Bitter sweet- TDI

By Midnight_Cure

37.3K 842 138

-In the end, I want to win more than ever, and there's nothing on this island to stop me. While stuck on an i... More

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Up the creek (2/2)✅
Paintball Deer Hunter (1/2)✅
Paintball Deer Hunter (2/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (1/2)✅
If you can't take the heat (2/2)✅
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Who can you trust (2/2)✅
Basic Straining (1/3)✅
Basic Straining (2/3)✅
Basic Straining (3/3)✅
What happened afterward?✅
No pain, no game (1/2)✅
No pain, no game (2/2)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (2/3)✅
Search and Do Not Destroy (3/3)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (1/2)✅
Hide and Be Sneaky (2/2)✅
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That's off the chain (2/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (1/2)✅
Hook, Line, and Screamer (2/2)✅
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Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon (3/3)✅
Haute Camp-ture✅
Camp Castaways (1/3)✅
Camp Castaways (2/3)✅
Camp Castaways (3/3)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (1/2)✅
I Triple Dog Dare You (2/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (1/2)✅
The Very Last Episode Really (2/2)✅

Search and Do Not Destroy (1/3)✅

479 13 1
By Midnight_Cure

Previously on Total Drama Island

Courtney's plan to kick out Alexandra backfired, and she left the island.

Leshawna won a grand prize, but Alex seemed pleased with her flowers also. It's high time to find out who gave them.

-DJ told me he plays with it all the time. You made a fantastic choice. -Bridgette finishes her story about the guitar pick I gave to Trent.

-Yeah, Duncan was so fed up with the soft guitar music he decided to sleep in the forest. -Gwen added.

-No way, he'll do it. - Leshawna said.

-Who knows? He may as well make up a story about it anyway. -Bridgette added.

-I think I had enough stories for one night. I'm going to get some sleep. -I say, standing up.

-You sure? We still have things to gossip about in the bag.- Leshawna was tempted.

-I'm sure, hun. I'm exhausted. Have fun, girls. -I say, leaving the camper.

The night breeze sends shivers down my spine. I wish I had time to grab my hoodie, but it's almost midnight, and I can't afford to lose my chance to find this person. I head towards the pier through the darkness.

-Well, well. Isn't it dangerous to be out there all alone in the night, princess?

-Duncan? What are you doing here? -I turn around, hearing his voice.

-I left my cabin to find some peace, and I thought I can check what you girls are up to. Interesting gossip, you have, cupcake.

-You have eavesdropped! Tell me you didn't seriously...

-I did. -He smirks.

-You just...?


-Does that mean? -I mumble.

-Quite probably.

-I can't stand you sometimes. -I walk past him.

-Where are you going?

-To the cabin. -I answer.

-Wait. -He catches up to me and grabs my hands. - Do you regret it?

-What? - I ask confused.

-Everything. -After this, he is quiet for a while a small blush appears on his cheeks. -Whatever, forget I asked about anything. You have Geoff, now. - He lets go of my hand and turns around.

-Just because we didn't work out doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. - I finally say.

-Yeah, I did too. - With that he leaves me, standing there. No explanations, no teasing.

I stand there for a while, losing sight of his figure in the dark. Eventually, I snap out of it and head to the pier again. I almost run towards it. I notice someone is sitting on the edge. I step on the pier and walk towards the person, who turns out to be Trent. When he sees me, he stands up and picks up his guitar. He sings with a grin.

I wish I could explain your eyes,

And how the sound of your voice gives me butterflies.

How your smile makes my heart skip a beat,

And how every time I'm with you, I feel so complete.

I feel my cheeks are burning, and I just stare at him. He chuckles and steps closer.

-I guess you liked my song then.

-It was wonderful. - I nod.

-I'm glad. I thought it was the best way to impress you.

-Why do you try to impress me?

-I know you said you won't date me during the show, but when you came back, I couldn't help it. You're so mesmerizing in the way you walk and the way you talk. I want to taste your sweet lips again. - He leans in.

-Stop.- He obeys.

-Did I do something wrong?- He asks.

-Can't you see?


-The way her face lights up when she sees you. -I feel as if my heart was falling apart.

-Who are you talking about?

-I wasn't supposed to tell you, but I can't keep it any longer. - I take a deep breath - Gwen has a really big crush on you, yet you ignore her. It would break her heart if we were together.

