The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book

24. It's A Trap

406 22 28
By Potato0exe

Portugal looked at me with a questioning expression.

"Can I talk with Poland privately?" I asked the doctor which made him even more confused. He traveled his eyes to Poland. The pole lay on his bed. I could see how tensed he is.

Portugal looked back at me and said slightly hesitant, "Uhhh sure. I'll wait outside until you finished."

Without saying any more words he left the infirmary. I looked at Hungary, but he sat there stubbornly and answered to my questioning look, "I stay. What do you have to tell him?"

Poland was visibly nervous, but nonetheless he tried to hold his neutral face with his guard up.

I took a deep breath before asking him, "I need you to unlock a door for me-"

Unexpectedly Hungary interrupted me, "OH no! He will definitely not break into any more rooms!"

"Hungary please you have to understand-"

He interrupted me again, "There is no need to understand anything. He won't do it!"

I looked at Poland. He didn't move and he didn't even dare to made a sound, while Hungary was unnecessary switched on protective mode.

It's clear that he won't allow Poland to help me out and that annoyes me. I want to finally make progress, to finally be sure where my book is and who the observer is. Of course I can't forget about China's murder. His murder is like the cherry on top of this mess.

A solution popped up inside head, but I surely won't gain any friends by doing it, but it has to be done, or else we will never survive on this ship.

I sternly face them and spoke, "Okay I won't pressure you anymore, but you gotta understand that there will be consequences for Poland."

As I finished my sentence I already could see how Poland looked at me suspicious. "What consequences?" He snarled at me, probably already guessing what I'm about to say next.

"For breaking into the captains office and into the privat cabin of a detective, resulting stealing that causes disturbances during a crime investigation. Those are the consequences you will face on the land, if you don't decide to help me."

Hungary was too shocked to say something. He was sitting on the bed with wide open eyes and mouth. Meanwhile Poland's reaction was less shocking, but more hostile. The Pole's face darkened and he glared at me with cold eyes, but he stayed silent.

The tension between us thickens. No one dared to say anything. Hungary stare at me as if I completely loose my mind. Poland's eyes were narrowed, his brow furrowed and I could see how tensed his hands gripped on the bedsheet. There is no need for a professional nonverbal reader to say that he stare at me with hatred.

Hungary was the first one who broke the silence with his stammer, "Germany you.. you're joking with us, right?"

I didn't say a word and kept my eyes on Poland who also didn't dare to look away. He knew that with his criminal records the judge would give him more years in prison, if not even life long depending how his whole record looks.

"You're not any better than them." Poland scoffed under his breath before he spoke to me with a louder voice, "If I do what you say, then you will not rat me out to the authorities."

"That's correct." I said blankly.

Poland took a deep breath and carefully climbed out of the bed. "I'll do it, but only if it's the last time. Do you understand that?" He asked me while holding his arm on his stomach.

"I promise that it will be the last time."

With that Poland stood up, using the bedframe to support himself.

"I'll go with you." Hungry said and also stood up,"He can't walk by himself and if anything happens then I'll be able to get help."

I allowed and watched as Hungary put Poland's arm over his shoulder. We three walked out the infirmary and immediately meet Portugal who looked baffled at us.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked serious.

"We need him for a second, but we'll bring him save back." I explained it to him. The doctor didn't seem convinced, so I added, "It's about the murder case."

He loosen up and spoke tired, "Alright, but please be careful his wound is still fresh."

I nodded and confirmed, "We will."

Portugal went inside the infirmary and we three walked down the hallway to the direction where USA's room is.

Now I finally make some progress.

Brazil pov.

Cleaning the mirror is harder than I thought. No wonder the only cleaning utensils I have is toothpaste, water and toilet paper. There is still the pink smudge from my lipstick on it, but at least the words can't be indetified anymore.

What did surprise me was how the detective asking about someone that could control the ship. Is the captain away or not able to do that? That surely sounds concerning. Tomorrow I better go and search for the captain. He seems like a person easy to push around. So it won't hard for me to start a conversation.

As I stare at my reflection I realized how tired I look. Surely this poor excuse of coffee is nothing to compare with my coffee brand at home. I couldn't help myself as I stared down to my waist. Carefully I pulled my blouse up, exposing my ugly burn scar that runs from my waist up to my chest, nearly covering my whole right side.

A painful reminder to not stick my nose too close to other's secrets. The leader of the Red Sickle thought that burning my house, farms and even my whole existence would scare me away, but she definitely didn't expect how fast I can built my life back from the ashes.

