The Vampire Prince ✓

By brownboiiii

262K 9.8K 1.2K

Book 1 of the supernatural world series "Hey! Get down you may slip and die!!" . . "Don't worry about me I'm... More

Before you read
Chapter 1 : Pilot
Chapter 2 : Invited
Chapter 3 : The Great City
Chapter 4 : Friendly Stranger
Chapter 5 : Date?
Chapter 6 : Avoiding Him
Chapter 7 : Exposed
Chapter 8 : Explanations
Chapter 9 : Flashbacks
Chapter 10 : Cursed
Chapter 11 : Awakened
Chapter 12 : The Rise of Venatores
Chapter 13 : The Great War
Chapter 14 : Miles Apart
Chapter 15 : Family Dearest
Chapter 16 : Official Date
Chapter 17 : Suffering
Chapter 18 : First time
Chapter 19 : Winters
Chapter 20 : Disapproval
Chapter 21 : PDA
Chapter 22 : The Red Room
Chapter 23 : Traitor
Chapter 24 : Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 25 : Don't Go Yet
Chapter 26 : Anew
Chapter 27 : The Royal Family
Chapter 28 : Marked
Chapter 29 : Captured
Chapter 30 : Transition
Chapter 31 : Vampire's Day Out
Chapter 32 : Sensual Lovers
Chapter 33 : Preparations
Chapter 34 : Founder's Day
Chapter 36 : Vacation
Chapter 37 : Demons of Past
Chapter 38 : The Attack-P1
Chapter 39 : The Attack-P2
Epilogue : Reconciled
Bonus - shorts
Bonus - Random shorts
Last Bonus

Chapter 35 : Birthday

4.4K 138 22
By brownboiiii

18 July 2021

Axel's pov:

The bright sunlight washed in through the bedroom window and
I woke up groaning as my muscles ached a bit due to the weird pattern we slept in.
I stretched myself and sighed in relief when my back cracked.
A smile made its way on my face as I noticed Nyx was still cuddled to my side.

His coffee coloured tanned skin glowed golden in the morning sunlight.
A knock rang through the room .

"May I come in?" A lady asked through the door.

"Come in." I said.

She must have brought breakfast with her.
I covered Nyx's naked body.

"Master Axel where should I keep your breakfast?" She asked.

I pointed to the table. She nodded.

"My name is Dahlia , please call out for me if you need anything sir. I'll be your personal servant." I nodded and she left.

It felt weird to be called that but I knew what I got myself into.
Nyx was still dead asleep , I shook him slightly and he stirred awake.
He stretched like a cute kitten and looked at me groggily with dreamy eyes.

"This is how you wake me up , I was expecting a morning blowjob
" He teased his eyes still closed.

I smirked and got under the covers .
He shivered and then gasped loudly when I blowed on his morning wood and then took it whole in my mouth.

Needless to say he got exactly what he wanted.

"Oh. My . God. Please , make this a daily occurrence." He prayed.

"It can be if you look this adorable everyday." I shrugged.

" I don't look cute everyday?" He asked scoffing.

"No. Remember the day when I woke up to a stone face?" I teased and he groaned.

"That called a face pack you idiot."

"Whatever but sometimes you wake up like you're gonna murder someone." I snickered at the day before yesterday's memory.

" I told you I need my sleep." He waved his hands around with every word he spoke.

After brushing our teeth we both sat at the bathtub filled with scents.

Our breakfast which was a fruit bowl with apple juice which we brought it to the bathroom and fed it to each other as we relaxed.

Nyx and I sat in the hot water enjoying each other's presence.
Just relaxing nothing sexual.

I sighed , I cant believe how my life changed so drastically.

"How?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. I don't mind him being in my mind ,not at all but I'm still not used to it.

"Ok ok sorry. Next time I'll warn you." He said smiling sheepishly.

"You'll warn me to invade my own mind. How nice of you Nyxiebear." I said in annoyingly sweet tone.

"Fine jeez. So much sarcasm in the morning." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"I was saying how my life changed so drastically . Like one moment I was depressed, alcohol addicted workaholic person grinding himself with stress and then the next moment I'm a vampire with the love of my life and my soulmate in the position of a king's consort. "

He smiled at my words and answered.

" I'm glad I found you. I was in the same position as well. A psycho killer , and a workaholic. I was living a toxic life and it didn't change until I met you.

It's funny how we met a long time ago and it's nearly going to be a year now.
Which I realised we missed your birthday in that drama.

But not digging any past. We are good and I wouldn't change this for anything. Thank you for coming into my life Axel. Thank you for keeping me rooted. I love you and I fall for you more each day."he confessed and my heart swelled up by his confession.

I slowly leaned down and kissed him passionately.

After we were done with our bath which took longer than expected because someone was horny we decided to get out.
As we got dressed into our normal day outfits , Nyx pointed out something at the window.
I went and looked outside to find a giant fair that stood on an empty ground in front of the castle.

"Where did that come from!" I exclaimed.

"It was there but it opened today and will be till the next week.
Today we'll go there and spend our day there then from tonight onwards the party will begin.

Then tomorrow we'll sleep in late then go wandering around the city then party again and then my birthday obviously, a party itself.

It's gonna be hell lot of fun! Trust me you'll enjoy this." He grinned as he told me this.

He's excited for his birthday just because I'm here ,I knew that as his mind clearly told.

" Well I saw people celebrating their birthday in a grand manner but you sure outdid yourself"I  teased.

