Fear and Love Part II (Kakash...

By AnotherKakashiSimp

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COMPLETED Sequel to my first story called "Fear and Love Pt. I" in which Kakashi falls in love with Tsuki Kur... More

Getting Old
Kanari vs. Kakashi
Kai vs. Tsuki
The Exit Exam
Proud Parents
Genin Team Assignments
Big Brother....Sensei?!
The Bell Test
Date #256 (fluff)
Dirty (🍋)
Shadow Clones (🍋)
Celebrate (fluff)
Author's Note
Team Seven's First Mission
Flashback: Nightmares
Flashback: Kakashi's A-ranked Mission
Shadow Clones Again Pt. 1 (🍋)
Shadow Clones Again Pt. 2 (🍋)
Author's Note
How Can I Go On?
My Love (🍋+😭)
Meeting Again
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 1
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 1
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 2
Flashback: The 3rd Night in the Hospital (fluff)
Flashback: Suck My Dick (🍋)
Kai's Timeline Pt. 1
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 3
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 2
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 4
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 5
Kai's Timeline Pt. 2 (fluff)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 6
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 7
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 8 (🍋)
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 9 (🍋)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 10 (🍋)
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 3
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 11
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 12
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 13 (pre-🍋)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 14 (🍋)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 15
Shikamaru's Timeline Pt. 1
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 16 (fluff)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 17
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 18
Flashback: Princess Kakashi (very fluffy)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 19
Author's Note
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 20 (🍋)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 21
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 22
Kai's Timeline Pt. 3
Flashback: Curse Mark Pt. 1
Flashback: Curse Mark Pt. 2
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 4
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 1
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 2
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 3
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt.4
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 5
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 23
Tuski's Timeline Pt. 24
Flashback: Phone Sex (🍋)
Flashback: Kakashi's Birthday
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 25
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 26 (lil 🍋)
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 27 (🍋)
Flashback: Comfort (fluff)
Flashback: Tsuki Big Mad
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 28 (🍋+fluff)
Flashback: Kakashi-sensei Pt. 1 (🍋)
Flashback: Kakashi-sensei Pt. 2 (🍋)
Flashback: Training
Shikamaru's Timeline Pt. 2 (😭)(Final)
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 5
Kanari's Timeline Pt. 6 (😭) (Final)
Flashback: Punishing the Twins
Author's Note
Kai's Timeline Pt. 4
Kai's Timeline Pt. 5 (Final)
Flashback: The Drunkage (fluffy)
Flashback: First Date
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 29
Tsuki's Timeline Pt. 30 (🍋)
Tsuki's Last Day
Kakashi's Afterlife Pt. 6
Author's Note
Naruto's Timeline
Final Author's Note/Readers Reviews

Flashback: The Sixth Hokage

1.1K 31 15
By AnotherKakashiSimp

Flashback to the day Kakashi is told he was chosen to become the Sixth Hokage.
'Blehh!!' Kakashi was on his knees sitting next to Tsuki as he held back her hair while she wretched into the toilet for the third time that morning.

Her morning sickness was off the charts.

Tsuki coughed and blew her nose into some toilet paper,"Goddamnit, Kashi! Why'd you do this to me?! Why'd you have to knock me up?!"

"I'm sorry Tsuki!" Kakashi felt so bad that she had to go through this and he couldn't do anything about it. He just rubbed her shoulders, trying to be a supportive husband,"You're so amazing for doing this Tsuki honestly I don't think I could deal with this."

'Blehh!' She threw up again

Kakashi pulled her hair back,"Oh God, Tsooks I'm sorry. I wish I could fix this somehow."

Tsuki flushed the toilet once again,"Okay I think that might be it."

Kakashi helped her to her feet.

"Jesus, I'm dizzy." Tsuki grabbed her head, Kakashi instantly picked her up.

"How are two tiny fetuses doing all this?!" Kakashi literally felt so bad for her,"Just lay down I'll go get you some crackers to try and settle your stomach."

He laid Tsuki down and went to the kitchen when there was a knock at the door.

It was two ANBU.

