The Vampire Prince ✓

By brownboiiii

260K 9.7K 1.2K

Book 1 of the supernatural world series "Hey! Get down you may slip and die!!" . . "Don't worry about me I'm... More

Before you read
Chapter 1 : Pilot
Chapter 2 : Invited
Chapter 3 : The Great City
Chapter 4 : Friendly Stranger
Chapter 5 : Date?
Chapter 6 : Avoiding Him
Chapter 7 : Exposed
Chapter 8 : Explanations
Chapter 9 : Flashbacks
Chapter 10 : Cursed
Chapter 11 : Awakened
Chapter 12 : The Rise of Venatores
Chapter 13 : The Great War
Chapter 14 : Miles Apart
Chapter 15 : Family Dearest
Chapter 16 : Official Date
Chapter 17 : Suffering
Chapter 18 : First time
Chapter 19 : Winters
Chapter 20 : Disapproval
Chapter 21 : PDA
Chapter 22 : The Red Room
Chapter 23 : Traitor
Chapter 24 : Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 25 : Don't Go Yet
Chapter 26 : Anew
Chapter 27 : The Royal Family
Chapter 28 : Marked
Chapter 30 : Transition
Chapter 31 : Vampire's Day Out
Chapter 32 : Sensual Lovers
Chapter 33 : Preparations
Chapter 34 : Founder's Day
Chapter 35 : Birthday
Chapter 36 : Vacation
Chapter 37 : Demons of Past
Chapter 38 : The Attack-P1
Chapter 39 : The Attack-P2
Epilogue : Reconciled
Bonus - shorts
Bonus - Random shorts
Last Bonus

Chapter 29 : Captured

3.7K 164 14
By brownboiiii

Axel's Pov:

I huffed out in annoyance as I sat at the washroom's sink and tried to clean my shirt.

I had an important meeting in twenty minutes and I was getting late.

The coffee that was spilled over me was going to stain no doubt and the boy who spilled it on me was removing more like trying to remove the stain. He kept apologizing for the shirt and tried to help.
I told him it's ok and I'll change but he kept insisting that he'd clean it before my meeting.


It was lunch time and I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee .

When I entered a man spilled his coffee all over me.
He gasped and stepped away.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.

I am sorry I wasn't watching where I was going! I'm extremely sorry !" He apologized again and again frantically.

"It's okay! I'll clean it up before my meeting." I spoke politely though I was utterly annoyed.

"Oh man! Shit I ruined it before your meeting. I feel horrible.
Please let me clean or find you some spare shirt .

It's the least I can do and I better be quick before it stains!" He spoke. He motioned for me to follow him to men's toilet.

That was weird but seeing I had time and maybe I don't have to run home to change it so I went to the washroom to try clean it up.

And that's how I ended up here.
When I went in and he asked me to take off my shirt and he gave me his jacket.

He started rubbing it with water.
I felt uneasy around him.

Something was not right, he seemed to be robotic as if all that he said and all this ,his movements and things he was doing as it was scripted.

He was being monotonous like he learned and this was how this was supposed to go.

Maybe I was being paranoid so I shrugged it off.
He glanced at me and then my locket.

"Oh this is really beautiful! Where did you get it ?" He asked curious.

" Oh my boyfriend gifted me this"I said gritting my teeth in annoyance as he moved to touch it shamelessly.

"Itt's obsidian filled with liquids.
That's difficult and cool. Must be expensive, your boyfriend is a witchy type I guess." He spoke without looking.

This was getting awkward and weird.
I was getting a bad feeling in my gut.

"You know leave it. I'll be late. " I said grabbing my shirt from him moving to leave.

" Oh but the stain-" he spoke but I cut him off.

" Let it be I'll wash it "I spoke and I snatched it off him completely.

He purposely tumbled towards me as if I jerked him roughly and my locket fell off my neck.

He groaned again while leaning over me

" Seriously Man, what is wrong with me ?" He said and bent down to pick it up .

" Exactly dude what's wrong with you? Leave me alone!"I grumbled in annoyance.

He gave it to me without hesitation.

" I'm sorry and I think I should leave before I do something stupid!" With that he left.

" Good riddance." I scoffed.

The moment I put it back on the locket seem too cold.
The warm protective feeling that came with it was gone.

