'Weak' | Sapnap x Reader

By KU95240

224K 7.1K 5.7K

Y/n is considered the lowest or 'scum' in everyone's eyes. What happens when she 'disappears' and comes back... More

Flashback - Chapter 1
Return - Chapter 2
Duel - Chapter 3
Late Night Training - Chapter 4
Base - Chapter 4
Figure - Chapter 6
Deal? - Chapter 7
Forest - Chapter 8
Wolves - Chapter 9
Friendship? - Chapter 10
'Resuce' - Chapter 11
'Prince Charming' - Chapter 12
Snow - Chapter 13
Waking up - Chapter 14
Lake - Chapter 15
Surprise - Chapter 16
Hallway - Chapter 18
Dress Shopping - Chapter 19
End of the day - Chapter 20
Playing - Chapter 21

Shopping - Chapter 17

6.8K 240 40
By KU95240

Dream POV

Sapnap jumped from the cliff again, diving into the water. We had been here for around an hour or two now and knew we should probably head back. We had things to do. "BOO!" Sapnap screams popping up in front of me. My fight or flight instincts take over and I slap him across the face before breaking into a wheeze and swallowing the dirty lake water. I enter a coughing fit from the water and Sapnap laughs at me now.

"M-Mother f-fu-ck-k-ER!" I manage to shout at him. Sapnap shakes it off and we swim back. We get back up to the cliff and grab our stuff. We both get changed and began the walk back to base. It was much more peaceful now that Sapnap wasn't angered. Such a mood kill.

When the base came into view, George was leaning against the door looking annoyed. "What wrong gogy wogy" I laugh now that we were all grouped again. "You two idiots left me here with her!" He complained, much more than just a joke.
"Oh come on, she's sick! Surely she can't have been to hard to handle... right?" I say unsure.
"She's locked in the room you two cleared out the other day with her dogs" Sapnap groans and walks in the base, pushing past George.

"What happened?" I ask him.
"When I reunited her with her dogs she wanted to leave, of course they stood by her and didn't let me get anywhere near her. Either I stopped her and get mauled or-" a loud clang echoing up the hallway cutting George off from finishing his story. "Sapnap?" I call down the hall.

Wilbur POV

"Wilburrrrrrr! I don't want to go!" Tommy complains. We were at the tailor getting him a suit, he was currently standing on the little table and getting measured. "Tommy stop complaining and let them do their job"
"But I don't want to go!"
"Dad invited us along, we are going. That's final" Tommy mumbled a few swears that were barely audible before a worker pulled me away and onto my own table.

"Why do we even have to go?" He continued to complain. "Because we're family and it's respectful to participate"
"But I won't know anyone there! Everyone is going to be a bunch of old farts!"
"Tommy lower your voice." I say harshly, he was practically shouting and letting the whole village know his worries. "I'll ask if you can invite Tubbo along" I sigh. "But Tubbo will want Ranboo to come" he reply's quickly.
"Then who do you want to come along with you?"
"I don't know... what about y/n!?" He perks up.
I sigh. "I'll ask dad." Tommy cheers and he's let off of the table. He takes a seat while a few people disappear to get his size suit.

After a few moments I'm aloud to sit down while people disappear to find suits that will fit me. Tommy was dragged to a change room and physically shoved in. I loved the workers here. Tommy took a few minutes to get changed before coming out to look at himself in the mirrors.

He was wearing a light blue silk long sleeve shirt, while a red vest covered it and he had plain black pants, that I expected. Tommy hyped himself up and watched as I was dragged to the change rooms myself.

I was given a black turtle neck shirt with a dark brown coat to go over it and matching black pants. I looked good. Tommy complimented me and we went to get changed and pay. I gave the workers their money for the suits and watched as they packaged them up.

Tommy carried his own suit and I carried mine. "What now?" He asks. "Now we meet up with Niki, she's finding a dress"
"Why's she finding a dress?" He asks again. He's probably bored. He always asks an unusual amount of questions when he's bored. "She's my plus one"
"Are you two a thing?" He asks shyly. "No-No, me and Niki are just good friends" Tommy nods and we walk up to her bakery. Niki runs out and hugs both of us, welcoming us. "Perfect timing" she smiles. "My shift just ended"


"No" she said putting another one of the dresses on the rack. "Nope, no, ew, hmm... no"
"Nikiiiii" Tommy complains. Niki had been looking for a dress for almost an hour now, Tommy was getting bored. "Maybe if you guys helped me instead of sitting on your asses we would be done quicker" she smiled towards Tommy. Tommy leapt out of his seat and ran to a rack of dresses. Looking at each one carefully. I stood up not too long after and went dress searching myself.



So I've just posted an SBI story as I'm experimenting with different writing styles, so if you wanna check that out it'll be much appreciated!

Until next time.

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