Hermione Malfoy?! (Dramione)

By lttlmssknwtll

680K 14.9K 6.8K

The Wizarding War is over. Voldemort is dead. The Wizarding World is now peaceful. Wizards and Witches are st... More

I. Not-so-perfect START
II. Back to School
III. Semper
IV. Early Rejections
V. Farewell
VI. Brunette for a Friend
VII. A Towel and A Book
VIII. Chocolates, Brooms, Hexes
IX. Potentials
X. Happy Birthday, Beaver
XI. Sweet Secret
XII. Night of Pranks
XIII. Gorgeous Witch at the Ball
XIV. Holidays at the Manor
XV. Holidays and Muggles Everywhere
XVI. Holidays and Being Ready
XVII. Ferret, being a ferret
XVIII. Realization Comes Over
XIX. Rejection of the Prince
XX. Leaving Hogwarts with a Tear
XXII. 428th Quidditch World Cup
XXIII. A Phone Call
XXIV. One of a kind Fiancé
XXV. Memories and Humor
XXVI. Truth or Dare
XXVII. Ring at Eiffel Tower
XXVIII. Brightest Witch & Master of Potions
XXIX. Regrets of the Badboy
XXX. Not a little too LATE
XXXI. Match of a Malfoy and a Krum
XXXII. Odiumtentia: Hate Potion
XXXIII. Annual Christmas Ball
XXXIV. Superstitions
XXXV. Silver Garter
Author's Note

XXI. Two Years Later

14.8K 341 194
By lttlmssknwtll


Hermione's POV

Dizziness came over me again. I just apparated from our muggle house in Australia. Now, I'm facing the familiar manor I used to go. I knocked on the door and a familiar girl opened it.

"Hermione!" the girl I used to hate greeted me and hugged me.

"Hello!" I said and hugged. back.

"They're inside. Blaise, Luna, Neville, Lavender and Ginny." Pansy uttered. I entered the Parkinson Manor. It was quite big. From afar, I already heard their laughs, and voices. We entered the sitting room where we usually stay.

"Hi girls! - and guys." I greeted and we laughed. I sat next to Ginny. Oh, this just served as a reunion after couple of tiring months.

"Hermione! You look so exhausted." Pansy muttered. I just came from a quidditch practice and then apparated to our house to change my dress before going here.

"Oh, well. What do you expect? We're from quidditch practice." Ginny retorted, grinning and in just a wave of Pansy's wand, my hair was put into a bun and my face has a light makeup, already.

"Awesome. By the way, how's your beauty salon?" I said looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"It was good. The eleventh branch will open next month. It was on Paris, France." Pansy answered. She was currently managing her beauty salon.

"Oh, it was the opening of my seventh branch, it was on France, also. It was three weeks from now." Lavender uttered. She was known for the best gowns and dresses used for every occasion.

"Great! We can come!" Ginny said while looking at the clock.

"I can't come guys. I have my duties as a professor. I mean, three weeks before first day of classes, we must be present at Hogwarts. Minerva will be angry at me if I didn't come." Neville uttered. It was now his second year of being the professor for Herbology. We heard a knock on the door and Pansy got to her feet to open it.

"I won't be there also. I'll have a research with my fellows. I'll tour around Asia and it'll start next week." Luna said. She was now a famous naturalist.

"But don't miss the finals of Quidditch World Cup!" Ginny exclaimed. Yes, next week, we'll be playing with the Irish National Team. They won the cup six times and we are truly blessed that we reached the finals. Me, my boyfriend and Ginny were former seeker, keeper and chaser of Puddlemere United but the manager of English National Team asked us if we can play for the team and we grabbed the opportunity, after all, it was an honor.

"Ofcourse, we won't miss it!" Luna and Neville said. Our attention was grabbed by Blaise when he salute on Merlin knows who behind us. We turned around to see my two bestfriends and my boyfriend. Blaise and Ron were now aurors of the ministry and Harry was their head.

"You don't really have to miss it. It would be a great match." That man muttered, smirking. The man who made me happy for two long years in despite of numerous problems I faced. That certain man sat beside me.

"Hi hon!" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Hello hon. It was just hours but you already missed me." Oliver said, smiling.

"Sorry, we're late. We just enjoyed talking with the other members of the team." Harry said. Yes, after our quidditch practice, We left Oliver, Harry and Ron on the field where they had a chance to talk the our co-members.

"Yeah. Bloody hell, they were kind and very professional. Even Dawn Withey was bloody hot!" Ron exclaimed that earned him a slap from Lavender.

"I see, but-" but before I can continue what will I say, a house elf appeared in front of us.

"Mistress Parkinson told Lucy to tell Madame Parkinson and friends that dinner is served." a house elf dressed in maid clothes said.

"Okay Lucy." Pansy uttered and in a snap, Lucy disapparated.

"Let's go, dinner's served." Pansy said and led us to the dining room. Stood in the corner of the room was Pansy's mom.