His expression changed and he glared at me.
" Wow you think that cheap of me, my people give me this I don't organise it!"he snarled and with his speed he hid inside the closet.

I was taken aback, he never got offended by those small jokes.
Then I heard it , a small giggle.
Ohk damn.
I was really scared that he was angry. He got me but atleast I know he was playing.

My Dramatic ass boyfriend and his childishness.

I could never trade this happiness for anything. Knowing Nyx's past I would never let go of his childish behaviour .

I moved to the closet and knocked on it.

"I'm sorry baby will you please forgive me?" Another muffled giggle.

" No you are an asshole and you hurt me!"he said monotonously , but then he snickered he thinks I can't hear him laughing.
Or maybe he does , he's just testing it.

"Ohk  what should I do so you will come out?" I asked.

"I don't care! Do whatever." He said.

"Well I guess the trip I planned to Mauritius as your birthday gift will go wasted. I thought you wanna go there " I said in fake sad tone.

" What?!? Really?!"there was soft thud means he fell or something.

" Yeah. But it doesn't matter now , does it? "I joked.

" Fine I forgive you only because you are taking me to Mauritius !" He said loudly ,  happy and excited.

"Ok if you forgave me will you come out now?"I asked.

" Wait a minute! Move aside I'm coming out." And then the door opened he stepped out with something tied to his neck, a pride flag? Where did he get that from ?

"Move away bitch, I come out of the closet as Axel-sexual!" He said in a most serious tone.

Then flicked his hair with his right hand and then bent it like your typical gay hand and stood with his left hand on his waist.

I burst out laughing and he cracked a smile.

"God you are a dork!!! " I howled in laughter again.

"I'm your dork!" He chuckled.

"You are so dramatic!" I kissed him

"You love me still!"he said grinning.

" That I do , and so much it hurts me physically staying away from you!" And kissed him again passionately.
I hate the part where we have to let each other go. I can kiss him forever.

" I love you too!"he smiled.

" Let's go to the fair then shall we?"I asked and he nodded.

He started going out and I pulled him by the flag around his neck.

" Seriously? Like this?" I deadpanned and he blushed.

" God what is happening to me? I act like a reckless idiot sometimes."he mumbled as pulled away everything and stood in his baby suit, that is butt naked.

"*Sigh* I could get used to this." I said as I stared at his naked bum .

After getting dressed we went to the fair and spent the whole day roaming around ,eating and enjoying rides.
People looked shocked that Nyx was hanging out around them without eating someone's head off.

What surprised them more that the Nyx no one can face and order around was being ordered by me.
How? I kept him sane or He would go insane.

Like he went nutsy cuckoo over cotton candy.

"Only one, not more than that. You get weird hyper when you have sugar rush." I warned and he pouted but agreed.
Yet ended up eating 7 Cotton candies ,god knows how?!
And then ended up 'riding' the roller coaster instead of riding it.
Like riding it like a horse without a seatbelt.

God , what an idiot?!

I don't know what that ride is called which you know goes in circles and you shave to stick close to the walls. He was running and jumping in the middle of it like some asian martial artist.
He's going crazy. Gotta take him back .
I got ahold of him and literally dragged him back all the way to the castle.
After we returned to his room.

I flopped on the bed exhaling loudly
I just wanna sleep now.
It was 9ish something and we had dinner before coming up.

Nyx came out changing into new jeans and flannel.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Ask where are we going.
Which but the way let's go!! We have a party to attend." He said excitedly.

"What party?!" I asked dramatically.

"My party ofcourse.
Come on , the party starts now!!!!!!" He screamed and I groaned.
I changed and followed him down.
We came down to the first floor and loud music and cheers could be heard.
The lights were off and disco lights could be seen in the corner halls of the first floor.
He took my hand and started walking towards the hall

" When I told you the party gets crazy ,I meant this." He said as he turned and entered the room ,me following behind him.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the long empty Ball room filled with people dancing and drinking.
A big DJ in the corner, a huge table for snacks and a bar for drinks.

"This is just the dancing part. The other part is on the other room." He shouted over the loud music.

The rooms were interconnected from inside.

"This part of the castle is for adults. That side is for teens , don't worry both have guards to handle unnecessary situations." He told me.

We walked in the dance floor ,which was a whole ass room.

Tw: blood and smut ahead.

It was real crazy.

The smell of alcohol ,weed and sex lingered in the air.

People grinded on each other and the bartenders served drinks, weed and other crazy stuff.

"This is crazy!" I shouted at Nyx over the loud music.

He went through the crowd to the bar and grabbed a glass and gave it to me , we moved back into the crowd.

"Dance with me !" He said swaying.

(Play S&M by Rihanna)

Some frisky song was playing and I found myself pulling Nyx closer to my body.
The song was good and we found each other dancing real close to each other.

We danced and jumped around like crazy, drinking endless alcohol and out of nowhere Nyx got a joint and started smoking.
I didn't stopped him since it was his birthday.
We were having fun afterall.

Nyx went to the bar and stood on a stool catching attention of many.
I laughed softly as I saw him getting tipsy after his 26th or so glass.
Supernaturals and their drinking capacity.

He got himself a huge flask , around 5 feet tall and 6 inch wide glass filled with alcohol till it's brim.

He's gonna get pissed drunk ,I
knew that.

People around us cheered and started shouting "Chug! Chug! Chug!"