Thankfully Germany's idea to do a body check up to us failed. As if I ever let anyone see my mistake.

Still I can't get rid of feeling bad for the detective. She is a great listener, not like the dog lady or the alcoholic guy and so far she knows how to stay respectful during our talk. USA on the other hand is a very uncomfortable person. Always loud and easily aggravated.

I remember how a friend of his lawyer admit that USA once was accused for manslaughter, but the family of the victim decided to drop the case without giving an explanation. Who knows if they did it out of fear or with the right amount of money.

I'm still surprised how smooth it went. Surely if this guy didn't ask to use the bathroom, then I had to improvise something. It's painful seeing that I had to destroy my lipstick to write the message on the mirror, but at least I know they'll be busy with asking the other guest.

Surely putting her at risk is a selfish decision, but I have to do sacrifices to save my own skin. It is survival for the fittest after all.

Let's hope he won't be too rough with her.

Germany pov.

I let Poland to unlock the door. He used the same improvised tools like last time. Only difference now is Hungary being present at this. The whole time he didn't said a word to me, the same goes to Poland who only gave me a cold glare whenever I try to talk to him.

To be honest I understand why. I did took advantage of Poland's situations, but I believe he will one day forgive me for it. After all I did that only to prevent a mass execution.

Anxiously I looked both sides of where the hallway goes. I'm worried that USA will appear at any second. Poland already spent five minutes with the lock and it's still not open. It would be better, if I know where he is.

"Hey Hungary. I will go and search for USA. Meanwhile can you two go inside and search the room."

Hungary silently listened and asked, "What exactly should we find inside?"

"Any thing suspicious. Weapon, paper or even my notebook."

As I finished my answer, Poland halted his hands and slightly turned to me. Only his side of his face was visible to me, but I could already see his cold glare.

He mumbled, "I told that Brazil has the book."

"She didn't has it."

To my surprise he didn't say a word. Poland turned back to the door and continue to fumble with the metal wire.

Now I'm curious if he did lie or not. His lack of response could mean that he did lie and doesn't know how to talk out of it, but on the other he could be just acting childish and ignoring me.

"Maybe you better go now and find that guy. I'm scared of him catching us red handed." Hungary said it worried and I only nodded as a response.

Without a word I left them alone. Now the big question is where USA is. I start to go up to the third floor. There usually most guests wander around.

It's been already half an hour of me wandering around and my ancle screams in pain, but I still couldn't find him. For now I sat on the last step of the stairs, resting my legs.

I already checked the lounge, bars, fitness center and many other rooms. Maybe he's on the other floors. Let's hope not because I definitely can't search every floor.

He could be in another guest room, but that's probably not possible. There wasn't any guest to visit. Brazil was alone, India is with Austria, Portugal in the infirmary and Russia is definitely the last person on the world USA would've visited. The last person who left was-

"Ms Germany is everything alright?"

I turned my head around and saw UK walking behind me. She looked at me with a tint of concern on her face.

"I'm fine. I just needed a rest from walking." I answered and watched as she stood next to me and she responded worried, "Oh dear, but not on the stairs. It's not healthy for your back. Let me help you to stand up. There is definitely a couch or chair near us, for you to sit down."

She extended her hand to me and I accepted her help. What I learned years ago was that UK can be very stubborn and even when she's acting polite and nice, she still can be very scary, if something triggers her.

While we both walked, in the search for something to sit, I decided to ask her, "Do you know where USA is?"

Slightly wondered she asked me a question, instead of answering mine. "What do you want from him?"

I answered short, "I only have a couple of questions."

UK let out a heavy sigh and spoke, "If it's about the murder, then I can reassure you that he had no part with it."

"You sound very sure about that."

Not waiting a second to respond, she said, "Of course. I understand that you don't trust my words because he's my son, but I know him like no others. He would never murder someone."

"You might be right, but his behavior says otherwise." I countered and I witnessed how her face turned in pain, "True. His anger issue always caused trouble to him. It is partly my fault. After all I was the one who raised him and he copied some habits from me. Also important to note, his issues got worsen as he came back from his compulsory military service. I knew I should have somehow stop him from going there."

"That sounds... concerning." Of course a world wide weapon provider was in the military before. That means I should avoid to fight against him at all cost. I'm definitely not a match in close combat with my leg.