-Is it everything? That's what you were worried about?


-Alexandra, tell me, please. - He stares at me.

-It's just that... I think... I don't... I mean... -I roughly bite my bottom lip, trying to calm my nerves.

-Hey, calm down.

-I'm so bad at talking about things like this. It makes me feel like a bitch with no emotion or compassion. - I look down at my shoes.

-You're an angel. I've never met such a sweet, caring, and empathetic person.

-It's just I don't think I feel the same way. -I say, not meeting his eyes.- I'm so sorry, so sorry...I never wanted to hurt you.

-Oh, Alex...

-I'm sorry.- I don't wait for his response and run straight to the cabin.

Cut to the morning

I woke up early when all of the girls were sleeping. I quietly made my way out of the cabin and to the showers. I took my time to wash my hair and went outside not drying them.

I'm sitting at my favorite spot on the island, enjoying my privacy. How lucky am I that no one found it yet?

I slowly breathe in the fruity smoke from my electronic cigarette and dip my foot in the lake. I allow myself to think about what to do with this whole romantic mess I've gotten myself into. I need to sort it out somehow.

I sit here till my peaceful morning silence is destroyed by Chris's voice, who wants to meet all the contestants in the amphitheater.

On my way, I decide to visit Chef in the kitchen. As I enter, I welcome him with a warm smile. He immediately grabs a cup and pours us some tea. I gladly sip it, the pleasing warmth making its way to my stomach.

-How was your time in the villa?- Chef asks.

-It was fine... Chef, can I ask you something?- I look at him thoughtfully.

-Of course, Sparkle. -He leaves whatever he was doing and turns to me.

-I think I'm in trouble.

-What happened?

-You know, it's just that the boys like more than I wanted.- I blush like mad.

-Is it exactly a problem?


-What? -He laughs.

-It's not fine at all. Help me.

-Sparkle, even if I wanted, I can't, but let me tell you something. When I was your age, I wish someone had told me that. You can't always have what you want. It is unfair and brutal, but that's how it is. You have to place yourself first, cause how will you be able to help your friends without taking care of yourself? Besides, it's competition. I think the best thing you can do is tell the truth. Stop suppressing your emotions and tell what you feel. It may hurt them, it may hurt you, but in the end, there's no right thing to do. Love is unpredictable, you can't control it, but you shouldn't let it get the better of you. You're a strong girl, I can tell that much, so get yourself together and show the world what you are made of. Don't tell me a bunch of stupid boys will stop you.

-You're right! No boy will stop me! - My confidence gets a boost after the speech.

-Get them, Sparkle!

-Roger that! - I salute and leave the kitchen to participate in today's challenge.-I know now. I know what I want. 

Cut to the challenge

We all gathered in the theatre. Chris came dressed as a pirate and tried to speak as one, which made me giggle. I decided to stand next to Bri, who greeted me with a bright smile.

-What's under the sheet?- Geoff asked, pointing at a huge stack placed on the boards.

-All in good time, laddie. Who here has a-hankerin' for a good ol' fashion treasure hunt? Now, this treasure hunt's got a twist, mates. What you're looking for isn't hidden, and it isn't treasured.- Chris explains.

-If there's no treasure, then what's with the eye patch and the plastic parrot?- Duncan points out.

-Arr, shiver me timbers! Good question, me boy. You're looking for keys to a treasure chest! Inside each of these chests is a treasure that will pamper your landlubbers and one of these chests will even give you invincibility! Ha har! Now come 'round and pull a clue out of this bucket or you'll have to walk the plank! - Chris pulls out a sack with clues. All of us drew one.

I look at mine and realize it has a fridge drawn on it. I smile happily, knowing where to look and how easy it will be. My joy is taken tho, as soon as Chris places a hand on my shoulder.

-Oh, no, no, no. No way, Alexandra.


-I said no. Now swap your clue with someone else.

-Fine- I roll my eyes. I look towards the other contestants, who don't know what to do.

-Alright losers, move it. If you don't help her, I will. That's what friends do right, Alexandra? - Heather smiles at me.

-First of all, you realize it's not helping. And second of all, I'm not your friend. Even though I'm not mean, it doesn't make me your friend.

-Just swap those clues already.- Chris nudges me.

I take a picture from Heather, and she takes mine. My good humor disappears when I see a snake image. Why Chris has to make it hard for me?

