The Wealthy Boy || Jay Park

By jayjakejk1

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A poor girl named Lee Y/N got transferred to an expensive private school because of her new bestie, later she... More

1. Prologue
3. I'm Sorry
4.What Should I Do
5. Christmas
7.New Year's Resolution
8.Unexpected Meeting
9.Unknown Number
10. Sunoo
13.Chamber Café
15. The Fight
17. K Company
18. A Brand-New Day
19. Unexpected News
20. But...Mom
21. Last Day
22. Memories
23. We Meet Again
26. First Day
27. Where's him?
29. Curiosity
30. A Hamper
31. Why I Cannot Forget You?
32. After Match
33. Why She Seems Familiar?
34. Hot News
35. For You
36. Stay Away From Him
37.Here You Are
39. You Should Have Told Me Earlier
40. What's Wrong With You?
41. Getting Closer
42. His House
43. The Truth
44. Day Care
45. Notes
46. Epilogue

38. When Will This End?

3.4K 152 40
By jayjakejk1


It's been several months, Bora and her minions have bullied me but I never told neither my mom nor my friends, although there are many bruises on my body, especially my legs. Every time my friends and my mom asked me about the bruises, I always told them that I slipped in the bathroom because of my clumsiness and luckily they believed but I guess not with Jay, he seemed suspicious with me. I wonder when will all this misery end. This morning, I went to school like always but today, Yura didn't come because she has an important family event to attend and yup I was alone in the class, it was so lonely without Yura's appearance. School has ended earlier today because the teachers wanted to do a meeting and guessed what, Sunoo has gone. He went home early today because he had a fever and the nurse told him to go home. Perhaps, today was the loneliest day in my life. After I placed all of my books inside my locker, Bora and her minions came to me and dragged me with them, they dragged me to the basketball field, which a lot of students played basket there. She started to humiliate me in front of everyone. "Guys, please pay attention please" She shouted and gained attention from all the students. "This slut has been trying to seduce my Jay oppa and made Jay oppa stayed away from me. What should I do with her?" She shouted again and the students started to swarm us. "Should I kicked her?" she said while kicking my stomach and ripped my uniform, so that made me half-naked, I tried to cover my body with my hands but her minions held it really hard, so I couldn't cover my body. "Please stop, Bora" I said weakly while coughing. "What? I cannot hear you dear" she said and laughing. She kept kicking me and nobody there was willing to help me out from that hell, I tried to ask help from the students there but they didn't even move an inch. "Please, help me" I tried to shout but I didn't have the energy for that, I was too weak. The more I shouted for help, the more Bora kicked me, until someone shouted from behind the hustle

[Jay POV]

Since the school dismissed early, me and my friends decided to go to the basketball court to play but when we stepped into the basketball auditorium, I saw many students made a circle while looking at something. I was curious then stepped forward to the crowd, there I heard Y/N's weak voice asking for help but what happened to her, and why no one dared to help her? Without thinking twice I shouted from behind the crowd. "STOP" I shouted and all of them looked at me. "Move" I said but they didn't move and that made me mad. "I SAID MOVE" I yelled to them and they stepped back a little then the next thing I saw made my blood boiled even more. It was Y/N laying on the floor agony and half-naked because of Bora and her minions. I quickly took off my jacket and cover her body. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?" I shouted to Bora's face after I covered her. "She has tried to seduce and take you away from me, so this's what she deserves" she said calmly and kicked Y/N again. "YOU, I've warned you before" I said that while walking closer to Bora and held both of her hands. "I never like a b*tch like you and will never, so get lost from my sight before I destroy you. Didn't you remember what you've done to Sandara? Do you want me to spread it, huh? The school queen. Tsk, they never know what you have done to an innocent a girl like Sandara. How if they know that Sandara was gone because she was killed by the school queen? I wonder what will happen to you. Just wait for that day, murderer" I said loud enough for Bora to hear. After she heard that, she started to tremble. "Please, do not spread that" She begged me. "It's too late, girl. I've warned you before but you didn't obey my words. It deserves you" I said and she fell on her knees. I turned around and faced the crowd. I saw Bora's minions picked Y/N up and still held Y/N's hands. "Let go of her hands, NOW" I said to her minions and they quickly let go of Y/N's hands and made her fall to the floor, but before her body could touch the floor, I ran to her and caught her body. I looked at her worriedly but she still capable to give a weak smile to me and thanked me. "Thank you for saving me" she thanked me and smiled. "No....No...., you don't have to thank me" I said to her while shaking my head. I turned my head to the crowd and shouted.


After I thanked him, he suddenly faced the crowd again and shouted "DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH Y/N BECAUSE SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND" after he yelled that, I couldn't see anything. My vision turned black.

[Jay POV]

All the students gasped and were surprised after I said that Y/N is my girlfriend but when I turned to Y/N, she was unconscious, so I quickly lifted her with bridal style and ran to my car. I drove to the nearest hospital as fast as I could.






[Jay POV]

"Doctor please help her" I yelled while running to the emergency room. "Please wait here" The nurse stopped me from running inside the emergency room. I sat on the hospital bench while ruffling my hair in frustration. "She's going to be fine, Jay. Don't worry" My member came toward me and Jake tried to comfort me. "How? It's all my fault she suffered like that" I said and didn't realize that my tears have escaped from my eyes. I was crying for the first time, I didn't remember when the last time I cried but it had been a long time ago. "It's not your fault, at least you have saved her at the right time" Heeseung hyung told me. "I will blame myself if something bad happens to her" I said while crying. "Stop crying, hyung. We've never seen you crying like this. You always be a tough man" Jungwon said. "She's special to me. I've never felt comfortable and pleased around girls before but it's different when I'm with her" I said and the 5 of them sighed. "Don't worry Jay, she's a strong girl. She will get through this. Anyway, I've called Yura and she said she will come here with Y/N's mom" Heeseung hyung said and I just nodded. No longer after that, the doctor finally has come out from the emergency room. I quickly stood up and walked to the doctor. "What happened to her?" I asked but he stayed silent for a moment and it made me mad. I grabbed the doctor's collar and begged him to tell me hurriedly. "Calm down, Jay" Sunghoon pulled me. "She's fine just shocked and needs some rest. But can I ask you something?" the doctor said and looked at me. "What's that?" I looked to the doctor. "How long has she suffered from that harsh treatment?" the doctor asked and I didn't say anything because I didn't know how long has Y/N suffered, she never told me. "She has a lot of bruises all over her body and the worst thing, her right hand was cracked, so she will need to use the plaster cast for a while" The doctor said. "So, she cannot go to school?" Niki asked the doctor. "Yes, she is traumatized because of the incident and she needs to heal her mental first, please take care of her" the doctor said. "I will, thank you so much" I thanked the doctor. "You're welcome, young man. I'll take my leave now" he walked away while patting my shoulder. Then, Yura and her mom came. "What had happened to my daughter?" her mom cried while Yura stood by her side and tried to comfort her, Heeseung hyung tried to explain the whole story to her mom, while, I just remained silent. "Can we see her now?" her mom asked us. "Sure, we can mam" I answered her mom and all of us went to her room. When I entered the room, I saw Y/N laid there peacefully.

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