

Church: Same to you Sheila.

Caboose: Sheila, I'm so happy to see you again......and your still a ship.....thats even better.

Ave: So what have you two been doing after we left?

Church: A lot of things that you don't wanna know.

Sophie: What happened to Blood Gluch?

Caboose: Like Church said. A long story that yous don't wanna know.

Ave: Ok but what about the rest of the team?

Church: We lost touch after we gotten new bases.

Ave: That sucks. We could use their help right now.

Ashley: I'm sure we can meet them again some day.

They chat while we cut to Washington and Y/n on the pilot seat as Y/n pilots Sheila then Washington asked.

Washington: So you know these simulation troopers before?

Y/n: Yeah. We discovered a ring after we've gotten communication from Tucker and that's how we met.

Washington: You shouldn't have getting along with them. Their one of the useless soldiers ever.

Y/n: That's when your wrong. They help us fight off the Covenant and manage to win.

Washington: I'll bet you and your Spartans did all the work like all Spartans do.

Y/n: What dose that suppose to mean?

Washington: We know you Spartans are like. Have all the fancy and more powerful equipment and been called hero's by facing the Covenant. While Project Freelancer have to do your dirty work.

Y/n: Dirty work?

Washington: You know that the Spartan II are made to crush rebellion and not fighting against the Covenant. And yet there you are facing the Covenant while we deal with these Rebellion and do your dirt work.

Y/n: Wash, you got to understand that humanity was about to lose and we have no choice. The Covenant is more of the threat now then the Rebel Front. I'm sorry for you and other Agents have to deal with but you can't blame us for it. If you wanna be mad at someone, be mad at the Director himself.

Washington falls silent either he is done talking to Y/n or have nothing else to argue. But either way, a beeping his heard through Washington's head and he calls out.

Washington: My recovery beacon!

Y/n: What's that?

Washington: It's a way how Agent's track down other Agent when ever their injured I battle and it seems like it's Maine himself.

Y/n: Where is he?

Washington: Don't know. He's blocking my coordinations.

Watcher: Guys I'm getting a low power reading in a nearby city. Something is wrong with a nearby power station.

Washington and Y/n look at each other and then turn Sheila around and fly yo the power Station which they know the Meta will be at.

(A while later)

Sheila lands in front of the power station and they all slowly walk through towards the entrance and stop when they see dead UNSC soldiers and flipped up Warthogs and other damage vehicles.

South: Looks like he was here.

Washington: This can't be good.

Sophie: Guys if I'm right, if the Meta take all that power, he can black out the city of this colony.

Y/n: Then we need to move fast.

South: Right. So what's the plan?

Washington: Your not joining us. Your staying with two other Spartans.

South: Seriously Wash? Just let me help.

Washington: You help quite enough Agent South. Take a breather, you needed it.

South sighs and not wanna argue anymore. Ashley and Sophie stay at Sheila with South while Y/n, Caboose, Ave, Church and Washington walk to the steps and Y/n asked Watcher.

Y/n: What's the status on the station?

Watcher: Seems like the Station is slowly losing it's power so we need to act fast and get in there ans take him out.

Washington: Remember this is our one shot of taking our the Meta so I don't want any screw ups.

Church: Ok.

Washington: Don't use your comma until it's really necessary.

Church: Ok.

Washington: And don't make a move until I do.

Church: Ok!

Washington: And no screw-ups next time!

Y/n: Wash, relax we got this. Ave cover Caboose and Church at the left side, Wash your with me on the other. Let's show the Meta there is only one room for tough soldiers in the galaxy.

Ave: (smirk) Right behind you.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's move out.

They claim up the steps and once at top they slip up just like in planned. Y/n and Wash enter the Station and they look around to see even more dead UNSC soldiers laying on the ground which Y/n felt bad for.

They continue and during their way to the main power station, Washington asked Y/n.

Washington: So why are you trying to find evidence that Project Freelancer is guilty?

Y/n: A team of rogue Spartans tried to kill me and we were hired by Hargive to find evidence and shut them down.

Washington: And you trust him and his company?

Y/n: Hargrove help us by giving us weapons and Equipment to survive the war. Without for him, we'll lose more Colonies then before.

Washington: It's still doesn't chance the fact that you trust South after what I've just told you.

Y/n: It's not South's fault Washington. The Meta was chasing her and her brother and fear took over her.

Washington: South is scared of the Meta? Yeah right.

Y/n: Aren't your scared of him too Washington?

Washington stop and stand there for a moment before he said.

Washington: Come on, he's close.