"All right, eat as long as you want." Pansy's mom said and smiled before walking out of the room.

"So, how was your training?" Luna asked while putting some pasta on her plate.

"Quite tiring, we need to train hard because it was my first time to enter the world cup and our first time to enter the finals, it might be the last." I said, grinning. I poured some wine on the goblet beside my plate.

"Ofcourse, it won't be the last, hon. After all, you're an excellent seeker." Oliver uttered before biting a bread roll.

"Hon, hon, hon. . So cheesy!" Lavender screamed and we all laughed. I just can't help but to blush.

"Two years have passed and still as sweet as the first day." Ginny giggled while picking what part of chicken she'll eat.

"Stop it, Gin!" I muttered and I don't know whether to blush or not. "

"Duh, Hermione! You're blushing and your smile was from ear to ear!" Pansy said in a hoity toity manner. Our conversation was stopped when a tap on the window was heard. It was the familiar owl, owl of McGonagall. Pansy got to her feet to get the letter or I must say letters.

"Hmm. One for you and another one for you." Pansy spoke and gave me and Oliver different parchments.

Ms. Granger,

Would you mind visiting Hogwarts? I want to catch up to you if you would allow me. You can come at seven.

Headmistress McGonagall

"McGonagall wants to talk to me." I told them, still looking at the parchment I'm holding.

"Me too. McGonagall said that she will ask something." Oliver uttered. "She also told me to come there at seven."

"Yes, she told me that too. We need to apparate in ten minutes." I said curiously. What will McGonagall tell us?

"I'll come also. I wanna say something to Minerva." Neville uttered.

"Well, let's just continue eating." Blaise said. Our conversation and dinner didn't last long. After few minutes of chatting, Neville, Oliver and I said our goodbyes before apparating to the front gate of Hogwarts.

"How I miss this castle." I muttered, smiling. Slowly, Oliver held my hand.

"Let's go." Neville said. We headed to the Headmistress' Office.

"Hello, Ms. Granger and Mr. Wood. What brings you here?" the man in half-moon spectacles asked.

"Hi Professor! McGonagall called us." I told the man who was sitting pretty on his chair in the portrait.

"Oh-here comes your headmistress." Dumbledore uttered, showing a half smirk and a half smile.

"Goodevening, Ms. Granger, Mr. Wood, and . . Neville? Did I also owled you?" McGonagall asked in furrowed eyebrows. She wa

"Erm. Minerva . . I just wanna ask if I could watch the Quidditch World Cup?" Neville asked.

McGonagall glanced at me and Oliver before answering Neville. "Ofcourse Neville, you can. . . and you may go to your office and read the new book of Herbology for the first years." Neville went out of the office after waving a goodbye on us.

"So, I'll start with Ms. Granger, Madam Hooch will have her early retirement. I want to ask if you can teach the first years on their flying lessons and do Madam Hooch's role. If you just want to." McGonagall said.

"Ofcourse Professor. I would love to." I said grinning. I won't reject the offer. It would be an honor to replace Madam Hooch.

"Thankyou my dear." McGonagall said and I nodded.

"And you, Mr. Wood, Professor Flitwick can't make it this year and you promised me that you'll be his substitute. Would you take my offer?" McGonagall uttered. Oliver glance at me before gazing back to McGonagall.

"Sure. It would be an honor, Professor." Oliver said, having a small smile.

"Thankyou and you two can call me Minerva." McGonagall said.

"U-uh yes, ofcourse, Mi-Minerva." I said and chuckled.

"Yes, Hermione and Oliver, nice names huh?" McGonagall said jokingly.

"So-" Iwas about to say something but a knock on the door was heard.

"Come in!"McGonagall said.

"Oh, I'm sorry Minerva, did I disturb your conversation?" A beautiful brunette said, quite short but she's gorgeous.

"No, no. What's the matter?" McGonagall asked.

"It was the new book for first years. To be honest, it's not good." The girl in mid-twenty's said.

"Excuse us Minerva but we're going now." I said breaking their conversation. We must go now, we're like idiots standing here listening on their conversation.

"Yes, ofcourse. Uh, by the way, Johann, this is Oliver and Hermione, Oliver and Hermione, this is Johann." McGonagall muttered, smiling a bit. I looked at Oliver that was gazing at her from head to toe.

"Hello, I am Madam Hermione, Hermione Granger, I'll be the one who will teach the flying lessons." I said, offering my hand. She shook it.

"Your name was quite familiar. By the way, I am Johann, Professor Johann Jardine, teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts." the woman told me.

"And you are?" Johann asked but Oliver isn't listening, he was just gazing at the gorgeous girl before us. I just poked him in the cheek to wake him up on his senses.

"Oh, sorry. I am Oliver, Professor Oliver Wood, I'll be teaching Charms." Oliver said and shook her hands.

"I know now. You two were members of the English National Quidditch Team. Nice meeting you, I'm a great fan." Johann said, smiling. It was very flattering when moments like this happens.

