The Bloom Titan (1/2)

Par Supreme_Noeva

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The waves crash onto the golden sand, leaving foam on the shore as it pulls back. It is a special day, as a g... Plus

CH.1: The Adori Manor
CH.2: Devastated and Alone
CH.3: Bad Dreams
CH.4: Goodbye Home
CH.5: On the Run
CH.6: More Friends and Foes
CH.7: The Final Tests
CH.8: The Night of The Ceremony
CH.9: All Hell has Returned
CH.10: Promise
CH.11: The Forgotten
CH.12: Roses
CH.13: Strange Power
CH.14: Humanity's Last Hope
CH.15: Relief for Trost.
CH.16: Trial to Determine Life or Death
CH.17: The Special Operations Squad.
CH.18: An Expedition Outside The Walls
CH.19: Ghost on our Trail
CH.20: The Female Titan
CH.21: A Pain Filled Cry
CH.22: Failure or Success?
CH.23: Counter Attack
CH.24: Plan B
CH.25: Fire Against Fire
CH.26: Danger Within Wall Rose
CH.27: More Like Us
CH.28: Cold hands
CH.29: Traitors in our Midst
CH.30: The Repeat
CH.31: Bloom
CH.32: Rare Encounter
CH.33: New-found Power
CH.34: Sweet Failure
CH.35: New Grounds
CH.37: Body Double Mission
CH.38: Distant Memory
CH.39: Distant Memory (Pt.2)
CH.40: Mission Failed
CH.41: The Cave of Crystal
CH.42: Ritual
CH.43: A Massive Problem
CH.44: Against a Giant
CH.45: Action
CH.46: Kenny Ackerman
CH.47: Queen Historia
CH.48: Answers
CH.49: Arielle Harper and Dr. Jeager
CH.50: Understanding
CH.51: The Night Before Hell
CH.52: The Lands We Once Called Home
CH.53: The Return of the Traitors
CH.54: Nobility
CH.55: Grace
CH.56: Tranquillity
CH.58: Numbness
CH:59: Discovery of the Unknown
CH.60: Outside the Walls
CH.61: Malice
CH.62: The Restorationists
CH.63: Blessings and Paradise.
CH.64: The Angel of Destruction
CH.65: The Curse of Ymir
CH.66: An Extra Traitor
CH:67: The Funeral for the Fallen Heroes
CH.68: February 8th, 851
CH.69: Dream

CH.57: Elegance

138 7 1
Par Supreme_Noeva

(Hello! I just wanted to recommend a song to play during this chapter. It reminded me of Ezlyn and gave me the perfect idea for this part. It's called 'Mother's Daughter' by Miley Cyrus. Start playing it now if you can. Thx)

I drive my dagger across my hand as everyone starts lining up their horses for a suicide charge, lead by the commander himself, Erwin Smith.

Lightning hit's me and I transform into my Titan. Pressure and heat surrounding me as I grow in height.

I open my eyes, relieved that I can see out of both eyes again and go to create a sword and shield, just like I was ordered to.

My hands glow yellow and white objects emmerge from the steam. I made a rose sword and shield then coated it with blue crystal so it was impossible for boulders to break through it.

I notice all the recruits start to charge towards the Beast Titan so, I follow them in a normal walk, keeping up with them perfectly with my long strides.

The Beast Titan has no chance against me and Levi, we're both Humanity's Strongest Soldiers and the Beast is at a disadvantage because of my height and abilities and because of Levi's swiftness and agility.

"Charge!" Commander Erwin shouts at the top of his lungs. They all let out war cry's so I let out a deafening roar with them. The Beast lifts up his hand ready to throw rocks at us. "Now! Fire!" Commander Erwin orders. All the recruits lift up their flare guns and fire green signals.

"It's coming, move!" I yell, my voice being echoey and mature like it usually is in Titan form. They all move into formation as the Beast launches it's boulders at us. I lift my shield up to cover my face and chest. My mind wanders to how the commander explained this mission...

"I'm announcing our final operation! All troops, line up!" Erwin orders. All the recruits that were silently crying to themselves look up with an astonished look on their faces.

They all do as their told and sluggishly get into five rows in front of their three superiors, Erwin, Levi and I. Erwin clears his throat and stands up straight.

"We will be doing a cavalry charge. Our goal: To rush the Beast Titan. Of course, we'll be making ourselves ideal targets. So we'll wait until he's ready to throw and fire our smoke signals together. That should reduce his accuracy somewhat. Captain Ezlyn will be close behind us in her Titan form so the Beast Titan will focus on her. While we're acting as a decoy, Captain Levi will kill the Beast Titan with Ezlyn. That is our plan." He finishes.

A girl in the front row falls to her knees and starts spewing. I look at her with pity. 'Poor girl'.

"Standing and waiting just means we'll be showered by more boulders. Get ready on the double!" Erwin adds. None of them move.

"Are we all... heading... to our deaths?" Floch, who was also in the front row, pipes up.

"Yes." Erwin comfirms. Tears begin to well in Floch's eyes.

"If we're gonna die anyways, you're saying it's better... if we die fighting?" He asks, his voice wavering.

"Yes." Erwin says plainly. Floch smirks and stares at the ground.

"Wait... If we're gonna die anyways, no matter how we die, even if it's disobeying orders, it all means nothing, right?" He laughs humorlessly.

"You're precisely right." Erwin looks at him with dead eyes. All the recruits gasp. "It's all meaningless. No mater what dreams or hopes you had... No matter how blessed a life you've lived... It's all the same if you're shredded by rocks. Everyone will die someday. Does that mean life is meaningless? Was there even any meaning in our being born? Would you say that of our fallen comrades? Their lives... Were they meaningless?" Commander Erwin scrunches up his face.