And Nyx being Nyx did it in a span of 35 seconds.
Everyone cheered and whistled and Nyx had a proud grin.

"Trust fall." He shouted and fell backwards in my arms.

"What if I didn't catch you?" I teased.

" Now now *hiccup* why would you drop my cute ass?"he asked grinning.

" True." I kissed his forehead.
And he bit my neck playfully.

"Getting naughty,aye?" I asked.

"Only for you darling." He smirked and  I sucked on his neck giving him a huge hickey just to mark what's mine and to keep him under control.

As things started to get heated, he stood up on his feet and asked me to follow him.

Then he took my hand and made his way through the crowd.
He brought me to the next separated room.
And oh my god , Lance wasn't lying about orgies and shit.

"That was the dance floor this is the unmated leisure room." He whispered in my ear.
People fucked here and there not caring who watched , who participated.
This was the unmated adult room and gosh I'm horny just by seeing this.
I could say sex was in the air.
Everyone was drunk and horny.
The music was playing here too and the room was lit up be red and purple lights just like a sex club.

People cheered as they saw Nyx entering  the inner circle.

"Here comes the star of the party."
Some guy shouted and Nyx shook his head.

"Not tonight Anderson. I have a mate now." He kissed me and people awwed around us and went back to what they were doing or who they were doing.

Nyx turned around and started kissing me and his hands slipped under my shirt.
We started making out passionately the air around us getting hot.
The music just added onto the mood.

I moved to his neck and he did to mine.
I bit him and felt him biting me .

We both moaned as we tasted each other's blood.
He removed himself his mouth covered in blood.

"Does this not feel like we're doing something illegal?" He asked his voice huskily sexy and I nodded my eyes hooded with lust for him.
He removed his shirt and now he was bare chested.
I roughly kissed him and he grinded onto me.
My shirt was opened too and my abs were clearly on sight.

People around us just cheered watching us.

Nyx glanced and removed himself from me and then he grabbed a small Twink like worker who was serving drinks and pulled him between us.

"How long have you been working love?" He asked this cute looking boy who had curly brown hair and green eyes.

"Since the evening prince Nyx." The boy said without fear looking directly at Nyx. He had this innocent aura around him and he was kinda cute.

Though I was still jealous of why he was between me and Nyx.

I think I knew what Nyx was upto and I didn't mind.

" Aww , Chris I told you not to over work yourself. Now do me a favour and then go rest ok?" He asked and Chris nodded.

"Are you well fed and healthy?" The boy nodded.

"Can we drink from you?" The boy's eyes dilated.

"Both of you?" He asked.

"We won't if you don't mind." He calmly stated.

"No , No prince Nyx I don't mind."he said smiling.
Then Nyx compelled him.
"Now you have nothing to fear as it's me, you trust me right? We'll just drink from you and make you feel good and you just enjoy it."
Nyx said and the boy smiled and relaxed immediately.

"Have at it just don't kill him, he's quite cute" He said and I growled

"You are still mine" He smiled and nodded.

"Always be yours but that doesn't mean we both can't have fun from someone together."he winked.

I rolled my eyes and he bit into that boy's right side and I was on the left side.

The boy moaned in pleasure as he grabbed mine and Nyx's head and pulled us closer.

His blood was sweet unlike other humans I've tasted probably because of his young age and diet but still nothing compared to my mates blood.
We removed ourselves as we drained him enough.

Nyx bit into his wrist and gave him some of his blood to heal.

"Please don't die ok?"The Nyx joked and Chris giggled.

"Come on enjoy." Nyx said and started dancing.
The boy sandwiched between us danced with us. We both would tease him or make him drink or cheer him up for his moves.

"Ok here you go. Go enjoy the party before you go." Nyx winked and did something on his wrist making a small circle which glowed red
That way if anyone asked they'd know he got Nyx's permission.
The boy ventured leaving me with him.

"Aren't we having fun?!" He asked and I nodded , it was indeed fun.

We found Lance and Dylan were here as well and finally having enough of dancing ,Nyx invited them to the living room upstairs and we all four sat and drank.
Talking and having fun, Nyx and Dylan giggling while talking to each other.

After a while Dylan and Nyx decided to come back down and dance by themselves .
Our naughty subs grinded on each other just to tease us.

Lance and I glanced at each other and shook our heads in amusement ,
We took our wards and let them
grind on ourselves instead of each other.

We danced and made out more and by the end of night Nyx was stumbling here and there bare chested ,his abs shone with the sweat trailing down his waistband. His tattoos making him look hot but him being drunk and tipsy was what made him look cute.
I gulped as I stared at his hot body and decided that he had enough.
I took his drunk ass back to our room.

" How much did you drink , vampires obviously need a  large amount to get drunk!" I scolded.

" I got drunk enough to do this !"he slurred and removed his jeans.

He stood in his black versace boxers.

Thank god we were on our floor and no one came here.
He jumped on me and started drinking from me without warning.
I stumbled a little but regained my composure by the help of a wall.

I took him to our room despite the pleasure that clouded my senses.

I would have fucked him in the hallway but I don't want his brother or sister or anyone to walk in on us doing freaky stuff.
As soon as I entered our room I closed the door and pushed him against it .

I kissed him roughly and then threw him on the bed.
I removed my clothes hastily and jumped on top of him.