Y/n sighs and continues on. Soon they arrived at the main power of the Station and to the nearby city as they see the Meta draining it's power.

Y/n looks over to see Church, Ave ans Caboose there so he was about to give them the signal until Washington calls out.

Washington: Now!

He chucks a grenade at the Meta and the Meta turn while Washington leap down and fire his battle rifle at him.

Y/n: (thought) So much for being a team.

Y/n leap down and so dose Ave and they fire their weapons at the Meta. The Meta gets hit by bullets until he charge at Ave and grab her by the neck and lift her up in the air.

Y/n and Washington aim their weapons at the Meta that is using Ave as a hostage before he chucks Ave towards them and knock them down.

Then he makes a break for it outside and they stood up and chase after them. Church leaps down while Caboose stay behind and they reach outside and see the Meta getting away.

Washington: Church fire you're rifle!

Church: My rifle?

Watcher: Use it!

Church aims his rifle and fire a shot but the wing of the windmill blocks his bullet and it bounce around the base until it shot the Meta in the leg.

Church: Yes I got him! Did you see that, what a shot!

Y/n: I hate to break ut to you but it only counts if you call it.

Church: Oh bullshut dude!

They rush over and see trails of blood of the Meta leading them back outside.

Watcher: Looks like he's hurt.

Y/n: Let's move.

Ave: Right.

They slowly walk towards the Meta's location but then they hear what sounds like county side music.

Washington: Hey, do you hear that?

Ave: Yeah what's that?

Y/n: Wait it sounds familiar....oh I think I know-

Then suddenly the reds came out driving their Warthogs and they move out if the way so they won't get ran over.

Then the reds drive through a wing of the windmill and the Warthog gose offline.

Grif: Oh fuck! 

Sarge: Damn it Grif, you knock the power out!

They rush back inside while Washington asked.

Washington: Who are they?

Y/n: Their the reds at Bloof Gluch. Another old friends and trust me, they can help.

Then the wing of the windmill pulls the Warthog up and Simmons aims it's turret at them while Y/n turns and said.

Y/n: Hey reds! It's been a while! Did you miss us!

Then they fire at them and they dodge their bullets and rush for cover. They duck inside a small bade and get behind the walls while Y/n said.

Y/n: I think that's a way to day they miss us.

Church: Yeah right.

South: Hey guys.

They look over to see South, Ashley and Sophie there which Washington asked.

Washington: What are you three doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay at the Pelican.

Ashley: The reds suddenly attack us and we enter inside the base for cover.

Y/n: Why the hell are they attacking us?

Washington: Are they working for either the Spartan-Killers or the Meta?

Church: Working with him? These guys don't do much working of any kind so...no.

South: Um guys....Where's Caboose?

They realise Caboose is on his own so Y/n peek out and see Caboose on the balcony laying on the ground and nit moving.

Y/n: Caboose!

He was about to rush in but then rounds of bullets block his way and he fall back inside. The reds were firing at them and Washington was about yo return fire but Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Wash don't! They are our allies!

Washington: Alleis? They nearly kill us!

Church: Well it's kinda their thing but get used to it.

Watcher: Um guys. I've detected a large amount of power being drain in a fast rate.

Y/n: That's not good.

Watcher: If I'm correct, there will be a short power out right now.

Then just like that, the power went out for a while before it came back on.

Y/n: Wait here.

Ave: Wait Y/n!

Y/n came out and active his bubble shield to block the reds bullets ans he calls out to them.

Y/n: Sarge, Simmons, Grif stand down! It's us! Do you remember us?!

Sarge and the rest stand down and Sarge calls out.

Sarge: Of course we know yous. Your are backstabbers after what you did!

Y/n: What? What are you talking about?

Sarge: Don't play dumb with us son. UNSC command told us that your team have gone rouge and killing citizens during battle.

Y/n: Sarge you know we would never do such a thing. Besides, why would UNSC command tell you that? We're not like the Spartan-

Then he realise that tge Spartan-Killers must have hacked through the UNSC comms and tell Sarge and the rest about how Y/n and his team are murding citizens during battle.

Y/n: Sarge I know you may not believe me but we were sent on a mission to track down rouge group of Spartans known as Fireteam- Spartan-Killers. They must have break through UNSC communities and tell yous all this so you can weaken us and they will come along and take us out.

Sarge: Oh yeah. Then what's our codeword.

Watcher looks through their codeword and the two were surprised by what it is so Y/n said.

Y/n: The Codeword is....Codeword?

Sarge: dulk, dahngit.