I paid no mind to it and continued to my work.
I left the Starbucks with my coffee and got into my car.

From a distance a lady was staring at me and I frowned and hit the accelerator to leave the parking lot.

I felt I was being followed, like shadows kept following me.

I think my minds playing tricks on me or something.

I haven't ate or drank anything and I didn't got the time to have breakfast since Nyx had to leave suddenly last night for the Meadows.

I came back into my office yet the feeling of being watched was there.

I was getting paranoid , I don't know why there was this ringing inside my head that was warning me about something.

Since few weeks after Me and Nyx completed the marking I got this ability or intuition that whenever something bad was going to happen this small ringing sensation went through my head.

When it first happened I told this to Nyx and he explained to me how it worked.

When it happened the first time it was about not going outside and I was thankful I didn't as I was going to the nearby supermarket to get something.
Turns out it was robbed the same day and I could have been in danger if I was present there at that time.

I started believing it when it saved me a fortune from being lost to a fraud company.

I was getting this feeling yet again means something was bout to happen.

"Sharon!" I called her in and she immediately came to my side.

"Are you ok sir?" She asked.

"No my head is erupting like a volcano. Cancel the meeting please. I'm going home." I groaned in pain as I held my head. She nodded and left me quickly.

"Yes sir, take care. I'll cancel all your meetings and clear your work schedule of today ."
I had to leave and get to my house now , That was all in my mind.
The ringing never got this worse that my he head started to pain.

I got out of my office,no stumbled out of my office and towards the parking lot.
I'm getting a really bad feeling and somehow I could sense whatever it was something supernatural related.

I immediately sent a message to Nyx through our link.

'Nyx something bad is about to happen. The ringing sensation it's too much that my head hurts. ' -A

' you ok? I have that too. Get home ASAP Axel. Keep the pendant close' -N

I walked down to my car as quickly as I can.
The shadows seem to follow me like crazy and I can hear the whooshes of air.

Vampires , I thought.

' Nyx , I think Im being followed by Vampires.

' Axel, try to defend yourself for a while. the pendant will protect you use my powers too if you need to.

I'll be there as soon as I can.Get home and don't let anyone enter, no one.' - N

'ok' - A

I walked faster and reached my car.

I opened the door but it was slammed shut by someone kicking on it roughly.
I turned around quickly ready to face the danger.

"So we finally meet.
The mate of the great Vampire Prince, nothing but A pathetic Human" The man said mockingly.

He was wearing black from head to toe. He had black hairs gelled back and blackish red eye.

A vampire indeed but a rogue.

"Who are you?" I asked backing away from him before standing tall.

I had my locket with me I know I'll be safe.

"Oh my gosh I'm scared!!

Don't brood around me human. I could snap you like a Twig." He snorted.

"Didn't answer my question. You rogues are really retarted idiots."
Axel , you stupid jerk stop.

Don't piss him.

" I thought the 'mighty original' would have told you about me but oh well. Disappointment is his middle name.

I am Troy , the leader of of the biggest pack of rouges here in England!

And you my dear will be our bait to get revenge on your mate ." He smirked evilly.

" No wonder why he didn't told me about. Nyx doesn't talk bulshit neither things that waste his time. You come in both the criteria."

" Hmm fiesty, no doubt you're his mate. Get him!!"he yelled the last part.

Few more people suddenly surrounded me , and they grabbed me.

Why was the locket not working.

"Wondering why your protection charm wont work.

' oh I'm sorry I spilled my coffee all over you.' remember Walker?
I compelled him to take it off from you. The real locker is destroyed and here you go." He dropped the broken pieces of the locket Nyx gave me .

" My 6 witches, 6 Vampires and 6 werewolves died because of this.
But you were worth it." He touched and caressed my jaw.

The man from the Starbucks.
I knew something was wrong with him.

I tried to get away but they had an iron grip over me.

I suddenly remembered 'you can drive a little strength from me' Nyx's word rang in my head.

I imagined the powers of Nyx flowing in me through our mark from him and I suddenly felt powerful.

The mark became the source of my energy.

I grabbed the vampire in my left.
He was taken by surprise and couldn't do much as I slammed him on the concrete floor.

I did it so hard that his skull opened and all the blood and brain splattered on the floor

The others looked at me in shock.
Before they could register what was happening, I grabbed two more and knocked them out by smashing their head into each other.