"Thankyou. Oh, I think it's time for us to leave." I said.

"Yes, Oliver, go back here tomorrow. You can go with Neville." McGonagall uttered and Oliver only nodded.

"Hermione, I'll just owl you for the first flying lessons." She continued.


"Thanks Minerva." We said in unison before waving a goodbye and going out of the office. I just heard them muttering something about brightest witch of the age. I went out of Hogwarts with Oliver.

"Hon. I'll apparate straight to our house. Goodbye." I said before kissing him on the cheek. He said goodbye and with a snap, I apparated.


I faced the gate of our five-storey house. I opened the gate and headed straight to the dining room.

"-rupt. This can't happen! I'm telling you Dan. I never thought in my whole business life that 'Hermione' will be like this!" My mom exclaimed at the top of her lungs.

"Jean, calm down! We'll do everything to fix this. Just don't tell our daughter about this." My dad replied.

"What? What are you saying dad? Mom? What's happening to the company?" I asked them but they only fell into silence. Their face was full of shock that I almost heard everything they're saying.

"Answer me!" I shouted but they still ignored my question.

"No-nothing my dear. I'll just go to my office. Goodnight." My mom said and kissed me on the cheek before going to her office.

"Ye-yeah. Your mom's right. Everything was okay. I'll just go to bed, I'm already sleepy ." My dad muttered, kissing me on the forehead before walking out of the room. What the hell was happening? I just got to my feet and went straight to my room. I took a shower and wore my usual night gown. Just few minutes later, I fell into a deep sleep.


It was the day before the world cup. We just finished a whole day practice and I was very exhausted. I was on my way to Oliver's house for dinner with Johann. Oliver and Johann went straight on the house and I stopped by our house to change my dress. As far as I know, Johann was the closest friend of Oliver in Hogwarts. Maybe because they're the only professors that's almost in the same age, aside from Neville. I apparated to Oliver's house and in a click, I was there, facing their house. It was lit by the moon that was shining brightly behind those dark clouds. I knocked on the door and moments later, Oliver opened it.

"Hi Hon!" he greeted.

"Hello." I replied and he gestured for me to come in. We went on the sitting room and there was Johann, sitting on the couch.

"Goodevening Hermione!" She greeted.

"Goodevening Johann, so how was the Hogwarts professors?" I asked, starting the conversation.

"Good. Oliver was very welcomed! And a lot of old professors said that they like Oliver a lot. Right Oli?" She said laughing. Oli?

"Yeah. You don't need to say that! It's quite embarrasing." Oliver said.

"And you know what Hermione, the first day of his job, he just continued on having a defect on his speech. I don't know whether to laugh or what!" Johann said. She acts as if she knows everything about Oliver. I was supposed to be jealous but daggers didn't stab my heart, I'm not hurted at all. In fact, I was only staring at them, smiling, as if they are the couple, not me and Oliver.

"No! Don't listen to that pig, 'Mione! It only happened once." Oliver said but still focusing his gaze on Johann.

"Oh, Listen to me Hermione! Not to that lizard. I was the one who tells you the truth!" Johann muttered, laughing her stomach out. They look like an old couple reminiscing about their past. I don't know why but I'm not jealous, even if I think that I'm jealous, my heart says I'm not.

"Hon, Johann. I gotta go now. I forgot something important to do. I'm so sorry. I really have to go. Bye!" I pretended. I didn't wait for them to speak. I kissed their cheeks before running out of the house. Without thinking second thoughts, I apparated straight to my room. I want to rest now. I changed to pajamas before laying down to my bed.

Two years have passed by since I graduated from Hogwarts. All of us have a decent life now. Ginny and I were already players. Harry, Ron and Blaise were finally aurors. Luna and Neville already reached their dreams. Even Pansy and Lavender were very successful with their businesses. Everything is now alright. My life was perfectly fine, but am I sure that it will be fine if I'm with Oliver? A while ago, I just saw Oliver that was truly happy with Johann. I don't know why but something went inside my head. Why am I not jealous? I'm not really hurt. What if I treat Oliver only as a brother? That even after two years with him, I only looked at him as my big brother. I know that this is not the feeling of being in love. Not the one I've been feeling for Draco before he rejected me and even after two years,

I think, I'm still inlove with him.


Achoochoo! HIHI. Chapter 21 posted. OMG :D

HALALA :''') That 'Next-Chapter-is-already-the-epilogue' drama isn't true :)) HAHA. I'm just kidding.

Picture on the right . . Parkinson Manor.

This Chapter is dedicated to @BrokenGirl17. Loveyah :DD

@CoolJCRocks : HAHAHAHAHA. Johann Jardine, professor of DADA ;)

Next Chapter . . . . . . maybe Thursday or Friday? =))

Next Dedication . . . . . . the most lovely comment of this chapter. HAHA =)))))

I just joined pottermore. If you would like to add me. It's RedCrimson414 =D



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