"What's going on guys?" Kakashi asked

"Kakashi, you've been summoned by Lady Tsunade and the council to report to the Hokage's tower immediately." One anbu agent said with regiment.

"Um, ok." Kakashi said confused,"Let me go get my wife-"

"They specifically asked for you to come alone, sir..."

"Oh." Kakashi didn't want to leave Tsuki, but he had to,"Well let me tell Tsuki that I'm leaving. Thank you I'll be there."

The agents disappeared.

Kakashi walked to the bedroom bringing the crackers with him and saw Tsuki laying in bed, half-asleep.

He knelt down by her side,"Hey, Tsuki. I've been summoned by the Hokage. Are you gonna be alright by yourself? Cause I can leave a shadow clone if you need me here."

Tsuki wore a face of confusion, why was he summoned so suddenly? "No, I think I'll be fine, Kashi, I'm just gonna sleep. You better give them your full attention."

"Okay. I'll be back, love." He kissed her cheek and with that he made his way to Hokage's tower and sat down at the table of elders, feudal lords, and of course Lady Tsunade.

"Thank you for coming, Kakashi." One of the elders greeted him.

"No trouble, sir. Is there something going on? Why'd I have to come here so suddenly?" Kakashi replied calmly.

Tsunade let out a sigh,"Kakashi, I'm retiring as Hokage."

Kakashi was shocked,"Really? Right after a war?"

The elder spoke up,"The world very clearly needs to be rebuilt, Tsunade did so much before and during the war. We as a council and of Tsunade's choice as well, have decided that it would be best for the world if there was a change in leadership in the Leaf for the Land of Fire's post-war rehabilitation period."

"Ah, I see.' Kakashi said,"And I'm hereeeee.....to give input as to who next Hokage should be?"

"No." Lady Tsunade said,"We as a council have already decided who we want it to be."

"Oh, who?" Kakashi replied.

Tsunade paused and gestured towards Kakashi,"......................you."

Kakashi being the chill, sarcastic smart ass that he was, turned around and looked behind him.

"You know damn well I'm pointing at you Kakashi!" Tsunade scolded him.

The twins weren't even born yet and he was already cracking dad jokes.

"I know I know, but with all due respect to you and the council, I'm starting a family with Tsuki soon and I don't know if becoming Hokage is what's best for our future. I like my freedom as a Jonin!" Kakashi explained, he didn't want to be tied to a desk, working long hours, possibly not seeing his children as much as he'd like to.

Kakashi's attention turned to one of the elders as he began to make his claim as to why Kakashi should accept.

"I understand you're starting a family, Kakashi. But the fact of the matter is, is that this is what's best for the world. The same world that your children are going to grow up in. If you become Hokage, you will have direct influence on making the necessary changes to restore peace to not only the Leaf Village, but the Land of Fire as well." He explained.

His eyes traveled over to the other elder who began speaking.

"And to put it bluntly, Kakashi, there's simply no one else suited for the job. You are quite literally the best choice and the only choice. You fought in the past two wars, the last of which your were a Captain of the most successful Division in the entire Shinobi Alliance Army, you strategized and led all victorious battles with the least amount of deaths before Madara and the Ten Tails appeared. You have the most wide range of experience of all your peers, from being a captain in the ANBU to teaching genin students. You were a pupil of the Fourth Hokage who reconstructed after the 3rd Shinobi War."

Next a feudal lord chimed in:

"You are well liked and trusted by the people of the village. People across the world know you by name. When they hear the name Kakashi Hatake, they're either struck with fear, making you an authoritative figure in the world or they're comforted knowing that you're an ally. You've gone on several successful diplomatic missions and have built relationships with many of the village leaders across the Land of Fire."