A vampire growled and ran towards me with full force but I pulled my hand backwards and just as he neared I punched him with such force my fist tore into his abdomen.

I ripped his heart out and he fell on the floor turning grey.

How could Nyx do this so easily?
I dropped the bleeding heart on the ground.

Troy ran towards me and he was angry. He pounced on me but couldn't get the upper hand since I grabbed him by his throat and slammed him on my car bonnet.

I kept smashing his head again and again on the bonnet until a large dent appeared in it.

"H-How the hell?" He choked out.

"I have my soulmate backing me up." I growled and as I punched him hard.

He slided down.

" I have back up too,"be panted.
"Maya!! Leah!!" He yelled and
I saw two girls walking towards me.

I quickly got into the car and ran over Troy.

The crunch that I heard was the most satisfying thing I heard, does that make me a psychopath.

My car drifted as I took a sharp turn.
Just when I thought I was going to get out of the parking lot , an invisible force knocked my car into the nearest pillar.
The car crashed and the bonnet erupted in fire.

One of the girl walked towards me chanting something.

"You can't escape." She smirked.

Blood trailed down my head and I was getting dizzy.

I raised my one hand to the fire and one to her direction.

I imagined her erupting in flames and repeated the spell Nyx told me once.

"Igne succedant" a wave of power went through me and I felt like I sucked the fire from one hand and threw it to her on the other.

The girl erupted in flames and she shrieked in horror as she desperately tried to run but her dead body fell to the ground as she was completely burned within seconds.

I exhaled loudly and took deep breaths. One of the many good things of being mated to Nyx was now I had access not only to his strength but to his power and magic too.
It was smart of me to remember the magical incantation he did as a child. It was supposed to be the easiest one.

The glass of the car was smashed and some part of it stuck into my arm and thigh.
My head felt heavy and dizzy.

A large piece of glass had impaled itself into my thigh.
I let out a pained gasp as I just noticed it.
I grabbed my handkerchief and stuffed it in my mouth.

In one , two, three.
I pulled it out and let out a painful scream into the handkerchief.
Too much blood was flowing out and if I wont stop it I'd die of blood loss.

I need something to stop it.
I tied the handkerchief around my thigh and tightened it.

Suddenly I remembered, Nyx gave me a vial of his blood in case unfortunately I had an accident and he wasn't around and I was to be on the verge of death.

I opened the locker in the dashboard and there it was a small vial of black liquid.

I took a deep breath and gulped it down.

I waited a few moments and watched as my wounds healed up and I regained some of my strength.

I managed to crawl out of the car and stared running to the exit.

Where was the security ? Why the cameras werent working.
An invisible force smashed me into the concrete wall and held me up.

"Going somewhere?"A voice said as I turned to look beside me , a powder was blown over my face.

I coughed and wheezed as I inhaled the powder.

The other girl smirked and Troy showed his dirty teeth in response.
I felt slipping into darkness as sleep over took me but before passing out I did something.

With all the power I had I lunged towards Troy and punched him so hard in the jaw, his blood and a teeth fell on the floor.

The last thing I remember was falling unconscious and Troy groaning.

Atleast I did some noticeable damage.


I woke up and immediately threw up.
I coughed up and tried to wipe my face but couldn't.

There was this numbing ache in my arms and legs.
I opened my eyes to find myself in lowly lit room.
The only source of light was the small lamp like bulb which kept flickering and hurting my eyes.

I was hung by a chain that gripped tightly on my wrist.

My hands were probably bleeding and had some dried blood on it.
My head was spinning and dizzy spots danced around my peripheral.
The blood from my hands were dripping down and was being collected in a bucket.

What? Why?

I tried to move but I couldn't.
I looked around and couldn't make much because of dark .But I knew I was being held in a cellar or something.
The door opened and light flooded in making my squint my eyes.

"I see you are awake!" Troy came in and licked his lips.

"What do you even want from me ?" I rasped out.
He punched me hard.

" You feel that , that's for punching me back there" He smirked .
He then dipped his finger into my blood and sucked it.

" Hmmm, no wonder Nyx is attached to you. You sure have some taste in your blood."

I looked back at him in disgust.

"You can't even face Nyx alone , luring him in using me , that's what wimps do.

Both of us know if he comes here , he'll go back with your head on a platter." I snickered at him.