My lips immediately captured his and in no time we started making out heavily.
He tore off his underwear , literally and threw it away.
His cock sprung up and hit me on the chest.
I trailed down his neck kissing and biting , licking his abs and tormenting his skin.
Leaving bruises as I gave attention to every possible part of his skin.

I slowly came face to face with his dick. He looked at me with lust filled eyes begging me to do something to give him relief.

I slowly lowered my mouth and he moaned as he felt the warmth engulf him.
I sucked on his manhood slowly and with passion.

Slowly licking up and down , kissing it and softly biting it while I held his hands and kept him in place as he writhed.
I was getting fun from it as I teased him slowly.
I took him out of my mouth and trailed down to his inner thighs I bit them and he released a high pitched moan.

I smirked.
He was sensitive here. I lifted his legs and slowly licked my way to his entrance .
He shuddered and after a while he was a moaning and panting mess as I  uncovered his most sensitive part.
He mumbled incoherent words and held onto my hairs so tight I feared they might break.

I moved back and inserted my fingers in him to see if he was lubed and lose enough
I aligned myself at his entrance and thrusted in him without warning.
He screamed in ecstasy as my cock hit his prostate on the first thrust.

I started fucking him slowly , making him feel every thrust as it went in and out  then increased my pace and started fucking him so fast his body shook and he let out moans of pleasure.
He was writhing under me and his body was wrecked.

I turned him on all four and slammed it in him again making him fall face first in bed.
His face was red and flustered and he kept moaning my name.
"Ahh ahh a-xel you feel- ah so good." He stuttered out.

I growled possesively and bit his earlobe and pulled him back by his hairs roughly.
I grabbed his hips and slammed it in him so hard that his eyes rolled back and his head tilted back in pleasures giving me all the access to his already bruised neck to abuse more.
I was nearing the end . He was too as he was leaking like a broken faucet.
With Nyx I knew one thing ,he would be near orgasm before me and would often wait for me.

"I'm near baby! Come with me!" I said and as soon as I came coating his insides ,he came with me shooting his load high in the air which flew and covered the bed and his chest.
As we came down from our high we collapsed onto the bed. We were so tired we fell asleep in the position we were in.
Me inside him and spooning him from behind.



(Next morning)

Nyx's pov:
My eyes shot open when a searing pain shot all over my back.
I yelped and turned around to find Axel was still inside.
I groaned when I felt dizzy , oh come on.
A hangover too?

I was lifted into Axel's chest as he pulled me over him and I looked down to see Axel's naked chest.

Oh those pecs look so delicious I would bite them off.
My cheeks burned as I remembered what happened and what I did last night.
I cursed myself for acting like a touch-craved slut.

"You're not a slut ." He mumbled groggily smiling.

"My sore back says otherwise." I muttered as I laid on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat.

" You were a literal mood last night."he chuckled.
I huffed and rolled my eyes.

I'm always a mood.

After some time I removed myself off him and got up.
I went to shower and Axel joined me and we showered without doing anything that would require things going in places, if you know what I meant.
Today I decided I would take Axel for sight seeing.

I took Axel to all the places I couldn't take him last time and that includes sector 7 as well.
Fortunately Leo was free and he agreed to show us around.
The day went same just like yesterday ,we roamed around city, had fun, ate at some restaurant, then party at night, drink, dance and then tiring sex which led us to fall asleep.

When the sunlight fell on my face I woke up groaning after last night's tiring activity.
Axel wasn't there beside me so I figured he might be in the washroom.
I decided to sleep a little more and after like 30 minutes of extra sleep I heard the door open.

I peeked up from under my pillow , my hair disheveled and drool probably on my cheek.

A half naked Axel walked in with breakfast .

I smiled and sat up still wrapped in blankets.

"Happy birthday baby!" He said and my smile widened.

I realised today was my birthday.
I don't even know how old I am.
2070 or 2071?

"I can't actually cook like you but I hope this ain't that bad!" He said and placed the pancakes in front of me along with a cup of coffee.

I cringed a bit but didn't let it show as I saw the burnt pancakes.
He added so much effort into this Obviously I can't point it out like that.

Oh the things we do in love.
I sighed mentally and took a bite of the pancakes and stopped myself from puking this out.

Not that ba- for fuck sake who am I kidding this is shit.

I smiled or more like I tried to smile.

I took a sip of the coffee and oh god he added salt instead of sugar in coffee. Sorry Axel dear but can't believe you're that bad in cooking.

I just wanted to throw it somewhere but I couldn't as he was looking at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

So rather than disappointing him and breaking his heart ,I gulped the coffee down completely and  smiled at him but he frowned.

"What ?" I asked.

"How was the coffee?" He asked.

"It was perfect babe just how I like it!", I said grimacing as the salty taste hit me at the back of my throat making me gag but I hid it.

He stared at me in disbelief and threw his hands up in frustration.

"Like the pancakes had egg shells and the coffee had salt in it.

Nora said it was easy to prank you. But you are just. Nevermind" He shouted in frustration. As he collapsed back on the bed.
I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Oh so you didn't do it by accident?"  I asked innocently. He shook his head.

I grabbed the water at the speed of a F1 car and gulped it down.

" Never Axel never in my life I will trust you , you bitch!!! I drank that shit just to please you,  thinking if I don't eat this shit it may hurt you!!!" I shouted at him in displeasure.

Who pranks them on their birthday?!
Oh yes my idiot siblings!!
It was their annual ritual to prank me on my birthday for god knows why?! Now he was in it!