-Gee, thanks, Chris.- I sigh.

-To your service Alexandra, it looks like you are not in the best mood today.- He laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

-Whatever.- I mumble.

-Hands off McLean.- Duncan threatens.

Chris leaves me and adjusts his fake parrot. He yet again stands on the boards and says.

-These clues will tell ye where your key bestowed.- He clarifies.

-Ah, what, bear?! - Owen panics.

-I was hoping you'd get that one, dude. - Chris comments and turns towards Heather- Haha, Chef's fridge. Nice. I hear he brushes it daily for fingerprints. Couldn't let Alexandra has it too easy could I? She would steal all your fun, Heather.- Then he moves to Geoff- That there is the septic tank. For the washrooms.- He addresses all of us this time-All you scallywags, go find your keys and bring them back by six p.m. Eastern Standard Time to open up your chest and get your loot! Fair thee well, young scallywags.


Heather: I don't know who came up with these lame-o challenges, and memo to Chris. Those pirate tights do not exactly flatter your legs. Savvy?

Owen: Woohoo! I am all about the treasure hunt! Yes! The bears are a little concerning, but there's a treasure!

Duncan: Princess seems down today, maybe I can help it somehow. And just so you know I don't really care that much, it's just that I always get what I want, alright?

Alexandra: I don't know what got into me. I've never been this frosty towards Chris. I should have had more sleep last night. Skipping breakfast was a bad idea as well. Besides, I'm so tense Trent is right here. After what I said last night I can't even look in his direction. My confidence is gone. I'm really in trouble.

I take a deep breath and look up. I lock eyes with Trent and immediately turn away.

-Alexandra...- I can hear him call, and just like that I chicken out. I run away like a coward.

With Islanders

-Mind explaining?- Gwen says to Trent.


-Don't act stupid, Alexandra literally ran away from you. - She adds.

-No you must have imagined that. -Trent looks away.

-Alright guitar boy I'm fed up. What have you done? - Duncan joins the convo.

-Look whose speaking, as if you were an angel towards her. Look at yourself firstly, juvie. - Trent points at Duncan.

-What did you just say? Should I remind you, idiot, that you're the one she is escaping from?

-She's not! -Trent exclaims.

-You're worse than I thought, you can't even admit the truth.

-As if you did treat her right! You are the one that hurt her. Don't you realize you, bastard, how much she was crying because of your bitchy treatment!

-I'm killing you! - Duncan tries to punch Trent, but DJ quickly catches his arm.

-Man, don't do something you'll regret.

-Quit it, both of you!- Bridgette stands between them. -How old are you five?! Alexandra is a person, not an object, so start treating her like one. As for you Trent, I have no idea what happened, but it doesn't give you the right to pick up a fight with Duncan. Duncan, can you just for once act like a civilized human being?

-Stop telling me what to do! - Duncan scoffs.

-Oh right, that's it, playboy. You either shut up, or I'll kick your ass myself.- Leshawna pipes up.

-Show me what you've got then!

-Stop!!!! - Geoff holds Leshawna back.- Dudes, do you really think Alexandra would approve of that? She doesn't like fights, especially if it's because of her. We all like her, and we all know it, so can we maybe live peacefully with that fact?

-Yes, listen to, Geoff. What do you think will she feel when she finds out about that? -Bridgette adds.

-You can act all buddy buddy but without me.- Duncan backs off.

-Guys, I just want this thing to stay between Alex and me. I got carried away, but you have no right to pry. - Trent leaves the area and Gwen runs after him.

-Maybe we should all go our own ways.- Leshawna decides.-Bridgette are you with me?

-Yeah...- She shuffles after her, but gives Geoff a long stare before leaving.

-You're with me then, buddy.- DJ pats Geoff.

-Yeah, sure.- Geoff answers, looking after Bridgette.


Heather: Perfect! Now that she's sad and shaken, I can make my move. She'll be on my side in no time just wait. Those losers are falling apart on their own. Geoff and Bridgette? It's so obvious they hide something. 


Will Heather finally succeed?

What will Trent do in this situation?

Will anyone do their challenge?

Find out next time on Total Drama Island!


I'm so not good with keeping this story regular now. My apologies guys. I hope I'll find new power to keep it going. Even though I have ideas I don't always have the time and energy to write them all down. Like always thanks for your feedback.

-Midnight Cure 

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