Wrong move Axel.
He slapped me hard that my entire body shook.

Stupid vampire strength.

" The original is your mate and when I found you were a human , I felt this was the best opportunity to lure Nyx here and ask him for a deal.

I can't take over him as he is my sire but I can make a deal." He spoke.

" What deal?"I asked my head still spinning.

" You see we rouges are cast out , so I want Nyx to take us to elysian meadows." He said like this was his evil plan. This was stupid.

"You could have just asked him , there was no need of kidnapping me!" I snapped and he kicked me in the gut.

"You didn't let me finish.
I want him to give us rouges a separate land there and I will rule them, not the royal family "he spoke smiling psychotically.

I laughed , he frowned.
" You think you can take on him alone either with your so called army he'll wipe your entire existence.

He'll come for me and kill each and everyone of you with no mercy alone while I'll sit there and enjoy your screams when my boyfriend will pull your heart out and keep it on my feet " I spoke laughing and shaking my head, oh this asshole has no idea what he got himself into.

" I have the biggest rouge army, I have 1500 rouges with me witches werewolves vampires" He bloated.

" 1500 ?! It's nothing in front of him , he killed many before and trust me he'll do it again!"I snickered at him.

" What do you mean by he did it before? " He asked confused.

"So you don't know about his history ?

Hmmm well why do you think the witches buried the originals years ago? Huh?
Why do you think not only the humans but the supernaturals are scared of him.

You know nothing about him.
He is the only supernatural, non celestial being that killed not one but two demons.

He went on a killing spree once because his family was killed.
He and his siblings killed more than 3000 people then he killed two demons on top after that. And 1800 of them were killed by Nyx alone.
You're nothing in front of him, you understand nothing.

You're just like a used gum thrown on the street who sticks to people's feet and that's what your place is beneath Nyx's feet. " I sneered at him.

" Felt bad? I know and I think I used the wrong example. You're not even a chewed gum more like a used condom with a hole"I spitted on his face.

He grabbed my hair at a supernatural speed

" I know how powerful he is but I have you, his weakness!" He said darkly.

He opened my cuffs and dragged me to a room full of people.
He threw me in the centre and they surrounded me.

"This pathetic excuse of a human has really a loud mouth why don't we punish him and then devour him, poor Nyx will be so devastated to find the mangled body of his mate!" He said and everyone laughed.

Sneakily I started rubbing my mark sending Nyx a image of where I was.

'i know where you're hold on a little I'll be there and then there will be a massacre' he growled in anger.

A boy started advancing towards me but I stopped them.

I still had courage and the power to fight.

"Before you begin, let me tell you who you have pissed.

Nyx Venatores is an original and he can finish you and everyone here just by thinking of you.
You can't escape him and he will chase you to depths of hell If he has to.

You're so weak and pathetic that you have to come altogether to fight me , a human. Shame on you being a vampire or witch.

Fight like a human if you're against one or I'll just assume you're bunch of pansies following and lapping on your masters orders like a dog would."I growled.

That obviously did something before they looked at each other.

The boy from before came towards me normally. He didn't seem like a vampire more like a werewolf as he had yellow eyes.

" I'll enjoy beating the shit out of you and I don't need my powers."
He smirked and ran to me.

He swinged at me and I dodged it.

Grabbing his hand I broke it with my knee causing him to let out an agonising scream.
I used his hand and thrusted into his chest causing it through.

They didn't have to know I can access Nyx's power.

A little cheating never hurt no body I smirked.

"I'm the mate of an original, obviously I know how to fight." I cracked my neck and picked up a chair.

Breaking its leg to use it as a stake I stood there ready for them.

They came one by one and I fought them as best as I can.

Till now I killed more than 10 people.

" Stop this bulshit and just get him." They all lunged at me and managed to grab me.

They started kicking me and punching me all together. Fuck.

Pain was all that I felt , I felt someone biting my hands and drinking.

I wanted to break free. But there grip was strong.
I was losing consciousness.
All the movement stopped when the iron gates were tore off its hinges and came flying over them.

There stood Nyx in his glory , along with Nora and Nick , they had blood running down them and their eyes were black.

They already begun the killing.

'ite procul' Nyx spoke and everyone around me flew away.

Few of them hit the wall so hard they died on impact.

If I wasn't in such a bad condition , I would have been hard.