I glared at him while he stared at me fondly with literal heart eyes.
He suddenly hugged me and showered me with kisses.

The audacity this bitch had.

"I *kiss* love *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* much *kiss* my *kiss* little *kiss* devil . You are so pure" he said between the kisses.

" Fuck off" I said still annoyed.

"Aww love I'm sorry but I thought it would be hilarious and then I will give you your gift." He cupped my cheeks but I was mad.

I shook his hand and got inside the blankets pouting.

"Aww I'm really sorry babe. I can't believe you're so pure that you drank that shit just so my feelings don't get hurt."

" Yeah me to and never I will never eat anything that you'll make me."I growled .

" Oh so not even these sweet sweet chocolate waffles with ice cream and berries that are your actual birthday breakfast?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Come I made these for you." He tried to coax me out and I did peeked out of the blanket to see if he was joking or shit.
There it was ,my favourite chocolate waffles with icecream and chocolate syrup.

" No. I don't trust you. What if you added chocolate colouring to mashed potatoes and made it look like ice cream. What if these are plastic waffles and you're still pranking me.
Your cooking is shit we both know that. You can't make something so delicious."I grumbled and went inside my blankie.

" Ok . Ouch. That one hurts." He said and suddenly my blanket was ripped away. I sat up and let out a whine.

"Hey!! Giv-" I was cut off by Axel lips and immediately shut up.

"You were say-" he moved away to say but I pulled him back cause he tasted like chocolate.

"Yum." I sighed as my lips left his.

"Yum indeed " he licked his lips

"Trust me love . I'm not pranking and I really made these. I woke at 6 to prepare these and then Nora walked in and made that on purpose." He confessed and I squinted my eyes at him.

" I'm gonna ruin her make up kit I swear." I grumbled and Axel Chuckled.

"You better watch out too you oaf. I'll cut off your balls and feed them to my dogs ." I growled making Axel's eyes wide and  scooting away from me a bit making me smirk in delight.
I ate the waffles and damn these were delicious.

"Hmm. Not bad, daddy." I chuckled and he huffed.

"Dress up and get your beautiful  ass in the living room" He said and before I could ask why, he vanished in his vampire speed..

Why did I turn him anyway?

Oh yeah he was dying.

I picked a black Versace hoodie and a grey sweatpants.

I walked through the hall and it was eerily quiet like not even the sound of Noah's and Alex's constant chatter.

As I entered the room a chorus of 'surprise' echoed the room and I jumped in surprise.

There stood my family along with their mates and in between them was My Axel who stood there smiling with a cake in his hand.

This was new.
I couldn't help but grin in amusement.

Like especially at my siblings who stood there with party hats and confetti poppers in their hands , like the one they use in children's parties.

"Who did this?" I chuckled

"Axel's idea, I thought why not?" Nora said smiling and popped the confetti on my face.
I went in the middle and gave them an unamused death stare.

This is intolerable.
This was preposterous , Treacherous and A form of domestic violence on me.

"Why ? Why is my face morphed on Elsa's body?"I deadpanned and everyone around me erupted in laughter.

" To bring out the princess in you." Noah said and everybody howled in laughter again.
I couldn't help but end up laughing myself.

"Whose idea was this now?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"First promise you won't kill the person." Axel asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No I won't but If it's you you better protect something of yours." I warned making him shudder.

"It's not me. It was Zad's Idea." I turned around and faced Zad with a look of surprise.

"You!!!!!" I pointed my finger at him accusingly.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side."I huffed.
Zad erupted in laughter .

"Sorry Nyx but I couldn't help the urge to do this, you know."

"You all are Nyxophobic. You racist bitches." I grumbled.

" Stop coming up with bullshit and cut the cake" Nora rolled her eyes.
I cut the cake and Axel fed me some of it.

Ignoring everyone I took the knife and jabbed my face roughly and their eyes widened in shock. Something was coming up they knew.

"Who. Wants. Cake?" I asked with an evil smirk and they quieted down and gulped silently, all of them except my little fish.
Things were gonna go downhill, why? Wait and watch.
They had their fun now it was my turn.

"Oh oh me! I wan-" Noah's words were cut off as a large piece of cake went flying and hit his face.
" Eat some cake, bitch!" I smirked.

"That's not how I wanted it" he grumbled.

And that's how began the cake wars.

I was seriously having fun, well until I saw Noah lick cream off Axel's face.

"NOAH!!! That's it. Get over here you little shit I'm gonna cut your tail off" I screamed at him and ran after him with the knife.
He ran and then hid behind a sofa.
I cut and threw a large piece of cake at him and he caught it with his mouth and ate it obnoxiously.

" Sure bro. But I want you and Axel to have my 'that' part"he winked at me as I glared and gagged in mock disgust.

I growled and possessively kissed Axel.

I heard a gagging sound from Nora and Nick.

"We do not want to see you getting fucked Nyx. No PDA here" I moved away from Axel and fake smiled  at them.

"Wait until you meet your mates both of you , then Nora the blond guy at the theatre and Nick remember the red head boy you sneaked in your ro-"

"Shut up Nyx!" They both shouted their faces turning red.

Only I know about their freaky shenanigans and unlike me they do not like to show off their fetishes to the world.

Pfft losers.

" I thought you were straight Nick?" Noah asked. 

" Well the door swings both ways!" He snapped.
Noah smirked.
I won't be surprised if he tries to fit his dick somewhere else now.

If you know, you know.