UK let out a scoff, "Of course it's concerning. I don't have the best relation with my children, but he's my oldest son. You have to understand that he's a good kid. Only his bad temper prevents him from showing that."

She spoke the last two sentences with a soft voice. I could see how much she cares about him, but I have to see the situation in an objective perspective.

"If he is what you just told me, then there won't be a problem for you telling me where he might be? I just want to ask some questions and not framing him to anything." I explained it to her.

UK hold back for a while, considering to answer my question, but thankfully she gave in.

"Of course. Not long ago we were in the library, but he left to go to his room."

My face went slowly pale. I could hear how slightly nervous my next question sounds, "Does that mean he on his way there?"


I tried to speak as calm as possible, "I'm sorry UK, but I want to go to him right now."

She looked at me slightly confused, but nonetheless she said, "No problem. How about we go together to him? I still have a couple of things to discuss with him"

"Of course." I spoke while forcing a fake smile on my face. Together we went down to the lower floors.

Please be the two alright.

Poland pov.

Damn the room is huge. It's like our chamber, but at least 12 times bigger. The living room on its own is six times bigger.

Hungary gave a quick look around to be sure that we're alone. After reassuring that no one was there he turned around to me and said, "I'll go to the bedroom and bathroom. You stay in the living room."

I responded with a thumb up and saw as he vanished to the other room. My stomach still hurts like hell. Those weak ass painkillers do nothing except making me dizzy. I used the wall and furnitures to support me while I slowly walk around.

First of I started to open the drawers from the sideboards. Inside were a couple of small things, nothing important. In one of the drawers I found his cigarette stash. I could tell from the smell inside the room that he's a heavy smoker, but damn this stash is big enough to cover a whole month and those aren't cheap brands.

I could take one or two packages for Czechia. He surely wouldn't miss, if some are gone. Swiftly I took two packages and hid them inside my pockets.

I closed the drawers. There should be no sign of me snooping around.

"Did you find anything?" Hungary shouted from the bedroom.

"No!" I shouted back and my gaze fall upon the bar with the liquor display on the background.

Hissing in pain I hobble to the display case to take a closer look. My hand holds firmly on the counter to ease the pain. Behind the glas door I saw various expensive drinks. Some of the bottles look like the one Slovakia brought to us during our drinking night. Did she stole them?

Well it's not important now. I opened the door and carefully picked up one of the bottles. The label shows that it's some kind of expensive whiskey. Sadly I can't taste it, or else I leave too much evidence.

As I was about to put it back, one of the other bottles caught my attention. The dark brown bottle is way smaller than the others and is also put far back. It's hard spot and I would've missed it, if I didn't took the whiskey from its spot.

Curiosity took over me and I took the small bottle while putting the whiskey back. The container isn't bigger than my hand and the the label looked old with dark brown stains covering the letters.

Carefully I opened the bottle and I immediately had to fight the urge to gag. Damn it smells like piss. What is that even? Inside wasn't a liquor what I would have expected, but some weird brown powder. I better don't touch it. Quickly I put the cork back and placed the bottle where I found it.

While putting it back I glanced over the other liquors, showing me a distorted reflection of my surroundings behind me on their glass surface.

Behind me was someone and that someone wasn't Hungary! His fist was flying to me.

Quickly I reacted and ducked as he was about to punch me. His fist hit the display and I could hear the crack from the glass.

But he didn't gave me a second to think before I felt a sharp pain on my guts as the guy hit his knee there. I yelped in pain, unable to move from the pain. The next thing I felt was a strong grip on my throat as he threw me against the counter.

I couldn't breathe as his grip got stronger, feeling how his nails was digging in my skin.

"What are you doing here!" The man growled clearly pissed.

Desperately I tried to free myself, but my kicks barely made any damage on him. More the opposite of what I wanted, as I felt how his hand was crushing my throat. With my hands I tried to loosen his grip, but it was pointless, not even when I tried to bury my nails under his skin. He didn't flinch.

"Let him go!"

My view was getting blurry, but I could see from the corner of my eye, Hungary was running to me. He stopped midtrack. Something shiny was on the other hand of the man and he was pointing it to my friend.

"One step closer and I'm gonna stab him!"

My lungs are burning. I felt numb on my legs and my view around got darker. Everything hurts and I can only hear muffled shouting as if a barrier was around me.

I didn't have the strength to move anymore.


Germany pov.

"-WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" UK shouted after she fully opened the door. I step in right after her and I was shocked at the sight in front of us.