My baby looked damn hot right now.
I was in love with a sociopath, no regret.

I laid there bloody and tired and watched Nyx as he tore down anything that came in his way like a hungry lion.

The three moved with such speed and grace no one didn't even saw them coming.

In the span of less than five minutes the last body thudded on the ground and silence followed soon.

Everyone laid dead on the floor. Some with their hearts ripped out some with heads.

And above them the originals stood with not even a single scratch.

Nyx nodded his head towards a door and Nick and Nora nodded and left us here.

"I should have killed you the day I found you. You were nothing but a homeless beggar on the streets. I gave you this and you repay me with this?!!"he growled in anger to the rogue.

I saw him quiver in fear.

"All I wanted to have deal with you!" He stuttered.

" Deal? What time do we live in you son of a bitch? Could have sent a message through someone instead of kidnapping my boyfriend!"he threw a shred of table at him which Troy Dodged.

" You messed with the wrong people , Troy.

You knew how cruel and ruthless I can be yet you go and did this.

Thinking of running? How far will you go? Hmm? I'll chase you to the end of world you motherfucker and when I catch you I'll hang you upside down and pull your intestines out and wrap them around your throat and let you choke on your own blood.

When you'll be this close to death I'll rip your heart out along with your soul and offer it to the devil on a platter you pathetic piece of shit!" Nyx conjured a sword and threw at Troy which went through his chest.

He fell on ground.

Nyx moved towards me and I tried to get up.

Suddenly I was held by my hair.

"You want him then have his corpse" Troy snarled.

A searing pain in my chest left me gasping for air.
I looked down to see a hand through my chest.

Before he could rip my heart out Nyx threw him away.

I dropped sideways limp and writhing in pain.

I couldn't breath and lots of blood was flowing out.

Nyx went completely mad and screaming angrily lunged at Troy so fast he couldn't even turn and ripped him to shreds.

His body organs flied here and there .

Nora and Nick came running back and gasped when they saw the scene.

I was panting, black dots appeared in my peripheral and it was getting hard to breath.

I already lost a lot of blood and was losing focus.
It was getting dark and I could see their figures coming to me.

Nyx along with Nick and Nora ran to aid me.

"Axel!!" Nyx screamed.

Nyx held me up in his arms and bit his wrist quickly.

He slammed his wrist on my mouth but I didn't had any power to do anything.
All I wanted was to sleep.
Third person Pov:

"Axel!" Nyx screamed as he ran to his lover's aid.

He came beside Axel's limp body and bit his wrist and brought them to Axel's mouth.

" Drink Axel drink please. Please" Nyx mumbled tearfully.
Tears rolled down his cheek.

" Dammit , Axel you can't leave me. You have fought for so long. You have been so strong. I'm proud of you. But please Axel now wake up.

Just drink a little please, Axel!

You can't leave me, you can't leave me Axel.
Please you can't!" Nyx screamed in agony and sobbed as he cradled his head.

Nora and Nick stood and watched the heartbreaking scene with tears in their own eyes.
It was hurting them too to see thier brother breaking down.

They wanted to hold him but they knew he won't leave Axel for a while.
Nyx wiped his tears and picked Axel's body.
He flew out of the window in a haste.

Nick went to stop but Nora stopped him.

" Leave him alone for a while.

He is grieving. His soulmate and boyfriend just died."
She spoke softly.

They both stared at the window through which their brother ran out.

It was heartbreaking to watch this.
After years Nyx found his love but it was taken away from him.

Nora wiped her own tears as Nick hugged here closer.

" Why is it always him Nick? He has been there for everyone. He gave everything to anyone whatever they asked for.

Has not he helped people? Has not he been always kind? Why is him Nick that can't find happiness for once ? Why is the world so cruel to him?" Nora cried and Nick let out a ragged exhale.

He controlled himself to not cry and answered.

"I don't Nora. I don't know."

"We will check up on him later. I know he is to selfless to turn his humanity off but we can't be sure.

This is pretty bad. Let's just pray for Axel and Nyx.
God knows what he has for them in his store." Nick said as he hugged Nora closer.

Nora nodded.
"We have to give him time to grieve."

Afterall grief was the last act of love we can give to those we loved.

Where there was deep grief there was deep love.

This is not the end.
And I knew it was short and rushed ig?

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