"Ok everyone prepare for the event tonight! And Nyx," Zad spoke and I raised my brow at him.

" No peeping." I rolled my eyes at him as if I don't know how my birthday will be celebrated.

He was the elder brother I never had and it kinda felt nice.
I could trust him blindly and yet after that he decided it would be funny to do this. Elsa? Seriously?
This was seriously one of the best birthday I had.

They all dispersed to do their work leaving me in the room and Axel went down along with them.
I wiped some cream off my face and turned around when I heard a knock.
Meera came to me with a guilty expression.

"What is it, Meer?" I asked smiling and she sighed.
I immediately knew something was up.

"Follow me" She said. I frowned but nodded.
She took me to her room which was like a room of a plant lover.
It was true shamans drove their magic from the spirits and nature.
She picked up a cup and showed me and I frowned.
Though it was tea at the bottom of the cup. I knew it was some shaman magic and indication that I can't understand or read because I was a witch. Witches don't get and don't do shaman magic and vice versa.

"You know I'm a witch Meera. We don't understand Shaman magic."I said.

She sighed again.

"I'm very sorry Nyx. I really am that I have to inform you this on your birthday.
But there has been a prediction.
A not so good one." She said making me frown.
Her predictions were never false.

"What is it?"

"A few days ago I had a dream but I shrugged it off.
Then this tea message, spirits and nature telling me the danger so I just did a tarrot magic and these cards came up.
Tower, knight of swords and death.
You know death doesn't actually mean death but a change.
But these three together , they are a bad news.

Somewhere something is brewing against the royal family. "She warned and I frowned.

As much as I wanted to spend my birthday without any problems my duties were important too.
A threat on royal family was a threat on supernatural race.

Economies and communities would fall if the royals all together fell.

Another reason why I made the
Royals immortal and the only way they can be killed was safe within me and themselves only.

" We'll be prepared," I said trying to calm her nerves.

"But it's far right?" I asked and she nodded.

"So that's ok , a day of relief won't do much right? For now let's just enjoy this .
If there is something out there, we don't know when we might get this opportunity to relax.
Calm down and enjoy today. On the Saturday meeting this week we'll put this issue in front of others." I assured her and she nodded.
She went away and sighed as I rubbed my forehead.

I just wish sometimes my life was easy but god only chose difficult life for those who he thinks are strong enough to deal with it. I went to my Library and sat down and did some meditation.

An hour or so later I felt the presence of a person on the floor.

After Meera left no one came. I focused
and immediately knew it was Axel.

I stood up and went to open the door but a note slipped in before I could open it and I heard the whoosh of air signalling he left.

I picked up the note and unfolded it.

' follow the notes;)'
I smiled and opened the door to find something kept infront of my room.
I found a bunch of blue lilies on my door with a note that said ' follow the arrows'.

Then began our game as me and him played in the whole corridor all day long.
The arrows were on paper and stuck everywhere on the floor.

He would leave messages around the floor and I would go to that particular place to find a present. It was like a treasure hunt and I liked it

I got my favourite flowers , chocolates, then clothes, then a pendant that had A+N engraved on it. What made it special was Axel had a family heirloom made of silver which was supposed to be given to his chosen bride but it was a jewellery so he remoulded it and gifted me this to continue the family heritage.

That made me cry on the spot as the remoulded version held a deep meaning.
It was a tree , the tree of life with emeralds adorned in it as leaves.

It had a note attached to it which said,
" Our love for each other is like this tree, as much as beautiful as it's on above the ground, it's deeply rooted beneath it."

There were also gift cards for places and some naughty things for him to use on me later ,which I replied.

"How are these gifts for me? It's more like a gift for yourself" I teased him but by then he was gone from the floor.

Axel's gift to Nyx

                    Nyx's outfit

Later in the evening when I got Nick's message to come down.
I started getting ready. I got dressed quickly and was ready for the event.
My outfit was nothing posh , obviously but still it was a simple white denim jacket with a black Gucci hoodie inside.
Black ripped jeans and white sneakers to pair with.
I was ready.

These clothes were actually Axel's gift and he asked me specially to wear them.
I walked down when it was 7 and sighed when I saw it was dark.

I mean they do this every year but still I climbed down the dark stairs carefully. Just as I reached the last stair the lights lit up and everyone yelled

It's not what made me surprised. It was the decorations that did. I gasped when I saw the hall.

The place was decorated beautifully , the theme of blue and silver was used.

"Give it up for our birthday boy!!" Nora yelled and I blushed in embarrassment.
I walked in the room and everyone cheered for me .
I didn't want some weird business like thing so I asked for a simple and casual party.
But yet it was elegant.

I mean it looked awesome. Everyone was dressed casually and in comfy clothes.
Everyone were in shades of blue and it looked good.

"Now that our precious prince and birthday boy is here let the fun begin!!" Nick yelled this time and that began the drink and snack serving
Snacks and drinks were regularly being served and the music was playing in the background.

Axel came beside me and we started talking to our friends.
Tonight wouldn't be like the previous nights. Tonight was simple.
The celebration was going on across the city. On this occasion the city looked like some music festival or a festival in general.
It was only tonight where food and drinks across the city bars, clubs and restaurants were on the house.

Later the cake was brought in and I couldn't help but smile.
It was a triple decker black forest cake.
It had a chocolate river flowing down and whoever made it , actually made it in the style of a black forest.
It looked delicious and since it was my favourite I couldn't help but eye it.