"No, they weren't! It's us who gives meaning to our comrade's lives! The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them are us, the living! We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives! That is the sole method in which we can rebel against this cruel world!"

"My soldiers, rage! My soldiers, scream! My soldiers, fight!" I hear the commander yell at the top of his voice.

Boulders clunck against the crystal on my shield and they all fall to my feet. I lower my shield to see half of the soldiers that were in the charge, lying dead on the ground with holes in them. I spotted a white horse and a blonde commander lying dead aswell.

Rage builds up inside of me again and I drag my sword on the ground behind me, churning up the ground as I walk. I look up at the Beast Titan with my glowing green eyes with a glower.

He picks up another boulder and crunches it up in his hand. He gets ready to throw again. "Fire!" I order at the top of my lungs, as a fire burned inside of me. They all listen and fire more green flares to distract the monkey from Levi, who was currently wiping out all the Titans that stood to the right of the Beast so we could kill him.

The Beast Titan launches his boulders at us once again and I raise my shield and armour my shins with crystal. Once again, fragments of boulder hit my shield and fall to the ground shortly after.

I lower my shield and raise my sword so it's resting on my shoulder. There was hardly any recruits left and I saw the resting faces of many of my new squadmates. Aksel, Cosette, Zarah and Elias lay dead on the ground.

At least they are in a better place than this god forsaken world.

I let Ebony use Zip for the charge as he had good instincts and could possibly keep her alive. It's selfish but she's worth too much. She's like me. Strong and she seems to be a natural born leader too, adding to her worth as a soldier. Elias was an acception too but he-

I notice a familiar looking horse and girl with holes right through them like honeycomb. Zip and... Ebony lay dead. Ebony had a single tear falling down her bloodstained face with a look of terror painted on it.

I grit my teeth and look up at the Beast Titan once more. He was raising his fist ready to throw another batch of rocks. "Fire!" I yell, the flame in me growing out of control. Green flares went up and so did my shield. I cover my face and chest and listen to the screams of the last recruits mixed with the clunking of the rocks hitting my shield.

I lower my broad protector and scan the area for any remaining soldiers. None. Not a single one was alive as they were moments ago. It was just me, the Beast Titan and Levi who was finishing of the last Titan with ease.

I smile evily as the Beast Titan glares at me. "What are you doing? You know fine well you're one of our main targets." He talks. He can talk?!

"Oh, I'm just gonna send you to hell. Thats all." I reply looking down at him. I was standing at least fifty meters away from the stupid monkey.

"Before you do that, are you Ezlyn Harper?" He asks out of the blue.

"Yes, but that doesn't matter because your gonna-"

"You've been brainwashed." He states. A frown knits my eyebrows together.

"Excuse me?"

"You've been brainwashed by your parents Arielle Harper and Grisha Jeager." It makes me even more angry at my mothers name being mentioned.

"How'd you know they're even my parents?!" I demand, swinging my sword out to my side.

"I recognise the fire in your eyes. You got that from Grisha Jeager and you look alot like your mother." I grit my teeth.

"Levi! Now!" I wail. On queue Levi fly's past the barrier of green smoke and the monkey roars and goes to knock him out of the air with his claws but Levi dodges and twists round his arm, dragging his swords along the flesh as he goes round at incredible speed.

I pull myself out of the nape and quickly check my gear so I can help Levi. It was all fit and in good condition so I jumped off my Titan and attached my achors onto his shin.

I use my gas and connect my blades with his ankle while Levi gets the other one. The Beast Titan falls to the ground and lands on his chin. I hook onto the Beast Titans remaining hand and slice it into tiny bite-sized chunks.

Levi lands on the nape and starts lashing out on it, cutting at the flesh violently with his blades. He then lets out a final war cry and slashes at the nape once more. A topless man with a blonde beard comes out and Levi stuffs his mouth with his sharp blade.

"After transforming, if your body's severely damaged, it's too busy healing to let you transform. Isn't that right?" Levi pushes his sword through the mans skin that was below his right eye.

"Hey, answer me. Learn some manners." Levi growls. I stand up on the nape, keeping a look out for any danger. We could try revive someone with the syringe Levi was entrusted with and have them eat the monkey guy. Just... anyone.

The ground below us begins to shake and the steam parts revealing the quadruped Titan. Levi jumps out the way on time, grabbing me in the process. The strange Titan takes the monkey guy in it's mouth and starts running away towards the wall.

I knit my eyebrows together and launch an anchor towards it, but it misses.

"Hey... Where are you going? Stop..." Levi mutters, stumbling forward.

"All of you get them!" I hear the monkey man order. All the Titans that were standing still snap their heads round to face us. They all begin to charge towards us.

"Levi! Snap out of it!" I wail, looking back at the vanquished captain. The Titans draw closer and I draw a new pair of blades.

"Wait... I made a promise to him... that I'd kill you no matter what." He snaps out of it and draws a new pair of blades. His face distorts with pure rage. "I promised!"

He goes right for the first Titan so I follow behind. I hook onto the closest Titan and whip round it's body full speed and connect my sword with it's nape and Titan blood splatters across my face.

I free fall for a moment before firing an anchor into the next on-coming Titan. I swing over its shoulder and warp round it's neck, my blades dragging cross the nape.

I'm not letting that damn monkey get away after killing literally the whole Survey Corps! He will pay!

Continuer la Lecture

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