Simmons: Sarge what did I tell you about that!

Sarge: Alright men, stand down. It seems like they haven't gone rouge.

Grif: Hey I may been promoted to be Sargent but I rather not take my chances fighting a Spartan.

Y/n smiles underneath his helmet before he turn to see the Meta as he aim his brute shot at the reds.

Y/n: Move!

He rushes over and pulls out his sword while the Meta fire a round at them but Y/n slice the shot in half and it exploded behind them.

Grif: (surprised) Wow!

Simmons: (surprised) That's new!

Sarge: Now that's I like to call badass.

Y/n charge at the Meta and manage to knock his brute shot away and try to slash at him but the Meta grab his blade and the two struggle for a while and their helmets were close, too close that their was a bolt of electricity that made their helmet malfunction and the two step back.

Y/n: What the heck was that!?

Watcher: No clue! Hang on while I try- Y/N LOOK OUT!

Then the Meta punches Y/n that sent him flying and he crashes onto the wall and fell down. The Meta picks up his Brute shot and walks up to Y/n and aims it at his head and ready to kill him.

Then suddenly the Meta start to scream in pain while he drop his brute shot and grabbing his head while he roared and scream in pain.

Y/n: What the heck is wrong with hi-

???: Help me!

Y/n can hear someone through hos comms and he realises it's some how Maine communication with him through his comms.

Maine: Please help me! I can't hold him any longer! Please, help me! 

Y/n: Maine?

Y/n stood there while Maine fight off the Meta before Y/n decided to help by rushing at him and try to pull out his A.I core out so he can be free but the Meta beats Maine and grabs Y/n by the neck and the chuck him away.

Y/n crash into a fee boxes while the Meta picks up his brute shot and use his time unit to make his escape.

Ave and the rest came out and help Y/n up.

Ashley: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm fine.

Washington: (anger) You idiot!

Washington stomps over to Y/n and yells out.

Washington: (anger) We only have one shot at this and you blew it!

Ave: (anger) Hey fuck off Wash, it's not Y/n's fault for the Meta's escape.

Washington: (anger) We have an advantage but if it wasn't for the reds, we would have killed him!

Grif: So I guess your doing the usual?

Washington: (anger) Be quiet!

Grif: Just asking.

South: Guys!

They turn to South ans she said.

South: We need to head up there and help Caboose. He might be dieing.

Washington: Right. We take him to Sheila, I think the Pelican has medical equipment in there for us to get him healed up.

Y/n: Wash you mist know that-

Washington: Shut up.

Y/n: But I believe you should-

Washington: You should be quiet! I have enough with you Spartans and your talk. Haven't you done enough for once.


Everyone stood there in silnce while looking at Y/n as Y/n calms down a bit and then he explains.

Y/n: Maine was using the comms on his helmet to communicate with me. He said he can't hold "him" any longer and needs help.

Washington: Him? Youean his A.I sigma.

Y/n: I believe so. Wash, I don't think Maine is not doing all this on purpose. I think his A.I is controlling his armor while Maine is trap inside the armor itself.

Washington: And your tell me this why?

Y/n: Wash we can turn Maine back to normal if we take out Sigma! This might he our only chance of freeing a Freelancer agent.

Washington: No way! Agent Maine is dangerous and must be taking out no matter what.

Y/n: Are you fucking serious Wash! Maine needs our help and we need to find a way to get Sigma out!

Washington: ENOUGH! Listen here Spartan, i don't care that Maine as an A.I or not! Maine is still a dangerous threat that we must take out before he kills another Freelancer agent again. And if you try to stop me again Spartans-453.....

Then he gets up at Y/n and glare at him before he said.

Washington: I won't hesitate of taking you and your team out if you get in my way.

Y/n and Washington share glares at each other before Washington turns and walks off while eveyobe watch him walk off.

Grif: So.....how is things with yous?


We see the Meta walking through the beach with Brute shot in hand. Then suddenly he scream out in pain and slam his head onto a tree and Maine yells out.


Sigma: I afraid not agent Maine. You will be suitable for our goal.

Maine: You psychopath son of a bitch! AS SOON I BREAK FREE I'M GONNA KILL YOU!

Sigma: (smirk) No you won't. Now be a good beast and rest.

Then Maine screams out in pain as he fell to his knees while a glimpse of the A.I and with them now was Delta appear and disappear as the Meta get control of his armor and the roars were gone.

The Meta stood up and walk deeper yo the forest and disappear within the darkness while Maine is trapped with his own Armor, by his own A.I.

To be continued...........

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