The servants kept the cake and knife and left. My family came beside and my boyfriend hugging me from behind. What else could I ask for?

I was going to pick up the knife when Leo asked me to stop.

" You gonna cut that with that little thing?" He asked pointing at the small knife.

I eyed the big knife and frowned in confusion.

"Um yeah?" I replied.

"Wait why don't you use a big knife like this?" He asked and pulled out a 30 inches long and beautiful looking sword.

I stared at the sword in amazement which had its handle of flame coloured and the blade was sharpened which also had a flame colour gradient on it. It was adorned by red rubies and I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"Is that the dragon sword I have been asking you since past 2 years?" I asked in disbelief.

"Maybe?" He smirked and handled me the sword.

I stared at it in amazement.

"Leo you dramatic lizard I can't tell you how much I love you for this." I said in excitement as I swinged it a bit.

" Nyx!! Cut the cake not people around you." Selena scolded me and I giddily went to the cake.

With swift actions I cut a piece of it. Axel picked it up and made me take the first bite.
Soon the cake was distributed and then began the dancing.

"Would you mind if I ask your hand for a dance?" He asked and I couldn't help but snicker.

"Why would I say no?"I said rolling my eyes playfully as my boyfriend pulled me on the dance floor.

Single ladies by Beyonce started playing.

"I'm not single Alex!!" I shouted to him who was in charge of the Dj tonight.

"Pretend you are Nyx!" Alex winked.

"I mean sure?" Axel shrugged and then we started dancing like crazy. FRIENDS ,then Say my Name. We had fun. The most fun thing was when I'm in love with a monster was being played.
I love that song.

When we got tired we both sat down at a nearby chair and Noah shyly approached me before he flopped beside me and made himself comfortable.

"Enjoying yourself Sushi?" I teased him.
"You bitch. You can't stop with the nicknames do you?" He groaned in annoyance making me and Axel laugh.

"No. But mind telling me why'd you came here and sat beside me so suspiciously like you did something bad?" I asked him.

"Not bad. Just wanted to give you a gift."
That made me smile.

"You don't need to, Noah."  I said but he shook his head.

"No no. You have to take it. You can't reject a birthday gift especially from me. Axel tell him." He pouted.

"I mean yeah Nyx you can't ." Axel said in amusement.

"What does little Noah have for me?" I asked smiling.

He pulled out a palm sized black velvet box from inside his jacket.

"Woah woah woah. He's mine." Axel said holding me.

"I'm not proposing him. I did that earlier. In a bad way. Naked. " He said blushing.

He handed me the box and told me to open it. He sat there nervously as I slowly opened the box only for me to gasp in surprise.

"Oh my god Noah. I'm sorry but I can't take something so precious." I said as I glanced at the beautiful cerulean blue pearl in the box.

" You can't say no Nyx. Not when I specifically made this for you." He said innocently , fearing I'd really reject it.

" What is this? It's beautiful" Axel said observing the pearl.

" It's A mermaids pearl." Noah told him.

" These are formed by their tears of a particular emotion. It takes years to form." I explained and his eyes widened in surprise.

I touched the pearl and it turned pink and Noah blushed.
I stared at him smiling coyly.
"I'm gonna keep it close to my heart." I said and kissed his cheek making blush a deeper tone of red.
It turning pink meant the emotion used was love.

It was later when I was standing near the stage and sipping on my champagne I noticed Axel.
He was in front of me and he was talking to Nina about some business issues.
I admired him from a distance.
The way he carried himself like a distinguished gentleman.
I adored him and I loved him.

"He is really good in these things
" I glanced beside me to find Zad sipping on his drink.

"I know. Look how he was just talking to Nina about their business and now he's talking politics with her. God as if he was made for this royal life!" I spoke proudly .

Zad shook his head at me amused.
" Oh please you were worse than me.
You were hooked to Sienna."I teased him about his mate and he blushed.

"By the way Zad , I'm really sorry I'm telling you this on such a nice occasion but there has been a prediction." His body stiffened and he immediately went into serious mode.

"I can't tell you all the details right now.
I will tell you more about this at our meeting Saturday. Meera has more things to say but she told me only this because it was near. She doesn't want to ruin my birthday. Might want to talk to her." I informed him and he nodded.

"Well Axel's coming here. I will leave before he scoops you up and runs away." He winked and I rolled my eyes at him.

Axel came to me and kissed me.

"What was he saying?" He asked and I huffed.

"He says you'll scoop me up and- Axel out me down!." I squealed at the sudden movement.

" And what?"he asked smirking and I hit his hand.

" Babe, calm down!"I pouted and he pecked me.

"Let's go eat something, there's nice chicken. I'm kinda hungry. I think I need some blood too." He said.

"You can eat. Unfortunately today I would neither eat chicken or meat or neither drink blood. Kind of a fast you know?" I told him and he frowned in confusion.

"Why?" He asked as we walked to the table.

"You might find this illogical but it's my birthday. I'm stepping into a new year of my life and celebrating Life itself. How can I take a life on the day when I'm celebrating it. I let others eat but I don't eat or drink on my birthday. " I explained.

"Oh that's fine. Seems morally good. Is it a witch thing?" He asked.

"Nope just a thing I learnt from my mother." I replied shrugging.

We ate a little and then Axel pulled me in the corner .
"After the party pack your shit , we'll stop at the mansion for about an hour before boarding our flight to Mauritius!" He whispered and my eyes widened.