Finally Tsunade spoke:

"And lastly, Kakashi you're a strong shinobi. I know you don't think that since you lost the Sharingan, but your chakra stores have increased ten fold since losing that eye anyway and that doesn't negate the fact that you know a thousand jutsu. You're well versed in ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu. Trust me when I say power like that comes in handy when you have to protect the village. I learned that first hand when Pain attacked. I have no reservations in saying you are one of the most skilled Shinobi to have ever lived. Your leadership skills are second to none, and as far as I understood, your leadership was complimented by the Sage of Six Paths himself when you defeated Kaguya Otsutsuki with Team 7. And let me tell you that even when your children are born. As Hokage, you're going to go home and see them every single night, albiet some nights later than others, but that's a luxury you wouldn't get if you stayed a Jonin, sometimes missions take you away from the village for weeks and you know that. And being a Jonin is a more dangerous job in general."

The feudal lord chimed in once again:

"And I've heard good things about your wife too! I was skeptical of her at first, not being native to the Leaf and all, but she has earned the trust of the people and would make for an inspiring First Lady. She could work alongside you, you know..."

Tsunade picked back up:
"You know damn well Naruto isn't ready, and he isn't going to be ready for at least a decade. It sounds like a big commitment because it is. And I won't lie to you, the job is hard and you will have your hands full with post-war reconstruction which can take years in and of itself and you will have to deal with a lot of political bullshit. But Kakashi, the Village needs a stronger leader than I for this new beginning. They need a younger set of eyes. It's time that the Hatake clan make their mark on the world, starting with you...."

Kakashi's jaw dropped behind his mask, he didn't expect to receive so many compliments and praise all at once.

Obito's last words from their fight with Kaguya Otsutsuki rang in his head:

'When I said Naruto would become Hokage I meant the Seventh Hokage! Because you're going to become the Sixth!'

He wanted to make Obito proud. He wanted to create a better world for Tsuki and for his two babies that she was carrying. He wanted Naruto to live out the rest of his childhood and mature enough to eventually become Hokage himself. Kakashi wanted to help repair the damage from the war so he could pass off a peaceful world to Naruto.

Kakashi was always a dutiful Shinobi, unwavering in his loyalty to the village he called home for his entire life.

And now he was to be a dutiful Hokage.

"What do you say, Kakashi?" Tsunade implored.

"I-" Kakashi couldn't believe what he was about to say. He never wanted to be the Hokage, but...... He wanted to be the Hokage.

"I accept."

"Tsuki! I picked up your nausea medication from the pharmacy!" Kakashi walked into the bedroom to find Tsuki still sitting in bed, filing her nails.

"Have you eaten anything besides the crackers?" Kakashi asked.

Tsuki's eyes widened,"Oh fuck! I forgot! I was so sick I just didn't want to!"

"Tsuki! You're three months pregnant, you can't forget to eat!" Kakashi slipped off his Jonin vest that bore the white Hatake clan crest,"Here's your medication. I'll make you something right now.."

He turned to walk to the kitchen.

"Wait, Kashi!" Tsuki stopped him,"What did Tsunade want to talk about?"

"I-uh.." Kakashi turned around, he rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, almost shy to tell his wife about his monumental accomplishment as a shinobi,"I'm uh- .............. I'm gonna be the Sixth Hokage."

Tsuki's jaw dropped, she was speechless. How did he say that so casually?

"Is that a good blush on your face or a bad one?" Tsuki asked.

"I'm shocked to say that it's a good one..." Kakashi said shyly looking at his feet.

Tsuki jumped up from the bed and squealed, running over to Kakashi and pulling him down to her height for a hug.

"Kashi! Oh my god! Congratulations! Oh, babe I'm so proud of you! You're going to do so good I just know you are. From the moment I went on my first mission with you I knew you were a leader, honestly you were meant for the job. Obito, your father, and Minato would be so proud of you right now! Agh, let's go to the cemetery and tell them right now!" Tsuki grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the front door.

Kakashi just laughed, it was nice hearing someone say they were proud of him, he hasn't heard it in a long time,"Wait, Tsuki, you've got to eat. You've got two buns in the oven, you need to add some fuel."

"Oh, oh right! Okay food first and then we go............................Lord Sixth" she smirked.

Kakashi laughed at her giddiness, he was so excited to start this new chapter in life with his soulmate, his children, serving his village, and hopefully making all of the people in his life, past and present, proud of him.

That was Kakashi's Will of Fire.

Someone send help I can't stop writing Flashback chapters 😅😅

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