USA was holding Poland against the bar surface. His hand firmly on the man's throat while in his other hand was a pocket knife, pointing to Hungary.

"They broke into my room." He snarled not looking away from the other man.

The elderly woman wasn't having it and stepped to her son, while sternly shouting at him, "You will immediately let the man go!"

USA gave UK a pissed look before releasing Poland and putting the knife back under his suit.

The Pole fell on the floor coughing and loudly gasping for air. He curled into a ball face down on the floor.

Hungary didn't wait a second to run to his friend and kneeled down next to him.

USA didn't seem to bother about that he nearly choked Poland to death. Instead he turned to UK and complained with his arms crossed in front of his chest, "As I said. They broke into my room. It was only self defense."

She only shook her head in disappointment. Quickly I went to Poland and Hungary. The Pole was still curled in a ball. His arms wrapped around his stomach.

Hungary spoke in a surprisingly gentle tone, "It's alright now. Let me see your wound."

I kneeled down next to him and saw Poland slowly unwrapping his arms. He was visibly in pain and that wasn't surprising. On his white shirt was once again a growing stain of blood.

"Shit his wound opened." I mumbled, "Let's put him on his side."

Hungary did what I said and Poland kinda cooperate. He was still too dazed to move.

USA and UK were silently staring at us until the man started growl, "Who are those guys even and why the hell are they in my room?"

Before I could think of an excuse, Hungary answered his question, "We're the maintenance worker. A water pipe burst on the upper floor. We just wanted to check if there isn't any water damage on the ceiling."

To my surprise the two guests bought the lie.

Carefully I curled Poland's shirt up to see how bad the damage was. It surely looked ugly. Half of his stitches opened and the wound started to bleed uncontrollably.

"I'll go get a towel." UK spoke and ran to the bathroom. Meanwhile USA had an unreadable expression. His eyes fixated on Poland and I could sworn that his eye slightly twitched.

I followed to where he exactly looked and I realized that Poland's back tattoo was exposed.

Quickly I stood up and stepped in front of the man, blocking his view to Poland. "Putting this little accident aside, I have a couple of questions for you to answer. Could you follow me outside?"

USA seemed to think of something else, but as I finished my question, he went back to reality and mumbled, "Yeah sure."

I leaded him out of the room and looked behind me. UK came back with a couple of white towels. The two were trying to stop his bleeding and to move him.

For now I couldn't help much except getting USA far away from Poland. Outside the room I started to ask him, "What exactly did happen?"

He answered, "I just wanted to take my lighter because I forgot it there, but then I saw this guy snooping in my bar. Obviously I didn't know what they wanted and I scared he would attack me, if he saw me. So I did the only right thing by defending myself."

Yeah sure, I definitely don't believe him that.

I heard the door opening behind me and saw Hungary carrying Poland's right side," I bring him to the infirmary."

"Okay. I'll also be there soon." I informed him and face back to USA. The man gave a rather disgusted look at them.

"Is everything alright?" I asked curios. The man turned his attention back to me and answered with a light smile, "Yeah everything is fine. I didn't intend to actually hurt him."

I'm pretty sure choking someone is actually trying to hurt them, but I kept this thought to myself. Pointing that out might get him more angry.

It's better to keep giving him questions, "Do you know Brazil?"

"Brazil?" He asked surprised, "I don't know her much. We talked a couple of times, but she seemingly didn't like being near me. Who knows why."

"Germany!" A familiar voice interrupted our conversation.

I turned and saw Austria approaching us. He looked exhausted as if he ran a marathon. "Are you okay?" I asked him worried.

He stopped im front of me, catching his breath before saying," I quickly need you. We have a problem."

"I'm sorry USA, but as you see I'm needed right now. Could we continue our conversation later?" I asked the man and he shrugged his shoulder while answering, "For me it's not a problem. See you later."

He then walked back to his room. After he closed the door I turned to Austria and asked, "What happened?"

"We have an issue with the rescue team."

3860 Words.

Does help arrive?
Who is telling the truth?
Does Poland ever get a break?

Well one thing for sure, Germany won't get many friends at the end.

Also I failed my coffein free diet. I only managed to hold till Tuesday. It's hard to function properly a whole day without coffee, if I get only 2 hours of sleep.

And I found out that there exist lime flavored water bottles with 16 mg coffein in 100ml. A whole bottle is more than 2 cups of coffee :D

I don't have an issue.

I wish you all a great day/night!

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