"We are leaving tomorrow?!!"I asked surprised and he nodded.

"It's your birthday gift from me. The last one ,ehh maybe not the last" He winked and palmed his crotch making me blush.

"You didn't need to-"he glared at me making me stop midway.

" Ok you need to!" He smiled.

Then he came closer, and whispered in my ear

" We'll do lot of things there , lots of sex included!" I shuddered already feeling myself getting hard not only because of his husky voice but also because of the things we'd do there.

" Hey whatcha doin?" Here comes the cockblocker . I was wondering where this little shit was.
Lance had this power where he was able to ruin our every sexual moment .
Dylan shyly waved at me and he looked flustered and tired. Sweat trickling him.
I pulled him in for hug
He squeaked and smiled tiredly

"I told you , you are my lil brother you can just hug me, wait why are you so hot are you Ill? " He just shook his head tiredly.

I checked him and saw a bite mark in his neck. It was Lance's mark they marked each other.

I moved to touch it. Lance growled. I glared at him, he came into his senses but didn't backed away.

" What are you doing?"he asked wrapping his hands around Dylan.

" I told you to come meet me when you mark him, dont you know that werewolf bite is fatal to vampires he could die if it got later than a day!" I scolded him and he was shocked. Lance could be an idiot sometimes.

I siphoned the werewolf toxin away , the mark healed ,but didn't fade as it was the mating mark.

"Go ask Selena for the mating charm and explain your condition she'll know what to give so if next time you bite him accidentally let him hold the charm and it will siphon the venom away , it will only work for you as you're mates.  Axel accompany him please.
I'll look after Dylan" He nodded and they went away to find Selena

"While we go to meet my siblings and my family" I flicked his nose and he paled.

Dylan Avery,  a person I haven't seen since he went missing when he was 4 , suddenly back in my life as a 19 year old.
I wish I could tell him that Sarah and Dane and everyone died at a rogue attack but I think he forgot it and I guess I will tell him someday but not today.

Nobody but me knows that Dylan is my kinda cousin brother.

"Aww babes , are you scared of them? They don't bite!" I teased him and he just blushed.

He was cute.
Nora, Nick and Noah stood there talking about something.

I went to them Dylan trailing behind me like a lost puppy.

"Oye meet our new little baby brother! I adopted him." I said to them and they looked at me and then behind me , Dylan stepped out and waved at them cutely.

Nora immediately rushed over him playing with his cheeks and muttering how cute he is.

Nick raised a brow at me.

" Lance's mate . I'll tell you the other story Later plus I grew protective over him
" He shook his head and introduced himself.

Noah came stalking Dylan like a prey.

"Hey cutie , why not you and me get away from these losers!" He said and winked at him.

Dylan went red as tomato.

"What do you don't understand in 'keep your flippers to yourself ' Noah?

He is mated, leave the poor boy alone" I scolded and he pouted.
I know he enjoys my scolding and he's not actually mad.

Axel and Lance came back and Lance rushed to Dylan as he saw him red asking if he was feeling ill again but it was due to other reason.

"Don't worry Lance , Noah here decided to be himself in front of the poor boy, he has no filter!"
We all laughed.

Life was good for me, nice friends ,a nice family and loving mate. What more could I ask for?

Unknown pov:

I stood in the crowd far away from the group glaring at them.
Only I know how much trouble it was for me to sneak into this shitty supernatural city.

There was so much protection and shit.
The moment I got here, I and along with her were burnt as the sunlight hit us. Even she can't protect me from it.

I spent my entire day in a cave of trolls like things.
First he abandoned me , then now had the audacity to fuck this whore and call him his soulmate?!

I'll have you back Axel one way or another. And if not ,well then goodbye to you too, but for good.

And how can I forget Nyx , he calls himself the prince and this royal family.
All of this is bullshit.
And that little piece of shit kills me and throws me off a cliff?!

How dare he?!
Because of him I'm a vampire if he wouldn't have been there I would be laying with Axel right now.

And Nyx would be somewhere crying.
They all will pay.

"Don't worry they will, Nyx killed my husband and then I suffered an endless pain in coma for 1500 hundred years until now.

he will pay for what he did to me." The voice in my head said.

I let that demon girl possess me.
She said we both wanted the same thing, that was revenge from Nyx Venatores.

"How will we do it?" I asked Keres mentally.

" Get out of here first.
I hope you have it safe?"she asked and I nodded.

I managed to steal some Ash of the white oak that was in Nyx secret locker in his room.

Unfortunately I could only get a pinch of it.
It was so well hidden that no one could find it.
It was good I had a demon with me.

Now get out of this place.

It's giving me a headache.

The small town 3 miles far from Philadelphia , you'll find a witch coven , ask them to help you they want the rule of vampires to end , with me they will be forced to do it and then we summon them by sacrificing the entire coven " she spoke easily.

If I wasn't angry and possessed by a demon I would never think of murder let alone a mass murder.
But the anger and jealousy blinded me and clouded my judgement.
I got out of the castle to leave and go back to earth.
I started doubting my decision but the voice of the demon spoke.

" You have to do this , you can do this Emily!" I shook my head and smirked.

Axel and Nyx you both are gonna pay.

I'm about to unleash hell just for you.
With that thought I disappeared in the night.

They will never even see it coming.

I'm sorry but from the chapter after the next chapter , everything will go downhill. Read more to find out what and then why it will happen.

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